The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 13, 1938, Image 4
1 THE DEAN RETURNS FROM SEVERAL CHICAGO MEET& Dean R. P. MarkteOer Hm just returned from a 'rip to Chicago where he attended i i—tiagi of oral Well known orj (anizationa. The meet important of the gatherings was a meeting ol the Deans of Veterinary Medicue, an organize tk>n recognized b\ th.- American Veterinary Assoc alien and the Bureau of Anima t industries in the United Statee Department of Agriculture. This leesWng was for . the purpose of o nandering prob lems <rf school eqi lipgient, courses of study, school elinic4, aad volume of enrollment The schools represented Includ ed Cornell Unhnrsity, Michigan State College, Oh o State Univer sity, Alabama Polytechnic, Col orado State Colh ge, Iowa State Washington State College Dean Maratellei also attended a meeting of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Aisociation, an or ganiiation composed of veterinar ians and livestocl; seen interested in prevention and control of animal disease*. Dean Marsteller said that the consideration! of this organ! sation concerned pot only the eco nomic Importuned of animal dis eases, hut their iiiportant relation to public health. Other meetings! in Chicago at tended by Dean MdrsteUer were 20 Pre Med Students Take Aptitude Test A test required by the Aroeri- n Medical Association for all Pre-Mod Students who wish to en ter medical school was given by Dr. 8. H. Hopkins tf'qtxmt twen ty A. A. M. students. This emphasised clearness in thinking, ability to retain facts in the mind, and general information. Any student other than a fresh man was eligible to take the test, but one student says thgt looking forward to a degree are better prepared than the student who taken the minimum quirements., . The first part of the test cover ed rapid reading and retention of medical information. Besides question to test the student’s un- were lift points out oi, a possible 366 devoud to general Informa tion questions not pertaining to the Jones Co. Program of Pictures to The 8. M. Jonei Ufacturers of sue oil wall pumping, PiMM . _ Club with an fast f luting talking motion picture on tlie manufacture and care of suck* reds at the meeting held by th^ club last Fri day night Mr. L, Buchner, representative of the Jones company, lad a dis cussion' after the picture had been presented and of the alysing pumping pumping well. He brought with him a dynamometer ae: used by the company and explainvd the setup to the members. BA TTALION College, sjate College, and “® <licid information. The test also those of the Res< Animal Diseases the Horae and Mi America, i irch Workers In »f America, and le Association of emphasised defining medical words and terms, reasoning ability, i and the reading of a passage concern ing a new drug, sulfanilamide. rv AT TUB REGULAR MEETING of the Poultry and Efg club to night, members will hear an ad dress by Mr. ArehMiljof the South Texas Feed ( ompany of Houston. All nonm. mbers interested in hear ing this address;Mb cordially in vited to come to the'meeting which will be held in room lit of the A. L Bldg, at ?:S0. J. P. Hayes, leum, made a value of the the AJ.M.E. ■ done by the the of the troleum ing funds to coi H. E. Gross, eqi^p: in petro- t on the it chapter of work being in obtaining fund for pe- seniors need- the year, tent instroc- tor in petroleum, n^de a brief talk on the value of the dynamometer and stressed the dse of It in oil then learn your superior’s .Job so you will be reedy for H If oppor tunity presents itadlf, v ' “Don't worry too much about audit for what you do—that will me if you do your work well. "Learn to accept responsibility. "Make good friends of the right kind of peopl*. Cultivate t ahead of you and let those behind you cultivate you Broaden your interests in life by taking adtiVe part in con *ity work—be a good citizen. I “Have courage of your convic tions and carry through those plans you firmly believe are right. “Never attempt sharp practices on your superiors. “Surround yourself With best possible associates and make ese of their ability. f' “Delegate ae ranch authority as possible to associates but never lose touch with what la going on. “Be natural inr all your s avoid imitation.” .* NOTICES December 16—Entertainment Se ries—Deep Fiver Plantation Sing ers—Guion Hall—8:00 p. as. December 1S Ch me** Re 1 lef Pictures Assembly Hall—6:4$ p. M* * TT! ' k one white front foot, by the name of Pepper. Reward for return. Call College lUO.— Marty Karow. OFFICIAL NOT1CF, There will be a meeting of the Veterinary Faculty in Room 211, .Administration Building, Wednes day, December 14, at 6 pu m. —R. P. MARSTELLER field STUDENT OPINlON^- (Continued ffom page 1) veys are Intended to add a “fourth dimension” to the colege press by reporting scientEicgUy. national student thought. Campus interviewers have ap proached students of every descrip tion. rich and podr, freshmen and seniors, in big schools like Colum bia in New York and California at Lot Angeles and in smaller schools like Luther in Iowa and Schreiner in Texas. They have ask ed, “Should the United States of fer a haven in this country fot Jewish refugees from Central Eu rope?’* YES, said ; 31 NO, [ 1 ' But it was clear from the coast-; to-eoast returns that students as i whole would like tk> see the United States help oppressed Germa> minorities in some way, some sug gesting the offering of homes in U. S. possessions. “No country should turn away people Who bring ee much with them,” said an Illin ois senior. “But where would wo put them?” ask id a University of Minnesota. Other* definitely be- j ^.itiona. Learn to do yc^ir Job well and MARVIN SMITH4- (Continued fr^m page 1) the requirement being six yea in acceptable professional work, two years in a responsible posi tion, and a thesis. The Smith the- is was a summary of his profes sional writings contributed to scientific publications Speaking at the testimonial ban quet Smith gave the following twelve rales for success. “Get interested m work you are doing if you expect to go to kigk T~ j ■ m wise Mam KNOwi the C/ALUt Of [mental • iSUGaSTlOh IN GET TING m CHRISTMAS Gin HE MOS] DESIRES —1 yV- Gift Suggestions i “FOR MEN” ManhaUgMJMrtS . Mppluittas I’a jarnttv Manhattan ILindker Hickok Belts and Suspenders Hickok Jewelry Beau Hrummel Ties Lounging Robes Cocktail J^ekiU House lilippprs “Aggie” jUfry Gift Items , - llL. , .11 j • T “FOR HER” ? Holeproof Hosiery Richt*stvr Handker chiefs Belber LuggaKt- Gloves Ingber Bags ‘Aggia* lieved none should be allowed. No ticeable waa the qualification, “If other natkms help also.” American students, con gregated in the East Central states, it appears raised the “yee” answers in that^ hqrticular section of the country, .where SB 1 per cent were in favor. In the New Kagland group 35 8 wen j affirmative; MNtt A* -Atlantic ab.l; West Central 30.7; Southern 29 5; Far Western ^.2 Awareness of the pretdem and iistnbutk>!| of the population a- ong racial lines gre pointed out iy these sectional figures. S A Xi E T N 1 .; / f “GOOD”/ ICE CREAM Bryan Dairy Store 1M B. 2«th Bryan HOUSTON BOYS Houston boys? are reminded to get their bids for the Christmas dance from Jack Craig, M Milner; Dow Mima, 77 Milirar, er Jake Wiik, 61 Law before leaving school for the holidays. BILLIARD < H \M1‘ fContinued from page 1) Ject ball, even though he doee it before their eyes. Peterson, world-famous billiard- iat, whose uncanny skill at the game waa recently featured in Ripley's “Believe It or Not”, will be at the pool hall in the T” basement nearly all day tomorrow, giving demonstrations of his al most unbelievable shots and in struction in the fundamentals and tricks of the game. He will lecture from S to 6 m the afternoon and again from 7 to 10 at night, and givu demonstrations during the morning. There will be a meeting of all boys from Jack, Wise, Montague, and Youag counties in HUl Hart at 7j80 p. m. Wedn. 'day'aMlfck I LOST: A brown lent on flald west of Law ime J. O. Bartlett inside Finder pkasa return to tl elL Reward. CLUBS ECONOMICS CLUB Economies dub maotfa day. December 15, 7:30 p..m. in the Asbury Room. Speaker, Doctor L. P . Gabbard, chief division of Farm A Ranch Economics,:Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, A. A M. College. Subject: The Human Element and Agricultural Adjustment. Everyone invited Strictly informal - Opon [ forum Thurs- . m. in ASSEMBLY TBK AMATBST LOST LOST: Log Log Decitrig Slid, rule with initials R. V. on owe. If found return to 28 Foster for re ward. STOP Tues. Dec. 13 i! “Serves Owly US, AGGIES la Heame fOMY CAFE . TEXAS Best at the 1/owest Priors” LOST: A brown leather coat with belt in the Chemistry building Wednesday morning. Return to 28 Law for four times the usual re ward. ji t . LOST: Boston Bull Deg with harness and vaccination tag. la be tween a black and brown color AGGIE JEWELRY or Anything 1 Her Little Heart Desires iT i - 1, - | E Come By and Let Ue Help Yon Select Year Christina.- Gifts From Oar-Complete Line 1 ■ U ’ •; { 4 • 1i i C. W. VARNER,' Jeweler Rryan, Texas 4 T If- JJJ mas We Present the Ideal Gift ‘ ft L* 11 j A-, r i $ ^ tonjOEt, MOTHER, OR GIRL T , ‘ A COMPLETE UNE OF 1 Glamorous Costume Jewelry, Compacts, Claes, Carry-ail Cases - OR PERHAPS SHE DESIRES LUGGA|QE A Make-up Case, Week-end Bag, Hat and Stwe Bos, n: T ! • 111 1 1 f -1 Or tke Complete Wardrobe Bag We Wifl Wrap Yonr Gift For Yon The Smart Shop Appealing jfift packa^s wrapped fret “Aggie' Bryan Vanities rila1drop8(S <tolk> K e SUtion I n» VMlPPVIi m' • 1 blend that can’t be copied ...a HAPPY COMBINATION of the xvorld’s best cigarette tobaccos All through the yu \ and all around the clock Chesterfield’s\ milder better taste gives millions MORE PLEASURE 1 LI * ' v »* , i 1 - - lm •-i | At Christmas time send these sore-giving cartons of packaged in gay holiday corned by smokers everywhere. j : • I.* : > j I 111 > Y(m f U findiOmterfields a rette became of p>kat they give, smoking pleasure than any ever tried ^ the right ripe home-groiL'n and aromatic Turki: tobaccos rolled in pure cigarettf paper. I y*