The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1939, Image 9

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Parents* Day-
High School
VOL. 38 NO. 71
12 New Dormitories To Be Available for UseiNext Year
These Dorms Will House 2,600 Aggies Next Year
Shown above U the new bouHinx unit for A. k M-. componed of 12 new dormitories and a new meas ball. Constrnction la aebeialed to be completed in thne for occapan y the first of nest
At a review of the Cprps of friven the outstanding senior tak-
Cadets to be beld Sunday moming ing military science at Texas A.
in honor of the Mothers and Dads. A M
' ProgidMit T. 0. Walton will pi< David Thrift, eadet colonel, will
''•oaf an award to the outstanding be presented the citisonahtp medal,
senior taking military science and which is an award of the National
tl» senior thowiti, out.undin, Soorty of Son, of tie American
qualification, of londerohip and ox- .f ,i«i r
ceuence in studies. 1 , . ., < _ ...
B. Simmons, Jr., cadet lieu*f l riftleth •**"***> l *
/. ant colonel of the Engineers, will
be presented the Albert Sidney
Johnston saber awarded by thie
Texas Division of United Dhqgh-
ters of the Confederacy. It aas
created as an annual award to he
to be awarded to that student
who by reason of his. «soldierly
bearing, outstanding djpalities of
leadership, and excellence in hit
studies' is considered to be a wor
thy recipient ■,
[ • j‘ - J
Something unusual in the way
of final dances will be presented
in Sbisa Hall annex <>r Saturday,
May 20, when the Afgieland Or
chestra will swing but for th4
Faculty Pinal Ball.
The dance, which ia being prer
sen ted by the faculty dance dull,
will be the last meeting of thp
club this year and will also be ttye
occasion of the election of officers
cf the dance dub for next year.
Aggieland Sees full Year of Social
Affairs as Organizations Hold Dances
The A. A M. social season eras
begun this year by a corps dance
on the night 0f Sept 24 played by
A. A M.’s Aggieland Swing Or
For Nov. | one might mention,
as an interesting social event in
this brief resume of the year’s
happenings, the fun Aggies had
at the Aggie-Mustang grid game
this past season through the instal
lation by S. M. IT and T. S. C W
girls of a mammoth date bureau
for the purpose of furnishing about
two thousand boys with dates at
the game, which was preceded by
the T. S. C. W. reception of the
A. ft M. Junior Class for a dance
Ross Volunteer < [uny, and R-
nally the Cnp a Hi I King of
the festivities was B. Simmon and
Queen was l>or.>thy Daln-..
Undoubtedly the highlight of the
social season was the Vmual Cotton
on the T. S. C. W. Campus that Ball and Pageant taking place
Friday. , ,, April 21 dad presetted by the
Ob the night of Nov. 22 was held Agronomy Society,
that annual and unforgettable bon- ; w. Lee O'Duniel, Governor of
T»lfire and corps dance preceding the Texas, was pres, n - 0 crown Beal
Thanksgiving football game with Hargrove Jafking, jlho reigned
Texas UniVeraity. over the oc&sion witB Queen Rath
AVI11UKT DAKCB ; Gordon of Bryan. Twenty-five
The annual Field Artillery Ball maidt of honor ai# 75 duch-
was h«ld Feb. 24 and featured the essef were preaent, representing
nationally famous orchestra of various school* and dgic organixa-
Frsnkie Masters with his Bell-Tone tions over tie state. Busk for the
Rhythm and the sweet voice of the ball was furaished b| the Agfie-
lovely Marian Frances. land Orchestra.
prommtmi b,. th, Arrilko iu X d , u „, ^ A „
oo tko n*k. of Morch S ^,,0 . j, Kikl ond h„
^ »' **• b *"' 1 ’ -KomoU io U, dir-Th. dm,.. In
* l 2T 2* "T 1 *^ cWml .. .0 nriittnal 'feotnr,, tK,
led b, Tomm, UUk.
lie f^icuW and m 1 ' CoUeye ol Texas oftm p
Fifteen four-year courses leading to the degree of Bat hh'or of Science: Agriculture, Agricul
tural Administration. Agricultural Engineering. Agricultural Education, loandscape Art, Indus-
SiMRitadL | Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering. Electrical
Engineering, Engineering Administration, [Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Tex
tile Engineering, and Scieite (Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Physics).
A four-year course in Liberal Arts, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Economics. Edu
cation. Englislll llltey. Mathematics, Modern Languages. Physical Education).
A five-year course in Veterinary Medicine, leading to the degree of Doctor of Veterinary
A five-year course in Architecture leading to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture.
A five-year course in Petroleum Engineering leading to the degree of Bachelor of Petroleum
( nurses preparatory to Law, Dent
( JU*- j - ] j; *
Two-year course in Cotton
/ 1
and Medicine.
1, 'll 1 ,| lil I 7 J _ . I
. Should nou desire application forms for admission to the College and a Bulletin of Information,
please fill in the forms below and mail U the Registrar. A. and M. College of Texas, College Sta
tion, Texan. ii
Home Address
Street Mil indildr-
r. r. d.
S'*!-*- ~ —""■7-“',- .bowin, of at movia,
»h.q| ood the orrtkot™ of Uyton AprU „ ^
Bailey containing former members
of thk S. M. U Band.
athletic greats of Aggieland
held their T Club dance March 10
in Sbisa Hall and the music was
furnished by Littlejohn and his
orchestra. TV dance was followed
the dext afternoon by the club pic
nic attended by all varsity squad
men [and their dates.
Quite an affair was the Infantry
Ball of March 17, featuring Bill
Bardo and hla 14-piece band with
its npMDjr novelty acts including th>-
four beautiful Ahn sisters with
their Syncopated rhythm, the sta
lling swing unit of the Marrell
House Boys, and Johnny Cook, ace
comedian and trombonist
Stringing for the Engineers
March 24 was the nationally fa
mous band ef Henry King, who
had just completed an engagement
at the Hawaiian Blue Room in New
Orleans. Each girl attending the
ball received a bracelet and pin,
t>oth bearing the insignia of the The Texas! Aggie
Kngineer Regiment. brought ita i season |k> a doae
Decorations included a huge Saturday night when they partici-
castk measuring 20 by 20 by 8 feet pa ted in the annual Bayou Rifle
to cover one end of the annex in shoot at H(juston aid added a
home the
trophy won
of C. A
April 17 cadOt corps (tviow during
The cattlemen held a highly col
ored dance May 2 featuring t/he
Aggieland Orchestra, The Texas
University Glee < . b- girls were
guests of honor foE the dance.
Decorations for the dfcnce carried
out a cowboy theme and in keep
ing with the decorations, attire
for the dancers consisted of western
Each of Mi spue
acompanied in the same week-end
by a dance open to thefjentire corps.
Aggieland itfj still looking forward
to the corps dances <jf the Prom
following the Senior Ring Dance
and the Final Ball, the meet sig
nifkant of all * " *
•f 1
Ouston apd
by bringing
two man
final victory
by the
Lewis and Lpuis
Sbisa Hall. Trimmings were in red
and white and an effective system
of indirect lighting was used.
For the class prom of the sophs
March 21, the Aggieland Orches- I j led *»e fkM fo u* Kauf
tra furnished music and presented ^ Cup wit £, of
Dorothy Thames of Victoria mj 198 of * ^ uhU . , u(1 , n ^ ^
vocalist. The Aggie w>phs invited ^ KenBtra ^ rmch e< the vitcor,
th ! “ P i 0m o 0 T- J ^ , ^ «rmg - »«•«
school", T. S. C W., down tor the
dance and many of the girls attend- „ The cup f** ottl
—ws* *T1 ] j Brat time thk year
Outstanding in the social season P em * nen i trophy to
were the activities held April | “* montha - 11 v -
and 7 by the Ross Volunteers, bun- !»»«*"** a ‘» nd ‘t so
orary military organisation. The names of jthe mem hers of
full program included the queen’s
coronation and queen’s ball, an ex
hibition drill by the Rose Volun
teer company, a memorial cere
mony at the statue of Lawrence
Sullivan Ross, a tea honoring the
princess, a dinner dance for the
fired for
a gold tro
the names of the members of the
winaing [teams may b<t engraved
upon K.
1 The majehm attracted some of
the beak pistal shots k> Texas and
hi winning th* eup th« two Aggies
faced tfte toughiM oompetition
on u4|
IdJAiM. Halls
To Be Vacated
For Next Session I
New System of Dorms Will
Make Room for Everyone
For First Time ia Years
Next year will see the sudst
corps occupying the newest, most
pomfsetahls, dormitory system A
jft M. has ever had. Under this plan
majority of the student body
will be located in the new dormi
tory unit composed of if buildings
ito be finished by September, or in
newer build pigs of the present
itory system.
“Cadets will be placed turn to s
room over the entire campus and
upon the completion of the pew
dormitorie^it is expected that the
older and leas desirable halls will
not be used for the housing of the
students”, was the announcement
made this week by the Camman-
dant’s office.
With the completion of the new
bdUdings H will be possible to ac
commodate all students O ho want
rooms in the dormitories, a thing
that has been impossible in the
past due to the lack of adequate
By this plan it will not be iadsa-
sary to use such buildings aa Rasa
and Foster, end the corps will be
located ia only the best at the
present 12 dormitories in one. Com
pletion of the 12 new dorms will
mark the end ef a fire year drive
by officials of the college to sacure
thorn. x ''
The dormitories, when finished,
will be of the same general design,
with a few reriutfons to give a
more pleasing appearance. Each ;
hall will be divided in the eeater by
a partition
The side rooms, made la ac
commodate tan stadenta, will
he 11 by 14 feet, with aft iadi-
v ideal closet for each occupant,
oae large aluminum fram.d
window, a lavatory sad medl-
riae closet, two desks, a dreaa-
er. and a double bunk. The ear
ner rooms will be 12 by 1C
with two large windowu. On
each side of the hsll on each
, floor there wilt be a shower
room with six ehowera. The
shower rooms will have con
crete fleers and eolor«*d plas
tered walla.
A new feature for the dorms is
the fact that in addition to the
regular light socket in the reilmg
and the plug-in socket on the WftllL 1
each room will be equipped » h
s plug-in socket on the wisQ for ft
radio which wQl be connected with
0 built-in radih aerial and ground,
thus adding tb the attraeMreaese
of thr buildings by removal of vto4 ,
ible aerials and the saving of that
expense to the students.
The southeast dormitory ef the
group, whkh will bo on the east
side of the miss hall will be assd
as s band hall, and will have oft
the top floor, a sound-proof prae-
tice room. Both tha Artillary and
the Infantry hands w.llbei located
the new unit and plans hare
been formed by Colonel Dunn, band
master, for oae band to play for
retreat and marching for paoh dor
mitory unit so that all student will
■hare the band.
Dormitory No. 2, meat of the new
mess hall, is being constructed ear
pudally for the athletes and
be completely equipped to take
care of them with a steam room,
aa X-rey room, trainer’s rooms,
showers, arid various othftr'Con
veniences for the uae of the ath
letes in training for l^th major
and minor sports
For the convenience of the stu
dents it is pfeaned that dormitory
No. 7, next to the Consolidated
School and the dorm closest to the
campus propft^ will have ia it a
reception room, furniahed and con
ducted by tha Y. M. (X A^ which
will occupy the space of I nortn£
rooms. If present plans are com
pletod it W«1 be furnished for
ladies, and may aarre aa a waiting
room for visitors to the campus