The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1938, Image 2

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THE OBJECTION Student Forum:
Through a iiirvey of typical A. A M. inatrac- ON EXAM WEEK t '
ton, wa have able to learn that the only i
objection moot < < t»cm hare to Dead Week it that' j. >
ft did not work in the paat. Now if a meana of pr*- la the declaration of a dead week prior to final
renting it» beii ( esed wrongly if it ia re-adopt«il examinations at A. A M. a good idea?tAa a worthy
can be (oand, practically everyone could, quite ndministrathra ideal—yea, it ia; a| m acceptable
logically, recein it favorably. [ theory—yes again; but aa a pracpfadnlan aatis-
And, we be iert, there U a way tp enforce It. factorily applicable to a modem colieg* the “dead
Pirat of a], however, let ua clear op a point week" idea ia entirely valueleaa.
which may atil be diatreaaing atudents who have J ! It ia,the opinion of a Urge number <1 prominent
never gone through Dead Week. T A. A UJ students and of a majority of the faculty
Dear Wed aa Ike' Battalion i$ taking for it that “dead week” proved itaelf impractical when K
it ao more no ■ less than the week during finals waa received and treated by the majority of students
minus the cealomary major qotxset, term reports as aa extension of the Christmas holidays than aa
and other sirail ur matters. In 6ther Words, classroom a period of intensive study and review for final
activities wou)| go on aa usual, bat with the ro* examinations. It ia regretable, but; nevertheless
striction that ojily one day's work might be assigned true, that the modern students of ^tA M. are no
of yester-
one day's assignment would be banned. i day. That such a thing ia true is d^lnittly indicated
If any major colleges and universities follow by the large number of failures
this plan and : W its operation soceesafuL ; i Whether or not a Urge
If claasrobm attendance U enforced, then the the institution of “dead w
old troublo of' akfog the week off to go home could ce pt*4 B s a determining factor,
not crop oitk," 1 ' r . are inclined to be hypocritical.
Our Dead Week plan would allow for conacien- ^ ottm Wea that we will take full 1
tious review of a course in order to give studenta opportunity offered by dead week,
the proper perepective. It would be enforced by taking none. Such a statement U not
having compulsory class attendance during thjat M ^ any „ accusation
week Just as already have it in ordinary times recognised aa a scnsiblf analysis
This Waaft v>e received a letter for Student M j t ahually exists.
Forum from two seniors who are opposing our plan recognise it as such.
and are requesting another-that of allowing final | Undoubtedly the present methfd qli final
examinations Sen days instead of the customary six i na tk>n U unsatisfactory In that UUidauate oppor-
WhiU the plan baa some good points, it ia ‘b-E||ty for course summary and ttyiclia offered,
capable of being put into operation without the ad- A ^g, ^ 0 f t be present disaer^SniU caused by
dition of more achcelaatic days to the college cal- una bated assigning of daily and unannounc-
andar. A mstumal organisation of which A. A M. U ed quijging by the faculty until tiffjaal ezaifeina-
a member requires a certain number of days to be t j on period actually begins. Such S practice unde-
spent in classroom work, and we always Just barely niab | y pi tceg ^ student at a definite disadvantage,
skim over the minimum. Consequently, the plan tMr i|Lt does not constitute the moi
be ac-
y of aa
of the
rather ia to
i lut- nuui
for the coll
addless by
last lllayj and ms
■ 4-
at the Club
Club has
.Dr. J.
Onb of the outstandingly
clubs on this campus is the
Gab. which has maintained a ,— . n
siatebtly high standard since ] Ha * l|i “•* rmn * • P
inoepbon in the spring of It banquet Inst apriag^
is the only stub Whose nrnmber hip This year the Bi
is Ihr .1 to a select number, attended a
•kc* b, committee. Mute, cotete'
men| values from iht meetihga, ]tetun and maa^wF^ ‘
held regulatrly on the first and
third Thursdays of each man
The object of the Gub is to i
lighten iU membera, and at far aathor, traveler, aid! leOtarer Dr.
aa possible the entire student body, A^a Chandler of iX foetitut* to
in all biological fields sad matters give a lecture for the entire
of gtaeral interest and importance. ^ on -Homan Dlseasea la the
One,; does notilave to be, a student tropioi". Many 4>re fine pro
of biology or necessarily potaesa ^ being prejivtcd for the
any special knowledge of the sub- ^ 0 f the year.
Jeefto be a m. mber; all thgt ts Officers of the Oub for tbia]
necessary ii an interest in it^nad ^ arc Hollins ( olquitt, preai-
the members have found thsAf in- BiH Murray, vice president
of hypnotism by the well-known
local hypnotist Matt tew Feinsteln;
and secured the 4) ted mientiat,
teregt well repaid.
Since its founding the
had. meetings of many
turns, demonstrations,
moving pictures, social
and special projects. The p
have included, te mention
few, the following: a scieitifk
demonstration e£ the various
I td program
illen Erck, treasurer;
rTex”) Flynn,
r: New Ri
& M
"Garden of the Moon
At tl» Ate Jimm, Puller pi.,In, him. ■J***' "' '■*>?» ln em.|«mn CIMtIHBIIC Ip
■ in mq nit Urthestra
p *'*" ' u ' br ^ w * u p ** ^ saSterrs .rr:;-:
Phas, of the system » and R,ch * rd **"^9 Directed by scene gag to get Payne signed on tioI) ef p Uttin g one of these; win-,1
submitted is fcnpractkaL i the present system. It ia a
We eincefofr! urge the faculty to give careful ^ ^ objectionable . .
thought to ti4ii^tg jregulationa of activities in the tbe doubling-ujA of finals in whkt Imjny atudents B u »by Barkefey. Photography Tony the dotted line,
week prior to (finals similar to the ones listed above, arv f orCM ) to receive three-haur final examinations Gaudio. Released by Warner Broth- tunes are intro,
namely, (Ik hot allowing quixxes during the week in two subjects on one day, bohig snowed only the ers studio The cast followat Wttjrfayne doing the job at vocal* Head ^ ^ Rural Sl ’ cit ’
eybept tkow» Ito cover one day's ordinary assign- preTioai nigh t for final aummary>nA review. Un- John 0uinn p - t 0 . Rripn . whi . , n<1 , kim . ^ ^ Denartment, on sexual vked and and ’THI!
■sent, (2) ngt,allowing term reports to fall due. dur- J* thi , ra ’ hod> the ttu dent is tofaU refreah in U,nf ^, Unda ^ ^ •htrmalitiep; A leohara by 1^. W. fay Kaye
ing the wfeU «nd (2) requesting instructors \h bi* m ind the eaaential facto
denote thn -Wbek to giving students bettor under- of ^ rout i ne 0 f two
standings aadj better perspectives of the epunaee.
ten weeks
Toiii Blake
courses in h ^ Vincente
Last Wednesday afternoon and mght all three (1 , amiIUll only ^ ^ ddU ^lowing a
Bryan then tor*—the Palace, the Queen, and the New ^ ^twtm quixxes in which to review.
Dixie—preset)u<i benefit ahowa. The gross reewpts Such an q idea ^ not orifil ^ £
fer the entire day-not even deducting ordinary ji ^ ^ put }nto prBCtice >t other ^pj^le 10 ^ 8 » turd »y ni « ht
operating expense*—were turned over to the cause ■tote schools in the United Sto*“ -- J ’ Heading an impressive list
Of assisting \ht refugees. found unquestionably of great p
The distribution committee which is aiding the 0Ver ^ current i y
unfortunateaj is an interaationml organisation whicn .< dMd week » ^ moat evideIlt .
ia functioning for. ri liuf refugees, regardlea of U
The BalM^’B vriahes to express the apprecia
tion of all tHnking people to Mrs. Schulmann and ^ pUn ^ n1MAj evil that twen Pat °' Bni ' n ' ,m P resario
o L their fine work in aiding thi. , t A 4 M It l8 otr ^ the iub8 titute ^ ni « ht “ Garden of
her compant
worthy caus,
in U. S. and
very few hours. The subsequent iosajof sleep and Slappy Harris Johnnie Davia
failure to be allowed opportunity for adequate pro- Manrlee^. 1 j- Cooper
paration result* in a minimum rather than a max- Lo rnay i sabo i j eM ,
under the Mary Stanlon Mabe , TodA
^ A ... i wn .. T1 Joe VaantL; Himself
This problem ia not without notation. Prom-
Classics of the fl
.the Goodman
Five new and hot dotrs in aii egg for obeervat£n; a Chance to show ol
introduced by the band; very interesting talk by Dr. Rus- m these two n
sell. Head of the Rural Sociplogy s ‘YOU IXX)K «
Department, on sexual vices and and ‘THIS IS MADjl
| _ H| \ are two
Margret Lindsay and helps him win the hand of the b. , Davia of the Wild Garni De- hers in that well phi
John Payne prviiy press agent. partment on the biological prob- and away style ^ or
lertu involved in conservation Kaye is famous. Tl e
wort; a lecture by Dr. C. H. Wink* furnish the lyrics U
y Swing
lor. All of
give* a
swing out
imum display of ability and knowledge
additional stress of final examinational
The Erdanl Amusement Company and Mrs.- ^ probleIT1 u not without sotat
Marris Schuli sarm. it. maaager, are to be commend- ^ memhtn q( ^ facuUy and ^ ^ Jerry Colonna Himself
ed for their phlaiAhropic act in cooperating with a reasonable aelution In which the final Compounded of equal parts
soma 180 afrfer ih^ter. of Texa. to present benefit t £ m i n&tion ^Hod i. extended over len d
performaaOM for the aid of the unfortunate ntn* .,1^ ^ no cla|(|p| j* ^heduled.
from^itlors tyranatoM Aktatorship in Ger-J g6ljdent wou i d be requireei to take more than
■PMh examination per day, and in same
by Sam-
the first nura-
Kyan sings a
partment, on the psychology of fchorous to THIS 18 MADNESS*. *
What’s Showing ; w,. »»u» ^ i* •m* 3°“"»
I'al.ui Saturday Preview, Surulai
and Monday
of “Garden of the Moon." Pat
daya, during comedy, iromance an Amuaic—the O’Brien, John Payne. Margret
best formula ever devised for thor- Lindsay, Jimmy Fidler and Joe
(Ughly enjoyable entertainment- jrfgfct. (Heri.wvd to-day)
“Garden of the Moon" the War- AMe *bly Hall—Saturday
nera* prexiuction baaed on the Sat- -Carefree.” Ginger Rogers, Fred
urday Evening Post story comas A#ulrt Featarv begins at 12 00
‘ “Boy Meets Girl.” James Cag-
. has been He * din « M i»Prte*»ve list of DeJ< Pat 0 ' Br fan end Marie Wilton,
btmefit Its ' Whose point efforts p eaturc begins at 6:4b and 8:80
revival of tr * Y u » r8nt, ‘ ,(1 n, » k ® “Garden
that dead ot th * Mooi " 0T * o{ th ® aoat di '
week has already been proved Ifafractical and has v * rtm * tc come out of Holly-
invoked many expressions of disapproval from ad- WlKM ^ in <|W» •<>“• ,
mimattstive sources necessitates- the submitting Tht “ ?tory '* a hot feud ^
outline here will merit the m>, ious ronsideration of
those in administrative offices, ahd as members of P° u# 8 hand
tr whom
Four a+olhmhip award, by the United Air j^tofool haAy w^ich s^ffe^g The' ^toktfan O’Brien al4nmtely hires, fire, and
Lines are bring offered by the Boeing Schoel of ^ learning so evidently embodied in the present ^ r * e * Margret Lindsay
Aeron.uti«, r Oakl.nd, California to undergraduates iu . m £ earneM , ’ ^ Xptkm * P«tty press agent for the night
^ " Rigned- t j *Pot is right in the middle, but
DAVID TlitFir, F. A. Senior »he soons twings over to Payaa’a
MAC D. OLIVER, F. A. Junior I 1 r ! 1! PI
Canadian colleges.
Industrid plants of Kansas furnish field-lab
oratories foi sitiiors in the department of chemical
engineering jat K. U.
On National Affairs
Bnteredi aaiaeeoad daaa matter at the poet office- We are in danger of being kwfpt off our feet
at College 9 cation, Texas, under the Art of Congress upon the question of foreign policy, or more speci-
a« March 8, lH?.i
Suiocviption rates, $2 00 per year
Advmtising rates upon request.
Office |n Room-122, Administration Building
Telephone Allege 8. Office open from 11 a. bl
aatil 4 p fa. daily.
fically, upon the question now assuming the name
of “national defense.” A great degl of loose talk
has been uttered recently About the necessities of
oar “national defense”. President Roosevelt, who
always needs to be watched carefully when foreign
policy |a under consideration, has been announcing
Represented for national advertising by Na- ©ur need for an enlarged anqy'and navy and air
ttoaal Advertising Service, Inc, 420 Madison Ava, force. Stupendous budgetary ie«timatea for these
New York Cttg. ! purposes have been made public.
g|.L’ FDITOI-IN-CHIBF * Io8t Americana seem to favor the program of
\UVKRl IHING MANAGES n a,n ' amen L It is not surprising* Most of us do not
rw« ltnoar what threats we are annlng to defend our
selves against. Yet most of gar have a feeling of
insecurity. In Europe wo think we see ruthless dk-
i j tabors proceeding to triumph nfter triumph over
what used to be called the democratic nations. In
Asia another totalitarian natioh is expanding ito
influence and ito territory. We fear anything we
ia lokely to pfe the dictators a foothold
; hen the President,
suggests pqwfarful armament, in
■ MU j j, • ’ jj
E. L. DQ88 .te-*.
#.1H SMI H
Bill Payne.
Managing Editors
teCaarge Fnlbm. B. C. Kaetoar
Assistant Adrertising Msnafars
B.d> Oliver. Wayne Stark
Associate Editors
B. C. <Joep) Ooteo
Why not assure your
ftuw that no matter
what happens there will
always be a Rood Xmas
in yourkome.
kjk! Burgees. ’29
Sidney L Lovelean, ’88
O. a Donaho
Today - Sat
Wayne Morris, in
“Brother Rat”
• *
Preview -11 P. M.
Sat Night •
hi mars jmwht jMipi T6T
GA *.&
Show n SntL - Mon.
Sun. - Mon. • Tues.
^ Rh'tim
_T swan Ausami
I. For A
to delight a
Feminine I^eai
Iduurious robea, house
coats, .md pajafo ih that
will make your pirl (or
mother) gaap with
I/*» 7
Choose from a selection of
glamorous Satias, or beatiful Cheni.lea 2nd warm
■ffill-lk •
to $19.95
If vou u* undeoidid. let ua help you uelaei Borne-
Ihlw in luggage, lingerie, or any of a dumber of
small items. A gift from a Ladies Shop wU flease her.
The!Smart She
Appealing gift paakagea wrapped ffeal
JL Btoff Phrtagraphar
J. C. Ditto
Circulation Maaagar
Don McChtasty. H. G. Howard
Circulation Aaaistente
lore when
f-protcction, we almost automatically
rgeation. M ‘il
c r. DtVIlhiaa...
Tton Darrww...
Jndi Puckett
in or near America. Therefore
or anyone elae,
the name of self
approve the suggestion,
Personally, I do hot think the United State* has
an interests in Europe or in Asia for which we ought
to fight Our great strength Bafa in our own con-
ristaat tinental position. Our policy with respect to conflicts
Editor among nations elsewhere should be ao to shape our
Kdii .r neutrality acta aa to make itjeaay for ua to give
Editor economic assistance to nations which ahare our
BIU Murray
A. O. Warren
B. F. Regers, A. J. Carroll, N. A. Meere, M. G. sympathies, without becoming involved in a military
menaarti. H G. Tolbot W. J. Sand.d«c. j. R. sense.
Scott, Lewis Chevaillier, W. T. Gay, Geerge Naa- Some Americans are alarmed at the idea of
aaear, B. A Sbw irf- < arter Beam. J. A. StaaasA. Fascist “penetration" in South America. In the
R. ■. laglefieldi C A. Rh«Mie, A. K. Adams, Fester military sense, however, we can repel any military
Wiaa, BiH Whfal, M- H Rebiaeea, R. B. Hparka. excursions without trouble, and withont gigantic
R, P. Dave*pert, J. W. Jenkiaa. L J. Wefegja , increases in eur armed strength. As to the infil-
C W. Wlfaiueeu
Bay Treadwei . .
L. B
Paal Ket^
| J. F
laseu Jonaa, G. W.
R. W. Barchfiod, Jack
W. C Regaa. R. L./d. M
tration of ideas, there is only One sure way to over
come an Idea, and that is with a better idea. No
Fditer *»o»nt of high-pitched shoulting about the res-
Bditor P*rtive virtues of political systems can have the
Utter effect of one successful demonstration of a cool
BdHor political system in action. le we want to win that
ms, text of contest, the solution does not lie in out-
Jr, shouting our rivals, bat ia making our own demo
cracy so productive, so beneficial to ito citiaens, ao
peaceful, that other syatem appear unconquerabJo in
! comparison with it. , /
‘ 1*
If'' ' d At »|s ri lu •' T‘I v #1 ‘dRift. ■ f li , jt
Our Windows Are Pull of Gift SuRKestions
* i-
1 L)
! j-
l « 'f H ,