The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 18, 1939, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Stephens, Hollingshead,
Holmgreen A re Swim Stars
Jack Stephcna, Joe
and Florence Holllnphead,
inc the part of “Tbe Three tittle
Fishes" rma off with the swimming
meet Wednesday night before ap
proximately 400 onlookers.
In the men’s clasa, Stephens won
first places in the 50-yard free
style, 100-foot breast-stroke, and
the 100-foot backstroke. Leslie Me
Carthy won the long-distance un
derwater race by bolding out for
t41V, feet, and W. S. McCttlley,
math instructor, swam off with the
100-yard free-style. Clements and
Wilson tied for first places in the
diving; although they both fell be
hind Roland Nuhn, junior entry,
Who enured the eeebt to give
some more competition
In the boy's class or the junior
class, Holmgreen srtram away with
the 100-foot free-style and the 100-
' yard free-style races, and carried
second place in thg 100-foot breast
stroke. Roland Nuhn ga*v the
crowd some pretty good dives as
he ran off from the remaining
- entries. He also west second place
in the 100-foot free-style and third
place in the 100-frpt back-stroke.
Sam Gammon carried the back-;
. stroke event as Boughton carried
off the two-map breast-stroke
The girls came fewer in number
but almost as fast as the boys.
Florence Hollingstead set the pace
sad held the lead in the lOO^foot
free-style and carried off ‘aa^oud
behind Anne Kernodle in the
-foot back-stroke. In the tree-
‘ style, Cynthia Lancaster won iseo |
^ond place, Helen Hill third; land
Carol McKadden fourth. Flo
Anne, and Cynthia put on a
exhibition in the individual medley
showing the breast, back, and
crowl strokes. X/ : J |
The novelty event, the under
water disUnce contest, offered a
.good bit of excitement as Dubose
set -the first mark at 166 1 1> feet
and Wilson came up to set his
jnark st 100 feet. Guy Garth then
came forward to raise the crowd
to their feet as he set
When Leslie McCarthy
. second turn the spectator*
to yell a good bit and the majority «■*“
of them seemed a bit a maxed.
The 50-yard free-style tamed out
» .to be rather slow as thej eonUst
ants required three starts to enter
, the water at the same time.-SI
— ens’ time was 26 seconds flat.
k>n was 'second, McCarthy third,
and Nicks fourth. Stephens* time
iw the bfrast-stroke was 20.3 sec
onds followed close by Carpenter.
McCulley s time-in the 100-yard
free-style was 62.2 seconds. He was
followed by McCarthy and Med
dors. Stephens set the clock at 21.1
seconds in the hack-stroke, and was
followed by McCarthy and Nicks.
The outstanding event of
I ^rom page 1
that it taka place
iksgiving Day, regardless of
iaU on which this falls.
•ides the change in the foot-
schedule. anothaR|#)nsid*rst»U‘
ge will be in the annual m
holiday given thd student
Tbs holiday will of course be
sd ap a week, as is the game,
•aidant Reoeevelt’s reason for
iglng the Thanksgiving date,
for many years on the
Tharsday of November, is that
has bean too far from Labor
and to close to Christmas
that many individuals and
business houses bad petition
to make the change because
P* Next year, the
he will move
ead still one nv
I ic changing of Thanksgiving is
►eted to cat
tkm of l»i
-five i
a wholesale al-
college football
games throughout
already had been
■di duled for November 90, and
| wit i that day no longer a legal
hoi lay, gate receipts for tradi-
tioi al battles would slump. It is
eat mated that if held November
H). the A. A M.-Texas game would
be attended by only around 10,000
in* rad of the more than 80,000
«Xf feted. If it is held November 23,
the new legal holiday, no attend-
xnc t decrease is expected.
j mong traditional games sched
ule I were, besides A. A M.-Texas,
Tax on Oil, Not !
On Sales Is Asked
By Col. Thompson
Placing conservation at hana
being above all else. Colonel Ernest
O. Thompson fervently appealed to
Governor W. Lea O'Daniel this
k, «n . r~.
enoe session of the Legislature
"Your duty is dear. TV oppor
tpnity is hers," Thompson pointed
out. *
His non-political plea
Thompson into Utatewid*
ship of a campaign against saddl
ing a harsh sales tax on the poor—-
main objective of rich major ofl
Thonip*‘>n made
mandat ion to preweat ‘soaking' the
common cittsehs it a letter to Gov
ernor O'Daniel. Be write:
"A five-cent-p«r-barrel tax
oil Will provide
for al social
which the people
Thompson added:
“The balance
permanent fund
against the day
oil will be
not be spent. The
fund would supply the revenue lost
from oil depletion*. We know our
oil will play out We should have
something to take its place when
voted. w
his solution,
go into
be invested
our Texas
fund could
of that
Final examinations in undor-
graduate courses for the second
Bster at the summer session
will be held Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of aest wash.
Next Thursday aftepmoa at 1
all the examinations for classes
which have been meeting at 8:90
p. m. Friday afternoon at 1 exam
inations will be held for 24 sections
meeting at 19:10.
Saturday morning at 8 the re
maining 11 section*, which meet
at 11:80 will have their finals.
This makes a total of 79 section*
and 07 ^courses in which final
exams are to be given.
The schedule of examinations in
graduate courses will be arranged
by the instructor concerned.
All regular summer school work
for 1939 will come to a close next
Saturday morning. Summer
groes earned this semester will be
awarded that mornm*
AH grades for the second term
will be due in the Registrar’s Of
flee not later than 8 n. m. Monday]
August 28. They are to be mailed
out to the students concerned
j r § h j
Open Annual Three-Day
Short Course Meeting
the oil is gone. TVn* permsment f The Annual State-Wide Confer-
fund Will do the job." He contin- ence of Vocational Agriculture
» MNurhtrs was brought to a close
"The oil companies want to sad- last Saturday following the last °* 1 $80jDOO over last ses-
(rontmu. d from page 1)
being assigned, about
! are under the N. Y. A. and the
>50 under the college.
TV allotment of 870.178
A A M. by tV National
Admialatratioa for
student cmploN
during tV next regu-
dou ropreoeats the
increase received b>
ajor college or nai- -
•f tV UaHed Stated-
far as caa V determined.
R. Sim peon, student em-
dbwMar, bob dV-
U represents an ia-
of tblrty-fi* p**r rent
tbe N. Y. A. grant made
Far tV last regular naHea
compared with aa average
throughout the
of twenty-fire per
Aad as far as is known,
la also the largest pro
of increase allowed
$70,173 allotment from the
Y. A. wiU be equally divided
|r the nine-month pcrxxi, allow-
87,797 to be spent each month.
Is nn increase for the period
A. * M. is boat this
to tV
the folk
N. Y. U.-Fordham,
mis, Misso u r i -
yrland-Washington and
n-Vanderbilt, Auburn-
i-Tulsa, Washing-
lA^ V. P. I.-V. M. L,
Flofida, A
U. a L
am others.
1 any stfiools scheduled to play
No ember 30 trill have tougher
tax a to flxjthbir schedules than
A. R M Mpny have games scheddl-
or thk Cviturday (the 25th) bi
fdti November 30. and many have
1 alky against playing beyond a
rate at
cp4aa c
die a palea tpx oo our paopie. Yob i area meeting of tV short course,
can save the day by keeping this . ^
on. handrod mill,on dohr. p.r PrK>r »« ““
in Texas and make s sales tax for- delivered by & W. Seale, sup-
erer unnecessary ih oer state." erintendent of the Sinton public to
• The fighting colonel hastened schools, to the general assembly,
back to the capital city from ( amp on "Ultimate Aims of Secondary ;
Hulen at Palacios, where he wa* Education”. During the talk the
in annual enearapmeht as com aims were pointed out as being
mandkg officer of the 111th improvements in health, vocation,
quartermaster’s regiment of the civics, morals, social responsibility,
Texas National guard, to make leadership, sad tolerance,
recommendation for a special sea During tV last session a ma-
sion directly to tV Oovamor. » jonty vote was carried to hold'
is s member of the Texas Railroad M0 ther state-wide conference next
Commission and chairman of the summer. Several places were sug
gested as possible hosts for the yTTIlI
short course next summer, but it Jy Jj jj
se of holiday | serration in tV first semester of, «as pointed out that of the places
’s allotment, which was not
852,000 aad was spent st the
hb.TSO a month. The in
line sp quite a surprise
Student Labor Office, Simp-
declared; it had even been
that thdre might be a dew
erdase in the tew allotment. The
imReaso should provide about 130
• >’’d • Ma'. joh*,, he said.
sir-conditioning workers wV are
Via for tV Air-CooRKioning Short
Course, which was formally opened
Thursday morning and which ends
tomorrow. Following the Welcoming
address. Dr. F. E. Gieeocke, direc
tor of the A. A M Engineering
Experissont Station, spoke eh “Re
search V Rotated to Air-Condltieo-
MrT A discussion .of this lecture
was given by d L. KriV, a con
sulting engineer from Dallas.
The purpose at the fhert course
is to give information and instrue-
tkw about tV rapidly growing and
developing business of air-condi
tioning. TV leading manufactur
ers of air-conditioning equipment
have representatives present who
are imparting information concern
ing their types of equipment Lee
tores of a technical nature are
being given for the benefit of the
technical employees of distr tutor*
Not sH lectures are of a technical
nature, for the programs include
instructive information of a basx
nature which will be interesting to
anyone interested in the sir-iondi
Honing industry.
| Tonight a banquet wiD bo given
for the attendants of the short
course. For the occasion John How-
att,. chief engineer of the Bureau
of Engineering, Chicago, will de
liver tV main addrts*.
,). . Si
A. & M. HOI
William tv Conqueror won the
8500 Championship Stake at
Lexington Horse Show,
Kentucky, which was
14-15. after defeating n field
high stepping competitors,
was bred at A. * M. but*sold as
a two-year-old to Mrs. John Ken
nedy. It eras at IV fall shows that
Campbell Sewall of Houston saw
the young staBien. Fed tag that
William the Conqueror would de
velop into an excellent show bene,
V persuaded Mrs. Kennedy to part
with him for the cum of 87J5O0
Interstate Oil Cbmpaat Commis
sion. He spoke at A. A M. on eoa-
Hie following persons a
sdiduled to sgsak pn the various £«* i, expected
pha|ms of air-conditioning: Major ab out 500 beys.
Freshman registration on
(Continued from page 1
partment heads will V located in
the Administration Building,
“Soma boys may get provoked
at having to wait a few hours to
register* said Registrar E. J.
Howell, "but we feel that it is a
desirable change because many de
partments register men of only a
certain otass or desses, aad this
new system will give a much more
even flow of traffic and prevent
unusual congestion. Moreover,
moving some of the departments
out at the Main Building will give
more elbow-room. We are trying
to V ns fair as possible to every
body. and this is the best system
we have been able to figure out
yet. A perfect registration system
is just a Utopia. *
"Taking tbe student body alpha
betically is fair, because we are
going to rotate the order each
year. Once every few years the
first letters of tV alphabet will
come first, and 1 once the last let
ters, and so on. We have divided
the letters so that there will V
approximately equal numbers in
all groups; for instance the T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z group has about as
many boys in it as the R, 8 group.
to have
summer school.
Bird Will Ijpad Race to South
suggested. A. * M. is the only, fir. 0. Walton, preside* of
dn. rtlh vtatuate hcilitfe. far «| A ., , j,.. mCTtl)r w „
TrHeud Off Gehttan Land Grab
,1—1 I 1 Ml. j*
‘ ,rd ’ 1 OB TON, Mass—Flans for a-f^T :
W. E. Stark. Bryan Heater Corp.,
Cleveland, Prof. fi. EL Deg-
ler. University; of Texas, Austin;
Herbert Kuenen, Anersastat Corp.,
New York? A. M. Chaw. York Ice
Machinery Corp., Houston; C. L.
Kribs, consulting engineer, Dallas;
R. r U. Berry,; General Veetric Co.,
of] Dallas; A. J. Rommel. Ssn An
tonio Public Service Co.; H. E.
Shu gar*, Barber-Colegiao 'Co.,
RiXkfoni. Illinois.
The short course is being held
under the auspices of the Mechsni-
tic race to claim strategic
for tV United
invasion by
era" have been an-
Read-Admiral Richard
tic territory f<
. aad pwwmt
_ pow<—" *“
nod need b;
E. Byrd.
* hough Byrd declined to name
the th< “inva<Vr*", it was understood
junior class turned out to V the ^ referred u. Germany who re
diving. with Nuhn leading tV event airplane ear-
bennd Tb. ^or. 104 .™l ^ ^ th . „ SlKl.od **»^;U1HI. Amtri,. .nd P.lm.r Und
gave some good dives, and shoo J ■ . iT . « [ •.
return ih many meet* to come to L ^ ptans to leave Boston by
give the present pace-setters some Ahta, 180
tyoubip rMPh 20<> dogs, three airptanes,
Mr. Penberthk acted as Vad * ► »rn«jr Ul*s and a 2Mo«. "snow
judge for tV gleet. “Nkky” Pon- T n,r ^ tbomms
thieux was starter, Eddie Johnson J «V r of Chicago, former expe-
time keeper, and George Japhet Mjl, *^*^7^*
j} said the United States al
rai jy bad claimed about 400,000
aq are raises, much of which is re
ly rich in coal, cofMr, ail-
;v«* shd joil. However, he said.
Texas tamn«*9 in Jane climVii
5 per cent ahqve thin time laat
year, UniversityWf Texas business
statisticians said Saturday. 'i
Though tV composiba business
A large numVr of A. A M.
men and students and College Sta
tion residents went to Houston
Saturday to witness tV football
game there that night Vtween the
high-school all-star football teams
representing North and South Tex
TV game ended in a 6-6 tie, both
sides woring a touchdown in the
final quarter.
Forty-two high school “greats"
from aQ over the state were in
vited to attend, and most of tVm
got to take part in tV game. Of
tV 42, six outstanding stars plan
to attend Texas A. A M. as fresh
men this fall.
Hm six future Aggie football
star prospects arc as follows: Tom
Pickett, Temple; Willie Zapalac,
BeUville; Martin Mitchell. Gaines
ville; Bob Tull is. North Side High
School, Fort Worth; Jack Swank,
Highland Park High School, Dal
las; and Jake Harvey, Diamond Hill
'High School, Fort Worth.
tin re still! was about 1,000,000
!*q iar** miles in the western sec-
tk a bordering Little America,
wl ich this country wants.
'VariouC countries have tried to
-roach Mi Mr claims already",
re said “blit so far they have met
Wi h but little success. Now ere
ar out to make a definite move ta
pi -vent further claims Vtag stak
ed poet, critic, and visiting profes
sor of English at tbe University
of Texas, spoke there Hat week en
“Poetry—Old and New". * ‘ ‘
conference of this sixe. However,i , 1. 1 1 .1 . ^ A;
the d... .nd PIT, of tk. •xll'M 1 ™" **• <!>'«-">•» ta-rd '•I .
•kort oorv will not be decided of trurtee. of the Cotton Reeorch A * . 'T 1 .*' ■ nelt M.roh .1 .kwh Ink. the A^mrd Fond, oeubli.hed by ^ v,„dl.,in, *n
supervisors will meet at tV an- ^ u whi< . h ^ ^
nual Ft. Worth Fat Stock SMw. ; . . . , ^
The next eonfe^ will be the: ^ * P "‘'
third such short course to V held to diicever a new process
in recent years. that will create an annual market
The purpose of tV conference for 300,000 additional .bales of cot
each year is to jevelop a program tor| preventing the accumulation
of such a large cotton surplus as
in previous years.
Other members of the board are
that will aid the vocatienal agri
index for June remataed^lmoiit 1 culture teacVrs in teaching farm-
exactly at the May level. the'Wi *rs and farm boys improved pfac-
ever June, 1938, was termed “v^K^ tices in farming,
couraging" by officials of tV Uii-j Prominont persons who attend- Dri Homer P. Rainey, presideat of
versity Bureau of Baainees Re- edKf short course were RoVrt the University of Texaa, and Dr.
search. r A. Mshqe. state director of voea- Clifford B. Jones, president of
little material change is sntici tional a^rkplture; D. M. ClemenU, Tegas Technological College,
pated during tV next few months. SeatVm rekvjnal agent; R. L.
but, as tV national business pk- Speer, superintendent of tV SVr-
tur* appears to V definitely more man public schoolsXN. W. Pren-
favorablc, “any departure from the tke, superintendent 64, Richland
pnps« nt almost Vrisontal plane of Spring* public schools; S. W. Seale,
is directing tV short
eoiaae. Assisting him are J. S.
Hotpot, C, E. Crawford, and W. IL
Long, aD of the M. E. DepartmenL
the Texaa business carve will have
an upward rather than a down
ward tendency " 4t was stated.
superintendent of Sinton
schools; and EL L. Blaiudtt,
intendent of Ponta public school*.
In naming the state school presi
dents award trustees, the Legis-
latim- imposed only the restriction
that cotton "pxi>.Tt.>.'' submitting
new processes for cotton consump-
tiofi be residents of Tessa. Public
(Continued from page 1)
is thought likely that some re
vision will V made a$ this tim
16. Tb pass on the reqaest of
Secretary K K. Mctlaillen of the
Former Students Aanociatioa ; Afr41
central room Ip the dormitory anil
to ase ta nillsrtlngi riothei for
cleaning and pressing. It i« *prob-
sblt that this request will V ap-
pnpvAtf .. .1
17. Prepoeed oil lease on State
20th will be the same as in the
past. Everyone, however, will meet
at tV Assembly Hall first, to get
instructions and the assignment
card. Cards won't be there until
just before tV group each time is
supposed to start; so it won’t do
any good to try to.get ahead of
time. We ask that everyone aote
this carefully, and read the instruc
tions for registration in tV official
schedule of classes which will not
V ready until two or three days
before registration," Howell eon-
cludad. )
It might
osssv^ wm
to aVan In the
re fits*.,]** P l *
bases—dne at '
tV New Zeals
•a, another in
tV South i
y V called a
to lay prior
western hem-
plan to establish
Little America
Zealand end of the
Palmer Land,
can coast and
one, about
tion grow-
bounda, it is quite
particular area
to a foreign
to Much the Amer-
th third, h smaller
ha f-wsy
‘ With sir
tn| by leaps
po sible that
Wo ild V
ET. _
[enry “Boar Track" Hauser, Ag
football and golf latterman,
itself a small nicV in the
golf fM»e Recently wVn ho
ted Billy Rewell of Bryan-
Walkor Cup team mem-
win the annual Bryan in
vitation tournament. Hauser scor-
a 71 for the 18 Vie*, while
veil trailed in one stroke be-
A Pahokee, Florida, boy wnaf
selected this term as tV most all
round sports staf on tV campuU* |
V. C. Denton, tV boy, was an
overwVlming choice for the hon
ored position. Denton during the
regular term is a member of, Bat
tery A, Field Artillery, and 1 is a
student of Industrial Education. He
will be a senior iext year and will
return to the varsity tennis team
on whkb be played this past asa-
sim> ■
“A jack of all »ports" and also
a master of most of them, Denton
was seen nearly every place one
might just hspi>cfl to V. He play
ed good ball on first base for tV
Ag^rMaad Pharmacy, team ami
was listed with tV rest of bis fel
low plsjrers as one of IV All-Stars.
He carried off tV tennis touma-
mt-n: by winning the singles, by
downing tV rest with bis room
mate, Jimmie Giles, In tV men's
doubles, and by turning under his
opponents with Angel Ornelas in
tV mixed doubles. He bowls a
good bit, takes an occasional swim
in the pool, drives 8 few golf ball
now and then, dances as well as
the rest. In fact there were few
things Denton didn't do this sum-
tbe other hand, the girl all-
sports star just wasn't here.
No definite one could b<- picked.
decided to just let it
Southwest All-Stars
Play in Dallas Soon,
With Todd on Team
Foret 1. at KtrbyvflMt
Members bf the Board of f Direc-
nse in the few weeks since ton of A. A M. are R. M. Law of
legislativo action has fioodod Houston. H. C. SchahmacVr efj
Is of each of th* members; Houston, G. R. White of Brady,
R. W. Briggs of kPbarr, A. H.
Demke of St< ph, nville, H. L. Kok-
eraot of Alpine. E. J. Kiest of
Dallas, Joseph Utey cf Dallas, and
Walter G. Lacy of Waco. Mrs.
Melle Williamson, secretary to
prVsidoqt T. 0. Walton, is socre-
tafy for tim Board. < f,
of tV beard with plans for new
use* of cotton.
Monday the research committee
of .the State-Wide Getton Commit
tee will meet en the A. A M. cam
pus, to formulate rules Sad regu
lation* to guide the board oh-frus-
tefs of tV award fund in
the prise-winner and making
As the Southwest All-Star game
get* under way in Dallas Septem
ber 4, A. A M.'» own pride and joy,
Dick Todd, will be in tV starting
lineup. This will probably V the
Vst of the ‘dream games’ ever
played, as the material from which
to pick tV all-stars was plentiful
and the opposition is stronger than
ever before.
The Southwest’s men will face
tV Green Bay Packers, who boast
h, 5 ;|ET it If 1
tv Strongest of all professional
teams. TV Packers boast an all-
time winning record of .703 and
have piled up a total of 2,481 points
for themselves tb their opponents'
The Southwest team will be man
ned by Dutch Meyer of T. C. U.
and Matty Bell of S. M. U. TV
definite lineup is not yet known
but among those invited to play are
Ki Aldrich, I. B. Hale, BUly Pat
terson, Sam Boyd, Billy Dewell,
Charlie Sprague, Jake Schuehle, raagkm, V« Meempankd tV shift
and Bruno Schroeder, another for- fr«m cut-and-dried debate meth-
mer A. A M. alar. loda.
i I M '
Chicago Debate Team
Quits Debating-Now
Has ■‘Bull Sessions"
; bffhtuid, a debating society
which has abandoned debating as
an outmoded form of expression
seems almost as ludrioous as a
swimming team whkb quit swim-
becauae it found out about
University of Chicago’s stu-
deat Debate Union, however, atop-
i • d M* hating” last year. It has,
in the meantime, developed radio
“ ' sessions,” round tables, fo-
discusakms, and a Vlf dozen
techniques which H believes
to be more adapted to a rapid world
than the florid presentation of a
set of neatly carded debate notes
n la “resolved" proposition.
A 250 per cent increase ta tV
Uaion’s membership, making it tV
second largest student organisation
on tV University of Chicago quad
J-t AZA”
« ,
■ > nd
Herbert Marshs 11
11 • ' w
a|g. «;
Wallace Fird - Patekia Ellis
I Mil 1
►AY. AUG. 34
Jaae Withers-Arleca Whelan
—j !
ml ■.
i : • L 1 • v •, j. • >
.j * I ■ * 1,*
The New Varsity-Towns
are here for your approv
al. Stop in and see our
splendid group of Tweeds
. . . Herring Bones . . .
Diagonal Weaves and
Worsted .. Tailored for
College Men V only Var
sity-Town call make
Bryan College Station