1^ II f l I * I M mU ZJfii ^fqqie. 1 •N l'- X •tr- - J j 1 'X Banketbad ataaon ha< atrNad at (he Airichv camp and ar th ht corner the aUtement 0 <•« Coacl i “Hub" Mc Quillan that hid tC'Qdet* w If hot win a ionference irume, You h« I batter take that statement with a Krai* of nah, ht w-ver. McQuillan is I ilwiym look- Wr on the dark a^le of thihff4- - f A year a«ro “Hub" a ul that the Agrira did not have a e tanhe except maybe over T. C. 0. We I, the, weht through the deaaon and I Inikhed with six wins and six Iomos I rui these six wins were not all over 1 . (^ 11. Last ‘year the Aggied did haw fi«r letter- men and one of them «k|ded the sea son as thd third high srorer of the Magi* This year the Cadets a -e hni by the only letterman on the rluh> Sammy Dwyer, who is a junioi. He is the . foundation oh which Met |uiSen hope? ’ to build a formidable naChiac- He has the makings of a star and should be All-Conference befoi e he hangs J]. 1 ^ 1 “ up his shoes. In the only game that .he team has ' playQd this season Sam iitoml out far ahead of the rest of th<; players. Some may disagree witi this, but in that game Sam was making himself look hud because he wi s having to wait on some of the oth>r hoys. The other guard poni ion is being filled by’ fHirwood Vartoer, another junior, who was a aquadrtnn last year. “Woi*dy” is going to have to im prove a lot to hold tfcis! position, but he was late in getting out tf practice. Ruben Wheelis, six font feven inch dewior, :ia the starting centak. Wheelis Is going t> have a job pn ihis hands if h«- holds this starting j>b. He is being pushed by “Big Hogf Dawson, fix foot five inch aophotno^e. Harold iHmcan is also adding competition to. this array. m, ■ EC. " i j IX •u :ktv Billy Joe Addifn M Mding down one of the forward jobs while James Carrigan is starting at the other. Adams is If nquadman and ( arrignn is a junior college transfer With should more experience, these men ■ ooitta* along fast. Both are six feet three inches tall. J. T. Lang, former XU^State man is due to see lots of .sorvice at guhri. Lang is 24 years ok! and has played lots of baaicetball. Jude Smith of Houston, a junio: fair college transfer, looked pretty while he was In I the game Saturday night. He might be one of the start ing guards by the time the confer ence competition comes along. j It is lumored that Bob Folk will play lots of ball this year, as will Thom TmWr n Both of these nu-n art- forwards. 1 Other men on the team are Harry Holland, Adrian Eder, A1 Scarbor ough.; Patti Woffoni,! Dan Jarriell. "Cotton" Price, Bemhrd Richardson, and C. D. Bwell. The Aggies open their conference nice against Rice at Cbllege Station Jan. 6. Rice is mucht (stronger th's year than they wowjlast. They de feated Tulanc by a j|aiy large score last Saturday. Aikef Rie? come* Bay lor at College That last Baylor game will be remembered a long time. The cadets woit in an overtime game. After Baylor the Aggies go t<> Houston ddmott'ithp)| will meet the Owls in their sicoind game. January i 20 will find A- k {Hfipj 1 ^ ort Worth where they will tanglf with the Frogs. The next night they will play thv* strong S. M. Ul Ponies at Dallas. Feb. 11 will find Jack Cray and his yellow»shirted Texas Steers here at College. Texas has a very go M. U. and Texas Uni versity appedr to have the strongest teams of the league and the ehampi in ship will likdly go to one of them. Texaa has! been strengthened a lot by their transfers from John Tarle- ton. a membpr school in the A. A M system'. THE BATTALION