The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 24, 1939, Image 2

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Thia week we received
Forum, writher of which la
The reeaoo they ana not being pointed is be-
cauae the writer* did not comply with
staff • requirements f«r accepting
greatly red Seed. The new appioprmtion ahoald take
into account thia predictable increaae in enrollment,
to Student * lnc ® there ia no ileaaaw for assamiag the upward
trend srill he rereraed.
of America at ita laat convention voted not to hack
Letters sent to Student Forum mast be signed the annual nation-wide college peace strike.
with the writer's full name or they will not be used *
If you hare something to any, surely you think BLUE KEY. NATIONAL HONORARY FRA-
enough of it to allow yuur name to ba used. Anj if ternity will bold ita 1M0 national convention at Ksat
you don’t, are dont. State Univerally in Ohio.
attending U. 8. colleges and universities srill be
i / ; j f honored
It haa been rather conclusively demonstrated ,
that in public education the people get what they
pay for, and no more.
by the Elks National Foundation after
3 n> petition.
There ia no magic formula by whtoh scholastic ^ worU ^ G „ y Herbarium of Harvard Uni-
standarda may be raised. It can be done only by
spending money for—proficient instructors, and by
providing proper educational equipment.
The people of Texas need to examine the finan
cial structure of the 16 institutions of higher learn
ing which are maintained with their tax moBey.' «
they have serious shortcomings. It ia not difficult
to find the reason. ! ,
Facts developed recently at a meeting of preai-
dcsita of these colleges and universities at Austin
nead to be understood by all those citisens who are ■ ■
learning on a basis of equality with the moJt^effl- Dr. T. F. Mayo’s Column
cleat systems in the country.
1 It was explained at the Austin meeting that The most universally respected men of letters
Taxes college and uuirersitiea are given meager in the world today, so far aa I know is Thomas
financial support in comparison to those of States Mann, the German novelist, author of “Budden-
where the most efficient machinery of higher eduea- brooks", “The Magic Mountain”, “Joseph and His
boa has beea developed. ' Rrnlhars", * r
veraMy owns 964,704 plant speciments.
student, baa traveled 12,000 miles “by thumb” in 16
stalks during the laat three yaars.
■cancer in the world has been established at the
University of Chicago.
: ! 1 -‘ ■
Tweight and tomorrow’ at the For thia particular show. Hotly-1
Palace is ahosriag Moulin Rouge wood’s pretty boy
Revue ia addition to the feature mean length
ptetare. It wiU &e the first appear- earns a mean!
siioc ia thia territory of the troupe, even the Dead End Kids,
which according to adraac* notices Fresh from being transformed
ia a good show In the vaudeville from the dream of every anemic
3f t * on K female into a swash buikliag priae-
Pnlaea Tharaday, Friday , fighter and typical American
>y Frew hair af aa
Ms chant and ha-
» 1 young hero, §L T. keaa to tha ex
“Stand Up and Fight.” A Metro- tent of scrapping with the toiwWe
Gelderyn-Mayer picture starring who plays only one of reie
Wallace Beery and Robert Taylor kut does it well, Wallace Beery.
m^res^° Dk^tS'b/’w^S B "* d ° n Porb “
DrtTn Pr^T^i tv " - - ‘ 8t * ad U P ““ 'W * -*»rT
DHR II. Produced by Metoyn ^ ^ im, ta li^t of the bitter
The Cast:
Captain Boas Starkey
the railroad sad'
w&g and 60 feet aide, tgreater
tinp pod in tho
boa has beea developed. Brothers”, “Young Joseph”, and “Joseph in Egypt”, THE ARCHERY CLUB Physics Building, members ere Southern states. It eras built al
The State of Texaa, during the year of 1936-37, all of which are hereby recommended. BY BILL MURRAY taaght the fundamentals of marks- seven years ago at a valuation of
spent 3.76 per cent of Ita total revenae for higher Herr Mann, driven from Germany by bis anti- A " would b * Robin Hoods, at- manship, proper care of archery $90,000. The “New York 'Times"
education. Missouri spent 8.48 per cent, Wisconsin pa thy toward the anti-{democratic Hitler regime, has t * ntion! Here’s your chance—if gear, and construction of individual stated that the peol is good
7.96 per cent, Iowa Si* per cent, California 8.76 per recently been delivering in the United States a you t » k « P* rt iB the activities of items of the gear. In addition to the f #r ^ hundred years more
cant, Illinois 6J» per cent end Minnesota 4.16 per lecture entitled “The Coming Triumph of Demo- **»• Tax “ A. A M. Archery Club, night meetings there are to be oth- — . ^ de ^ fpom
cent. eraey”. In the form of a little book of 65 pages thia one of the youngest organisations er meetings of part or all the Club j,, feet ^ ^ 10
■ It coats every citisen of Texas 89 cents for high- finest of all of defenses of democracy ia now avail- on U* 1 * °a m P u *- Though started during the day; there are. for such ^
er education per year. Missourians pay 78 cents, abW ia the Library. It ia a book which, I think. *“t this past fall, ft has got off purposes aa practice ia the handl-
_ The director is the guy who waat-
BUko Cantrell . Robert” Taylor ^ «; 000 ' 00 * •» “Marie Aatoi-
Seaan Griffith Floreace ’Rice •« tt *
Amanda Griffith Helm Broderick The show U said by those srho
Am..; i ■ ha. - Be kford hare seea ft to be gtH>d^'- .
[iJrf; .1 - ,1 ? 1 I-
2 —t—l H
Did you know that A. A M tions for more tbaa 600 spectators,
has the biggest indoor swimming Here take piece ell the local swim-
pool in the South? Well,tit does. ml " r * ad dhrta « ia,tr * 1 —, ***
w .. ts. T P w>t * r P 0 * 0 oont *“ ta of U** Aggie
Ma to m , . 100 f , teem*, and also the aaanal State
NatatoHum, Itia 100 feet , wimminr ^ dlv4nK
td 60 feet wide, 1 greater ^ ^ M , r .t.^by A- VlL
in recent years through tha ef-
forts of swimming coach Arthur
ahire riflemen hare won S3 matches
in 24 starts.
eitiseoa of Wisconsin $2.10, citisens of Indiana $2.00, srill be one of the famous documents of oat time.
CaUtetuia $1.70, citiaena of Minnesota $1-57, and I n the face of the apparent triumph of the '’ hip of
eitiseoa of Illinois $1.07. ! “dictator" idea In con tern poem ry world politics.
At the Unireraity of Texas, the ratio of atadents Thoma , Mann believes not only to the rightness of
per teacher is 18.9, and at A. A M. collage R ia democracy but in ita 'ability to win out In the long
• 16.3. At Cornell university, which maintains the over a| other ,sterns and political phileaophies.
highest scholastic standards in tbs country, the Two or stand out ia his little paper:
ratio is ons instructor for aach 6.5 students. Tha - , . . ., , ,
University of lUtooto ba. one teacher f or each 8.6 . iV D ** I '° Crmry * ** ^ which i.
atudents, and the University of C^iforni. one up " B ,or hum * n bein «- AU
outer systems look upon man as means to some
as raw material to be moulded by some person
. . ... , . . . . age depth of about 7 feet, u con-
a good start, with already a ing of the bow and arrows, target 7~. .urwi
nborship of more than thirty- shooting, ovmg, bunting, flight ^ u £ n the
Mi V?*: n “ te ^- ^tor w. drink. The water Is regu-
Anyene is eligible to member- Tto Club hopes to arrange match- lu . ly and frequently ftet both,
ship In the Club. It consists of two ea with archers of other colleges, . . . - * - . .
groups, one of Aggias interested for the coming spring. Health, in order that th<* water
in archery, the. other a general The Club la planning a number 5, i^.pt absolutely bee of
group of all other persons living of worthwhile activities for next harmful bacteria. The waifr runs
on the campus or to its riclnity semester. Spring, the time for the continuously through a fiftrating
who are interested in the sport, mo* .peasant shooting, wiU soon Md chlorinating system. Both the
Club officers and teams for nolle- bo here, and it ia hoped that many tbTroom are taaintain-
persons." Only ^moc^'r^anU^; A « ,M " in ^ *<« x «ta«e of this .t . constant temperate of
. * ® man aa an end in himself. Democracy alone values ,tad "'V rrOUf ’’, b " t aU members opportunity; for archery ia a fine shout 80 degrees,
in the other State. Uw> Mmoriea, national power a. merely m * y Uke ^ ln lot ‘ 1 m * UhM on * ^ <‘* T * ,0 P« » kfll ‘ nd Alt the <toep end of til* pool
Tex “ iifktrumerits by means of which every man may be Th * Pun>osea of the Club era. In manual dexterity and sre » low diving board aboto three
. _ „ . ■ - r freed and stimulated for development into the best folkiwing: to draw ah.p in ajtoition to being an enjoy- f^ t above the water and a high
oxpensnre $166^. Tb* most expensive ot other ^ ha ^ it m him ^ become. together all thooe who have had able pastime. oae about ten feet above, loth of
States IS Cornell, where It coats tha State of New ^ 1 1 , an interest in archery; to provide. The organization la sponsored by the sturdiest construction Around
York $714.40 per year for each student enrolled. The - P )“ : F ?* dom ' ae a group, those element, that Dr. Nat H. Godbold, .instructor in p^l\re seating accwnoda-
leart expensive collet a»Uide th. State of Texas is J ” tl » would \s miaamg were th. arch- the Phy.ic. Dep^pnt and alto ^
Louisiana State Unireraity. where the pm- Student “ ^ P 00 * 'T* 1 * “ ^ er, te act indepehdenUy; to .mate, operator of the CoUege Archery
teacher for aach 1L4 students.
The average coat of instruction par student en
rolled in eight Texas colleges ia
average for a doaen institutions
is $368.56. Tbs most' expensive collage in
costa the State $201.60 per stadent, and the least
concerned about. No movement can become widely
an interest and bring into tha or- Range at the North Gate. Club
coat ia $279.60.
Per capita student coete in Texas have decreased K»niaetion those who now have officer, are Wealey Perkin., preai
steadily Economical administration and conserve- ln « 10 *‘' e * rrc * t * r <l * Kree of * ocU1 ,nd fC<>nom ‘ c uttie ot no knowledge of the sport, deal; C. F. Hussey, viee-pmsident;
tion of SU* funds kave made it -possible to main At the meetings, held twice and Jack Walstad, aecretary-treas-
tain the older institutions and increase the number Therefore, Mann writes. Democracy in our day, moathly on Monday nights in the urar.
• of unite in the State college system at an extremely if it iai to win back such support aa it haa recently , j] ™1 “ T ’ ■*
low coat to tha taxpayers. Tha State appropriation 1°6* ti> Dictatorship, must clean out of its own back — ■ ■ ■ . . . ' . —
per student haa decreased from $509 in 1926-27 to yard whatever litter of plutocratic injustice may ¥ 1?|^I AT 1 !? RV'VIV'W
$148 for the present year at A. A M. college. have accumulated there. Democracy, he thinks, srill V/LiLjJCA¥A.J\ A E!i RbEi r M.CjWW
The Legislature now meeting in Austin soon triumph over the dictatorship idea of pro riding to -
srill face thd problem of making appropriations foi *11 classes that it can remedy, by Its osm democratic
' higher education’s support during the next two years, methods of reform, the glaring inequalities and
Educators and friends of higher education be- Injustice* that exist at present in democratic eoun-
lieve the system of making appropriations o«* a per tries like the United States,
capita basis, aa was done during the past two years,
ia the fairest and moat satisfactory financial
yet devibed.
j The Legislature should follow that
making appropriations for the next biennial _
its members should bear in mind two highly Impor- he Unite and regulates it sociattatieally, for it is by ) 1 responsibilities over the week-end.
tent point* One is that the per capita allowance suck means that be tabes the wind out of the aails GERTRUDE D. 1 1 KABODY, IN Boys were tenderly helped into
now in effect is. too low. It does not allow colleges of fascism and bolshevism slso ” a lecture to the class in Freshman cars by their female escorta,_ who
and universities to employ a sufficient nuafber of I ■ r In other words (if one may venture to rephrase Orientation at Temple UniveaMty. carried their purses for a reason
instructors. It dees not allow them to pay salaries such a giant writer aa Thomas Maan: The Dictator »* id that it is bad etiquette lor a other than ornamentation. And
which srill attract outstanding educators and keep says to the poor and oppn-sed classes. “I srill give ^ irl . when asked by her cecort cashiers opened their eyes whea
them ia Texas, which is necessary to assure out- you economic justice if you will surrender your w hat she would have, to aay “How they saw girls pay for the enter-
standing ac ho las tic achievement. The per capita liberty to me.” The New Deal replies, “Let ua much hare you got?” tain men t.
appropriation should be raised aa much aa the State's arrange oar democratic system so that you may * « ~~
finances will allow, at least sufficiently to place hsvy economic justice .and yet ksep your liberty
Texaa on a parity with other States of comparable also.”
resources and wealth. Perhaps, in centuries te come; Communism and
During the past fire years there has bean a 10 Fascism may be remembered by historians chiefly
per cent increase in enrollment every year in Texaa as tha passing threats which forced a Democracy
institutions of higher learning. Appropriation*, how- grown fat aad sluggish to awaken to its economic
ever, have been made on tha basis of enrollment responsibilities—to guarantee economic justice to
during the year whea the Legislature it In isssion, everybody—to protect the weak against the strong
and not in anticipation of increases during the fol- la money Blatters, just as its police already protect
lowing two years. the cripple against the bruiser, the unarmed citixen
Thus, the par capita appropriation ha* been against tha gunman.
Barber Shop
Of All Kinds .
For Everybody In
The Family
Jewelry Store
Texas Christian University news- a “Corrigan Week-end” last Satur-
paper, T. C. U. receives its great- day and Sunday. In order for tha
This sort of democratic hoose-cleaning ia what eat bundle of mail from A. A M. girts to be ablo to show their “ap-
the fairest and moat aatiafactory financial setup »frt Mann thinks the New Deal is trying to carry n,, postmaster th, r. report, that preciation" and for the boy. to be
arocwAwv. tw <>Ut -Pn.aVite no v . the Aggies write long and often aad able to see how it should be done,
procedure in Kranklia D. Roosevelt”, he writes, ia—a true . TT . _ _ . . ... .
lienniutn. but friend and a genuine servant of liberty even when «*■* ^ *•» th « ™-« 1 * * t B*Y>o r reversed their
highly Impor-
COFFEE CLUBS 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Highway 6 at Coif Virginia Dibrail
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57.50 Pair
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And School Supplies
J. C. Penneu Co. IncT
I . Hryan, Texas
Office ia Room 123, Administration BuiMiny
Telephone College 8. Office open from 11
ontil 4 p. m. daily.
Represented for national advertising by Na
tional Advertising Service, Inc, 420 MadiaoS Are,
New York City. , . i
Entered as second class matter at the poet office
•• m - at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress
on March 3, 1879.
Sabocription rates, $2 00 par year
Advertising rates upon request.
Bill i Payne, James Grits
Managing Editors
George Fulton, B. C. KnatoST ' I J. C. Diets
. Assistant Advartiaing Maaagam j- Circulation Manager
E. C (Jeep) Gate* ; Sports Editor Don McChemtey. H. G. Howard
Bob Oliver, Wayne Stark , i, -1—' Circulation Assistants
■ Associate Editors s i Cl F. DeVflMm. Pn
Philip Qolmaa Staff r FRIDAY STAFF
TUESDAY STAFF C. W. Witkineon Juni
Tom Darrow..
Bill Murray-
A. G. Warren
Sports Assistant Ray Treadwell _
Junior Editor L E. Thompson
Editor Fsusl Eetelsen.
R. H. Ingicfieid, Foster Wise. A. J. R
g. F. Davenport, J. W. Jenkins, L. J. Wi
Junior Editor
..Junior Editor
—- Junior Editor
B. F. Rogers, M. G. Fuarmann, H O. Tel bo t, Frank Phelan, J. F. Henderson, Billy Clarkson,
Lewis CheraUlier. E. A. Shields, J. A. Stan sell. L. A. Scholl, Mason Jonas. G. W. DeArmond, Jr,
L. A. Newman, R. W. Burchfield
R. W. Geriieh, W. C. Regan, R. L Adams
“An Aggie Institution”