The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1938, Image 1

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    J* !
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the thirttBSSS
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;e station,
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pyright In Hands Of Pubfisher
[ Precedent in Pre-
|Holiday Activities
! Will be Established
A precedent in the way Affta
greet the Christmas season will
be set this year, it was lean
Uxlsy with the announcement that
a Cadet Coipa Community Sing
will be held Sunday afternoon at
bs Guion Hall.
A student-faculty group Monday
worked out temporary plans for
Uie proyjrmrr., with final plans
due for oompietion today.
At Plana for th<t sine cal) for an
Ail CbgfataMS program, with moot
of; laps ringing dona by the Cadot
Corpe Itself. Special numbers-will
he given by the Glee Club, the
Arspc Band, and an organist, and
the cadet colonel and senior presi
dent wtl both make short speech-
The program will last arouad an
hour. Songs to bo used will
printed oy tbs A. A M. Press, it
was stated. • ft r -
I fin jgreup meeting to dtscuss
the program was composed of Ca
del Colonel David Thrift, Senior
President Bob Adams, Social Sec-
nhitg j Bill Livingston, Battalion
Editor, K. L Doss, Band Major
B. T. Wehner and Jack Bibbs from
the student body, and Y. |(. C A
M. L Cash ion. Glee Club
J. J. Woolkett. Qr. E. P.
the Rev. Mr. Sweet and
T. W. Leland from the cam-
i residents.
u **
* X
Outstanding Ex
To BeQoDoredAt
Banquet Thursday
Dick IWd. the "CroweD Cyckme,
pickers ef mythical elevens. Todd, i
of eUgibillty, la expocted to he the
Southweet eleven.
■ if j
A K gi« Tackle
Boyd, above, have been the two Aggie griAstsrs receiving most notice by, sports writers and
been a sperkplsg ea thee Aggie team since his fish year. Beyd. whs hoc one mere year of
-recognised Aggie player next year. Both players Imve been included in c^er> important All-
r T 7 J n
I Over .“VOO Aggie Pish ore exptM
hd to leave here st 2:00 p. m
Saturday for Mary Hardin-Baylor
College at Beltoa to attend a form
al reception as guests of the fresh-
pail. prIV skat at tho
schoolji 1
According to Terry Thrift, presi
dent of UMi freshman class st A.
A M., the boys are supposed to
'be at the school for the beginning
of the reception at 7:80 next Sat
urday afternoon. Pish Thrift re-
ceived the inviution from the pre
sident of the freshman class at
thin all-giri school last Wednes
day; he la expecting mom definite
d information today for ' jgl^rialMI
, ] member* of the freshman class.
The fish plan to travel In tho
project house trucks which carried
many Aggies to Dallas for th<-
corps trip. Part of the trucks will
return to College Station Satur
day and the rest of them will re
main over until Sunday morning
to brkf back those who can’t get
away Saturday night This re-
ccptiaa is becoming an annual af
fair between the two colleges, and
those wno made the trip last year
<ay that the fish are ia for a good
time with their hosteaagkl
Sophomores of each organisa
tion are requested to meet some
time this week and elect a repre
sentative for the Sophomore Coun
cil. Jack Bailey, president of the
sophomore clasp, announced Mon-
By having this council of forty
men class business can be discuss
ed and decided with greater expe
diency than U a meeting of the
Belton entire dess was called. The first
hsx. mhly of this council win prob
ably be held next week to disease
preliminary plans for the sopho
more ball, which |s to be given
early in the spring,
i Although Bailey has communi
cated steadily with Jean Stockey,
president of the sophomore class
of T.S.C.W., no official invitation
has been extended to the A. A M»
sophomores to attend the T4J.C.W.
Sophomore Prom which is to be
held next Saturday night. As a re-'
suit plans to engage a special bus
to Denton have been discarded and
ary boys who make the trip will
do so solely on their own initative.
Dead Week
Marvin Smitl i Honored An
Successful Ei iginecr At
Testimonial ] )inner
»* % * */ f*f • * T jr- ’ ^ ; t.fs * tf
Following a p\*n which was
augurated last year for tho pur
pose of honor ng successful ex
students of thi college who hove
been out.-Undipg in thefe chosen
field, the coll>|m is tending to
Marvin W. Sn of the class of
1915, a testimo tisl dinner at Sbisa
Hall at 7 p. no, Thursday.
Marvin Smitl was bom at Over-
ton, Texas, Od ober 8, 1808. After
graduation froi i the Overton High
School, be toot up the study of
electrics! engia wring at the Agri
cultural and Mechanical College
of Texas, from which be graduated
as valedictoris a of, hit rises in
1915. Immedisl rly after his grad
uation he entered the employment
of the Westinj houad Electric and
Manufacturing' Company aa stu
dent engineer putd his association
with that Co
tinuous. In 1
engineer of
and in 1930
occupied this
Large Club Meeting j
ing one of the most in-
teresfhjid talks ever made to the
Petrtjsufai and Geology club, M
T. Hmlxaiy of the Merit Oil Corp-
orati>r., Houston, addressed more
than'80^‘members of the club st
the (ooeting held last Friday night
In the T'fcroUum lecture room.
Hq discussed “type* of present
traps in the Gulf Coast
and the future productive possi
bilitiei of deeper horiions and of
hk traps”. Halbooty re-
("that the education of any
engftMft does not cease with the
ending qf his college days but only
begins”! be pointed out that the
today are confronted
that must have the
tjon of engineers of va
rious (j'Cipaniee who have theif
G. W. Schlesselman, Professor
pf Agricultural Economics, was
in Dallas Dec. 8 and 4 for the
psrposc of addressing members
orithe extension class in Agricul-
Uiral Economics 428, given in con
nection with tho Farm Security
idea. 4a the subject
Museum Enlarges Collections
And Curator Publishes Book
Dr. O. M. Ball, eurafeor of the
College Maseum, ia completing for
publ K ..,on[k !><«<* - W
tion of fossil plants. The hook la
the second volume of a series en
titled “A Contribution td the Paleo
botany of Texas,” by Dr. Ball,
who published his flrat volume
four yean ago. This ooe is the re
sult of labout six year's work on
tie subject
The volume^, now in its final
Stages for publication, describes
about 40 new specks of foskl
plants hitherto unknown to scion
atid many others new to the Sn-
rient flora ef Texas.
The two volumes account for all
tie specks of fossil plants in Tax
as known at the present time
Many of them plants show that
the climate of Texas in early Eo
cene days, as far as temperature
and moisture are concerned, was
*ot jfsr different from that of
East TVxaa today./As now esti-
maNJ, these plants lived between
ilipknr and thirty million years
ago. “It k a very striking circum
stancesays Dr. Ball, “that many
of them are practically Identical
with species now growing in Tex
C. J. Hesse, assistant curator
of the Maseum, k .preparing
paper en ”71)0 Fossil Vertebrates
(Continued on page 4)
thioi,this colloborution can the
engineers solve the major p oh
lems wi{h which they are com
frontsdl ^
“We have meetings of tho Hous
ton Geofbgk Society .In Houston
where each member, a specialist
in cvrtain phases of geology caa
conduct «tody groups whereby we
can develop a thorough knowlodirr
of that pfciase. For an example, one
man may discuss ‘scdimenution, -
another ‘structural geology' and
In this; Way we can help ourselve*
■I' d -m.! piobUms "
Hslbouty used slides in his talk
and ihhowed different types of
structural traps, producing xon.M.
saM^omes of the Gulf Coast, geo
physical j. methods of discovering
types of structure, and the new
“suh-teitex” recently introduced.
The Extension Service is exhibit
ing in Cushing Library from Dec.
through Dec. 18 a series of ^
large framed photographic mural
pictures dealing with A. A M. as
the home of the Extension Service
and witii the various phases of ke
work of the Sendee with Texas
farms and ranches.
These murals have recently been
exhibited at the Stak Fair in
Dallas and at the meeting of the
American Bankers Association,
and will be shown at the Interna
tional Poultry Coagreas at Cleve
land, Ohio, next summer, as well
as during the Farmers' Shot
Course at A. A M.
Many critics and observers of
these pictures have dedared the
display the greatest collection of
Texas farm and home pictures ever
An all-time record on Battalion
surveys was established this week
as 1,087 ballots «n the question of
re-instituting Dead Week v
sent to The Battalion office.
Of the votes, 1,088 were “I
fsvor the re-instituting of Dead
Week at A. A M. and I would like
to take sdvaatage of the week as
an opportunity for study* Seven
ballots were not marked and two
students wrote that they would not
use the week for study purposes.
Not a single ballot opposed Doad
Heretofore BattaUeU i surveys
have never brought more than 600
returns, indicating that the student
body is highly interested in feeing
Dead Week again at this school
No action has been taken by
the faculty as yet concerning rr-
instituting that feature pf the
college calendar. The next meeting
y has been eon-
he became section
power department
ion engineer. He
mb whim he was
appointed manager of ntginsetiug
May 7, 1988. jHis work as a di
vision enr •. .jr was supervising
and directing jbe activities of en
gineers and draftsmen ia the do-
oign of large |altemating current
generators frojn the standpoint of
adequacy, co%\ performance, a&l
production. Thjsse generators prob
ably ranged frjjm 5,000 kilowatt to
16.),000 kilowatt machines. In his
present position he is in charge of
i Contimjed on page 4)
Song at Games
Whea A. A M uhcs "Goodbye Is
Texas”-L'ff irial 'kurncj "Bfekta
War Hj^naf—A* any time in Dm
future, i; will he oalF with the. per
mission of Thornton W. Allen Mo
ke Pub iripM^ Company of Akk
York, it was learned today. u ‘“ t *
The land saH'rolonel
Dunn, iaa been granted
sion, to use the fong at fc
ganke )an<| practices
senting the colleges, hut has bqa»
denied permission A le us KjU
“public performancro for proWt”
It u u pointed oat that ‘4k
means the new series of Vfoad-
casts i rr Mhieh the Band k asgo-
t ia ting will have to find tkr air
ways ] rithout the fmailiar strains
of the ls< boot's number one soag.
As who learned ef ..#•
transfer of copyright from M Ffc»kjr”
Wilaoi, ex-Aggie, to the prspmt
copyright holders, a wave of^JU-
■wtmjnt.fwipt ovgr them. 1
The song has begs In use at Ag-
gklanl since Hti7.pi..i has hsepme
the tupe'b.N which everyone nmog-
nixes A. A M. [j J .
Pint copyrighted m 1981 by J.
M. R^noldn, the song’s copyright
i fa ansferred to Wilson ia 1988.
vho ii tain assigned the copyright
to th^ Ybomton Allen Gep-
Ly ,..c
Th. iiffmr n rmiMk-d those who
first ] suraed of k of the fight the
' ".iv.asity of Texas went through
sever J years ago to regain copy
right of their school song.
Last week the collection was also
temporarily exhibited in Guion
BaK . I- ■
of Industrial Edd-
Sundsy from Si.
attended the meet-
American Vocational
November 29—Deo-
Mr. Williams is a i
American Vocational
f j
The annual Horticulture Show,
sponsored by the senior Horticul
hire majors, will be in full swing
tonight oa the seeond floor of
the Agriculture Building. These
students arranged an excellent dis
play of fresh fruits, dry fruks,
canned fruit Jukes, sad pecans.
They are selling apple cider, fruit
>iice, nuts and fresh fruits to raise
money for the horticulture seniors
l to take their annual inspection
and took an active part
B| j these meetings of the groups.
While tn St Louis be visited the
David Rankin and the Hadley
I fj
Dean Gibb : Gilchrmt and Pro
fessors J. J. JMchey, J. T. L. Mc-
New, and L E>. Spencg of the Civil
Engineering department left Col
lege SUtion '^Saturday to attend
the national | convention!* of the
American Roqd Builders Associa
tion which is t • mg held in Dallas
December 5 to 7.
Present at. Ibis meeting will
of the faculty, according^ Vic*^ ^* E * Mc t>«" : 3d, head of the
F' vsuh nt Bolton, will be held eith
or just preceding or Just following
the Christmas holiadys.
The Battalion survey Was de
signed not as much to sac whether
students wanted Dead Week but
to dot.mime just how strong sen
timent for it is sssong students.
'x n tors all expressed
gratification over the remdts.
Jams Oita, managing editor of
the Tuesday issue of The Battal
ion, said, ”1 think Dead Week k a
good thing. Ifs been so long since
we’ve had it here that a lot of
•tudenu have forgotten about it
but it offers a good opportunity J** headquar
ters at Saint Gertnxfis, near Cor
pus Christi. He will return to A
for getting a better understanding
of a course.
In the fresh fruit room there
are 68 varieties of apples ranging
from the giant Rhode Island
Greenings to Wineasps less than
a third the sin of the fornsur.
They have a number of different
types of oranges, grapefruit, tan-
and the National AS- j gerinea, kumquats, lemons, and
of Industrial Tsache^] other types of Citrus fruits raised
In the Tsxaa Rio Grande Valley.
Fruits range in sise from the Pom
derosa Lemon which weighs a
pound and one half to the tiny
United States federal'highway sy
stem, sad representatives from
the highway departments of forty
states. Profesi or Richey will be on
the welcomini committee to greet
men and wel< ome then to Texas,
and Dean Gilchrist k serving on
a special committee appointed by
the Secretar - of Agriculture.
Dean Gllchr st. Professor Richey,
and Professoi Spence will return
to College Sation late Tueeday
night, but Piolessor McNew wiH
accompany th» delegation on th m
tour through Texas, which will in
clude a hunting party and barbe-
I. CoDina, president ef Mm
AaMkMi Institute-of Aeoouhv
.m-H. -poke this morning at eleven
ocioAbjtl the Accounting Society
l”Plaee of a Certify Pvb-
11«J Accosnunt in Modtta Life”.
AH Junior and senior soesunting
Rtodsnts were excu.v'd f roig i class
to h*vf the opportunity ef meet
ing end hearing Mr. ColU^.
There was much inter** dis
played by the students tai the talk
giv.i by tbs twice President of
th.- W rican Institute of Account
.ml.- Mr -oUins is Staged in
puMfe prscacc as senior partner
W Collins A Co. in Den-
Jmwdo, and k Dean of the
ef Commerce, University
being a graduate from
with the degree
Science. He alao
the a P. A. eerti-
Colorado and California,
i Charter member of the Is-
8«ving on the apodal
m on bankruptcy reform
upocial committee on gov-
i one of
as well
oa th* committee on
| ! ethics from IMS
A M. sometine K idHJ morning.
Mr. Collins will jour-
to spank to the
Clnb of Certified Puh ir
of Texas
Vocation:.; Schools to obserrs thtgI kumquats which weigh leas than
*Jwh have ] contributed to the
Houston dab was held last night
in order to make final prepara
tions for the Christmas Daace.
Club President Jack Os if an
nounced that something • pedal Ctdlege Community Chest No
would bo ot the program and fa-f °tb*r solicitor*, all^owed.” Many
vors would be offered.
Tho dance will be held on Dec.
21 st the Houston Club. Johnny
Sullivan and his ( orchestra will
furnish the musk. / i 1
Bids for the dance can be had
by members from Jake With. Each
member of the dob k to bring one
gusat A
students have seen this sign on
doors around the campus, but they
dent know jgst what the College
Community (4est ia
The College Community Chest
Committee members are Dan Roa
st!!, chairman^ and D. L. Wedding
ton, R. E. Kkrper, (X H. Wtnlfer,
Dillingham, D. B. Cofer, R
L. I Qhfcip, and R. E Rapp. There
k held each year. Om*<
tril itiom are collected from sA
the idi partm. nt* at tho college and
othir individuals arouad the cob
lege. These fugds are then distri-
butkd to variou* ageacka sponsor
ing charitable and tivk enter-
priea. This saves the truubk of
the agencies coming out ca th*
campus Mod collecting.