The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1939, Image 3
•‘I. t Battalion Sports Aggjgs COLLEGE STATION j'fnUlJARY10, 19SI - 4TAGB S FKBRl ARY !•, IfSI Comeback for Texas Lon^iorns May Be Result of Saturday Night Game Win Might Ruin Steer Hopes BY CLABKNCB LA ROCHE Mtar, TU Daily TtsaJ Wb«n the hard-bitten Texas ['Ik rfm oolhda with the rejavenated Unirersity of Texas Longhorn* Saturday, it wiU mark the crorkl point of the Steers’ comeback trail to the Southwest Conference bas ketball diadem. A defeat by the Cadets weald relegate Texas to the beatttkal chance’’ rsiegyily ▼trtually no chance at tbs _ T ■ ’imoumt tou, if LOCHINVAR Shi/tti- PUBLlX Are Sanforised Shrunlt . .. Hm wasrt thinp to wear when you asset *Hst Uisis .. whether the he ^cornin' through the rye - , or. — jest from PoE Sci. L Price $lja At your fsverite Dealer, or writ* PUBUX SHIRTS 75 Uonard St, New York C#fy For the Agfiee, tt will preeeat a flR*'set-up for an upeet victory over the favored Longhorns; and fjW that the gpae wiU he plsyt-d in their own bailiwick makr* the pre-game rating a toaa «p. Re gardless of the potrntcy of the Farmers, they aseer are cmche* to be defeated ia their owa gym- dam. 1 « - And a victory over the Steers would be dear to the heart of every Cadet, since it weald probably tarn the University ang ers into "also raas.” KKGULARS START lack Qmy, 1 Longhorn coat-h. probably will start the same crew against the Aggies that swept the North Texas series with S. M. U. and Texas Christian early this warit: Captain WQlit Tata and Thurman Hull, forwards; Denton Cooley, center; and Oran Spear* and Bouncing Bobby Moert, guards. Ihfc line-up will present two sophomores. Hall and Cooley, two juniors, Hoars and Spears, aad one senior, Tata. A possible alteration to this line-up weald be the injec tion of W. D. “Speedy” Houpt in the center slot in place of Cooley, and Elmer (Seahiseuit) Finley or Chee (One Hen Gang) Gram lb- in Hull’s forward post. In ('oob>y, the Steers are fea turing a story-hook athlete, for the six-foot Houstonian, a med iocre second-string Yearling last year, has developed into one of Gray’s most dependable scoring bets. In his first foil-fledged game, against St Edward’s Tigers, the big blond lad damped thiru-* i points through the basket for high honors; against the high flying Ponies last Monday ha loop ed nine; then came back Tvenduy to score four against the Frog* for a mean average of eight points per gnme. Against the Christians, Hull, tbs Battle former John Torietou flash, filially Used op to his offensive potential Htos aad meshed nine points. Hull had been playing in hard lock all season, his shots wire accurate enougbt but just wouldn’t sink into the basket; they'd careen tan til is iagly on the Hm and roll off. howls boy to otop The one man the Cadets nos stop, however, is the Steers' India Rubber Man, Bobby Moors. Moors •beer aggressiveness sad competi tive spirit has played a prominent part in the Longhorn coax His ball-hawking and hai tamed S. M. U. from a great finish team to a collection of jitterbug* last Monday. Moert is eapabit of aeoring a great number of points, should he go on one of his sooring sprees. He also is one of Gray's most dependable defensive player* and sticks closer to his man than Scotchman to a nickel. Spears is not the offensive man his four other starting team-mates but he definitely is Teas’ best guard. His work to date has left nothing to be desired by the Longhorn coach. In the St Ed * e, he held Ed Morris, one of the nation’s best basque leers, to two field goall, he blanketed Snip er Norton of 8- M. U. and Ben Ab ney of the Frogs mors effectively than these gentlemen have bo< n covered to date. TATE PERKS UP The fifth member of the starting line-up, Captain Tate, has been off his 19S7 and 19S8 form practically all season. In the Pony and Chna tion games, however, Thte indi- d he was about ready to pick ap where he left off last season, when he was one of the leading aoorers in the conference. STOP WITH US, AGGIES When In Hexme ECONOMY CAPE “Serves Only the Bent at the lowest Price*" MID-TERM JUNIORS J i i Bent in >Sorkm<inHhip on Your JUNIOR UNIFORMS - WHITE DANCE UNIFORMS ' Gtanuitecri Perfect Fit UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP Mend! and Horaak North Gate li - o Grudge Game Will Fill Memorial Gym Saturday Night Tomorrow night the fecund place Texas University quintet will In vade the Aggie gyma where they wffl meet coach ‘Hub” McQail- Um’s iucklees five in a grudge game that has been buOt ap to the point where both teams will be st a very high pitch Before the var sity game starta. the freehm quintets of both schools will play their anneal fray, which starts at 6:10. Sammy Dwyer, captain, of the Aggie qumt, has been declared in eligible. Scarbrough, a great Cadet player, failed to return to acb for the spring term. Both of them facte wiU greatly reduce the Ca- deta’ chances. Since this feud In-tween the Ag- gieo and Texas has been renewed. Texas hta upeet league-lead mg S. M. U. aad has barely esksd out a victory over the T. £ U. Frogs, who have not won a gaum. Big Itog"!Dawson, Aggie cen ter, says that the Cadets will fight their hearts oat to beat thorn high epping yellow-dhirted Texans. J. T. Lang says that he will play the game of his life against Jack Gray's chargee “Red" Carrigaa, who has been playing outstanding ball all season, wfll be in there st forward with his eyes glued on the NORTON SEEKS ANOTHER TODD P The ( iul> is will have a hard time stopping Bobby Moers, great Uni versity of Texas athl.<e, but It is to be remembered that ha is the man that was jarred loom from that football hut fall when the Aggies scored their six points. Pat Daniel*, ed.tor of the Daily Texan and Clarence l^lLw-R* sports editor of tbs same sheet, wfll be hen for the gaum. “CuebaU" Doss and “Jeep’* Oates will serve them ton during the half j w Coach Homer Norton looks over three Aggie gridsters who might fill the shorn of Dick Todd. They are, from left to right Bud Force, ’Bobu Smith aad Rill Cenatser. Farm is a fast hack who ia a goad srt passer asM a fair kicker; Smith specialism It speed; Cooataer gsteed fame thte ataaet with hie kkha “Interception” of Patrick by U. T. Is Cause of Chiding Bible at Meet Field Artillery Outfits Top Lists in Half-Through Intramural Competition There’s nothing like bn Arrow for breaking hearts Arrow white shirts, as sure-fire as Cupid’s dart, will do more to step up your good looks than any other article of clothing. Whits is always right, and goes well with all your suits and tka. DART Arrow's new white shirt with the Aromcovs loog wearing non in/r—collar that tamps you hand some all day. $US. , (i • J • TR U M P The world famous Arrow shift whiwc soft collar holds all mdu-vice records. $2. GORDON Arrow * double duty oxford ... a fins comfortable shirt for year round wear. $2- AH Arrow* have the MUtoga fit and are Baaforued Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than x%). ARROW SHIRTS BY TOM D ARROW AseteUat Sparta Editor The job I have before me is one that I always approach with fear and trembling, for no matter what I my or how tactful I ass, I get into trouble over the views ex pressed by this corner. Fee never intended to net as publicity agent for anyone, and I’vf always tried to be as fair as possible. The job I refer to is the oo« of sommenUng i the intramoral standfag* of the various organ!nations, and helping to interpret the figures. During the past week, complete half-year standings in both Class A and B were released for ail out* fits. In the Class A flag chase we find three Field Artillery battel leading the way aad setting the pace for the rest of the pack. C Field, with the well-known “Slick” Trapolino running things, ia 28 points ahead of 1 Hq. Field. two ootfits have been fighting it out all year, but so far "Slick” has got the upper hand on “Chick” Denny and his boys. B BATTERY HIGH Looking a little farther down the familiar WILL PAY tf EACH For your aaod 16# Air-Mail Special Delivery Stamps. Prempt remittance. Bead 1 ar 1M to Box 1164, CoDoga list we find that E Field in third place, just 28 marks away from the second place outfit “Woir Md nothin ia de termined to capture at least one of E Battery’s lost flags. They woo both flags two yean ago, and the Clam A flag the year before that E Battery has a habit of winning, and it’s a sad day ia the basement of Milner when an intramural team is defeated. Not only is E Battery in third place in Qaaa A, but they are in first place to Clam B. This is the outfit to stop now, but it's a hard job. In further looking over the Clam A hating*, the fact that there are six Field Artillery batteries to the first 10 teams, and than an egikt in the first 20 team*. In other words, every Field Artillery outfit oa the campus is found in the fint 17 outfits. The fint Infantry out fit found in the listings is in 16th place, and only two an to the fint 20. D and B Companies Eo- gineers are include to the first 10, but only one Cavalry ami C. W. 8. outfits an in the choMa 10. Then are six outfits that have a total of exactly sero, and H wtO be noted that all of than an day student organisations. Every single one of the Infantry day outfits made at least 60 or mote points. Then wars two Field Ar tillery, two Cavalry, eaa Coast sad one C. W. 8. outfits that failed to tally. By E. C, “JEEP” OATES I Batts Hob Sports Editor This column mentioned the fact that the “Bible Plan” intercepted, or rather stole, R. B. Patrick, stpr Yearling halfback last fall, from the Aggies. Itoe story was caught up and reprinted over the * Recently Bible visited Gahreeten and was carried high by exes from both A. 4 M. aad Tsana. The coaching tower that coach Norton used during the two yoan of his illness is no mors. The Ag gie mentor Celebrated his return to health this week with a fpw hefty swings with an eight pound maul st this tower and down it tom bled. With his retorn to health comes a new Norton, one that ha.* not been known hers. He is like n joung, frisky bull. His votes can bo heard for blocks as be roars out his inatructioaa. He is certainly not the meek fellow that ha bsea. Moat say day we are expect ing to go out and see him dressed in puds and doing a little playing The squads ape divided into two elaasee of three teams each. Jef frey, Kimbrough, Price, and Thom ason pre -in the first team back fold. Joe White aad Harby Smith are at ends. Boyd aad Pannall are GiC Aodiah ■»vi Robnett are fee guards. Vaughn is center. Duncan is alternating at end and Rerace Momr is alternat ing in the rear cordon.! The second *' team consists of. Constsar, Hall, Lugh, Spivey and no ip the baekfMd. Sterling and Clark,, a couple of freshmen, are runatog at tbs ends. Routt, Henke, and our old friend “Windy” Crawford are working nt tackles. Henry, Baeek, and Jardrll are hold in down the guards. "Golfer” Hau- r is centering. Third team—Force, Rogers, “Bn- a” Smith, aad Finis White, backs Jfkk Kimbrough, Hetman, Darby and Crowley, ends; Joeris, Ruby, aad MePhail, tackles; Reeves and Jardell, guards; Herman and Hold er, centers. You wfll notice that each back field has s man that is over 200 pounds ia it * • Sixty-seven men are out for spring training at this time. More will join the squad later on. Dasr- son to still playing basketball and Pugh i* unable to play at this LaRochs and Daniels of the DaUy Texan wfll bo here for the ball game Satarady night We are hop ing that everyone will enjoy their senea, but don’t kill the lugs. V TO An Aggie Sweetheart Sttoi , VALENTINE CANDY A Choice Selection Of King’s and Whitman's Are Now Available i CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY We pack and wrap for maile -'S F. A. TOPS CLASS B In the Ckas B standings the Field Artillery still leads with E Battery at the top aad seven other outfits to the first 20 teas**, There are five Field outfits to the first 10 places. B Coast to second a it poorn* that these fellows are out for blood, for they have a Class A standing of SM), or 12th. It is ia- tero*ting to note that an outfit’s standing in one class Is doeaiy paralleled by their standing in 1 other elm** The enthusiasm of the •erdassmaa to handed down to the underclassmen. In this class as well as in Class A, we find that there are a few outfits that have failed to register any point* in the standings so far. Here for the first that vrs note that the Infantry has an out fit w-h a mere count, and Service Battery Field Artillery keepe op the pace aet ia Clam A by failing to make a point — lUJiti FORGET! Toes., Feb. 14th VALENTINE DAY ■ Select Your Valentine* ’ NOW! Prices If to 25< CAMPUS Variety Store Our k>u night rates make it convenient to keep in touch with the home folks Re member your mother on Valentine Day. < all Long Distance for Rates V”. p TT * ;TT ]K Lfil • . \ 1 r Southwest Telephone Co. \ C : Bryan and CoDnt* AXXLAVHLY HALL tarnidHi esnify if Hn siitm ROSS Ckarlu ftittiniaftt •ttt Krtpr liiia Isppir f itncii “lesey Chita j MHw-Iiscm Ram ; Saturday Only Feb. nth . 12:45 P. M. —t VOU’tt A PINkV •mermt vbb: COULDN’T riMI CfMTRAlPMRM 1 B*OAD DAYLIGHT' I CAR RKT MV MAH... BUT It RATNKR BIT YOU. BEAUTIFUL! LOUIACAll air "Saturday Only Fab. Htb-l:M and 8:30 r.l x ]