I i I SENSATIONAL FAMOUS LAST WOKUS New VASSAR Swim Trunks As Snug and Responsive as Your Own Hide i ffdnd by for important denounmnrnt*. ISUhCTT. ]]] ^ j . Tf |t^ or without oi.umft? I think Tve made rayurlf prrfecily clear.» A rejection doea ih»i nemMarily imply, a lari of literary merit. ^ ell. a» I aUaya aay, life is a funny pr<»|H»Mtioii no matter ho* you lair it. Ilont be ailly, ofl^rr, 4omelMid\ put that l»ott!c in my car fora joke. .Slutll ne ait (hi* *m«* out I 1 flfjcourar. I lielieve you. dear, only your alory aoumU a little far-fetrheil. fhe only reaiom I keep the ueddin^ rinp in my liamlbaf;. dearie, ia l»ei auM- I’m afraid I miidtl lose it. da> at tlie ofa'r. loo. «w»k like anv of the r I I K \ J , ■ r! H ERE'S eye-appeal plus! Vaaaara arj; fashioned to fit with plenty of^hold’* and all-over support from waiseto thigh! There’s no belt or bulky built-in supporter, because you actualIv don’t need them! No matter how hard you swim, dive and exercise. Vassars never bind, chafe, roll of slip... no readjusting amjruberr. Just day-long com fort and freedom. Equally favored for wrestling, hand- » ,ball, rowing, squash, and other vigoroos gpoftk! Conservative or broadminded colors in a choice of two fahric-combanattona: higb4onied IrmbH t . >ootaidai ! soft lisle inside, k< Lastex” in-between. ..or nsercerizeq between. yarn outride, fine wool inside. 4 ’Lasu^t" in-betweei *7 * *%*9 O*****? P* < omit your j Y®*! **it here uliilc 1 play another hand to ptrt even. I didn't pa** out -I was ju*t resting m\ r\rs. All I did Has shave my legs with your rax or. I read that mystery story—IT I tell you ho killed him. But then I Has onh a girl nhen I married. ^ ou re a tolerant man *o Hsten to my side of the story. 0" With the danee. JU* * just art as ifnothing hap|»ene ou're only yowig om-e. l . I won t call a cab. baby, a brisk walk will do u* good. : Tune in at this same time tomorrow. Pass the hat. ( heese it. the cops. But I thought you liked me lieeause I was such a plain apoken guy. dear. j N ./ (.ollegiate A: That chap over there uncovered a rich vein 'c*terda\. *PU j V | i | j J -T Collegiate: B: Is lie a prospector? |l$fivlegiate A: No. he sold a pint of blood to the hospital r