The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 02, 1939, Image 1

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VOL. 38 • PHONE 8
CIRCULATION 5,200 Student Semi-Weekly Newspaper of Texas A. & M. College CIRCULATION 5,200
• , I I ! (|V j j : L ; . I! . ^1. 1 ^ • J ‘ ^ III fl MllH
Professor’s Banquet
Scheduled for Wednesday
Rainey fs Speaker
For Annual Affair
Several Hundred (iuests
Are Expected To Attend;
Bearing at 7 O’clock
Tbe A. A M Chapter of Um
American Ajwociution of UnWeiv
•tty Pro£e»Bor» will have as the
Principal ep«»ker. at their annual
banquet Homer P. Baiaey, newly
elected president of Texas Unirer-
■ity. The banquet will be bekf at 7
o’clock Wednesday night.
Rainey has chosen as kb topic
, of discussion, “Some problems p/
Secondatd aad Hixh-r education
Facing us in Texas.” Abo on the
program to provide the
ment for the evening will be the
A M. Glee Club and Mrs. Daa
sell, vocalist
Thu ys*y, as in the past
Science Seminar and the
Science Seminar will Job the
chapter of University Prof
in presenting the banquet
Seven members of the Board
v Regents of the University of
have accepted the invitation to at
tend the banquet and have noti
fied the committee in charge of
their plans for attendance.
Several hundred guesta, ftudufr
ing former student# at both A. 4
M. and Texas University, are eb>
pro ted to attend. Also included ip
this number b the Board of Direo»
tors of A. A M. who have been irv
vited to attend.
Rainey Will journey from here 11
West Texas where Friday he will
dedicate the McDonald Observi-
tory at Ft Davis, which has oul r
recently been completed.
Maya. Wwiwwm.
shows shove, has been selected as
the “Meat Valaable Debater” af
A. A M. daring the debate sea*
Jast past. Recently he tank fourth
place and a prise af 115 ia the
Battle of Flowers Oraterfcal Can-
test b San Antaaio. Jim Shealts.
Band Joabr. won second place ia
this event and a $5h prise.
Great Britain’s Royal Air Forcp
have contributed their bits of tri
bute to the attractiveness of Bsyi-
lor University’s unusual Bailey
twins, Lois and Louise.
Since distribution of an
tratqd feature article concemii
the identicals, whi were separs'
at birth for 18 years, by a nal
syndicate (the Associated Prose 1
a few weeks ago, the girls ha'
received fan mail from a cadet
West Point, a sailor on a man-oi
war in the Atlantic, and now froi
two aviators in the Royal Ai
Force with headquarters in Soul
Wales. P: I
iirTTIRl v ' •p'
Dr, George Summey, Jr n head
of the English Department at
Texap A. A M., was elected presi
dent of the Texas Conference of
College Teacher* of English at
meeting of the organisation in
mnMh^Hh Mutur^ay. Dr. Summey
succeeds Mis* Rebecca W. Smith,
of the Texk* Christian University
The group selected Southwestern
Uhnrersity;> Georgetown, as the
■at imoving place, after Dr.
Claude Howard had extended an
invitation to meet there.
Councillors named by the Con
ference include Prof. W. H. Vann,
Mery Hardin-Baylor College, Bel
ton; Dt. R. A. Law, University of
Texas, Austin; and Brother An
thony Frederick of St Mary’s Uni
Ygmty, San Antonio.
Four Military
Instructors to
Be Transferee!
Orr, Rice, Garrison
And Roberta Are Among
Those To Be Transferred
Four military instructors art
leaving A. A M. at the end of
this term to taka op duty else
Major* Orr of the Infantry b
being transferred to Ft. Leaven
worth, Kansas, sad will b< repine
ed by Major A. G. Wing who is
now oa doty in Hamilton, New
Major Rice of the Chemical
Warfare Service will take up duty
at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland.
His successor will be Major H.
M. Woodward from Schofield
Barracks, Hawaii
Captin Garrison, instructor in
the Field Artillery, b leaving to
end the Army Industrial Col.
a at Washington, D. C. Major
0. C. McIntyre from Modison Bar
racks, New York will replace him.
Captain Roberts, Cavalry in
structor, will attend the Command
i General Staff School at Ft
Leavenworth, Kansas He will he
- i laced by Major E. M. Burnett
from Ft Oglethorpe, Georgia. [[
The Weather
Probable show era
Z725 NC. 68
Annual Federal Inspection S
This Morning By (kps Areal Officers
Class of '39 Valedictorian
Herbie Kay’s orchestra has been
definitely signed up for the Junior
Prom and Final Ball, according to
an announcement made by Woody
Varner, class president at a mast
ing of the Junior Class last sight
Other plans for the Prom were
discussed The banquet will start
at 7:30 this year, and last until t,
with Herbie Kay presenting hb
floor show during the meal. At
torney General Gerald Mann will
be the principle speaker for the
occasion. The dance will begin at
10 o'clock.
Plans whereby senior boots could
by purchased at a lower price than
heretofore were abo discussed.
This involves s cooperative buying
plan under which 280 boys must
pay a deposit before May 18 in
order to get a reduction on the
University of Tex
Audience at Con
Girl’s Glee Club Performs for Aggie.
in Assembly Hall Friday Night
Sixty members of the T<
University GiHs Glee Club will
sent s concert Friday night in
Assembly Hall, sponsored by thi
Saddle and Sirloin and the Krear i
and KoW Clubs, according to C. El
Jennings, social secretary of th i
S. A S. The concert will folio*
the news and shorts and will pre -
cede the main feature, thereby be >
ginning at about 7 30 p. m.
The Glee dab appeared here lea ;
year and was very well received,
In a letter received from Janett
Hicks, business manager of th<
dub, a new and improved group i
- Rebecca Bush ol San Antonio
who plays the arrordiaa exception
ally well, b an IttUition to tb
group. She specializes in populaf
Borothy Davis of Stephenvilli
will he here for her second yeai
as solobt Dorothy has studied a
the Chicago Musical College. Hei
accompanist b Jaae Ferguson, wb
b also the Glee Club sccom
. The Trio, comiwsed of
Cranberry, Louise Self and Char
lie Barnes, will be featured. The]
hate been very popular this
and have been busy filling
engagements, which have
singing in the Govcrmr’s
Chamber of Commerce
and on radio programs
d • |[
The Glee Club Sextet has had a
busy ysar. It b composed of Ruth
Woods, Edwins Akin, Grace Akin,
Annette Collier, Mary Sim Ries anc
Flossie Crow.
Following the concert, the girls
will be honor guests at the Cattle
man’s Ball, an annual event open
ed by the clubs already m
tioned. i
A Sample sf the Beauty With
Girl’s Glee Club.
The main features of the “Pitt,
man-Robertson Act To Preserve
Game” was the subject of a talk
by Dan W. Lay, regional game
manager of the Texas Game, Fish
and Oyster Commisdea at a meet,
ing of the Fish U)d Game Club of
A. A M. bat week
Mr. Lay pointed out that the
federal government by meant
this bill matches funds with the
states in the ratio «f three dollars
to each dollar put up by the co
operating states for ase on approv
ed projects for the conservation
and management ol shoouble
game. The federal funds art seeun
sd from taxes on a ms and ammu
nition used by sportsmen.
Go Directl
In Arm^
Andrew P. (Andy) Rollins, civil engineering senior of Dallas i
"A” Bagineers. was selected valedictorian of the senior class for thi
year in the senior class balloting held through The Battalion la*
Tuesday and Wednesday. RoHins. with a grade p int average of LM
out of a poosible perfect three, stood top man in the list of ton schoia
tically high-ranking men who were eligible for the honor.'He receive
34 votes of a total of only 7# cast. I
Beginning this morning at 1 o’
clock and extending through
afternoon the- annual
mil lie carrkd oa
officers of the Eighth
Corpi Area who wifi fond the
comrgittee to carry og the inspec
Ad officer frpm each organisa
tion and one in charge will com-
pose the committee -Senior offi
cer in charge will bg Col. E. A.
Keyl, Civilian Components Offi
Mr j)f the Eighth O f> \reo Other
menfbers of the committee nclude
Col: Henry A. Finch bf th« Engi-
neeis, Col. Theodore' Spec Mr of
the Infantry, Lt Cob F. 1. Gar
cia of the Chemical Warfare Ser
vice, Lt Col. Fanlkdar H ard of
ttf* Field Artillery, L| Col. Charles
M.' Sawyer of the »*■ , Corp,
Major John Maher of the ' bvalry,
Major ,Eugene Oonwa; Of the
it Artillery.
ine schedule of inspection for
Ufis’ morning waa vbitinj: theory
and the insperLo» of the
itary Department I eadquar
and instructors’- offi Ma. This
ternoon the committee witnessed
cal instructions in all units,
ter frill the commit let was in-
ted, to call on PreMdedt Walton,
klso an* inspection af the armory
tnd gun ranges was? schfeduled for
Ibis afternoon. Completion of the-
pry class inspection and inspection
i >f the saddler shop pmj stables is
' cheduled for tomorro* morning
aspeetkm will be clhsed tomorrow
ftemoon with a nmupted review
Officers From Corps
Area To Interv ew
Applicants Soop
Rather than being fh n one-
year-service periods in U S army,
some seniors of A. A M. will go
directly into the army • \ second
lieutenants this year, it |was an
nounced today by OoL Gjeorge F.
A letter of instructwn) was rs-
(’<ive«l by the office of thi Profes
sor of Military Science ai d Tactics
sUting that applications can soon
be filed by graduating s mbrs for
admission into the reguar army.
Under the Thomason > ct, grad
uates could enlbt for on); r one year
of sgrvfce.
A board of officers from the
Eighth Corps Area will » selected
to visit the college and interview
any applicants who chc Me to ap
ply for a commission, rhb board
will make its reccomme idatkms to
the commander of the E ghth Corps
Area who then will n< tify candi
dates of their selection.
The number to be al otted to A.
A M. has not yet been (determined,
but according to CoL Moon*, there
will be an alternate telected for
each position to be fi led. Vacan
cies in the list of pi incites will
be filled by altemat e according
to rating by the boon . . .
Chi. Moore said that every effort
was being made to cc mplete selec
tion and notify studei ta before the
end* of this semester
tion, T:
With gaily-dressed cowboys to furnish the color, a bevy of girls 1
furnish the beauty, and thr* Aggie I and Orchestra to supply the mud
the annual Cattleman’s Ball will get under way at 9 o’clock on FruM
evening and will continue until an hour past msdnigfcti
One of the few costume dances of the year, the Cattleman’s ijh*
has never lacked for eolhr. Regulatioa attire for the boys is wtyii
slacks, flashy shirt and a bright-colored sash. Members of the Saddl
and Sirloin and Kream and Kow +
Clubs only, will be allowed to at
tend the dance.
Honor guests for the occasion
will be members of the Texas Uni
versity. Girls Glee Club, who will
present a concert in thq Assembly
Hall preceding the Ball. Approxi
mately sixty of the giHs will be
present, and will be escorted by
members of the two dubs giving
the dance.
Don Bowen and Asa Jones, two
od the beet cowboy artists in the
( the corp to be psMen by Col
This inspection t{il| determine
he rZting of th.- ^(ege for the
oming year. Grade! f Excellent,
atisfaetory, aid B MRUEtckory
re given by the committee, an.I
ccordiag to Col Mp. re, this col
*ge has never in ifu history fsil-
d to receive its rating of Excel
.*nt. Colleges receiving this Fx
client rating are eligible to wear
blue star on the fight sleeve of
he dress uniform. :
Beginning the
atter part of
• ountryi are handling the decors
tions for the dance. The b#ck
ground for the orchestra pit as kref
as the walls of the annex of Mbis*
Hall will be (i.-eorated with
pictures, drawn in charcoal.
During the dance, medals
presented to members of the
Livestock Judging Teem, H
Mills, Ed Brown, Does Buntia, Ed
•ampbell. Walter (ami). Marvu
Smith and Emil Prngel.
“Fish Eats tfish”—
Devours Two Live
Crayfish—Real ly
Craves His Seafood!
Overalls and Calico Dresses Will i
Be ‘Reg’for Barnyard Frolic Saturday
There won’t be any square dance♦
but good swing music will accom
pany the swish of blue overall
mats and the rustle of short calico
irssses when the Ag Engineers
five the annual Barn Dance next
Saturday night. All the boys and
girls have attended the dances ia
the past remember what fun it was
to get into free end easy costumes
sad dance to the music of the Ag-
rielsnd Orchestra; they look with
anticipation for the dance next
Saturday night.
Daring, the dance there, will be
a one heur broadcast of the pro
gram nmr WTAW. The band has
prepared • good program for thf
broadcast Included on the
are the tunes “You’re the
Reason,” “Begin the
“Softly as the Morning Sbnrise
“Night and Day” and other equally
notable arrangements. “Yoh’re the
Simple Reason” is a number writ-
t.n by the band’s own Jack Little
john. At two dances the piece was
played to test its merit;',fl» reac
tion was favorable; and, for the
first time it is being introdaesd te
the stadents for their enjoyment
The title is appropriate. Through
ost the piece a soft, quiet rhythm
(Continued cn page 4)
Not s “‘goldfish
tvs crayfish
Laron Sylvan
antry, who on
its, without
1 resting, two
irasot River
The first of
was devoured by
ibdomen, which
ike shrimp;
which went
finaUy the head,
antennae. The
Mien whole,
nesses. Before
cedure, Fish
glasses of w
to give the
to swim ai
habited his
When con
first comment
my sea-food,
was the
consume the
ed, “The first:
do is to get
Then it must
method for doing
this week, wbrk w II bo started on
an extension to Bryan’t Main
street which not ends at 28th
Strdet, in an effs t to aid Bryan-
Collegc transport ition. extent on w31 be routed
from the south e id of main street I
parallel to the I. 4 G. N. railroad
end will c >me in on College
nut at the junction of the
old and new hiAwaya, From this
point the extension will follow the
highway as (far as the Coun-
” but a
it Fish
of “H” In-
tordsy night
salt or salad
modi alive
j first the
the thorax,
slowly; and
ita attached
crayfish was
g to eye-wit-
ing the pro-
swallowed three
in order, he said,
tsiesn.H something
‘ 9 hilt they in-
Fish Reich’s
“I sure crave
When ssked what
hta ability to
, he explain-
-w! you have to
the fis| in your mouth,
st be killed. The best
fjthis is to bite
off the head, whim 1 msy be diffi
cult an the Creative is wiggling
• round c.nsi.k-rabls. Thsn si) you
have to do is rhswrjt up and swal
Club. The
feet wide.
This is as
project calls
boulevard will
a mile further,
limits in the
extension will be
fkr as the present
: or. However, the
extended half
the Bryan dty
Bryan officials have planm
the improvements in an effort to
prevent the da ugerous traffic con
ditions which i low exist on the old
College Road, the street upon
which the ner extension will be
laid, and the
traffic from
most direct route of
College Station to
A commit *e on stsndardiration
of awards U students on ths staffs
of the varioi is A. 4 M. publication*
composed ol W. D. Barton, chair-
of the Lbnghorn: R. L.
man, editor
Doss, Battalion editor
«-editors; and A. G.
M land
Beckman, Sehior Representative
on the Stuient Publicationa Board,
last week submitted to the Board
a series <f recommendations da-
■ignad to equalise the awards to
student at iff members,
i It has b^en a tradition that
bci» of st dent publications receive
swards a inuslly for their
here it A 4 M. , % |