The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1938, Image 3
I 1 Volhyball and ' Handball Lead Intramural Play BY RA1 PIf H. INGLEFIELD Thi* i tek MW Biugr played 11 the intramural profram with mo a frames being played in volleyba 1 and handball. Next came M J ind apeedball. 'tJkmA will bring about Near gitones ',1 ming meet in both B. Preliminariee will ’dock Saturday af finals will be held of the basketball this week were in class B w&b thr Field Artillery winning mire thin any other outfit A-CA wdn ove Mch. Gun Car, Inf. Band toit to E-Eng F-FA won orer D-CA, C-FA won orer B-Car^ F- Eng. wo i ever E-Eng^ D^ar lost io L>lnf, E-FA won orer C-Bng., ‘A-Car. i rob over G-CA, G-CA lost to F-CI, 1-FA woft orer G-CA, K-Inf. f« irfeitad to E-CA, Art Band won orir C-Cav M D-Inf. won orer B-Sig., t-Eng. lost to A-FA, B- Eng. wo i over G-CA, B-CWS #op orer ML nf, D-FA won orer K^A. C-CA w m over K-Inf., B-FA won -over B- 'ng., A-Gar. won orer E- CA, lat H i FA won orer B-Sig., F-Inf. eon over 2nd Comb. FA. In cla is A 2nd Hq. FA won orer K-Inf., H-h>f. lost to C-Car, L- Inf. eror over 2nd Hq. FA, C-Cav. won orer B-Inf., M-Inf. lost to L- Inf., and A-Car. won over C-FA. HANDBALL Oaly clans A handball games ha>4 ben played so far. B-Sig. orer E-CA, B-Inf. over D-Car, B- CWS o' er E-lnf., A-Inf over C- Inf., H-l nf. orer A-Car^ Art Band orer' G Inf., E-FA orer M-Inf., B-CWS ; over F-FA, B-Car. orer E-Eng^j av. orer 1-lnf., F-CA orer O-lnf., H-Inf. orer 2nd Comb. FA, C-Car. ever- B-Eng., C-Eng orer M-Inf., F-FA orer L Inf., lat Hq. FA orer A-Inf. E-Inf. orer A-Car, A-CA orer A-Inf, A-Sig. orer B-CA, D-Eng. orer E-lnf, C-CA orer D-Inf, 1st Hq. FA over D-FA, B-FA orer D-CA. WATER POLO All games were in class A with D-l’av owr B-CA, E-Inf. won orer Alt Haiid, B-Eng lost to 1st Hq. FA, and D-Car. won orer E-FA. ' SPEEDBALL Both class A and B games were played this week. In clau A D-Car. won over F-FA, B-Eng. over fc- ChE, B-Cav. over Hq.-Sig. Corps, G-Iftf. over 2hd Combat-FA, 2nd Hq.-FA vver P-Inf, and C-CA over G-CA. In Cla* B. D-Inf won over Reg. Hq -FA, D-Car. orer B-Inf, C-CA ore K-Inf, A-CW8 orer B- Eng, D Eng. orer G-CA, D-PA over B CA, sad F-Eng. over Hq.- Car. nm>| . All la elasa K C-FA won over C-Eng, B-FA over C-Inf. and A Eng, over 2nd Hq. FA. \ i TOUCH FOOTBALL In class A, A-CA won oker B- FA, F-FA ever A-CA, D-Cav. over B-FA, E-lnf over D-Eng. and D-Cav. over C-Inf VOLLEYBALL All in elasa B. H-FA won orer Hjgt Car, B-FA over C-Car, C- FA over M-Inf, Art Band tied F-FA, B-Cav. wton over E-CA, B- Inf. over D-CA, A-CWS over D- Inf„ A-Sig. over Inf. Band, C-Eng over B-Eng, 1st Hq. Art over H- Inf, G-Inf. tied Reg. Hq.-FA. F- Eng. over F-CA, A-Sig. over C-FA, E-Eng. over M-Inf, B-Sig. over D-Eng, B-CA over 1 F-FA, Inf. Baud over B-CWS, E-CA orer Art Band, G-lnf. orer G-CA, A-CA orer C-CWS, A-FA over C-CA, E- Eng. over B-CWS, F-FA orei D Inf, B ini. over H-Inf, D-Car. over 2nd Hq. FA, and A-CA over E-Iaf. ■ THE BATTALION SPORTS C01LE6E .STATION DECEMBER 9.1930 PAGE 3 Broncs Show Respect For Aggies By Placing Four Oa All-Opponent Team IN TO BE TO AGGIES IAYELINAS Texas, Dec. 7, (f^)— will be making athletic hie- j December 19 and 20 when irt fans Will have the priri- entortaining the Texas Ag. LUNCHEON AND DINNER | COFFEE CLUBS 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ECHO TEAROOM Highway 6 at (ollf■ j j jV Virginia Plbrcll BY E. Q. -JEEP" OATES BATTALION SPORTS EDITOR These "All” teams continue to come to this writer's desk. The latest ia an All-Opponent team from Saata Clara, a team that defeated the Maroons 7 to 0. They hare a high regard for four of the Aggies, the ones that they named on their first team of AU-Oppon entsarq.^ 1 |teryj Schroeder at end, Boyd at tackle, the I A udi.di at guard, and Dick Todd at; lege haHbM|.j; Two Arkansas players gies and the A. * I. Jarelinaa for were also named, giving the S. W. two games of basket ball. fo.fcr«? • . j Not only will thi. b, th. tlrrt intercollegiate athletic contest to O'Brien and Ki Aldrich be played in Slnton, but it will placed on the National serve as an informal christening t* Sports Writer’s All- 0 f a new $88,000 gymnasium. The Brien piled up a great- playinK floor«of the gym ia 1001 60 percai^age of rotes in the poll feet outside dtaiMions which wHl than tfref previous record set by alio* for a court of maximum site Jay Ri-nvangtr of Chicago. and also has a large seating ea- The trouble with this team is peew. The entire 1007 seats are that there ia always too many being reserved for both nights ‘favorite sona” nominated- Paul when the Aggies and the Jare- Ludlum Will tell you what a fa- linad get together. Reservations roiite ioa is. y ’ are coming' in from Aggie fans in surrounding towns. R. R. Gibb, is again trying to r »ut>ty Agent of San Patricio Southwest Conference. Coupty, is attempting to make it it to toss ArkanMs out | an ‘Aggie reunion. C. E. Buck, their place. If Tech preMdent of the Corpus Christ! A. some of their tactics, * * has reserved a large ittle doubt that the con- block of tickets. Charles Brown, would object to; enthusiastic alumnus, writes in to reserve his tickets and express de light that his Alms Mater is com ing | to South llxas. The welcome sign will be out on December 19 for jthe Farmers and Santa Claua. er i trill son is. get in the Soi Thgy trait to and com# in in wofcld change sc thefre i tittle « forem-u Puini' ttu-ir i-rtrance. Pistol Team Toj^ Meet Competition In Houston Sunday Captain Phil. Enslow will take his high raaking pistol team to Houston Sunday where they will meet some of the strongest teams of that section. Tlfcre will be a team matsfc ad also indirkhuR matches. Tbs win- Q«r of the team match will be awarded the Gormar Jewelry Com pany Trophy which they will be able to keep M six months. To members of the winnhg team, silver msdsls will bo award ed. To members of the second place team, bronsei^Mals will he award ad. Ia the slow fire individual matqb- ea, a gold medal will be given to the winner. All matches will be conducted in accordance with the robs of the National Rifla Associatioit. , Members of the Aggu t«nm ask ing the trip are: Bob Shiels, W. A. Becker, W. ‘ Bi Lewis, Gtne Shiels, G. M. Stone, E. E. Hendrix, Silverman, J. T- Ashfor* May f,el!, Garth, and H. S. Hensley., Cant Enslow (‘x;>ects his team to finish well up in front if not in the first spot. • I STOP WITH Ua yMpB When In H«ta»4 || ECONOMY CAFE HEARNE, TljJUjft Only the Bast l>o west Prices” Santa Claus Must Look His Best! And You Must Re Wdl Groomed To Receive Him Visit The I AGGIELAND A croon From Post Office SHOP North Gate Elmer Tar^ox of Tech, in s state wide commercial poll, waa voted in as : tfla jBMudlng pUyer in Tetaa. 1 O’Brien ran second by about 2000 fotea. Tarbox may rate the begtiin the sUte, bat O’Brien is rated tops in ths nation. — Don’t fret too het ep on the Ag- tnea in their flr«t basketball game Saturday night They art facing some tough competition and may come out on the underside. That Second Pres team Is one of the best in die state. ‘ The men on the pistol team who earn their minor “T” must pur chase them themselves or do with out It it a shame that the athletic department cannot give these men their fr'gards. The pistol team ia one of the best teams on the cam pus and brings this school lota of publieity not only in Texas, but all orsr the world. Voung, former great Aggie taeklej i» back in town after play ing with the Washington Redskins SHAVEFOUR MEN BACK FOR BASKETBALL <d*r Patronize Our Agent in Your Organization DYPRS HATTEDf A -ERICAN STEAM AUNDRY END IT TO THC LAUNDRY DRY-CLEANERS PHONE 5S5 J I BRYAN — oinfr Hdinz Hdinz Hfrini Htinz SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Tbe Baylor Bears hare only four lettermen back far this year’s bas- ketbnll team, but indications are that the Bruins will be much stronger this year than last To go with last year's veterans, Coach Ralph Wolfs will hare sev dml outstanding transfer court stars sad the entire freshman team of last year which won the state A.A.U. tournament The average height of the team will be six foot two. Sherman Barnes, guard who stands six foot-two and a half in his stocking feet; Charles Boswell, ^ ^ guard; Pete this ysaf. Boys says that there is j Creasey, a six-three handy man TWO FENCERS WIN HONORS Two members of the Aggie Fenc ing Club brought bqme more Hon ors Saturday night when the Houston Recreation Open Fencing Meet came <o a close. Lao Levine won first place c«pi< in foil and epee and third place honors in sabre. Leroy Evswtt, riafcj from Houston, woa the oup in sabie and second in foil and epes. Both boys hare two more yqars to fight, being sophomores and fighting on the team for the first year. They will compete for the best aH-rouad foilsman during the Christinas holidays under the Houston Recreation Hub. AMIES OPE! SEASOH AGAINST HOUSTON PNTET BY TOM DARBOW Asst Fpsrta Editor r ‘ ± The Texas Aggies will opea their 1938-39 basketball season Safe* day aigbt at 7:90, in Memorial Gym, against the strong Second Presbyterian team of Houston. This is the first game of the year for Capt Sammy Dwyer and his mates, but that fact detracts noth- ing from ths quality of the appo sition. With several former South west Conference performers in Their ranks, the Houston team comes to College Station as de fending City Champs of that dty. Two yean ago this asms taa^llWon the State Championship, a expected Gy many to repeat again Wu m. [• : "fcaft* McQuillen an nounced today that his starting five would consist of the follow ing; Guards—Capt Dwyer and Woody Varner; Center R. • E. WpsaUs; Forwards—B. Jf. Adams sajl J- A. Camgsn. While "Dwyer is the only lettermsn, all ths start ers are squadmen from last fMr’s tram. Sure to see lots of service are J. T. Lang as guard and “Big Deg” Dawson at Me center peti tion. All team mfrtnbens will get into, the fray before it’s orer, and no doubt there wil| be several out standing players uncovered from the large, but unkr awn, squad that McQuilleu has colh (ted together. ! Probublo starter for the Hous ton team are: Gu rds—Joe Cofn- isky and John Sta ford; Ceater— Bull Johnson, fon itr- Rice star; Forwards—Joe Sta! ford an<^ Willis Orr, another Eke itar-of a few years back. f : - , Kaylarl AII-Roun To Frog $winpsters For the thin I, time in jour the Bayio* C dfrersit y Ban been named hfr* the Horned Frog Swingators aa aa the beet all-a toted during the band encount ball seaso The T. t. I ; j jmaMri^>s ranked the Baylor BiHijfirat in musk and in a mcos J-place tie with the Temple Band j drilling. The Ag gie Band a as Ufsmmoualy nans ad as the best dr Bed unit the saw all aeasoo The rank of fre several handa» as to musk and t liR, as rot4 d by the T. C U. Wttsi Bsylor S. M. if., VpflHi A k M- TUb 1 . Mm I J Centenary for Soups, 12 cans Soups, 3 cans Catsup, large sis* Vinegar, pint size Oven Baked Beans, large, 2 Baby Food, 3 for '1^ j ff, Spaghetti, large size, 2 for , i >bys Pineapple Juice, Na 1 tall, 3 for i 3bys Cut Beets, No. 2 can »ys Tomato Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 for •ota and Beets, 3 bunches for ib Grape Fruit, large size, dozen ib Texas Oranges, 2 dozen . _ ne Sap Apples, large, tlozea »b Horne Grown Spinach, 1 lb.; narch Coffee, 1 lb. can _ Medal Floured lb. |>ag $1.55 39fr 94 25d 18d Si Li 3b Cfrrro hTes Files W; Fies Mi! G^ld „ Pdx-Sun Grape Fruit Juice, Na 2 can, 3 for _ 20d Sdper-Suda, 1 large 25*, 1 small 10*, both for 26* Bjiech-Nut Cut Macaroni, l>. ''t. |il^ ■ B*ech-Nut Macaroni Kings, lb. . .i. " .. i h .iRA ch Peaches, No. 2*4, each 17* ,-Moon Peppermint Patties, lb 35* /ill Have a Full Line of Fruits and Vegetables At Specfal Price , CAMPUS GRCXjlERY ■Hi’ LUKE'S h \ We Deliver -ill Phone 44 or 242 lots of difference between pro and college hall. He says that the boys in the b|g league* hit for keep*. Football lettermen will be an nounced; about the end Of next week. It i* hard to even make a guess oe who will gat the coveted awardfr.; A poll of the sports writers be fore tl ^season started showed that favored to finish in order. . U, Kim 1 MAM. ! 4. Bsylor 1. 1 8. M. U. 6. Texas 7. Arkansas The wav they dW finish is: t tjeu. 2. S.< M. U. 6. Arkansss 7. Texas Arkansas and Texas tied for sixth and seventh. who cab play and position and Happy Shahan, six foot Doorman are the returning lettedMk; a Last year’s frosh players who are expected to break right Into the lineup are Grady Vaughn, point getting forward, Jerry Walters, six foot-two forward, Frank Brisk 1. tall boy of the squad at aix foot four, Joe Terry, six-two guard and Loy Gilbert, shifty ball handler wfe* comes in at six foot three. The Bears open their cage sea son in Waco Dec. 12 when they meet the East Central Teachers of Oklahoma in the first of a two- Atame hariee. Petroleum Club Picture Scheduled A motion picture wUl bo pro •entod to tbgjFetreloum Club stu dents tonight in the petroleum lec ture room on the care of sucker rods. It is one Of the many pictures concerning the care of ofl field equipment whkh has been prepar ed fbr the A M. Jones Company of ftUsa, Oklahoma and which are to be |bpwn to petroleum students in various colleges throughout the country. .During the course at the motion picture, the rnsnufseturinp- and cafe of the sucker rods will be disrusaed jhy Mfr. W. Buchner, :vpi, sentative of the Jenes Com- paey. Dear Kyle, Chairman- of the A. A M. Athletic Council, left to day ffrr Dallas whore bo will at tend the annual meeting of the Southwest Conference oxecutiret. Kyle tfrys that hq is highly in favor *f letting Tenafr Tech of Lubbock into the Southwest Con- feawad -a-*- 1 S A X E T # “GOOD” : • ICECREAM J I ‘ J Dairy Store th Bryan Apiculturist Speaks To Entomology Club jai A Parks, Chief of the Divis ion of Apkulture, and In chcarge of the Apicultural Research Lab oratory located near San Antonio, spqke to the Entomology Club at its Wednesday night meeting. Mr. Parks, who was introduced byjC. J- Burgin, SUte Foul-Brood Inspector, spoke oa the work being doth to develop a foul-brood re sistant strain of bees, and on in- tefesting experience* he has had in work other than apiculture. Mr. Parks is known, not only for his apicultural work, but also for his wAfk In botany, geology, and ento mology. In collalKirntion with V. L. Cory, he prepared the "Catalogue is Flora of the SUte of Texas,” the first sUUwide list of Texas plants. In entomology hid insect- collecting activities have been ex tensive, as evidenced by the nu merous species named after hhn. LA BARBER (SHOP Stewart-OToa er-Jonea BE A GOOD SANfA CLAUS And Give Year • ioodl lHamble tills d Best According all-* round foot- I Is ae follows: Musk Drill A HUGE MEDICINE SPOON- over three fee | long - is a pmed gift in Sattatr u Rumatrans believe it will insert 1 pod health. Uu. THE ANTAK TIC PRODUCES ktbexgs that are different from those foand ia the Arctic. The lat ter are section* of gtaCkrs whkh tuivc l.rok-n qway. The Antarctk variety, are broken from shelf ice. They art said lo be larger, whiter and float higl *r out of the water. H"—-—< — U Ul 1 ANSLAVliLY ■Kb •mirvhn, AT THE CHRISTMAS MEET- ing of the Dames club, last Wcd- n< sdny 1 voning. numbers were served a buffet supper of potato^ salad, sandwiches, olives, potatoc chips, and coffee, after which Christmas gifts were exchanged. EaterUinment was provided by the playing of bridge, ”42”, and rum my. Members attending the meeting ware Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Persona, Mr. and Mrs. L A. Nye, Mr% and Mrs. R. Eck ert, Mr. and Mrs W. C. Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright,"and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin. •: give a diamond TW*psrk!ingdi»nx$»d—known ’ as the gift jupreme throughout the ages ot a Chnswnas gift could be su.hjs splendid token of your love frnd esteem? THE SUN SENDS OUT 4<>0,0 >0 times se much light se the mpon, and 90 million times as much as the star, MMsbaran, sometimes called “the bull's eye”. ANCIENT OBJECTS, INCH'D Ing textiles, whkh hare been found tightly packed in wet earth retain their original sUte of pejrfiH-tioi best, according to Howard C. HoHi- curator of Oriental art at tin Cleveland Museum of Art IF YOU SAY A PERSON IS “ordinary” you are disparaging him to a certain extent But If you him “ornery” dr “onery” you contempt although these word* are corruption* of the term "ordinary*. The corrupted terms came originally from England and OO-O-OOHII A CORONA Just what I wanted for my school work! 1 certainly STUDENT CO-OP ■dec ltd qinhty pfwxd MSKtl; is iccordtncs Widi I eu Mtaanc w«nk Wc will be glut to dww ww m tat louciiuxi Sdap is isdsy' SANKEY Diamonds • Silver m 1+ Saturday 12:30 It- Cl rds (Jood ARK atches acc m that THt NAHON ■ if CHRISTMAS For Mother and Si For electric percolators. Ury. we have such a a Ml Ah’RH'S. ings before we have e and receive our to home for the h Christ au ohiav.. Parker-Astin Hdwe. Pol and Greet- Bryan, MAIN STREKT Texas