The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 07, 1939, Image 3

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Marty Rarow Starts Baseball
Season Off With Forty-five Aggies Out
With dtawn a diamond hope-*
fula atartinf practice for the
1939 baaehall aeaaon, Coach Marty
Karow ia wondering Just how hf is
roinf to ehift hie men around in
order to gHa the Aggie* a winning
combination. With only one |L|k
gotw from last year's squad the
Cadeta should be much stronger,
bat then are smreral things still
wrong with the Aggiee^
In spite of all the material that
Karow had on hand the first
of March, inexperience, the big
faalt of the IS team, still dogs
the steps of the Cadets. Another
thing is the unproven pitching staff
which includes 11 men. The Cadeta,
it is true, hare the makings sf
•ome great pitchers, bat at the
present they haven't been made.
The whole picture ia a nutshell, is
one ef hopes and desires, far at
the presit the “Ole Man of South
west baaehall," Billy Disch, has the
upper hand, and when he’s oa top
■HIM >■■■■
KEfl vm Ml
hard to get around
MABCH 7, 1939
free from goo
nutter how eftea
you smoke H. Clmh
leafing high ar-
priced pipe* in
quality sad eel
TW first regularly scheduled
Mi for Mm Aggies is the 10th
and 11th of March, against the
Grand Prise team of Houston, and
the last one will bs against the
>ys powerful Texas Longhorns
at College Station. Coach Ka-
will have the following men
to «ae against the Grand Prixers
early next month:
Catehors: C. V. Kirkpatrick, Al
vin Olbrich, Corden, and Jack Da-
M j’
Pitchers: Harry Cohen, A. T. Po-
lonovich, Ralph Uadsey. Hal Welch,
Sqm Baaa, Q. F. Miller, Droleaky,
Penden, Copley, Nugeat, and Key
Infielders: Bob Williams, Jack
Lindsey, Dave Thrift, Jaa Slicker,
Bdanar, Booker, Harvey Stone.
Chubby Nolen, Rothe, Call
Parker, Simms, Pugh, McCullough,
Handley, flerri.'on, Hancock, Owen,
and Jttffry.
Outfielders: Dave Alsobrook,
Bailey Timmerman, Jack Cooper,
Bruce Moreland, Rice, Tommie
Tinker, Karcher, E. F. Boyle, C. J.
Keeae, J. D. Scroggins, and Salman.
Out of this array of material
there seem to be a few staadouts
flv most of ths positions open,
however non# of them have been
definitely filled yet. Kirkpatrick,
letterman from last ytar's squad,
seems to be bolding the edge for
the backstop job, Over at third
base Stone is going to bs poshed
hard for his job by Jeffry and Han
cock while Dave Thrift ia going
to give Will ism* and Pugh a real
fight at first base Williams, All-
Sou thweet first baseman, has ths
edge, but it’s bard to keep two
good men oat
At the present, Karow is count
ing mainly on Harry Cohan, A. T.
Polonovich, both saniora from last
year’s team, and Ralph Lindsey to
carry the bdrdea of the pitching
duties. All three of theee hosiers
A. & M.’s Big Gridsters Show Off Their
Running Ability at Sports Day Saturday
• By Jack Sords
P 0J^( ib lUe-
-to ■+ AM^'CAa. ASSOC<Af*0»d • ' .
HKWt ***** } I
OP oeujMt o*£ Of
tiic- it*6oe pftoSPecrs
COe*S«CHT •*«* WAl\MS i«««on -«
performed for the Cadets last year
ry effectively. Te bolster theee
met up, Karow has Hal Welch, who
played with ths ’S7 team, bat was
figible last year, and Sam Beat,
sophomore sensation from last
v’s Fish nine. If these boys can
work the kinks oat and get over
that shaky period without disaster,
the Cadets should have one of the
boat pitching staffs in the South-
Moving oat a little farther, into
the outfield, we find last year's
leading conference hitter, Jack
Cooper at the right field poet,
supi’OlU'd by .Brace Moreland. In
left field Daws Alsobrook and Kar
cher are holdhig sway, while Bally
Timmerman, Rice, and Tinker talk
over the centerfield slot
Baseball Teams Tie 11 to 11; Norton’s
A and B teams Defeat C and D Teams
stjatten BherU Editor
J hn Kimbrough has bean known
11 big, rough, crashing fullback,
bot^ Saturday afternoon to the
of the blocking backs he
turned on the steam and beat the
oth r two blocking barks, Jim
The nason and Eool Waaaon, to (he
tapf He was a good two steps
Thomason and several
ahead of Wesson.
derate Moser, the freshman who
ia i a ted for the first striag back-
fiel I, is the fastest man on ths
aqu id. He trimmed Bad Term and
^* p ;;; v
ran a dead heat for second
) arshall Rohnett, the big 210
pou id letterman guard, ho* d out
Bu< sk and Aadish in the guard
raef Henke proved he ia the fast-
tackle by beating opt Ernie
Patoiell and U-omird Joeris. Joe
Bofii tried two races, bat couldn’t
in the money. Jack Kimbrough
it a daily doable for the Kim
ir family by taking the kace
ends. The centers did not
use there are so many of
or injured.
Bud* Vaqueros Win
Prom Aggie Poknsts
By Score ofSIoTi
The Aggie polo tides were tam
ed hack here Sunday afternoon by
the hard riding Buda Vaqueros by
a score of 8 to T. The fray was
tied at the end of the regular
period, bat in the overtime Rots
Meador, a former Cadet rider who
ia now with the Buda team, drove
home the winning tally.
P A. A M. led most of the way due
to the fancy shooting of captain
Forrest Jordon, who made she of
the seven Aggie scores.
There were no spills, bat the
hard riding and hitting furnished
unerous thrills.
Aggie lineup:
Ed Brown and Dick Culbertson,
number 1; Asa Jones, number 2;
Forrest Jordon, number I; Sid Mc
Donald, number 4.
Buda lineup:
Speedy Hklm, number 1; Roes
Meador, numbor 2; T. J. Cam beer,
number 8; Paul Crusaman, number
4. '
Twenty five hundred Aggie part
tisane turned «out for tipa Sport*
Day program Saturday that sow
Conch Marty Karow'v regular baao>
baH nine tied 11,to 11 by the Tan.
nigmna, and Coach Homer Norton’*
A and B toam trim*his C sad D
team by a score of 23 to 4 as *
result of touchdowns by “Cotton"
Price, Jim Thomason and Derate
field goal by Enel
II” Rogers taIUed|
late in the fray.
that was able to play:
football game, Mar-
kicked a perfect field
40 yard line on the
ball traveled some 85
representing the see-
used s passing gams.
The Whites, first teamsrs, used a
deceptive type of game, mixing
pototog aa* running together.
Force, Pricey and Moaer were out
standing passers and punters.
'Bama Smith, Spivey, Darby, Finis
White and Herb Smith were out
standing receivers. Euel Wesson
grabbed a pass and along with his
rntmi run it was good for about
40 yards.
John Kim|rough and Jim Thom
ason demonstrated that they could
get that extka yard when needed.
Herman and Thomason plsyvd
the entire gmne for the Whites and
both turned ip sparkling work Her-
' Parts and Tubes
PhMMOlhc* ia>
North Mi
At a meeting held over the week
end here, the Texas A. A M. ath
letic council announced the award
of nine varsity basketball letters
and 11 freshman basketball num
erals for the season just toded.
Those receiving vanity letters
included: J. A. Carrigan, William
Daemon, H. V. Duncan, J. T. Lang,
J. W. Smith, Thomas Tinker, 5.
B. Varner, R. E. Wheelis, ami P.
O. Wofford.
Freshman numerals wars award
ed to the following: R. C. Adams.
W. Clark. M. H. Cole, J. W
Crouch, R. W. Henderson, Derace
Moser, J. A. Mayfield, R. a 1 o»
ell, Cullen Rogers, C. H. Steven
son, and F. E. Wood.
The Scientific Review has an
nounced that the deadline for en
tries in the Candid Camera Contest ^ m * B WM t M on Jy ^ kite («it-r that
has been extended ■ from March 6 :vv ****klp 'aughn w£* in th«-
to April 12. This'decision has been ho *P"*' ^*1 ^ H*ua*r
made because of the inclement WM on ^e i.idellnes with an m |
weather prevailing 'since the first Jure<l knee. J
announcement of the contest which . Outstanding men in th- e wer*
a | . has made picture making almost Ma,, ' h * ! R»Mrtt, Bill A iih 1 B II
Hub McQuUlsa turned irapoM|ble A ^ o{ inUre8t iB Duncan. Leonard H ddr . Ifaran
with ^ basketball ^“ onUgt hM tl#o H ^ Ruby. Uonard Joe: is. and J .e
vissble to extend the deadline • j ?
The four cash prises to be sw V d- Uo "' ^ ^d
ed amount to 114 00 There are to <lec *P*’ un behind the bloCk-
be two first prises snd two aeco^ ^ «' Wsmoo, and
prises. A first prise of $5.00 U P,,cr
offered for the best “shot" in each | . ^ tran '* •»>l»e»red to be fairly
of the two fields into which the H,ow - but when 11 ^ ^nsidered that
contest is divided—engineering and tbe fi ' W k*d been ploughed snd
agriculture. And s second prise of harrowed OT ^y ■ fvw days before.
$2.00 is also offered in each of the th * y lo °M ^ ^ttog was
The contestant* are reminded of
the fact that pictures of campus
scenes in which some phase of eith
er agriculture or engineering is de
picted are to be preferred. The pic
tures are to be judged upon their
news value only.
Every camera fan oa the campus
has an equal opportunity to tarn
his hobby into a profitable enter- j
prise, and fans are urged to enter local chapt
this contest The extension of the stitute of
during the
than he did last year.* B
his usual starting five, he
Utters to Duncan, Varner,
lit, snd Wofford. We are all
t* see Wofford win his letter.
He has worked like a trojan in football and basketball. He
that letter fully as much
will his degree in Jane.
Aggie pistol team shot s
1 match against •Missouri’s
last week an dwon 1S66 to
L. C. Kennamer shot the
gun with s 284. Ho shot s
99 timed, sad 96 rapid,
snd Gene Shiels started their
again by shooting s pair at
to go into a three way tie with
of Missouri for second high
^ C. A. Lewis shot 26$ snd J.
Singleton shot a 267.
Stewart-O’Cotuifr-Jonea •
the four players on the
Vaquero polo team that <fe-
Aggies Sunday, are for
mer Aggie players.
H B. McElroy thinks that OdtU
Hetman and Towhead" Price
ed the most improvement in
practice. Spring practice
to a dose tomorrow. It has
the most successful session
has been seen in years. The
may show the Conference
next fall.
When In Henrne
... thu telephone idea can help you
you’re in college, you’re on the consumer
side of the fence. IVre you’ll find the TWhere
to Buy It" section of your Telephone Directory g
quick, easy way to div-mer who sells what you want
After graduation, you wuj he on the other aide of
the fen. e, too—the seller’s side. A* a manufacturer or
distributor of an advertised product you will find clas
sified telephone directory listings a most effective and
economical aray to direct*hurera to the dealers han
dling your product.
This directory service, tying up the national adver
tiser with the local distributor of his product, is just
one of many Bell System ideas that help to increase
the value of your telephone. — >
1 the Lnwa«t Prieto"
Your Closest Barber Shop Is
Under the “Y"
vt H
8 Chain To Servo You
dangerous abri slow.
Norton isfwell pleasoil wi<h the
showier of jh* 44 man Vpiad.
Local Chapter Of
A.I.Ch.8. Receives
Charter Friday 13
* ■ j % i . ' 7 i I M
To a sufwrstitOQu* individual
the fact th*t the charter of the
ptaf of the American In
imical Engineera was
deadline will make it possible for j issued on > Friday, January 18,
tome very good pictures to be tak
en between now and the close of
the contest, and contestants are
urged to get their entries in to
Charles Jennings, J-13 Hart; Ernie
Maymdd, J-12 Hart; or to the
Student Publications Office.
4th Year Architect
Students Enter
National Contest
(Each Package CeDaphane Wrapped)
Infantry - Ftdd Artillery - Cavalry <
Coast ArtUkry • Cham. Warfare . Signal Corps
And Plain With < ollegt Seal
Karow’* baseball team
pretty good Saturday, nW
game ended in an 11 all
Lanky Timmerman drove one
the center field fence. The
traveled some 366 feet in the
Chubby Nolen. Bob Stone, Bob
snd “Rad" Kirkpatrick
looking pretty good for this
eariy ia the season.
talph Moser took the only Aggie
fir t place at Laredo with his win
over E. T. Steakley of Rice ia the
44 i
11 looks like Beefus Bryan of
Te ms ia going to do his shale in
helping the Southwest Confwence
in the track limelight. He vaalted
14 feet 1 and 1/8 tochsa Saturday
fhe T Association will have
its annual dance Friday night, ac
cording to “Slick" Rogers, secre
ts y and treasurer o4 the club.
Si ids Gardener who to now playing
at; ths Avalon Club, has IruikatH
he will kaep Us orchestra
tidied up so that they may come
Oder hare after their dances.
Now that spring training to over,
' irM-r | ||
Fourth year Architectural stu
dents have just finished submitting
entries in a national competition
for designs of a semi-rural sub
sistence home.
The contest. id, being sponsored
by the Free American Magasine,
The School of LMng, The Inde
pendence Foundation, and The
Homeland Foundation Inc. .
A prise at $1,000 is offered for
fleet place with ten regional prises
of $160 each by the Productive
Home Architectural Competition
A regional prise will be distribut
ed in each of the regions of the
United States. j \
might spell an evil foreboding of
some sort, jxit to the Chemistry
department snd to the students
themselves | meant the realisation
of s goal long sought for.
Dr. C. C. Hedges has received
the charter knd says he inteada to
frame it to hang in the ChemistiV
building. This affiliation entitles
the students to send representatives
to th* national meeting to be held
in Akron, Ohio, in May. These
meetings are held semi-annually.
An effort wps made to send some
one from A, A M. to the one held
ia Novembm’, but a strain on the
association’* finances prevented
making this p<>MibWkl ’ ,
Dr. Lindday, the faculty spon-
r, mid that pins and keys would
i ordered as soon as the group
can hold a pueet .ng. Both pins, and
keys wil ba red and white with
the words *■ American Institute of
Chemical Engtoiara”.
Dr. W. 6. Flory To
Speak for Plant
Science Seminar
ball title an eiachsd by Kubba
Demand, former Baylor three sport
star. This 1s Ganmad’s first year
out of collage and that la a great
job he has dona. Inddently two of
hto flayers wars ylaaad on the
All-State team. One at them is a
full blooded Indian
It stems that ths steps in front
of the Ag. Bldg, is the only logical
plao* to hold yell practice next
year. The Y proved te he too small
tost fall. With the new dorms and
track team will be strengthened thu increased number of
extent John K :mbrough
odd BQ1 Conateer will /join
"Dough* Itollins’ tracksters
Thu Livingston Ugh aefc
Lions, who woa the state basket-
that wfll be on tha campui
larger place wfll bs necessary. Tbs
Ag Bldg, to about ths only place
that wfll be largo enough and at
th* ‘ante*, tins be clous to both
■iewff rf i -- ■ii> ^
Mva ox aorma.
S. Flory of the Agrteul-I
Station will he
at the Plant Seteaeu
week an the subject,]
Some SpeUto Relationships
Dr. Flory has
fttudent of this and related
jlUi titice ha was an
ate. He is a graduate of the „
verstty of Virginia and was at
time a National K -
at Harvard University. Hs
been connected with the Tei
Station about four yuan.
Thu Sutoinur wfll moat to
Roem of the Agsteul
tarul Experiment Station oa 1
day, March t, at 7:30 p. nt