I FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 THE BATTALION PAGE 6 Contemporary National Personalities and News of the Day as Seen by the Camera jyi^rs v. s. ] ,• NExtf A QUEEN HONORED \A FRIEND IN NEED- A 1939 uUnt«, Mia® CharlotU task, handl'd down QUIZZED f Afd and bruised, but unfaltenn* in hit devotion, Frits stands over Beafetaff. I(aac« Jan rsdwsxskl. Beryl Scott, Saa Frannv-n dcbu- Fof “ er V' ^ Martia Maa- Hard.e was queen of this year’s ^ his faaiOy for ■saorstisaa. falls his maimed master, Chester Brooks, near their wrecked car at Old f»*®«* pianist and first premier taste, will become the asst “Mrs. Fedaral^rTnd^Jnry hTlIew tlamoT !w ** Pri * < * Alhaai, who pre- Westbury, L. I. It was nseessary to blindfold the do( to keep him r>0, * nd ’ arri ' ,? ' lt Now ^ or * tmr Tama." She aad Johany Weiss- Yerk where he was qaestisaedL He dasfhter of Mrs. Ebea Bardie ef »* ^ ***"• * Cardtaals from following the ambulance in which Brooks was removed to pi ^ *" V? * *** *“ ^ T' ’ b New Orieaas. f In Vatican City te elect a new I’ope. a hospital. b six years. He is ia self-imposed veree from Pape Veles heceame said te haws answered nil exile from Poland. Huai, Weissmnller has snn..unc«i nadili ACTRESS AND BRITISH MATE BENEDICTION AS 4TH SON JOINS MINISTRY ; HIGH ON COURT UST ■mL wlkii mp jk ■ ^ 'Ll t' t • William O. l><>uf las, left, chairman ef the Securitien end Esrhanse Frances Drake, screen actress, is shown with her ha»band, Cedi I'* B- Kretsmasn ibaik to camera), now a miasienary to Africa, receives blciHiags ef Commission, and Deaa Wiley B. Rutledre of the leiveraity of lews John Arthnr Hewnrd. brother ef the < mint ef Siffelk, returned to kia family as the fearth tea ef the Kc% Karl Kretxmann ef Orange, N. wa« ordamul to the Latheraa law scheel are being mentioned to replace reditn.-d Aseorinte Justice Hollywood after a sarpriae wedding ia Taeaea, Arisoaa. sdaktry la CMcngo. Left te right, other Reverend Kretzmanaa are Adalbert, the ‘ father, Otto aad Martin. Loeia Braadeia an the U. B Supreme Court. WHO ► : ... Collegians Favor Economies . All Merchants. WHAT Dr. George Truett To Give This Year’s Baccalaureate Sermon Can Reach the A. & M. Market Through This News paper. I WHERE Dr. George W. Truett, pastor at the First Baptist Church ia Fort Worth, and President of the Bap tist World Alliance, has been se lected to preach the Baccalaureate sermon for this year's graduating class. The service will be held June 2, at 10:30 a. m. in Guion Hall. The graduation exercises will be held durhtg the evening of the same | dite in the college a tedium. There will be approximately MO candidates for graduation. ‘63 Per Cent Say They A^ree With Economy Measure Published on the Campus, The Battalion Is the Only Newspaper With Complete Faculty and Student Cir culation. 1 WHEN Twice a Week, Tuesday and Friday,Through the Ad vertising Columns of The Battalion the Million Dol lar Aggie Market Can Be WHY The Battalion’s Recent Advertising Survey Brought Out That Aggies Alone Spend Around One Million Dollars a Year Besides What They Pay in Fees. Your Results Will Be Better if You Advertise in This Newspaper. THE BATTALION The Ne wspaper for r),900 Students and Their Profs A., & M. Fire Dept \ Commended for Work Our custom taller- iag service gives you persouslised clothes at ne extra ceotl Expert fit ting with s wide choice of fabrics. $25 to $60 BY. WALDO NIEBUHR Student Opinion Surveys of Amerfai I AUSTIN, March 4r—Ptrhaps pointing to future trends in the important American problem of work-relief, college student* of to day who may be the nation’s lead ers If tomorrow have declared them4elre* in accord with Coa- greasi slash in WPA appropna lions,; a nation-wide surrey show*. ~ ‘ the closing days at Congress rebelled at it Rooseveltb spending and ordered a $150,000,000 relief appropriation*. That ,000 to finance the from February 7 to June of 4h« $8784)00,000 pro- administration. of college youth taken for The Battalion and eighty-two other college newspapers, the Stu dent Opinion Surveys of America asked students, “Do you agree jwttk (Congress in reducing relief appropriations?" answered 83.3% answered M.7% In keeping with this tendency 1 the President's pplkks, s percentages showing approval of Franklin D. as chief executive drop- than two points from the during January. College of the President varied during the last three month* a* follows: , The A. 4k. M- fire department has been commended on the effective work it te doing in protecting Col lege Station property, thereby low- ering fire insurance costs, in a letter received by B. D. Marburger, Superintendent of the Department AGGIE CLEANERS R. a RAPP, Prop. North GlU Marvin Hall, State Fire Insurance Commissioned. . ERECTION OF 1 NEW OORNS IS 1 WELL UNDER .WAY Y -j • T The, new dormitories are coming along on time. They are “hi the ground," except for the Mess Hall, and concrete work on six will be complete in a week. The brick work The College Station fire record on one, and the roofs on three, will shows a rise from a fifteen per ceat charge to a ten percent credit, effective March first Mr. Hail has offered his department’s as sistance with any fire-fighting and fire protection problems which may arise in College Station. Harvard University student* are approximately two’ inches taller than U* average undergraduate at mid-western universities. be finished in two or three weeks. Plumbing and heating roughing- in te well under way on the first three. Lath and plaster work will be suited next week. There are r about 500 men on the job. Forty percent of these are skilled labor. Most of the unskilled work te being done by colored laboeen. Some ef the men, mostly brttk masons, have been brought from as far away' as Colorado and Illi nois. agreeing with Congrats: Far Western SUtaa Southern SUtes East Central SUtes West Central SUtes New England SUtaa «2.3', Middle Atlantic States . 63.7% Typical of the commenU on the question was the one given by University of Kentucky arts and sciences student She said, “Con ns has already given out so mod) money that H has made people lasy, and they don't want to work." Taking another view were many who, like a University of Nebraska student point out that although they believe relief to be undesirable, they “favor its c tinuation as long as file n Fifty-four per Cent' of | DilAM- University’s stodenU enrolled be- More than if-m) of New Yerit University’s 300,000 alumni Uve in New York City. RADIO f * i REPAIRING ' J - Parts and Tubes STUDENT CO-OP I’hone College 139 North Gate APPROVE OF F.D.K. | Dee. $Lf%; Jan. 66.6%; Feb. 631% However, despite the drop in Ms during the month, which due to admimstra- :erings with Congress, still paradoxically has al most exactly as many who approve of hna personally as he has op ponents to his relief demands. down tba results of the Mtaf-cut question by sections of t|e country the Surveys found majorities in such sec ! TKA8 A. & M. GRILL j for Better Fed* Open Afttr the Dance Comm In For A ^ MIDNIGHT SNACK North Gate