The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1938, Image 4
THE BATTALION -4* Plane Crash Survivor ir<f V* NOTICES December 9- -Benefit Pietnre Show—Fencing * Club—Attenbly Ball—6:30 p. m. * December 11—A. A M. College Christmai Program—Guion Hall— 4:30 p. m. December 12 i A 13—Landscape Art Flower Shem—College Green house h a. m. u* 10 p. m. December 14—-Entertainment Se ries—Deep Fiver Plantation Sing ers—Guion Hall -r 8:00 p. gb i ^ December lb-Chine»e Relief Picture*—Aaaeatily Hall—4:45 p. m. OFFICIAL NOTICE' AH Candidates for degreea to be Room 103, Academic Budding. r.t 7:30 p. Tuesday, December 13. Professor Wilcox's committee on the teition rate will make its re port ' INDUSTRIAL ARTS : , The laduftHal Arts Club held its usual bi monthly meeting Wed nesday in the M. E. Shops build ing. After the routine club business was discussed a moving picture, “Science Safes the Surface", was CHURCHES shown. Thu picture, furnished by the Bureau of Visual Education, LUTHERAN Showed the research, manufactur- Kart Hartauaa, Pastor ing processes and methods of pro- ‘ Th « r * wil1 ^ • ‘P^* 1 Chri»tmaa duction involved in the manufac- Sunday at 1 p. m. in the turing of a}new type of Bakelite .Afterwards there will be IHmC 1 r games and refrahroenta. All Luth- 3 laadore Edelstein. who with Captain Charles Stead escaped death In the Pacific, is.carried on a stretcher by Coast Guardsmen to an emergency hospital. Edelstein. an *a-convict, was on way to South America to start life ane« when the plane was forced into the sea off Point Keyes. CaL, with a toss of floe ttfmk : i ' ’ ^ WAR HYMN-, . (Continued fiom page 1) try. The Thornton Allen Musk Publishing Compaay was investi gated before I assigned the copy right/’ he said. Written by Mr. Wilson while he the trenches in France, £ TNini IU KHP TNISi fOR mvsflf ^BtflBBRimniEU Till tin but- B Jl •• M «Mti pm KAU mUMMUl Sat. W, «lHbi mM, «■< !»»■—»» ii■ ns»i«» Sw t*»( Cfcss— AapWH W aaS, 0«m ^ h aw al — U.*— Ww. Am, h* I*, ho, r~, I* M.O’O-dms ~ r ^ I f* i* Onr stores are filled with new gift Ideas that will please the most discrimi nating men ( ome in and allow us to show you our complete line of gift. items for both men and women. conferred in F now make foi their respeetiv istrar’s Registrar 1939 should application for at the Reg- J. HOWEJ.L, Boys wishing -to ride the Pan handle A. k M. Club bus to Ama rillo Xmaa should make their res ovations immediately. Boo Williams—63 Law Hall. Area at 9:20 every Sunday l[om- J’I ' I" T- U ! -h OIL BELT The Oil Eelt CTub will meet in bottom Hall wQl bp advertising placards will be dis tributed and Final Xmaa plaits will be discussed. All members should be present and bring dues as this is the last chance. erana are cordially invited. 8T. THOMAS' CHAPEL (Kpisopa!) Monday nLbfa/Ho This * Ut - Ro * e ** ^ ir - teni - : » - ,M *■ " • ““'r Communion. ; ^ J >p an important mMUBg as n..h »nd HIM.. A. A M. < hkistian science “God the Preacrver of the subject of the 1 <**son which will be read in all Chdrcbea of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, December 11. The Golden Text la: -Withhold not thoa thy tender mercies] from me, O Lord: let they loving, kind ness and thy truth continual pre serve me" (Psalms 40:1 Sunday services are flaalsfttiorning at U&O a.{m. in the T. M. C. A. pavlirHj You are cordially 3 invited to at- PRESBYTERIAN ch The Presbyterian joy the annual ■ua musk prceented wader the direction Leiand. Each flar enjoyed a munkml Christmas time given and this year the p given early enough dents to enjoy cordially invited. Other services V Mick +■ CLUBS f 4* 1 " f'T : CLUB SECRETARIES If you? clubs desire their history, achievements, and contributions to the college published in The Bat talion, pK ase bring said informa tion to Rill Murray, 311 Bixsell, “Aggie War Hymn”—better known as “Goodby to Texas”—has been the school fight song since the close of the World Way, , Mr. WiUon said that before he tiansf.-rred the copy ight, he had conferred with leaders at A. A M and in the Former Students Asso ciation and they bad all received the idea favorably. Reports printed In news- papers over the state to the effret that The Battalion »ould sponsor a move for a new song to replace the “War Bmmr wm'alfealutely with out foundation, editor* aaid to day. No one on the staff of the newspaper gave permission to any reporter or anyone else to print such a statement, they disclosed, j Conuering the rocont furor over the song’s copyright transfer, Mr Wilson aaid, “I’m sorry all this came up, but the Aggies seem to like the song very well, so I don't think it will hurt anything.” Recently new words to the “War Hymn” designed to be appropriate for all intercollegiate contests were written by Mr. Wilson. Ho said, “Texas Is our biggest rival, but I realized the words I ori ginally wrote Ain’t apply to all the contests now; I hope the new ones will be adopted.” Men intereatel in taking Civil Service Examination for Junior Soil Surveyor cal. at the Agronomy offices before leaving for Christ- m “ * CLUB PRESIDENTS See Beckman in 99 Legget about club sections in .the Longhorn be fore Christaa*. j J H1LLEL CLUB * Rabbi Sander* Houston will ad<he A. Tofield of is an open meet ing of the A. A M. Hillel Club on Sunday evening-, December 11, at 7:30 p. m. at the Aabury room of the Library. H)a subject will be the economic uc : Moral needs of the Persecuted Jews. It will deal with the problem of finding a ref uge for the persecuted Jews of Europe. The meeting is open to the public and 4 cordial invitation is extended to faculty and students. PRE-MEDICAL There wiR be a meeting Pre-Medical Society Tuesday in the Asbury 4 Room of the brary at 7^0. U- A. A. U. P. MEMBERS The regular December meeting of the A. A M. chapter of the American Association of Univer aity Professors will be held in 9:30 a. m., Coffee Club and Bible CHURCH OF |y a gg ( R. B. Rweet, Minister 11:00 a. m.. Morning Prayfcr ami, Sunday Servkco: 10 a. it* BibW •ermon by the rector. | [ jCbMes. Worship and Comrsunion 7:30 p. a.. Candle Light and, 7 p. m. Evening worship. Carol Service. The Choir will be Wednesday: 7 p. m. Prayet Meet- made up of tho College Glee Club. Monday, 8:30 p. m., Woman’s Association meets at the Chapel. Monday, 7:00 p. m.. Vestry meets at the Chapel. THE FIRST BAITIST CHURCH IN BRYAN William Harvey Andrew, Pastor. A cordial welcome awadte every Aggie here at all the services. Sunday School -“The Dan Rus sell A. A M. Class, 9:42 a. m. Morning Worship, 10:to a. m. Baptist Training Union, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:32 p. m. Free busses to the church leave the Y. M. C. A. and Project Houne ing. All are invited to attend service*. 1 these FIRST BAPTIST CHIRC» R. L. Brown. Paster Bible School, 9:45 a. m Morning Worship, 10:60 k- m. ' t)o®ology and Invocat Hymn -“All Hail the P4wer of Jesus Name”, No, 272; Morning Prayer; Hymn—The Lilly.of the Valloy”, No. 54; Scripture and Announcements; Spec^l Mus ic, Solo, ‘I’ll Serve Him To-day. To-day”. Hymn and Baptist Training Union 4 2:45 p. ra. and evening worship, 7:40 p.m. LOST LOST: A brown pi (skin jacket Believed to haVf been left tt Room 310 Academk' Buildetg. Reward. E-12 Hart. LOST: Minor T-rapdal, wing bar and P. O. Rey. Dor return to Q. R. Dapis, Bog 3004 or Phone C-206. LOSTt Suede jacket “Dallaa” lettered op bad: In ltd felt, also name Bailey on tnaili. Return to 74 Milner for reward. S * man -' TV ZXZr: Jones Barber Shop I • For Your CONVENIENCE .* We Wil Be Oppn After Supper Next Week North Cite iorlh Two Convenient Stores Bryan - College Station Chili “Carnc nM^the 7W Mexican flavor ,T . LIPSCOMB PIT" > PHARMACY 11 TfTT .1 r ’ North Gate THE CAMPUS STUpY CLUB 1 The Campta Study Club will bold its annua) Christmas tea in the “Y” parlors Tuesday, Dec. 13, at three o’dock. Each member is piivileged to bring one guent PRELAW j Dr. Chat. La.Motte professor !n the Biology Department will ad dress the Pre-law Gub in their last meeting before the holidays. The meeting, will be held Mon day, December 12 in the petroleum leeture room 4t 7:30 p. m. AU students who are interested are invited to attend. ARCHERY CI4JB . The meeting time for the Arch •ry Gub hat been changed from Tuesday night! to Monday night. AU students interested are invited to attend. A ! , . f I ' i. ■ p 1 •emmm. \ THE FINAL TOUCH i .'L That Makes ' 1 1 , j,, «\ A : i ■ > • • i ?. i CHRISTMAS COMPLETE 1 j / YOUR PHOTOGRAPH 1 ' [ \ AGGIELAND STUDIO Joe Soeolik, Prop. — ■——— ^ : 1 J — You Will Find . Just the Gift You | lin TI 4 f Want For j IHOTHEE : or - SWEETHEART li? HAS WELL’S R. C. A. RADIOS Mikes $9.95 1 Year Service Policy AGGIE SINGING— (Continued from page 1) -Glee Club "The Christmas Song”—Glee Gub “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing*’’—The Corps Christmas Greetings—Cadet Col onel David Thrift •Jingle Bolls -Thu Corpa “Auld Lang Syne”—The Corps “Peace BelUnto You”—Glue tub “Coin’ Home”—Glee Gub Band Number—Aggie Band “It Came Upon the Midnight lear”—Thu Gorpe “Silent Niirhf”—The Corpa "Spirit of Aggieland’’—The Corps “Home Sw<*( Horae”—The Corps Every stud da t of the college and every resident of the campus ts invited to atuntd and take part in this program. Attractive four- page programs have been printed and will be distributed aa souvenirs of the event; WHEN SENIORS— (Continued from page I) the third efiita kind within a month honoring tHe school, also honored Colonel Erf 6. Cushing, former President of the Board of Direc tors of the; college and for whom the collegu library is named. A. 4 M. Was making plans for a weekly amplcur contest over station WTAW with an Amateur Hour Committee oonsiating of “Jocko” Roberts chief yell leader, “Caaey” Jones, student technician of the station, and L. F. Gieaecke, representative of the student body i% charge of arrangements. I I ’ ’ [It! . • ■ . ! 'J ARROW What is your I. Q. on style? in THIS WEEK ; 1 V ! -1 ch'. 44 — no one ever know! L| i This is the story of Saxanne, for whom a whdle new life began that evening in June when a young stranger tied his hone in front of her father’s log cabin. But when, one day, Wayne Lockwood told her df his lovu for someone else, Suzanne realized what the must do. The main thing was, not to let him know how you feel, not to let my- ome know..,A tender romance of Gvil War days in the West waits for you in this week’s Post, by the author of A Lantern m tier HmJ and A White Bird Flying. A NEW NOVEL of pioneer days in Iowa begins in this week’s Post •OHO OF YIMtt ky the noted American author BESS SimniB HBIICI J Ml JET, ■'*" *Hnd the Ball Is A iril ■ 1 [tvj 1 1500loads orpmatdiniSdd* non make UHIMPWYIMNT a PIRMAHEHT career who oml** 1 ““ ° n ' B ’‘ 1 Wh0 OnanheJ tie Unemph^Jt 7 b STANLEY HIGH ■ 1 4 i And. HOUSE WITH A MUSICAL »OST! And tmeen eyes pccrinc atyou out cf thedarlcl Whakasett ng for two people in love I A young couple get an. eerie reception-* mj / Ukm HI Read this dtort ato^y by FI—nr llerodn, Whom But in fkigiamf? WHEN THC WITNESS UCD...AND THE D. I DHNTT MIND . the twwspnperl bowled for eoovictk^i of the pc jurer. But the E^. A. 1 for caUckiag such crooks: attroocany... A short Story, Ky pins’n Ditciph, by Harry Kl^gsbrrg PIUS: All That's Pmychic In Not Sellini, profitable »«>-i p-nnt-r, by Donald B. Tansill. ..Qeorge N. Peek and I*ary Carter eoosulf r The Farmer and the Taritf...Short Stor cs by Daniel Fuchs and Charles R.*!jn*s;edltorials, serial*,Post |chpSB and cartoons. All in the Post out this week. 4 P | I / l fSfi THE SATURDAY EVENING POST rt, ••