The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 02, 1938, Image 4
BATTALION GRakgbmkft- (Continued from p«fe l) trta* departure in the rtfiaeaU] control fifen to the government. He praised the worfc of the Farm Seearity Adirim.txation and the Farm Credit Administration as ba> inf agencvs doiaf splendid work in behalf of the fanaefs. Hecom mends lions for further legislation in favor of the farmer advocated by Mr. Moore InrhuUd thoee which will protect the farm- er's rights to American markets, eqealiM the tariffs and restrictive legislation, find new uses for farm products, hold down distribution costs, give the farmer advantages of remarch and education, bold down taxation, equalise freight rates, and moM important of all, recognise as a national responsi bility the conservation of sofl wealth along with water, mineral, forest and wild life raoourcm. “The moat valuable legislation in recent y»*re”, aaid Mr. Moore, “has been the Soil Conservation Program. Aa wa stop erosion, a* we restore fer- tility, wa are protecting both the producer end the consumer. The soil Conservation program deserves the support of all dtisena and the Grange w|l continue in its efforts to support adequate legislation so that the farmers will receive the maximum bepefrt of *oil conser vation.” . *f H WITH THE ALUMNI— ^ (Continued from page 1) suffered a broken leg. One of the tyg stars of ?jhe game was “Bob” ^esrata, 'pS, who is coaching at Bastrop • i • | Sam E. Rosenberg, ’J8, is sssistdnt county agent of Kastland County with headquar ters at Eagtkhd 11. X- K. Simani, *1(1, Bn nhsm, won the annual Ex- BkM line Coaches Con test this fsO . . i . Many Texas clUxene are t*Mating R. J. “Bob” Petts, Ort, Ware, widely known engineer and former teach of A. A M., for appomtmeit to tho State Highway- Commiasion . .. . . Claude H, Hverett, If. genoral contracti'r of Houston, is doing the dirt 4nd excavation work on the new dormitory program .... Colonel John H. Pirie, ’07, of the U. S. Arr Corps is acting head of the Ajat < orps Tactual School, LA SALLE BAREtER SHOP Kovan • ffCmmm • Jewee A- SHIRTCRAFT 1 I l^ HIMS Ml IMS! Mil AIMIIE , /MIKCfHR IF UTAH AM the teeton's imortest new * Ryles, ceien end patterns la shirts that are famous far flaa tailoring. — Two Convenient Stores fltyaaj' |: College SUtion •1 I - J ilT NanQES schedule of events December S—Pictare Show- Benefit t j D* ball Qub—Ameadbly Hall -43:30 p. m. DECEMBER 1-Faculty Dance —Ifaii Mall 9:00 II. m. Ip It Midnight | Deoemher A—Social Stietmt Seminar Meeting—Speakm, Mr J. P. Abbott on “Regionalism in Contemporary Arts andfUtera- ture”4-Phya^a Lecture T:S0 p m. December 5—Annual Hortfcul- tore Show at 8:00 a. m. to 8MO p. m. and from 7:10 p. ra. to p. m.—Agriculture Building December 0—Annual Horticul ture Show from 8^0 a. m. to 5:80 p. mw4-Agricultuni Bldg. December 9—benefit Picture Show—Fenefcg. Club—Aaaembly Hall :iO p. m. December 12,4 18—Landscape Art Flower Show College Green house—8 *. m. to 10 p. m. December 14—Entertainment Se res- Deep Fiver Plantation Sing ers -Guion Hall-H:00 p. m. December 15—Chinese Relief Pictures—Assembly Hall—8:45 p. H. •' will be a meeting of all in continuing Scouting at the Electrical Engineering Au ditonum Sunday afternoon at 3:30 There w Uerenteti All Agricultural Education stu dents, old F.F.A. members, and anyone else intereeted In Future Farmer wprk are requested to meet together in the Ag Eng lecture room at 7:80 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 7 to organixe a Junior Collegi ate Chapter of Future Farmers of America. Will the freshman who came to e me about a lost drawing set earlier in the year call at my office at his earliest convenience. J- J. RICHBY, Professor of Civil Engineering. 4- Musical vespers service will be held in Guion Hall Sunday 6 p. m. M L. CASHION OFFICIAL | | | The j Bt^te Board of Health ia again cooperating with thq College in an effort to stamp out malaria in the community. The nurse# and technicians will be at the College Hospital until the Christmas holi days for the purpose of giving the malaria test to students, members of the Col lege staff and residents' of the cemmiuUty. For the com munity to receive maximum bam-4’" fits from the teat, each person CIRCULAR NO 22: 1. The State Health Department in cooperation with the College authorities, is conducting a mala rial sunmy, one feature of which ia a blood test for malaria for all students of this College. 5. In ei der Himt the above test may be accomplished without in terruption of classes and yet be deoe in a reasonably expeditious HMHWer, students will report to the College Hospital for this teat dar ing a vacant period betwnen 8KM) »• m., and 6:45 p. m., on Mondays, Tuodays. Wedriesdaya, Thursdays and Fridays, ftfid between 8:00 a. m. and 11:46 A*, m. on Saturdays, beginning Nov, 80, 1988. 8. The test will take leu than two minute- per person. «. Upon completion of the teat, individuals will be given a card showing date of test which will be turned ia to dormitory organisa tion commanders by members of those organiaMioiisi! and to the Commandant's office by members of day student organisations, and. by students not assigned to organi- tions. Dormitory organisation commanders will turn all cards in to the Commandant's Office when the tut of their organisations is completed 6. The provisions of this Circu lar apply to graduate students as well as undergraduates. 4. Commanding officers of dor mitory organisations will be reJ sponsible fer seeing that members of their orgwmiations comply with the provisions ,of this Circu lar. Members ef day xtudent or ganizations sad students not as signed to organizations will be held individually responsible. GEO. • f. MOORE Colane^ U. S. Army Copunandant Maxwell Field, Alabama / . . . Commandant Colonel George F. Moore, '88, was a star guard on the Aggie turns of his day .... One of the stare in the Army's victory over the Navy this year was Sid ney Martin, who received his de- gree at A. A M. ia '85 and played on thS Aggie teams before going to Wert Point . . i . Jack “Oscar” Singleton, '38, la with the firm of Wydiff-Hill Bureau of Advertis ing, 4u'J Republic Building, Hous ton. k HALBOtTY- (Continued from page 1) in variodg-- types ef atructsres”. Halbouty received his Bachelor of Sdenee degree in geology from A. 4 M. m 1980 and his Master's degree In petroleum engineering and geology in 1981. He has at tained a wid».«L«tation through out the Gulf Coast area for his articles on heaving rfiale, Gulf Coast structures, methods of pro duction in the Gqlf (oast fields, use of muds and types, and other papers. At th# time that he was a stu dent here be was editor of The longhorn in 19:30. He was ai president of the Petroleum club a one of the charter members of I Scholarship Honor Society. He is'a member of the Houston Geologic Society, A.I.M.EL, Amor ican Petroleum Institute, Auer lean Association of Petroleum Geo- logits, New Yerk Academy of Sci ences, A merman Association lot Advancement of 1 Science, Society of Paleontologists and Mineral agists of America, and the Min crajogical Society ef America. The talk tonight is sponsored bj the Houston Aapter of th< AXILS. I ^ i -4- WE ARE ALWAYS READY TO SERVE service : , AND WORKMANSHIP AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP K. W. IVY. Prop. :. m Fnm Foot Offkt T v T North GoU i Y - 1 liriug or working Imre should take the tort. Representative* of the Beard of Health advisee that if residents ef the community prefer they can make appointments for the nurees to call at their homes to make the teat by telephoning Colkge 12. There is no charge fer the teet Since this Is a movement in the interest of the community, your cooperation is requested. F. C BOLTON, ‘ J. Vice- President ftcation at the offws. I eampeign hat ' J wwmm % 1 corduroy jMket 1 freahmai chemutry book 1 fkuhtoan English manual 1 freshman fiteld artillery man ual 1 biology notebook A. H. DEPARTMENT LOST A LOST: A Bulovs wrist watch between Francis Hall and Hart Hall. Finder please return to E-9 Hart for REWARD. The following articles have been left in animal husbandry and may be obtained upon identi- LOOT: Black and white Parker f—iteM pen with a robber hand •round the dip. Was loot about 14 days ago A liberal reward will be offered- Box 2534 CoU*e. IX)ST: At the bonfire last Tues day night, • Bara Houston State Teachers College Gold ring. Initials inside are OJLH. Please return to 88 FNuyuur. f-WTt A best drilled medal with name on back. Double usual reward fbr return to 'Staples in room 71 Puryear Hall. LOST: j *88 Austin High School ring. Retern to 82 Rots fer reward. LOST: Loose-Leaf notebook and Physiology book by Dukes in Y.M. CA. reading room. Finder please return k*ne to Law 2 for double usual reward. WOT:;A Log Log Vector slide role, No 649288 J. F. Dexter on case. Retern to 1 Leggett for re ward. DeMOLAY MECTlMg II IhM* vill be • lha teitebers of-the M ;*> throughout Texas hi the C*».pe| of tWYALCA. at7 p. m. Friday, Dee. LvpU busses to the chuech | Y.M.C A. snd Preiert Hou^e area at 8t28 every Sunday CLUB DANCB \_']| ' Brturday right. Dee. 8, the A. 4 M. Episcopal Club will hold its aimsal dance at the Bryag-parish ( fcohee. Giria from Brymi, Martin, Crivert, and Navaaota hove I mnt.-,i Rt-freshnwnUi, punch, «o- eoa, cake, cookies, will be sen The dance will b« from 8:88 5e 12:00 treh ef Christ a. m. Bible ATTENTION. IDUSTOII. BOYS There will be a meeting of the Houston A. A M. Club Mondxy •t 7:00 p. m. in ths YJI.CA. Cha pel. Plans for the Christinas dance will be discussed. CHURCHES FIRST BAPTIST ( HI K( H R. X Brown, Pastor, Walter Jofcneon, Educational Director Sunday Sehoo), 9:45 a. *. C. H. Bates, Superintendent. Preaching Service, 10:60 a. m. Baptist Training Uakm, 6:46 p. m. W. T. Parmer, Director. Preach- inf Service, 7:40 p. m. The pastor wflj preach at both services and Walter Johnson will direct the music. There will be a special Missionary Service Sunday morning. - ; ' l CLUBS PRB-LAWS WILL MEET Major Dyer of the Infantry Mili tary Sciehce staff of A. 4 M. will speak to the Pro-Lew Club Dec. 6 in the Petroleum lecture room at 8 p m AGRONOMY SOCIETY There will be a meeting of the Agronomy Society at 7 p. m. Tuesday hight in the Animal In dustries lecture room. A report will be given on the trip made by the crops team and ejection of business manager and social secre tary for the Cotton Ball will be held. ' I ! ELKINS TO SPEAK YlBjfre-Medica] Society will meet Tuesday at 7:80 p. m. in the Asbury Room of the Library. E. X Elkins will speak on Socialised WMbm ; MBlTMIIli, NOTICE 9 30 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship ; i ;rmoo Topk: “Life's Overtones” 7:00 Young People’s League Attention is called to the change in the hour of Sunday School to 9:80. Services in the T’ Chapel. Norman Anderson, I’astof. Jr, OT. THOMAS' CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. Roscoe C. Hauser, Recto ip. 8 30 a. m. Holy Communion 9 30 a. m. Coffee Club and Bible CMk > 11:09 a. m. Holy Corrununion and Sermon by the RactorA The First Baptist Charck ia Bryaa IF. H. Andrew, Pastor. Sunday School—"The Dan Rus sell A. 4 M. Class” at 9:46 a. m. Morning worship, 10:60 a. m.; Bap tist Training Urion, 6:80 p. m.; Evening worship, 7:80 p. ro Free LUNCHEON AND DINNER COFFEE CLUBS » A. M. to 8 P. M. ECHO TEAROOM Hl^way t »t College | TT WldyibiLS I “God the Only Cease aijd Cre ator" ia the subject of the Sermon which will be read in ril Churches of Christ, Srirnfst, Sunday, Dee. 4. Sunday morning a| the Y.M CA. Park! j m v Mm 0wteay 11:00 a. m.' in up*tain> IN lilt A DUEL from balloon* .1,400 Pari*. ~ ; / * chosen weapom fighters and his FOR BENT: adfelning I altar e. Bat road to Drive. Pheae FAiFOUGHT feet above ' fi* one of th* were killed. GLAS, JR. CE AGENCY W. J. “FUZZI ” DOUGLAS, *32, A( ALL POkMS OF INSURANCE Phone Bryan 160 Commercial Mid* . T*U8 ... I! R R R R . t v L ; 1 \ - j Don’t Lft Winter Catcli Yon t UNPREPARED! Let I k I’n pane Yoor Car for the Baljweather u tn - l '' , FLOP COLSON North Gate - 2 Blocks W«*t of Foot I’hqrve ( ollege 246 f i Patronise Onr Agent in Tonr DYEDS AMERICANSTE fu-*.' DRY•* CLEANERS PHONE 565 [BRYAH T T See Our Line of Insigrnia Jewelry Crosley Radios AGGIELAND PHARMAi ' A '■ *'■ on n GREYHOUND Swift; grsrefal, and raesrkably N , r JL t t»n and Creek royalty suaped him at s symbol arisaaemey. Distinguished line* sad ptoud beari can be bund on Egyptian camngs dating EC Racing has made this brew) |x.puhr in >TT6 THULLINC to watch the flaaiinggrey- 1 bound in hill flight But it’a jm/x riant to note that when the race ia ©vet he rests —as the greyhound above ia dt»n^ now. Though the dog’a highly keyotfltenrsoiia aysMm closely resembles our owrt, the dog nUxs instmetivtly! Life as it is tutlay leads w to ignore (atigued nerves. We carry on RESTING NERVES-. Ecrp- AMI SO IS 3SOO despite increasing ten- lion, strain. Be kind to your nerves if you want them to be kind to you. Pause a while, now and then. LET UP—LIGHT UP A CAMEL! Let the frequent enjoyment of Camels mild, ripe tobaccos help you take life more calmly, pleasandy, profitably! They know how pleasant life can he when they "LET UP—LIGHT UP A CAMEL” THOUSANDTH OF AN INCH is im- ) in my work,” nyt Charles Dietrich, grinder. Tve got to be aUolusdy sc- , snd so Pve got to cooccntmt. Nst- my nerves would be oa the spot if I didn't pause now snd then. I let up—light • Camel. Camels com&wt my Serve*." Ri * JkJil kftl U Ilf 1 - TRAP-SHOOTING CHAMPION of North America (Women’s Cby Targets), Mrs. Lda Hall, says: "Holding a shooting title four years straight puls plenty of pressure oa th* nerves. I give my nerves frequent rests, en- pecially during matches. I let np—light up a Camel —s/hn' Camels are so soodua^” m B ' I h jfl EDDIE CANTOR-Americs's greet eosok pesuoonUty -each I BENNY GOODMAN—King of Swfam snd the world*, mens- Mon ( U> ; ^.ung on the Criumhia Nets oak. 7JO p- EAT, «, rerteg h^-«ch Tured^ ^enmg-U.lund.u Network. I” 1 ' >T 8 - 3f P" M - S “ T " 7J0 P*?F-S.T. I 430 pm EAT, 430 pas CAT, 7J6 pm M S I, 4)0 pm FAT. •ha Rlxiii OGARtlTE lb. \ /i LIGHT UFA CAMEL! Smokers find Camel's Costlier Tobaccos are SOOTHING TO .a.a IVES