The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1939, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
and Bophomorw are •upposed to b« in thatr rooms.
1 Several incidents lately bate shown clearly
Today ^^ w^oT"nd1ct^h ( ^"^:; , d^en^w^
•wvrrnor of Texas in the moat colorful ceremony ^ ar# (K)t #nforCe<1 ,* W(Hlld ^ far
T *** l t hotter, of coarse, II tbe bearing down coold L ©nl|
. Hr. O'Danicl’s career baa been one which puta upm ^ in4WidutU . But that is impossible !
Alger baroee to shame. Starting his life handicapped ^ to the ^ r ep rW entation of A. ft Mn
financially and lacking in higher education, Texas there are undoubtedly some in the group who should
■ew governor worked hi* way through a busmaaa ^ ^
Mftool before entering th.) commercial world. Commandant Moore has pointed out tbe impos-
The phenomenal success he has met with in,g||)ifj 0 f having all tbe places around tbe college
buataeea is well known to everyoM. In Louisiana • >( | 1C( . l i» by 0. D.’S and has aaid that mainUininK
and Kansas^ before coming to Tezns, Mr. O'Daniel that regulation is within the authority of cadet
made a name for himself as an organiser of business. 0 ff ieert . We believe tbe authority should be used
Qn the lips of everyone daring tbe gubernatorial 1 f 1 ^ ■ !
: education system
Tegas working for “tbe other fellow" Mr. ODaaiel '
Histor>’ Repe«t« But In A fity That’s Not So
What’s Showing
Assembly Hall Taeadsf and^day: “Too Hot to nandle'',
Clark Cable, Myrna Loy, Walter
Pidgeon and Leo CarriU| (R->
viewed to-day).
Palace Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, “Kentucky", Loretta
Young and tidurd Greene."
<Wi led to enter tbe industry on bis own, offer tbe
pwMie a mw product and attempt to build an enter
prise of importance. This be did.
- His hoSMty philosophy appealed to 600,
Texwna, enough «f them to win him tbe go
chiir in tbe first primary.
■ • Of eeurae Mr O’Daniel has made and will
mistakes all kuman beings do. But in face of
great success in business, his popularity with
people of Texas and his sticking by cam
promises, we all owe the new governor our suppo
In attempting to carry oat the aims which be sft pises of scientific
end which tho people of Texas approved.
We have been aware that there is something
radically wrong with our school gyatem for a long
time, the sarcastic indictments of'it coming from
H. Q. Wells, the terse criticisms of .'Alexis Carrel, the
dogpmtic assertions of Henry <J. Link, and the
swashbuckling disregard of eduoftTr nal precedent
on the part of Rob* rt M. Hutchins have helped to
potad deeper into the public consciousness an ever
education is not
growing aospicion
higher education. .. P
Now that suspicion has been confirmed by a
tific research that. leaves no room
for further doubt. The recent report of the Carnegie
Institute for the Advancement ofj Teaching, which
covered the activities of over fifty-fire thousand
students, disclosed some astoundiag facts.
First, its test4 indicated thart far from show-
ing progress, some college students actually showed
intellectual retrogression during their courses.
Second, the amount of knoffedge and mental PREVIEWS and REVIEWS
alertness possessed by various Individuals seemed -
The Board of Control’s recommendation
legislature for expenditure on higher education
Texas during tbe next biennium speaks for
The Board notes that it has exercised its
estimate of legislative wishes by redaeing the total to bear no relationship whatever to their position in
requests made by the Board of Education by some school. Many freshmen were far Superior to seniors
f J per cent, a comment that may occasion no er- who were planning to graduate from the institution
tkuaiaim on the part of that body. For it is a logical in which they (the freshmen) h|d just enrolled,
assumption that the Board of Education aaks for thi( Third, many teachers were discovered to be con-
faatitulions under its supervision more than H is aiderably below the intellectual level of the people
expected to receive, it follows that in addition to whom they were supposed to be teaching,
a cut by the Board of Control another may be anti- All this shows that we have suffered from a-
ripe ted in tbe Legislature. lack of constant critical examination of tbe ends u u ^* r
Approximately 120,000,000 is recommended for of higher education and the coordination of means
higher education for tbe next two years. Of this in order to attain those ends. (
amount, practically half goes to all activities of The ing most undergo some profou
University of Texas, Texas A. ft M^ snd the Junior tore they will be prepared to
A. ft M.'s, tbe remainder being divided among dynamic and changing sod
twelve senior state schools.
That lengthy table of figures speaks eloquently
for tbe multiple unit character of our present higher
education program. The
logical enough in endaavoring
carry out tbe moat practical plans for university
and college schools under present theories, is silent In s brand new Library book on “Mlcropedol-
witaoaa, too, to tbe inadequacy of support for all of ogy” (weird title!), I found the following passage
the A. ft IL College Experiment
Station chemistry department, and
state chemist, has accep
vitation to pri'il"
titled The Relation
to Live Stock Production'
animal husbandry soetkm >of the
Southern Agricultural Workers A*-
aociation in New Orleans, La., on
Feb. L Dr. Fra pa has beefi reap
pointed general referee on fertila-
i*rs for rj!9 by the Association of
Official Agricultural Chefcista.
- ■■ -■■■-w -
uNmmsmr of. Chicago
word-technicians have been work
ing for a long time low o| a new
American-English dktionayy, and
they’ve come scrota a M)ple of
facta that may be of Interest to
you. For 'fajutMies:
They've found that see.of tbe
• word “co-ed" was first dfade in
1893, and first got recognition in
tbe oM “Independent" in )907 in
■ ■ ♦ this sentence: “The felloes in a
“Too Hot To Handle* produced role that suite him to perfbctHn. body may laugh at the co^-ds yet
by I-awn-mi- W,i w rt,n. Di^cUd Myrw U,. .n ^>h, to
by Jack Conway. Based on a stoty regard to holding np tbe feminine aeAat M a bit of a leftihanded
by Len Hammond. Screen play by lewd of the picture, shows her heels etiquette linin' for os, to.|
Lawrence Stallings and John Lee. and climbs another ring in the And the '“college widow'* is giv-
Cast of Characters ladder of fame. \ «> recognition with this de^nition:
Clark Gable Clark Gable and Myrna Loy, 4* "A 'college widow’ is the unfor-
Alma Harding I Myrna Loy daredevils under fire, provide tunato young woman who,: having
- h , Bill Dennis Walter Pid^een th ills romance and action-packed been the pet of several college gen
re-adjustments'be' ‘ ^bby" Macartbur Walter drama in “Too Hot To Handle". «»tioni without making | single
t tbe needs of a
division of tbe proposed Dr. T. F. Mayo’s Column
appropmUoiw, logical enough in endeavoring to . ^
the many schools, support that would place all of It intriguad me, and I pass it on to you:
them hi the first rank. “How does the soil appear to human beings?
-'The biennial scramble for the available state It looks like a more or leas plastic mass, in most
fanda will probably continue for many years to cases somewhat drab in color ... .
come, certainly until Texas turns resolutely to the “If we were of the rise and if we had the
buainess of planning a complete system for hs manner of living of the microorganisms, oar answer
higher schooling in order to get the best results at would be quite a different one. Perhaps we should Rigff ^ Herni j„ day when “ponies” for foreign lan-
tbe least expanse.
Connolly Action gets off to a flying start in permanent capture, at la* finds
Joselito Leo Carrillo Shanghai, War, aviation thrills, herself deierud of admirers, and
iTt»k PUrsoup * Johnny Hinds the quest of a lout flyer in tho Wlt h ^ atlc<l cb^r®*! falls oi^ si
Hulda Virginia Weidler jangles and the crack up of Miss •‘fbt and memory,"
The story “Too Hot To Handle" Ley’s plane, are among the rapid
is a fast moving epic of the life fire details of the new picture. The
of a good newsreel man. The part Gable-Loy combination figures in
played by Clark Gable is that of an even faster than “Test Pilot”
the newsreel man. He does a better picture. There is S hoax acensa-
job of acting in this picture than tien and love dawns amid a melee
he has ever done before. It is a of excitement - \ i
Jan. 17th
d 18th
^ - #
i Worth Gate
say: The soil is a huge system of many-shftped . . . 4 . . , guge classes will be form
—DALLAS MORNING NEWS cavities, which are built of glassy material, partially of eolle * t ‘ land ~ but proT * d he okehed by ^ (acu i t y y ^
, rlear and eolnrteaa nartinllv intense irreen p*d. *t least had a Herculean Sense of . • v
will be formally
dear And colorleaa, partially iatenae
»P- f
preaching. You who slave over
yellow or brown, almost entirely transparent eel- humor when he made that atecte- thoae difficult translations will be
dom translucent and only infrequently opaque. In ment In case you haven't heard interested in knowing* that Inatruc-
the cavities active organism are to be found, in about Gordon M., you’ll lift your tor Nathan Susskind of College of
This year aa attitude toward underclassmen has gom* only few, in others very many, according to eyebrows a notch or two when you the City of New York has proven
***■ taken by seniors which Is leaifing to Home dis- the site, climate, end food conditions of the various learn that he can twist an iron ^th teats that students who use
astroua effects. We refer to the failnro to keep \ " * » nto ^ »bape of a pretzel approved pomes learn
underd^smy to their rooms in accordant «!% . “I n rnicroscopic dimensions tbe soil is not jast barehanded. Listen to him: language faster P**”
rollegn regulations maM, but a whole world. We are able to get an “Of course I do knot up an iron j F
N > one deplores more than we do the necessity 0 f wfcat we know of tkia world if we think ot her now and then and I have lift- ^ell all be riding ponies to a
Ilf trilinx f rush men and sophomores just what to do ^ | n terms of our world translated down to micros- ed four men weighing more than gtreight A pretty soon!
and urban fto it However, it seems that some dimensions. All its towns, villages, hniisss. 6D0 pounds, but I don’t think I’m
a foreign
those who
awmbers of these two classes are not coatent with cburc h towers, trees, men, and animals would be much stronger than the average
j. a,n Tiaio$ r tb< ir actions to decent limits when they yigibie only by tbe use of a good mkro.vojie. We college student I put my fist
are indulging in “sxtra’’-regulstioa activities. could not have known very much about H if we through that wall over tbero. hot
. Wa suggest that cadet officers do 41 to tbeir ^ not lived in it ourselves. It would appee* to us the plaster must have been kind of
powar to provent A. ft M. from being fi^n too bad „ does the soil, quite like a mass. Naturally then soft*
a name around this UMMtjf hy pa ragula- w# cannot treat this soil world ea masse if wuUriah Ysa, just like that, he wins our
timw cosivmmg the hours duriagj V^sk fNMton know |g sctually going on within H."' . jpator pusher gonfalon!
Please don’t ask me why this passage intrigued *
llTin; D ATTAf IAM 1 me. Partly, I think. It gave me a little of that aense
IllL Dil 1 l/UiUlT of Wonder at the strangeness and complexity of
All . Mite familiar think* like mud. a aense of wonder
Entered as second class matter at the pose office which when sufficiently intensified makes nature
at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress poets out of otherwise harmless chitons. This
«u March t, 1872. particular bit about the toil recalls a far finer piece
g Subscription rates, $2 00 p* r ymr fl of writing on the aame sabject by old John Bur-
Advertising rates upon request!. roughs, the greet naturalist He called it “The Divine
Office la Room 122. Administration Building. SoQ", and it Is to be found in his book, “Leaf
: Telephone College 8. Office open from 11 a. m. and Tendril". Hera is part of h:
aatil 4 p. m. daily. J ^ j “I long ago convinced myself that whatever la
Reprmented for national advertising by Na- on the earth and shares its life of the eertk and,
ttonal Advertising Service, inc., 420 Madison Ave, la some way net open to me, came out of the earth.
New York Cttf. ‘ I f **** highest not less than the humblest creature at
R. L. DOS-S . EDITOR IN-CHIEF our feet. I like to think of the old weather-worn
I W. H. SMITH. ADVERTISING MANAGER ^ M ** of us all I like to think of the
Bill Payne, James Critu ’. ifroond underfoot aa plastic and responsive to the
MaMging Editors j creative energy, vitally related to the groat cosmic
Georg* Fulton, B. C. Knetsar forces, a rad ceipMU In the life current of tho
' Assistant Advertising Managers Eternal, and that man, with all his high-flying
Bob Oliver, Wayne Stark ftNaam and aspirations, his arts, his bibles, his
Associate Editors religions, his literatures, his philosophic*—haroes,
R. a (Jeep) Oates 1 Sports Editor minU ’ «C*». Poets, propheto-all Uy
phiSp Golnaa ; .. Staff Photographer ^be" tbe fiery mist out of which the
planet came. . ., i
“The lesson which life repeats and constantly
enforces is Took under footf. You are always nearer
tbe divine and tbe true sources ef your power than
you think. The lore of tbs distant and the difficult
is deceptive. Tbe great opportunity is whore you
D° n°t despise your own piece and hour. Every
a, y. ,jn P 1 *** i* under the stars, every place is tbe center
* of the world. Stand in your own door-yard and you
Barber Shop
Eijoy One of Our
And Meet Your Friends At The
■ «WW»I
' k
So Remember
• I
Formal A
’ Make
ance Is Forever Lasting
T-i -
ONLY $25.00
J. C. DieU
Circulation Manager
Den McCheeaey, H. G. Howard
‘ CireuUUon AaaisUnts
DeVUbias _ f’nKjf-reador
Tom Darrtw
Bill Murray...^.-
a f.
^ Q " r - have eight thousand miles of solid ground beneath
._*• ^ “T*’ p G . G T<Jbot, rm , ,„ d ^ 8 p|, ndore 0VtrhMi . Tho
1^11 ?!!*, U P _ A ' . J ' A o 8 ?”* 6 ' “‘I 1“ wninf lUr, in bo hiore in tho
M H. ^5****^’ ^ heavens and no more obedient to the celestial im
pulse* than the lonely and time-scarred world we
inhabit How theplMt thrills and resp^ftHfeD tbe
FRIDAY STAFF i heavenly forces and occurrences we little know, hut
C. ^F. WHkinaou. Junior Editor we get an inkling of K when we aee tho magnetic
Junior Editor Medle instantly affected by solar disturbances."
.Juaior Editor And while we are reeling off thsae “ain't-
8. P. Davenport J. W. Jenkins, U J. Wehrle
*" Advertising AssisUnts
Ray Treadwell ~
L.. Thompaon
Faal Kstohsa ... Juaior Editor Nature-grand!” passages, we may as wall go really
Frank Phelan, J.jL Ht-nm rvon, Billy Clarkson, Vfctoriau and end with a bit from a forgytten
L ‘K. Scho’l. Mason Jonas, G. W. DeAnnond Jr, P<H‘m of Tennyson’s. Let’s see if R hits you as it
k A. Newman, R. W Burchfield, Jack Routt did me when I stumbled on H the other night:
k V. Oarlteh, W. C. It* an, R. L. a uiuj "The musk of tbe moon
sristants Bleeps in tbs plain eggs of tbs nightingale."
i M
t il
“An Aggie Institution”
i ’