The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1939, Image 2
PAGE 2 THANKS! EDITORIAL PAGE OP THE BATTALION \ Th. A 4 It to be hifhly concntaUUd Motbera dob of San \ntomo it ^ ^ • »>• »uUful poem, ktuUted oa itt far»ight«-dm in and * Q ** e * pottible, wy eome list* to beeuliful . r«a.Hontble thuyr ” poblicupirftednem in oontribotinc the" turn of lloo Non * of ****** * fcto t* could *>• <*«»• if foa wn not to the fund being raited for Mimm to the A * ** ***** **** hu ^** lu * d b, “ tI * ^ UTia * >MI < oooorb M, Library. \ to idl# » Mott Aggiee have long recognised the neod* of our Library. But no one ha* ever before done there is no time to eajoy the things that gtva living T— : aa ( n;:: , ^nr' 1 £:L^ previews and reviews FRIDAY, FEB. 10. 1«» What’s Showing Polhee, Thursday, Friday and of "Saily, Irene NHturday, "Pari* Honeymoon" with -THE BELLS BY RAT TREADWELL , Assembly Hall, Friday aigb 6:80; "Kentucky Moonshine" wHo , w -• ——— the Rita brothers. Ton* -Wart*, f “* tanu ta * Bing Crosby, Franciaka Gael, and and Marjorie Weaver. ^ lr ^ pktm * whicb u ker .-h.rley Roaa. A 80th Centory-Fo* pictare, pm- fir* leading-role film, but ki apite Palace. Saturday night preview TT' ur * ,,tue roor ° We Texans take net inordinate pride ta^WMMdJaekUlt,*, wRhlmw®^ meuntaineer story sad the stale “ A * 9 - Kt * rrio * V** 1 ** U^bm. • Fiar, as compared with the HOODOO or more the .tate-ita sise. its breadth of character ita >plen- Pollack * nd 8kh * T MitcheU fur- cracks of the Rita brother* who ap- A *T® b,3r ^ Thurs<la^ and Bbrmnea of many land-grant colleges not aa large dld ^ in heroie ita nishing the music and lyric* for pear in this picture to bo more like ^.Wy, “Rentocky Moorubimf*, “ ^ lhe Ubnr 7 tor f* r * tie to mU ch We have never felt them U anything ,OCh hlt * “ ^^ Over Ken- • trio of amateurnigbt hams than with the Ritx brothers. Tony Mar ^f anT^ n^^ ^ ^ *** of whkb ** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "<*-«» and Marjorie Weaver B. ref t 9 ^ mm } and 10 purchMe ,a * ntif ‘ c Rather we think that Jefferson Dari, voiced an **” Sw,n ^‘ i ^ waa their only eared- of the Rifl. team., work* and W-u — n «- ^ when he said to old Hood’s Texan. ^ picturB *** ln bria ^ to **•* iUbl * ftokh in spite of A**mMy Hall, Saturday after- ... J ^ www* araavaw imuuv much about the situation. Adequate funds era not r TlJV T’lT V AC D A Bute Legislature for the Library to l Ej/\/\0 D, provided by the Bute Legislature for the Library operate on proudly. On $30,000 or a little more ^ ’mi wi" w® think 1!™.^,!!!°?^ mrd ^ t - truth .h the often rehashetf hillbilly Impossible for it to secure enough copies of the most i n the Armv of Northern Virrini* 5 * f 70,000 V ° lum ** “ ‘ oth * r *^ >*” their mp^on’ to "Lke bul j# ^P 0 !" ^ Bonu good one the best that caa be purchased on the tf* of a* ^ . iwnotaUoo to main ^ ^ ,inc * tnoney aUowod-hut it ia deplorably small compared «paUUo« to mem- ^ ^ ^ to the quarter of a million copies that the Uoiverr *_ , _ the a* results th ally library has. 1 innumerous starts; so this picture noon, 12:4$, "Thanks for the , ta “ 0 10 T"**™ 1 or ^» a «Mk including Bob, ago and since then worn out by rule. Slim Summerville turns la Hops, Shirley Ross, ami Charles Hollywood, with the average performance but at ButU-rworth Aa to education we Texans have * wr-s that the story turns that it la fag superior to the pitiful Assembly Hall, Saturday night thirst for it a kit Uttariv n ^ * f ^ t “t to be na antique aa tha moon- effarta of Tony Martin who ia only 6:30, 8:80, “Fart Company" alar- The Cushing Memorial Library being in such a aJtioe that in the limited time in whu b w F hav Um ‘ H ‘ r " lh * m ** lve * ln •P*'* of • **»type ropy of aoma of the first ring Melvyn Douglas a d Florence d-Prate financhd condition, th. San .Xntomo had * .o,k ^ *>"« Wt - b y ,,( ’ ll * ck ^ tTP* rtars, and who Rkw. ’ - ‘ Mothers Quh baa taken a forward stop and com# to . n d with A. y ’ •“d M ‘t«hen and atmosphere dnjg. has never been more completely !? rrs ?** " ° *• U ‘“‘ •« h.™ no, yut b ’ ,rtb ‘ ■ k »" •«*»»*■ of this Quh. It gave the first H00 to the Union With enlightenment, a —L. -j ^ r ■*' ■—| —;—~ v» ■*«* vas*igii«*r(ui*wuw, • hafiUf« from oiaa — — ————^—— .JfiW^r4Ta ¥ --h-KNOWTODROMAE^ \ if It U to be boM that the 14 other Mother* one of quality as wall as #f guantity. We grant ’ —V ■ 1 sin AnLri^ir^ f0,1 r ^ ^ 700 U “ t * <k * r# * tnm *** of Texas BY BILL MURRAY the meeting., which era of the San Antonio Cl* Im. art.| *' I I ‘ is n<* the full equivak* of its countenmrt from An or^nixation that*, “differ- widJTv3y and of 7vei 7 Harvard or even of similar degrees granted by •*" *■ Urn Co.mopohun (Hub f . 7 the Stoto Univeraitie* of Michigan and Califom.a probably the moat international ' ’ ^ h , ‘ il member * We are not proud of that, we Texans We state It ueuaual club on tbs campus. * x times feel no hesitanca , ^ . ... ji i t I »imply as a fact And wa bend our en.rgies to ful- eartalnly one of tha mo»t in m vo,<anf their Economist* aU over the umntry may not come filling aa earnest hope that in tha n,«r passage t*re*ting A somewhat surprising fart right out and eay that American business is <m of time no youngster with a degree from our Its extremely worthwhile objec- * boul this organixation ia that, the batter side, but u> one sesing College Sution «Uvarsity or its sister senior institutions need Uvea *r* the eliminstaoa of whet ^"P't* tbs mixture of nationalities for the first time, it would surely bs hi* viewpoint fear comparison with an award of learning el*o ever prejudice and misunderstand- of *» members, its inerting a* that business in this dty, which is only a few months whert gained. We Texans are accustomed to took bar and lack of knowledge native held th « otim>#t friendship. Ia •Id, m batter than tha average dty of ita ajaa to forward, not back, pi I American student* at A 4 M. may * wr * 1 th* meetings consist of first HJ COLLEGE GROWS -H- bo found anywhere in the United States. world affairs, and forum diaeaasion _ ^ ] So it is with something of a shock that we hear P 0 "^ *» w»d about foreign stu- , P^»w — —- .— — m — — — Legislature importuned to Ireisu the require- dents, •and the substitution, to place •“d r ,— th» college proper as well a* the surrounding in- men to for the degrees of bachelor and of master of the ** 1 °f Increased knowlrdgv sbt,ut our 0 *' n and foreign coon- corpora ted sites of College Station. New rsddsnces of aft*, aa if the lordly pronouncement of the two ‘■‘derstending, and friendly rela- ^ •od custom* and events. Very to Collage Park, Oakwood Addition, and other r^si- houses can bestow learning or their may* tionshjps between the two groups '"treating was the friendly debate dential tections are being begun ovary day, to such of the shadow the substance -j of Rtudents. “>d discussion that took place be- a degree that the lumberman, electricians, plumber* j That this may be a part of the muddy think- ^ momU-r.h.p of this club in- tw **« ^ J^pan. se and Chinese and other workers concern.*! with e.frgBdtog pro- ing of our age and nothing new at all may be all ^des students from al over im the dab following tha gram should find College Station their Utopia. too evident to university faculties now. For they * lobt> ' n “* thort are mem- ,nitbr < »k off 1 the Sino-Japanese Even though College Station ia newly tocor- have seen to h public school system children *** r * ^ roni Mrxiro, Puerto Rico. u ar porated, it ia growing by leaps and bounds. ^ stu- pushed along to high school matriculation and Cllh,R • Aruba (West Indies), India, Among the many p« ople who tabs dent who was graduated from A 4 M. only a few aometimee to gradnation with no awe foundation 8 6TPt, Panama Republic and Pan- an interest to the club and help irhich their neod is grant. ** n * C* 1 ** 1 ZoM ’ England, Vene- with Ra activities we Mr. and Annually they have seen many bumtoed* of Texas SUeU ’ Chin *- J *P» n . P'>‘and, Peru, Mrs. M. L. Cashion, J. G. Gay, Mr. youngsters dropped from colleges Umt they never C° Ion d)ia, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Mrs. V. K. Sugareff, Dr. and should have entered. The Legislature ia asked to Co * u Ric *- Evador, Ecuador, and Mrs. George Summey terminate the dropping process but to do nothing °^ b * r *©artries. John A “*** “ “ about the lack of preparation. Wo are to provide But ^ membership is by no A. 0 Th# Daily Texan of tote has bean using some a degree that can only be a degree to the Pick- *•“* limited to foreign students. Ch terms in reference to Aggies whicb haw ih>l been wickian sense at no degree at all Yuli) aa many American aa for- Club flattering, to say the least Included are such _ Th* “Texas B.A!" You can imagine how they rign rtudent* are members Anyone Goodstein. .terms as “Boy Scouts,” “soldier boys," and- some will say it A Texan nrsking an I post e * D enter ^ riub who wants to. tog ooani “ w w ~ w ||.aauumin.ii Wild HO BUTV lOUnOSUOn years back would hardly find the surrounding area to the basic subjects of which their neod is great •f th* collage recognisable nowadays. TEXAN OUT OF STEP Jr* Dr. A E. Clark, and W. the Cosmopolitan this year is Alvin ibers of tha manag- - • li I ■ , T - V- o - . _ J|HL^ T , are P. J. Stoeh, T. which are not even that pleasant |,\ elsewhere will be ashamed to claim the origin of Thi, club k one of tho eaatort G, Hal, J. F. Fonts, Gilbert Mi- Imagine bow eortarrmssod Texan Editor Pat M* degree. Our wiucstional ■rn-ladt will bo one eiub " u> J° in an d to remato a mW»: Chalk, F. WL Kahn, and Jerry But Daniels must have been when he read this pnr»- whh a beer baronetcy, a shallow pretense to merit ** of any oa the caenpos. It la ler. graph in hia awn newspaper: (W as this will be to learning. ] one of the very few that collect no The club has high hopes for the “Dr. J. A Fitagerald, dean of the School of -DALLAS MORNING NEWS dues or membership foes of any next semester's activttka. One of sort; for it is sponsored and main- the first moves will bn a drive for Business Administration, declared (before a legtsla __________________ tiva committee) that as an officer at the University /-v 'KJ a • s s • he thought The Daily Texan'a “attack on A 4 M (Jll iNatlOnal AffairS disgraceful." He declares that The Texan tained by the “Y" a* a t. M. C. A activity. large Starting with tha principle of pr<«. hotter understanding between for- rm-mi sign and native students, its scope mem ia unlimited. There is scarcely any togs •mm K^pr.p.n.d. mi . dlMorud By DK K , LlIDLl . M attitude on the question. , MORE ON SPAIN “ The boys of A. 4 M. are the flower of Texas -n. w * ?.* PA i„. 1 H manhood ’ he said *’ ^ monarcky ot Alfonso XIII was replaced topic that cannot be to the spring of 1831, to ah entirely bloodless revolu tion, and a republic was ins tits ted. The government 11 1 . i . i’LlxSi.t: Z COLLEGIATE REVIEW to make it one of the dubs on the campus. At it numbers around 1T5 . Anyone is welcome aa a and to interest of meet- would certainly be well at repaid for his attoodanca. VILLAGE PHILOSOPHER Li ... lt. '.n, 7 V Somewhere either in rmlit* nr is tk. M iJ »d»inistrataons. The first administration. 1831- * the imsginsUon you have seen the rl 1 " ^ ^ * Hbw,1 ^ U ,r4med “ con ,f y (>u v< - uld lik *- ^ h vw it cannot read thorn. He dwells among 7*7*^ ‘ tlUUl( ’ n ‘O' B*ligioi\ was ^,tolll,l ,J. I-U to ^ a college prertdmt, Dr. rtmtoat. whom h»tatopr. t.know, in Ihr U Z*"? t ^ Wh0 1 , U u t h U compulsory education provided for (Alfonso’s Spair H> ^ h C°®I» Hutchison, of Wash- but he ia chained by bis responsl- w ?!? h 1 h U h * ***** MJr ^ Europe—45%), woman sufferage establish.*! di- ha! ‘ hl * conception of the consideration of him and their ****•■ J IN vorcemsdo easy, «id labor p^^meiitu!- ^ J]: juvenfl* fear of ‘apple, shining*. Oa You sometimes wonder if he doesn’t have the path* to the rewards ot industry. In accordance **• Hutchtoon, who was grade- Uvea a Ufa of abundant praise, a- sted from Lafayette to |918, says: bunds** criticism, abundant loyal- . — *»« wesv smwaaxvM vi stltlU-“ UT y. in vUrClMriCM ri»ht Mu tlUt >11. H. never Menu In to hnnor. wiUi tkln coiutiUiUon. the •dninivtrUinn Kt .bout •nd M. ^..y. the center of .Unction In n fooup. dl »te»r of rriomu, cuttin* derm the o.errrowo , Maybe too few p^-ple forget to stop a moment and power of the church, trying to provide land for the wor, d- To have constant and parma- thing. But he to “It ia the greatest job to the ty, abundant fun, abundant every- ‘ Ilka a donkey to death between T - - - -1 ' — —" -..v. .... v. vrcuvi uuauivdjr, WW •SWlXUSVrSUOn — —V -- '— — j——w i r * asked to suddenly atop whatever they were doing consisted of libtrmls and mteUectuals who were fl * tlllt J r - bo live among tbeae choke and sit down to think a moment The debutante not nolitin.n. . _w;i. ■. t _ atodento at the time of their vto- rant aotivity and maturing aspira * cw V"*'* uu atop h momeni ana power of the church, trying U»‘provide land for the wor,a - 10 consmni ana p« rra* min) just sit And when you really coma to think of it, peasants, retiring extra array officers, and •* on all Dent conUft with tho fine and whir what would th* majority of poople da if they were along the line. Unfortunately, the administration !4 n 'l H ‘ re d minds of aa emtstaadtog taro M.Hk(*aI t/) Minn ’■rVlAiPVAr tKaiv wmwss A*ii*%*f *—w a -M Iia a_ > • . « fto^nltv tn IfWrt *mrsftav tkssrtA rYuxirg* * a moment The debutante not politicians, and their reforms, while well-in would mentally go ovar the guest list for her theatre tentionod, were not carried far enough. . party. The busineaa man would no doubt grt out his | liberal government gave way to a Rightist t ‘ on *’ 10 to to sad fro among the rmervative) one. which lasted, in various •cbieving atomni of ^ great eoltoge >f a great col the kind of The Battalidn pencil and paper and figure his income tax, and (conservative) one, which lasted, to various eom- the housewife would plan the next day’s menus, bmanons, from 1933 to Februaiy, 1936. This ad- * Worit \ None of them would, you may be sora, just sit idly, ministrstion was an oppressive, reactionary one. It wh ° tnwU< * i ^ k *U that and perhaps dote. | triad to undo all that its liberal predecessor had I “ n eo * ld ^ tot * *•***’ Life has become such a complicated affair that done When the socialists revolted ifLsperation *?!?**** nonce. they crushed .ia, te. l_ rf 1^, U_. Op- ^b h, itedc.btet. position to the administration was put down by tor- . . . p d 1 u ^ Km W * r * plenty. Be live, ^.h L 1L. Entered u Mccnd due Batter at the pntofScc . T1 " thlrd “* mln “ tr * U ' >n 0, r cb ui ’l'C*n S p ^ n i. ^ ^ boolu, but at College Station, Texas, under the Act of < on- ^ pr ^« nt government, although the greas of March 3, 187.' present administration differs somewhat to metn- Subscriptiol rate*, $2 a year. bership and composition from its original to 1986. OffSc* 1 'to***Room* ^"Administration building- ° n Tur8<U r» worn there may not Telephone College & Night phone College 699. ** * loyalist government by tha time this appears Represented for national advertising bar Nation on Yriday.) This administration was elected to al Advertising Service, Inc., 480 Madison Ave., New February, 1936. The preceding, Rightist adminis- York City. tratien lost to a close vote to that election: 4,838.449 A L DOSS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF votes to 8.W6J81. The winners made up a l opuUr W. H. SMITH ADVERTISING MANAGER Front, or Left, or liberal govenuam*; but they James Crits, BUI Murray Managing Editors were not a socialist or communist group. Of 4T8 George Fulton, A C. Knetear Asst Adv. ‘ ^ •»- ■ -- A C (Jaap) Oates Tom Darrow Assistant Sports .Associate 1 FOR SALE beam at Callage er In Bryan. J. . BINNBY Coilege 288 Bob Oliver, Wayne Burk nMi Golman J. a Dints Den McChcsney, E. G. Howard * - ^ C. F. DeVUbis* TUESDAY STAFF ■Bar i L A Thompson — Bob Nisbvt, A J. D. G. Burk. J. A. mgmg rxmori were not a socialist or communist group. Of 4T8 ^ th* parliament, only 16 were Commun- Sports F-ditoI T 4 *- Th * C^Wnrt had not a stogie Socialist or Com- ociata Rditors “ uniat k A The backers of this Popular Front ad- Huff Photogtapher ministration include many political groups repub- Cirtulstion Mtnsger hcans, liberals, democrats, socialiste, eotamuniste, anarchists, and syndicalists; and many f*r«m the freemasons, most of the dergy, most of th* landless, moat of tha peasants, most of tha workers, most at the middle class, and most of th* Intel 1.^ Circulation i Editorial Junior Editor BB(1M J. 8. OY^onnor, Thia administration was formed to February, u. o. r-rtetete. r m Stedte^u^. cS3f. FRIDAY IFAFF L ' '^_ Fasoste, the poUUcally minded Cathalka, soma of iHnHEWzkiSiidift^Sh - **. r?" *»• C. M. Wilkinson Frank Phelan, H. G. Tolbot, K A. Shield., , ' t . "• 0. A Lopea. J. P. McGarr. Jack Handerson, Billy d,v " i0n ’ therefore, Clarkson, L A Newman, Jr, Max Perkuu i •fhkrt nutecracy. Win Her HEARTFELT THANKS With A Bottle Of Luoien LeLong Perfume $1.50, $2.50 and up See Our aBagipy Une Of [ VALENTINE CARDS SANKEY PARK mmia . »«?« Watches — REMEMBER BOYS: One way to make her remember you alt hone b you are far away te to send her a bij box Valeatine candy. Com look at o«r sel tion «f candies by: • {king PANGBIRN GALES WHITMAN’S THE AGGIE LAND PHARMACY 8 A X-E T <• “GOOD” ICECREAM j D 4 1 Bryan Dairy Store 1M A 26th i Bryaa i 'f • ^ . AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS Want Bay It With _ __ • THE CO FLO Bergman n A 21 Milner Ph. CoL 482 Ph. Col 425 Let Us Help Her ADMIRE YOU By Sendiag Her . I s ' * Your Picture AGGIELAND STUDIO W s ^ ,,h( d<HD- : «ph.s of Diatiactlon Kodak FMhin, Picture Frames AMAZING NEW • a' NOW AUTOMATIC See this amazing advance in modem GAS COOKERY) J U H» f ■; N Mere s the greatest thing you could »]• in cooking perfection . . . thffngw Magic Chef CP Range. Any modern range with • -CP seal has to meet 22 high performance •tandards. But Magic Chef goes even farther, with 30, including such exclusives as the famous Swmg-Out Broiler and Rod Wheel Oven Heat Iwgulator. More value for your money in con- venience and economy. HERE'S HOW YOU SAYS < | CBBa "‘ U Valve **•- FOOD. No rmw-wsek. No trels top bvwars frem high *Prtl*d lead to threw heal to stomesr. Ovea • w *r. "Wstertess" reeking ibb In it ins It^BrntarB it ^ vtftttMtt wtihtBl kMt tow as 2ts*. hmetoltoa ••'dlaastoa. prpveats heal lam. WORK. I tutor ahto tray far to R. T. Denney & Co. Inc. Bryaa, Texas / licuftc Che/ SUPER ;