The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1939, Image 4
1 * ! K PAGE 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY. FEB If. 1989 NOTICES •CHKDILE OF EVENTS: Feb. 10—Lecture on Phaaei Family ReUtiona by Mr. R. Dkkenon, Gulon Hall, 7 p. m. Feb. 27—Texaa Cotlonaeed Crua- bera Conference Feb. 11—Baeketball fame, A. A M. va. Texaa Uaieenity, Gym. Feb. IS to 17 inc —Muaidpal and Sanitation Short Coane. iTeb 16—Entertainment Seriea, Ceraeiiua Vanderbilt, Guien Hall. I R. m. Feb. 17—PScture Show, Benefit Preea Qab, Aaaembly Hall. 6:30 * Feb. 17—BaaketbaU fame, A. A , M. T. C. U., Gym. Feb. 17—Marketinf and Finance Chib Dance, Meaa Hall, 8 p. m IB 1 a. m. Feb. 20—Basketball fame, A. M. ru. 8Jf.U n Gyaaaaatom Feb. 23-Picture Show, Benefit Bream A Kow Klob, Aaaembly Hall FA. 24—Entertainment Seriea, Peeqain Trio, Guioa Hall, 8 p. m. FA. 24-Field Artillery Ball, Meea Hall, S p. m. to 1 p m tend the leetore by Mr. Stokdykr the Animal Inihinthea lecture at 11 a, m. Saturday, FA exruned from claaaea miaaed 11 at that time. C Bolton DEAN I1.C.U. BEATS AGGIE DEBATERS REEXAMINATIONS 1 Studtnta who wtok to take re in aabjecta ta which of M B M wma made dortof mter should application for theee examinations now. The application forma may be ■ta the Refiatrar ^ Office E. 1. Bowel Refistrar All Affiea interested in writtof for The Battalion are inrited to C in the Friday staff. See JH array at 311 BteeU. AH freshmen interested in work inf out on the fish swimming team are invited to come to the nwimmtog pool between 4 and 5:80 each afternoon to talk over with me. Coach Arthur Adamson PALACE i Last Day • Sat. “Paris Honeymoon” Preview 11 P. M. Sat Bm • Mml NEW DIXIE Sun. • Mon. • Tues. r aoa a . CROWN FLIRTING WITH FATE I ... LEO CARRILLO There will he a ametii Society Tuesday 14 at 7 o’clock la Room Buildinf. Plane Ac Cotton Ball will be : t ■ All old members of the Saddle and Sirloin Club must pay their ore Sunday aifht ia order in ]■# mitiatum of Dace may be paid to dA secretary or broufht to A-8 Hart dues befor to partkii n . rt'irular Febnary ■Mflaf of the Texas A. A M. chapter of the American Association of Uni versity Professors srill be held in Room 303 Academic M id inf at 7:30 p.i». on Tuesday, Feb. 14th. - I of the meetiim will or’s In- will be Paine and “Pump priming” by the Federal (rovemaMRt raised Bm haai] level of the nation in 1187 to with in two points of the peak 1829 So rontcndt-t! Roy Woolsey and Milton Kramer, members of the y C. L. A. debate team that appeared here Tuesday aifht aa a partjW their tour through the South. Opposing them on the af firmative aide were the Aggie de baton, lH>n Gabriel aad Mayo Thompson, who declared that enor mood, guwrameatal expenditures had not decreaaed> unemployment rolls nor Increased the purchasing power ef the nation. Formally stated, the question for debate road, "Resolved, that the (rovemment should not spend public funds for the stimulation of business.” No judges were appointed for the debate, tmt as a matter of formality, a decision was reached by a vote of the audience, U. C. L. receiving a majority of raised handi The U. C. L. A. team arrived late after some delay in Aastfa, where they defeated a debate team from the University of Texas in an argu meat on the same question, though taking the opposite side. Also wfcBe in Aasttn, the ty. C. L. A. boys heard President Walton and Deal Kyle speak before the Senate Appropriations committee of the Texas Legislature. Architects Bill Tpnight at Nine ' Opens Hop Season A. I.GH.E. CHAPTER IS FORMED HERE Professor Ruaell There will be a meeting ef the stadent chapter of the American Institute of Chtptoal I Friday evening. Fob, 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the ommn, jUiMt Room. Dr. W. B. franklin of the Humble Oil and • Refining Com pany at Baytown, wil sj>eak The Pro-Median Society wUl hold It? first meeUng for the -■ " ■ -!-•! Tuemiay at 7:80 in the Anbury lotoaa of the U- aiatiuduu^cj^ HOLEPROOF , ]*- # A lovely gift for o oocXrvotmg tody ... deor, beoutihil stockingi by Holeproof* She'll like their dull, silken (tottery.,,, doubly cer tified quality ... high (othion colon. Pocked in gold foilbcwet, with beautiful Valentine roue lag. 2 Pairs in Gift Box $1.95 1 Pair in Gift Box $1.00 She WiO Love A New Rochester Handkerchief Tkeae hcautifti new handkerchiefs are now available in the new spring nhsdm 50* - $1.00 - $1.95 irary.ljAll new student* who are nrolled in pre-medical work are invited to be there en aspect ally Mans for the inspection trip to Galveston will ha Inaugurating the 1838 dance sea son, the Architects Club will pre sent it aaaaal dance tonight to the mess hall aaaex from atoe uatil one, with Joe Sullivan and his band furnishing the swiag. Hoping to outshine all their pre vious records as unique <h*corstora, the dub will employ the “Big Top* aa their decorative theme, with murals 1 repn-M-ntmir "Madam Roll©”, “Pattern”, “Jo Jo, the Dog Faced Boy'*, and other renowned dreus character, jurmumitag the walls, while ever the bandst will be a dummy depicting a tlght- walker. Harold Prias and hie crew making the scenery have done their best to make this year’s dunce a big success Prise* for the iMst contu will be given, and pictures will be taken during various stages of the dance ARBSTROHGB ELRCTED HEAD SWIM TEAM 5,048 NOW ATTENDING SCHOOL HERE ACTMU HEI.KN HAYES BE- am Hamflton College’s second alumna thia month when she was awarded a Doctor of Humane Let- ten. 1 St. THOMAS’ Chapel (Bpiecopel) Rev. Roecee C. Hauser, Jr., Rec tor. .jr 8.30 s.m. Holy Communion 9:30 s. ra. Cocfi Chna. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and fee Club and Bible Monday, 3:30 p.m. Woman’s Aa- aociation meets at the Chapel The /regular Sunday Vespers wU ha played by Marion Lyle, Aggie organist, this Suaday, in Guion Hall at 5. ■ CtaLl B—Tf il|K J The United SUtea CMl (Service Commiasion has announced open competitive examinations for the positions named below. 4 • Senior Stenographer, $2620 Year, Junior Stenographer, $1440 s Year, Senior Typist, $1440 Year and Junior Typist, 11200 Year. • Thteh WBBMteatton* are open to both msn and women and are for portions in the states of Louisi ana and Taxas. The required apiieatton blank, Form 2374, Form 2886 contain ing sample teats, and the anaoun- cement of the examination con taining detailed information, may be obtained from Olin E. Teague, Secretary of Local Civil Serria Board at the College Station, Tex as PUA Office or at any atber first class post office or from the Nanagert Tenth U. 8. Civil Service District, Customhouse, New Or lean*. Louisiana. Applications must be an file with the Manager. Tenth U. S. Civil Service District, Custom house, New Orleans, Louisiana, not iater than Feb. 27, 193V First Baptist Church. College Sta. R. L Brown, pastor Waller Johnson, education dl- reetor. 9:44 a. m. Sunday school; 10:50 a. m Preaching service, Sermon -ubjcr' (am sequences of Ste’*; 6:45 p.m Bapti-t Training Union, 7:40 p. m. Evening Worship, Ser mon subject—“God’s Remedy for Sin”: The special music will include Girls Trio at the morning ser vice aad a male quartet at the evening hour. ANNUAL KKPORT- | i (Continued from page 1) parable to those of the agricultural research division Kmphaius upon orgy and the processing of agricultural products point the way to recovery of economic balance in Texas, Dp. Walton and his aaeo- ciates feel. Dr. Walton detail* organization of a planning committee to deter mine the fields in which A. A M. can best serve in the agricultural and industrial development of Tex as. Thle committee was appointed following s conference between Governor W. Lee O'Daniel and F. M. Law, president ef the A. A M. ird of directors, during which the governor advised Mr. Law that he expected to lean u|K>n the col lege for help and guidance in the development of hie plans for indus trialisation of Texas. The planning committee made an accurate survey of actual ac complishments of the various agen cies and departments of A. k M. and fashioned a program of ob jectives for each division which it to believed can be accomplished. Two phases of industry largely' are concerned, manufacture of I pom talk chei ■lai v I OB tow 1 Engineering Problems to be found in OS Refineries” at the Chapter’s meeting Friday night at 7:$0 to the Chemical Lecture Ram. Officers of the Chapter include Ed Hagan, President; A. T. Sto gie, Vke President; and Boh Adams, Seeretary-Treasufer. C. 1. captato ef the A. B M at a meeting held night at the swimming captains for wator polo will be appointed, according Coach Arthur Adamson. [ The team has been equipped with new bathrobes amj swim suits. Feb. 25 will ha the tint meet It will be against Tulsa YJf.CJL here. They meet lltoaa March II at Austin in grudge match. The Aggie* and Texas alway - dominate the swimming meets. TVkxaa has had the upper hand durtog past The not beqa set as yet The Aggies wil ge to the Junior National Water polo taanwy April $ In St Louis. Lrttermen members of the team are Paul Spaugh, 220 yd. ence champ; T. G. Hall, whe won second to the 449; J, P, Coach, ; J. A. Allen, free styi- Bealey, back stroker; Let man, free stroker; back paddler; G. R. Davis, diver; and Alex Nordhaus, free stroker. Paul Keteben, Jr, wbe was to- eligfbi* last year, is back again. Two years ago he was second in diving to the S.WJLA.. Much expected of him thia season. Otter outstanding men on the squad are Hubh« Reeves, giver; H. H. Hensley, Nick Punthieua, Georg* Japhet, Thomas Richey, Carl H01, Homer Allen, Chick Denny, E. E. Aldridge, H. Webb, and Galt Fourteen freshmen have report ed for the freshman team. Adamson wants more out, especially divert They can get in touch with the at the pool between four aad fltmthkty, daily. | The enrollment ftr the second semester stood today at a total ef 5,048, Registrar E. i. Hewed aa greater than the tost report How- a further Inetaam ef 60 is still expected before Pah. ®, the fiaal data set far second semester tcgiatration. The total enrollment of students for the entire 1938-89 session has roadbed 5343. This is grantor than ia the history of the CORPS DANCE! I DUE SATURDAY CLUBS t rnadrop# •Two Convenient Store*. Bryan (olleue Station Club pictures for the l-onghorn wil be taken as folowat i J Monday. 12:40 p.m. Agricul ture building: Fort Worth Club, Marketing and Flaanaa Oat Tuesday, 12:46 pjn, Y.ILCJL: halla- Club, Lutheran Club, Metho dist Student Council, F.x 4 H Chib. Wednesday, 12:45 pm, Y.M.C [A.: Gulf Coast Club Wildcat Club j All <lub secretane* who have not made dates for taking club pictures should contact aae im mediately. Wednesday is the dead line on giub picturtokh J. Wayne Stark 1 There will be a ^meeting of the Houston Club Friday, Feb, 10 to the “Y” Chapel at r, : 46 sum. Dis cussion on tne cookie shower be held Suaday will take place PRESBYTERIAN NOTICE The Rev. J. L Spears, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Mar lin, and a Seminary class-mate of the pa>-u>r of- the Presbyterian Church of the Campus, the Rev Norman Anderson, will preach at the morning worshipJiinlii Mb day at llte the Y.M.C.A. CMftpel. Suaday School at 9 30 and Young Peoples’ League at 6:30 Missouri Synod Lutheran Stu dents will have an important meet ing Sunday at 6 p. m. ia the Y chapeL A. A M. C harcb ef Christ R. B Sweet, Minister Sunday 10 a. m. Bible and worship service. 7 p. m. Even ing worship , Wednesday 7 p. m. Prayer T*. sermon subject for Sunday g is “Erniess", for Sunday i, “In Your Patience Supply Godliness’. natural resources aad processing agricultural products. From the engineering agencies of the college H was recomaaended that investigation be made into the handicap pluc. d on Texas by patent rights held to the north and east, aad a survey of freight rates that penalise industry to thia section Development Of chemical industries in Texas can be expedited by co operation of A. A M. scientists. Public health as affected by engi neering also can be referred to the college by the State Health depart ment College technicians are avail able to assist in evaluating raw materials end minerals to deter- m their suitability for indus trial development. GOOP AS : NEW! % USED BOOKS r ■.* mclua* No need to cripple your finances npendlng a lot complete aeleetl text books ing everything yon need. They’re in A-l condition aad we can nave yon up to 50%. STUDENT CO-OP 2 Block* Eul •( P. O. V The first Corps dance of the i son will take place front 9 until twelve o’clock Saturday night in Sbtsa Hall, with Tommy Littlejohn and his Aggieland onhettr.k in the re, according to Bill Living ston, serial secretary Everyone m invited to attend the dance, which will b*gin after th. ha-kctbal; game. A numbev of Texan University co-eds, intr ;;rued by the controversy now being wag« l b. tween R. L. Dots, Battalion editor, and Pat Daniels of the Daily Texan, aa to the merits of the respective cage teams, will attend the game and dance aftarwaidto ' H I 1 THE HOUSTON A. A M.-CLUB will be given a rookie shower Sun day hy the Houston Mothers Chih, it wma announce! today by Jack Craig, club president IBrs. Paul Carrol aad Mrs. K. EL Jacoby will head the delegation that to ta charge of' the affair that is given annually. > l — FLOP COLSON HUMBLE SERVICE STATION NEW GAi PRICES Humble Regular U. 8. Motor 18* per gal 20* per gal. ■ a ■■—i luthkkan notice Kurt Hartmann, Pastor Lutheran services will be held Sunday at 7 p. as. in the Y parlor QUALITY AND QUANTITY FOODS Gctiaiae Mexican Chih ? ^Saadwkhcn Hot Chaco late lily Ice Cream TEX AS A. & M. GRILL North Gate LOST ^ ■ LOST: light tan feh hat left in \*nru.ture KnKinoenug lecture room Wedmwday morning. Please to Walton K-13. CHURCHES First Baptist Ckareh ta Bryaa . Willmm H. Andrew, Phat*>r Sunday Bchool. The Dsn Rueeell A. A M. Class at 0ri6 am.; Mora ing Worship, 10:80 a. i Training Union. 6 30 p. ing worship, 7:00 p m. Free busses to the church leave the Y.R.C.A. and iToject House area at 9:10 every Sunday man- ‘■“■t r Hl / Cr .m. i ilbn* feftptiM m.; luvcn- MiJU Patronin Our Afoit la Your Ofaniulion vruts HATIEOS AMERICAN-STEAM DRY <♦ CLEANE PHONE 888 Bl Plus Ire Cold Drinks Picnic Supplies Snacks | Aa* A CaapMa Ua* Of GKOCGRIES | AGGIELAND GROCERY Acnma from Exchange Store --.i FLOW ERS BY WIRE WE CAN SEND FLOWERS ANYWHERE Come By or CnH and Aak About It ! BRYAN FLORAL CO. 3 Blocks East of Courthouse ALLEN MYERS, Ex-Aggie Phone 266 Pierre and B. 25th BET READY For the Dances I J. Send Yoor Clothes TO U ■ LAUtERSIDN'S —— . We Can Furnish You With Everything i <y > I FROM SCHOOL BOOKS TO MILITARY SUPPLIES I. 'L fin [ 1 l ' ! T ’ New and Used Books i ; T T j T j ri 4 1 . j , . . ; Drawing Instruments QUALITY and Laboratory Supplies 4' . 4 i , ' Dependability EXCHANGE STORE “An Agjfie Institution” — L.