The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 1939, Image 4

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4 # )■
- -- -
Itudent Politics
trod, A. A M. Mat h«r
no yoarty rtmiados bo-
can too |ho tribut«*4 pARi
Tworty-two yoars a«o tho UnKod SU|m oaton-
od Um World W«r, on April 6, 1917. THat front will
bo eommcatoratod by Army Day am Thiyaday
Wbon war was doclarod, A. A M.
won. Our woraory nooda
eauM orory day an Agrio
to A. A M/o Aold.^r dead. Wbon bo wall|> by tbo
drill field and mM tbo oaks planted on the ooutbern
odya, tboee oaks bring to mind tbo men who fought
and diod, Ix-cauao tbo oaks are a bring symbol
catod to tbeir loot tiros.
Tbo (Toy. marble monament, draped with a
stone flag, boars a broase plate listed with tbo
names of A. A H's World War dead. Also, In tbo ro
tunda of tbo Academic Building hangs a bug*
aerrice flag centered with fifty gold otmfclttMll
gold star standing for a life lost in the great war.
While oa the subject of flags, oat flag that baa
an intsrssting story behind it is the flag banging
in tbe library. Tbls flag was oarrisd in the Civil
War by tbo Ross Volunteer Brigade and jraa given
to tbo Rosa Volunteer organisation by' tbo flag
bearer of tbo old brigade wbon tbo Rosa
Company was formed on this campus. The
Is battle-torn and worn by time but is
sbape by bsing stitched between two pieces of dark
silk netting. — > \
On tbo subject of soldiers sad officers from
A, A M.; tbs New York Times shortly aft* tbe
World War carried an article about tbo men fur
nished to tbo army by military schools. Ifee article
stated that A. A M. had store men serving in the
war than any other military school in the United
States with tbe exception of West PomuT
Although it is proper to remember the dead of
old wars, there is saase in these restless times to
wonder if it will be necessary to meraonalise the
loot tires in a war yet to come
hold in
Tbo time of year when politics takas tbo saddle
bars, and whfle it may ho entered into soaowbat
tents re member that their
votes la all olactloaa la rosily an important amMOk j
In Urn general student body eloetioa of Chief
Toll Loader, Battalion Bditor-in-Chief, gad Senior
Representatives on tbo Publications
Junior class election of a social seere-
rrtainment Berios bead, aad a Loag-
born editor; aad In tbs sophomore class eloetioa of
Junior Toll Loaders, tbo way you rota la an im
portant matter.
Tbo Batallon will not -tupport any eandkUu-
in its news or editorial column!, of course, bat wo
feel that tbe importance of tboee risrttoas to tbe
student life of 1939-40 Ohou d be considered,
j f One plea Tbe Batulion makes Is that students
be careful about tbe possibility of s political “coup
d'etat” by memtxn of secret fraternities—tboee men
who like to refer to thonasohroo in guardod moments
as members of M controlling groups”.
Lot’s not lot thorn “controf.
When you cast your ballot, bo saro it's for o
man qualified in every respect to handle tbs work
involved in tbe office for which he is running. Tbe
•“I've heard-of him so 111-vote-for-blm" . attitude
fron t get tbe student body as a whole anywhere,
i Maks s point of finding out something shout a candi
date before you cast you rots. They will all prob
ably giva students plenty of information about
themaelvos; let’s pay attention to what they say.
If wo elect competent, anti-frat men to campus
positions, next year's student body will be well off.
Start looking up your fiscal office receipt for
this term; yob’ll need it n tbo genera) election and
Juniors will need theirs in tbeir class election.
imfeev 9 .
With lees than I par cent of ad- Unique in its obj
vanced graduate studra* in oduca- »ctively to
tion in preparation of doctor*tee do#er "^oa.h.p ,U>d *4»
P P ty members and citisens of Ithaca
and masters’ degrees Iconcemed ^ ^ ^
srith tbe problems of some ten m&- prevent trouble* arising between
tion American school-ag* children students and city administrative
requiring special attention la tbeir officials. j
schooling, tbe United States is on- Functions of committee
prepared to face this jdilmtion. have been divided between two sub-
Ur. Carter V. Good, pvnfessor of committees, ore to meet stith dty,
education in tbe Teacher* College, officials and the other to d9al with
University of Cincinnati, painted merchants of the dty.] Prices
this picture of inadequate consider- charged students, tbe attitude <4
ation for the nation’* exceptional police officers toward students and
children in a report psepared for of students toward tbe pobce. and
tbe International Coun«fl for fit* (city/raffle probl. ii - > . . b. .-n the
oeptional Children. j- principal points reviewed by the
His survey traced th4 extent to committee.' [
which graduate student*: in edaen- Once a month tbe
tion have covered th^ problem s whole, cempriahlf | |
since 1929 and institutipn* active appointed by the Cornell Student
during tbe past four years in in- Council and a tike number of Itba-
vestigating problems of Isxception cans appointed by the Chamber of
•1 children.
Institutions stimolat
study and research in
elude Chicago, Color
Michigan, New York,
—-Lotos Chevsillier Parade of Opinion
and Southern California' universi- expansion,
ties, according to Prof Good. |^ s=a=af .
If American school systems in
the next decade should-decide to
provide “reasonably adequate in
structional facilities for the ap
proximately 10,000,000 d^ldren who
. need special consideration in tbe
Commerce, meets to discuss
graduate work of tbe subcommittee*,
field in- Although tbe plan has been in
Iowa, effect only a few moqths it already
Slato, baa justified its continuance and
^ 1 ■ ' F
Tbe big objective of tbe administrative offices
of tbe collage during tbe past two years baa been
tbe elimination of obeolete customs and yules, but
during tbe campaign one of tbe greatest raft
needed by Urn college, e-penally the boysf living in
tbe dormitories, has been entirely overlooked. Thi-
much needed reform is tbe elimination of {he ruling
against allowing students living in tbe darmitone*
or in edmpus project houses to keep cart on tbe
Perhaps the chief purpose* originally planned
by tbe enecuthes in passing tbe rule were for
tbe benefit of tbe eolege and tbe student.-, but to
all visible appearance that day has long passed
and tbe paint baa been reached where, due to the
increased stse of tbe campus and the improvement*
in tbe auto, that tbe rule baa become an obstacle to
tbe students an dthe college in tbe maintonance of
sufficient transportation facilities.
One oi the chief arguments in tbe past against
keeping can* on tbe campus proper was that their
shabby appenvunce as a whole championed by tbe
collegiate Model T—would give tbe ca p * a bad
appearance, but tbs T age is now a thing of tbe
past and not only does tbe rule congest parking
lota off tbe campus when plenty of room in avail
able on the campus, but H has also been responsible
for numerous thefts daring tbe past ye* on cars
which have been parked at North Gate, ubereas if
RAT TRRADWRLL brothers so that it would be dif
“Oklahoma Kid," • Warner Bros. from the ordinary run of rolution of tbeir educational prob-
' picture directed by Lloyd Bacon “» boot -em-up.” in some respects at they would find research
Always a sure-flm publicity measure for at- -uh the mad* nlav from as ori, » ddlt,on • toigbt- methods and investigational Mid
tention seeking politicians, —lit*, U. 8. colleges and *1 »«« spiraling cast Whh the dence wbolely inadequate for a
universities “rad” aad "communistic” la ogwiw fast , * orjr by Edward Paramore rage for Western films of a bet- substantial bams for sMb a pro
assuming an important role in ttnte legislative coon- Wally Klein. Showing Thurt- tor nature than the. usual film by giam. Prof. Good indicated
ells. Inveetigatioas have already been proposed In day, Friday and Saturday at the the general public during* the last “How and where could a quarter
Oklahoma and Colorado, and one k brewing in Palace. j 1 f«w months the picture studios of a million teachers be framed in
\10bio under the sponsorship of the American Legion, j >».♦ 0 f characters: * I * T# ‘ lble 40 turn out l,0,,ll * service *PoctoUy prepm.- m-w
Though most institutions admit that tbeir stu- James Cagney Jim Kincaid to * j notch of that class due teaches be educate.! to cope with
dents learn about -Mbs in the classroom so that Humphrey Bogart ^.Wbip McCord ^ ,r ** r * of “P***** I" that type t e totatoion?" be asked,
they can know what la going o« in the World, most Rosemary Un. Jane Hardwick ot ***• A11 tlut they bad to do “U 1,000 colleges, utoversitiea,
of them vociferously deny that these isms are ad- Donald Crisp Judge Hardwick increase tbe budget s little and »nd teachers college* 4>oul4jde-
v oca ted as a form of government better than U. 8. Harvey Stepheb. Ned Kincaid ch * n * t ^ n * m ” ot ckk 10 owk* course, teakulated
democracy. The polls of student opinion and tbe Hugh Bothers John Kincaid bri “* out one of tbe more to assist teachers in doling with
view* of student writers and speakers esrtainly Tbe pictera la another one giori- mo,da - i' | probl,-n* of exceptional children
prove that tbe great majority have no faith In isms fy in g the old West in which James' TM »how is good as far as f ror * Wkttttt would fie instructors
“Ut Ua Urg w i
WED. • THt RS.
of any kind. On tbe other bend they activuly defend Cagney U cast as tbe “Oklahoma Westerns go and
come? Herein reside
one ism—Americanism—snd they do H with strong Kid," a rough tough outlaw of the shooting than the average show and “* on>«TtunKjl
words and dear-cat actions. i land-rush days of Oklahoma, who hut there is nothing in it to set it * i
Here’s what representative students have to say u the bandit hero of that time The above “Jesee James,’’ ••Stagecoach," Promotion of friendly, relations
about the "red” inquiries: - K,d comee to tbe rescue of bis “Uod«« City” or sny oljllm other between student* and townspeople
■liernocrscy has nothing to fear by comparison, father, developer of the town of rocent glorified shows of that class. o1 ^ cit * in * hic b the univeiaity
Only when we have
do we become unmindftil
own system. Free speech
a dial- JJJj'
Muag to fear by comparison. f at her. developer of tbe town of ro«*nt glorified shows of that class. ol «** c,i y ,n wn,cn «*•
no contrasting government Tula*, when he la imprisoned by R k according to how your tastes '* locmU<1 bas been made the duty
rul of tbe advantages of our a ^ ^mUers lead by Whip, run aa to whether or not you will °* ^ special c, 'nmitt* crested
ck is tbe safety valve which jj t r»»i. ^ .reach his father in this show bat if you cam stand by ( ornell l mversity mitbonties.
lie • Jereme •eaee
R*M laalltee•harry PIUgertN
1(0 sawo new*
allows for tbe dus.pstion of anarchistic energy and tilIM to pr^ent his murder by fie the type it k good for seme enter-
givee ua that change to eompare our own country band ^ M «ff 0 rt to gain re- tainsseilt as there k nothing deep
with more restricted ideologies. It k fie safety venff he tra<kl! down ^ ^ and dramatic about the show but
valve fiat would be destroyed if fie Ugien sac- ^ h|| nmrderers and sods tbers k enough action to keep you
eeeds in its attempt to destroy tbe harmless pink up ^^ marrying Jane, busy and prevent you from being
University •'StudenC. ^ rsyrriw <» U. «rk of bord. ' H
***** *tohsr in true Western story style. Don’t forget a handkerchief tor
White nils 'hsntWtM r „,, nx (tty, «h» We r—h A Ur ^ ,„ ount hMprT wu ^ b jnu
markting around in Sam Browne belts at the state . , . ^ K _ w ._. r t L, im _
these same cars were kept ea parking tots by tbe me0t in € n' take it upon themaelvea to save America 1 y ^
balls, tbe amount of burglary could be redueed.
you see
A system of ear registration by tbs students at
fit commandant’s office much aa k now ia effect
could be installed and tbe students ceuid be allowed
to keep their cars in parking lota near the balk,
several of which are available in back of some of
the kails. Under such a system an etsa closer
supervision could be kept oa fie students’ ears by
fie officials if they so desired.
WRh fie enlargement of the campus next year
by fie opening of fie new dormitory unit, fib
distance to classes and to parking tote toff of fie
osmpu* will be greatly increased and the problem
will become so acute that a eelutum will be forced
in a few weeks which could be much more easily
worked COt thk term. The iatorest of the entire
itudent body is tied up in this problem.
Kay Tresdwei;
• Roy Martin
for democracy. Last year, fie Stigma of communis
tic sentiment was oa Kaasaa University. Now fie
smoke has blown away and we hardly remember fie
fire. Predictions are that fie same thing srill hap
pen in fis cnee of tbe Oklahoma purge.”—Southern
Illinois Teachers ( ollege "Egyptian"
"Tbers k little which can do more to barm tbe
What’s Showing New Records
ASSEMBLY HALL Hal Kemp and bk orchestra
Tuesday and Wednesday, t:U- tn + m 1^
teaching profession than such rocurreat campaigns, wifi Wiaga,” a Paramount
Not only do they de*troy the faith which fie general ■ m
nnRiw* 4m (4. K km4 .i— picture storing Kred MacMunay.
The average University of Vt iteonsitoatla atiS*
dent spsads $3JO a week oa dates
MPipMIlpTMtolltniillJVl M j|
The Battalion
Entered ae second etam matter at tbe ooetofflee
at CeJa^^tte^^TeMlJjunder to. Act of Cea
' Aabeeription ratoa, pi a year.
Advertiaiag rata
Office ja Room
r.lephon. College A
Beptaeeated for
James Crita, BUI Marray
rieergs Fid ton, E C
E. C (Jaap) Oatoe -
Bab (Mm, Wayne I
J. C. Dk
ard. H. 0.
CL P. DeVBbka —
ft 1
MNHP Iwmi WV* #ai 4. a
D. 0. Bark, J. A. UteaisM, Footer Wke.
ard. B. G Brady, Bkbard Utoey, W7n,
0serge Faenaana, T. N. Btadar, Lewis
in the record BLUE MOONLIGHT
public most have ia its teachers, but they also pro- LONEBOME-THATS ALL and
veke fie over-xe.lous w.trh-dogs of legislative *** MUlaad, aad Louise Campbell. TIL THE RAMMiOF THE DE-
ebambera to blows at academic freedom. There k Saturday, 7:00—-"King Kong,” 8ERT GROW OLD played in fie
but one word for fie whole episode: regrettable." starring Fay Wray, Robert Arm- characteristic slow waltz of Wayne
Harvard University "Crimson”. Bt , H r ,v . King and his golden saxaphone
, 17 f make* a record of distinction.
,Tbe aak of U. S. war materlak to foreign PALACE Another pronmmir ivcord pre-
nations brought out mto public debate by fie crash Tuesday and Wednesday—“Let Mnt * Tomn W Dorsey and his or-
of a plane being tooted b* fore aak to France, has the t, y-, » lrt ... cbestrm playing A NEW MOON
nation’s collegians divided in opinion on foreign pel- ’ " „ P AND AN OLD SERENADE and
icy as clearly as it bas fie ratt of fie U. 8. public ,Uup ^ n 0 *ullivan, Henry Fonda PECKIN’ WITH THK PENGUINS
However, moot collegians feel that if fie move »®d Ralph B. lamy. * wifi Jack Leonard a* vocalist
srill bring the U. S. into an alliance fiat will even- Thursday, Friday, and Satnr- A pair of prety ballads, PM
tually force us into a war, they are against tbo irh* Oklahoma Kid." a BUILDING A SAILBOAT OF
aak of war supplies. They do feel that suck sales „ DREAMS and OUT OF THE
d»U M b. kq* MO*. 7n W,n “ r J ““ WARUGHT, « «,oolhl, nr.,-
| i t Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Rose ed by Saituny Kaye and sung by
Beajaasin Buckln Hsrvsrd University fresh- wmr7 L * a *’ Don * W Criap. Tommy Ryan. # \
amb, baa a new way of doallag wifi hie competitors
in affairs of the heart When one suitor after bk
girl-friend’s heart became a bit too aggressive,
Bucklin got aggressive himself, placed Samuel
Wortbea ia handcuffs, threw fie key fiat would
open them under a lubwsy train.
Not only did be throw away tbe key, be made
tbe rounds and “fixed'’ all of tbe Cambridge lock
smiths so they wouldn't help Wortbea escape from
bondage. When last heard from, Wortbea promised
to give Bucklin a different kind of cuffing—after
■ ’ be escaped from fie priesuer's bracelets. ,
But it’s a good thing Havardman Coarsd Boday
WMut the object ot Bucklin'* disaffection*, for
jtBuray claim* fie unofficial milk-drinki^ champion-
! ] ship of tbe world: be drinks seven glasses of milk
per sseal aad bas done to ever since he was a
j, babe ia anna No sissy, be exorcises wifi BO-pound
weights, using a 20o-pound weight for "special ©c-
By Griffon
Ftaa fabrics! Film Style!
tailoring! Gabardine to one
you can wear with pride in
best of circles. Rich,
spring shades that can be
,1* do. double duty! With
Met, plus an extra pair of
t ranting slacks, you have
. ektrt MiL v
I ' '
$25 - $27.50 to $29.50
C M.
a a.
H. G.
D. K. Hm. W.
IT . , 1 . »| i
While discussion of International topics seems
to be fie rale In college newspapers them days, a
few are turning to fi. political situation within our
own borders. Another college paper, fie Univarsity
of Baltimore " Baton," bus come oat for Secretory
of State Cordell Hull for President. However, Mr.
Hull baa written fie Butler University "Collegian,”
first to nominate him for fie high office, a polite
rofuaal of fie honor i »hould be frank to my that
I have ae personal political Mpirmtieas at all, either
present or prospective ’’ Which seems to tm a lot
Mrs. Fraaklia D. Roosevelt has accepted fie
bcaonry chairmanship of tbe IntercoDagkto Ccm-
mittoe 1C AM Student Refugee*
• i
In planning your Easter Holidays... jot down those
little articles you will need • •. bring the list to the Ex
change Store • •. where only high quality v dependable
merchandise is sold.
t • i
j M For the Aggies’’