The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 02, 1938, Image 3
; ' :i \ ■ f V Adamson Has Promising Tank Team NucleWj HT TOM DAKKOW V AIMMaat Sport* Rditar Even thou it h L D. ktom- »on has lost Tost and Crow and p<<rhup> Smith from ha last fsar’s water polo team, be has hifh hopes of ths team’s rstarniOff from St. Lsols next rprmir an National Junior Water Polo .Champion* an honor they lost to Northwest ern UiUTeraltjr last year—for working out each wash is h group of sophomores who 'M» showing up wall. They give promise of more than filing the pltt* of -the lost men. Ponthieux ami Couch at backs, Hensley at a forward, and Webh at goalie art t|kS promising sophomores Members from last year include Hull and Armstrong at forwards, .4“* at a bach ppet, and Eel K at goalie. Tbs big fight now etween Zelmaa and Webb for the goalie’s spot. Those two boys will ha vs a mighty hard time in txyiqg to fill the shoes of last .Marls goalie, Captain Crow, one of the nation’s outstanding play- Ma. 7 PracUce WWKt a<f»rially begin MIS after FeMrvao 1. the same time the MiMlhf teem s< worth| Wt the Wf* ero working out once a week Jeet to bo la sepe OW ef the hioPMS firobtems facing hdemann Is that of • good George Japhct, the sMhMMkr {mi pear's ftah time, is dm poaai hsp to a socceosM Aggie swimming loam. He has a long way to go before being randy for conference piny, but Adaumoa is counting wary heavily on ills lad to come through for the Mnsnoo and WWtt of Aggieland,., Another task facing the coacfws is the job of filling the places «f Smith, Yost, Crow, Scales, and Simpson—all lost to the team be cause of graduation. Then there is always the peril of ineliK<b>!it., • which seesia to hit the swimming tpara harder than another team on the campus, la spits of t “tfs," Adamson is very optomistic about things end fully believes that the Cadet swimmers will suffer only one defeat—that at the heads of the All-American team from the University of TVx- t leMam**|eMM4e* fv j GOLDFISH WIRE USED Dl K ing the World War to detect the presence of poisonous gas. ' THE BATTALION SPORTS * 'J'll .Ml . I . »l .1 I. ■ I | I I, STATION 2.1030 ——— PAGE 3 Schools Represented On A. & M. ers’All-Opponent Grid Team STOP WITH US, AGGIES When In Hetrne ECONOMY CAFE HEARNK. TEXAS **8crve» Only the Best at the lowest IVices’ BY J.G-JKKP" OATES Haltslu>n Sports Editor While the football players are waiting on the conches and ath- letie cotnacil to announce who the letter sweaters will ge to this year, they have compiled an All«Oppon sot tnna^ . j Six schools are repsuaeatod oa their eleven. T. C. U. leads by placing threa awn, Baylor. T.-ias and $. M. U. place two amn each, Hiwi Arkansas and Santa (Saraj each place one m^T\ Tip team Is as fallows: ft. *. U, a* Baytor; tack. Woltf Clara, and Hah. T. C U.; gaarda—G. Bandera, S. M. U. and Kb.Kbu, Texas; center—Aldrich T. C. U.; becks—O’Brien, T. C U-i Patteraott, Baylor; Atwood. Ark lane; and Lawmen, Texas. T(*id said that Lawson was the toughest back he has ever faced in s%ht years of foothall O’Bi i< n Ml: Patterson were unanimous p.ettfsr the! Ibackfu Id Aldnch and‘-Boyd were unanimous to the feal !ij. The Aggies have a double tap- tain. in Owens “Slick'’ Rogers, i - 1 -wtr? kid who hung up his football shoes last week and retarned to the stu dent body as just another student. “Slick” hah served as captain of the football team this year and is also a captain of the Infantry div Isioa of the R. 0. T. C. He has been one of the moot anderratod football players in the conference The pistol team to workiBg an getting a match achedalsd with a team la Englaad. According to Captain Easlew, roach of the team, the match la certain and only final 1 It seems that the football team is not the only team that had a bad trip. The stock judging team gleaned 17th place to a coal recently. — LETS FIRE THE COACH. DRAN R. P. MARSTELLER, Head of the School of Voteri nary Medicine, to now ia Chicago attending the national cbirvention of the deans of schools of vetsri- nary medicine. H« to scheduled to take a prominent part in the pro ceedings of the convention. 5 Dean Marsteller left College last Saturday. He to expected bsck this coming Sunday. -i in jl T mswiasrvsr CRAY* SEAMlAT Saturday! Jhck Gray will take the fir* layor of blankets off hi* W Un4- maity of Texar baak. tbaii .-mad at Austin Saturday night when hto Longhorns pUy the Ubte of Pipelinera of Kilgore, tf indepemicrH team piloUvi by B.l-ltonton, former Southern Methodtatj captain, and including in its lineap three ex-Lofighom» Don White, Bill Butter and Morris Patterson Field (General onT.CU. All-Opponent Team * The footballers from Texas Ctoftolton University have selected Billy Patterson of Baylor as their choii. for the quarterback poet on their AlWfrponeat team of IMS. Patterson was Mm only play er who was a unanimous choice from the roeter* of the ten teems lhat the Progfe have met this year, and defeated Thu other barks selected along with Patterson avo Dick Tod i A. A M.; Jake ^chuskto, Rico; and Kay Eakin, Arkansas. The rest of the team Indudes the following: Sam Boyd, Baylbr and Bill Dewell, S. M.IU ends; fetRioyd. A. A M. and Cal Thoa^s, Tulsa taeklto; Jack Rhodes, Tqxaa and Mat Un- dry, Rice, guante; and Bob Msl* son, Baylor center. Gray tod • rather campaign fi • !• .1^ I Mr I WAR with the corrropoodents at Munich,” lays this American repexter, “and saw what diplomats hove since tried to gioos o\er. For one revealing instant, they what the peace of Munich actually signified to Ammeats." Herr’S his ev, Witness account—and an anal>tis of what will happrni in our furore relations with Europe, South America, and, in particular, England. See page Sfor-1 'MuropealShowdown by DEMAREE BESS plotted OOUS pre season campaign for his M0MB. Em flMh' Ifcrcos Bobcats will be eugaged twin ro xt w. ek, probably oa Wectoesdhy ’ JUB there and Saturday night in Aus tin. Highlighting the practice season will be games with the far-famed Kansas Jayhawkers at Austin on December if,-17. Gray will take his squad to Oklahoma City for ths annual collegia8k invitational tour- namont Doc. 2740. It will bs the Longhomd’ first trip to' ths tour ney. The Ixnghom coach, himself an all America forward for Texas only four years ago, haa nine lettermen and several good sophomores to work with. It appears Texas will have one of its best teams since the last championship season of [ j iT In figuring his lineup 6ray can ■tort with Capt Willie Tate, rou ter or forward. We- Willie, who to six-thre. and weighs a moro 218, to duo for a big season under both baskets. Tate to kard for burly guards to bump arouad, and he to a deadly one-handed artist when he to “hot". The other letterman art: Elisor Finley, Jimmy Britt and Joe Roach, forwards; Bob Moenk Oran Spears, Tommy Nelms, Med Sween ey apd Warren Wiggins, guards Some of the ▼etonMlllhowevur/ ars almost certain to lose their -first or second team |>ontions to three sophomores -Chester Gran ville, hefty ex-Austin higto star; W. Rl 1 Bropt, giabt center from A b«-math* and Thurman Hall, former John Tarleton forward who to one of the squad's best ball- handlers. IA SQUAD OF 24 PLAYKKS coached by Jim Crowley of Ford ham, will sail Tuesday mght for S series of exhibition foothall gam « in Paris, Lyons, Marseilles and Nice. ^ J Crowley selected ths men from formei, playrs of Pu'duc, Ho.y Cross, Ford ham, Boston College. (olumMUil PmatoylTania, Pitts burgh, Y. U, Dartmouth. Princeton, Ytllanova, Boston Unl- veraity and Monhattan s Give i! iliery J, Lead 1 IN CLEF I ELD etball To Stari At A. & M. On December 10 BY TC|M DARROW Taro lay ths Texas Aggto bao- ketball team officially direction of Coach for their approach- aaon, with over • reporting for duty. This . to being tod by Sammy guard from El he to the only ra the Aggies art of an unknown quantity Otoch McQuiltoa believes end the conference the sake position as turning le aoraewk it as yet. 1 the bote Wi Field A lotram BY RALPH The Field in both daaa A and class B this wssk with ofur wins to speedball and one each in basketball and u — 1 *— i ! rn , \m Dog” Dawson, star ftoh year and a tackle on football team, has not for practice yet, but wfl! season, nevertheless. He is beln^ groomed for ths startinij center | osition. Other likoly start ers are SM Adams and J. A. Car- rigan a forwards; Sammy Dwyer and J. j l tag at guards. Tbs oth er mettd>«rs of the team have not had ttoj* 10 P rove tbeif value as yst; so many changes will prob ably ocdir it the starting fhu from Ths Cadet’s flrot for Dee. 10 at # • Why hot \ 1 Haw doc. ^ L, v.ta-y'h' ,roubk «u-tao» •p 0 ' 1 * ' a 6 ® 1 . . xig, tackles a fear we® 91Mr ~ ^ X*" id. curt* «»W adv»nt« » Wf (llnrt a,,, s,<^. . *:. ..Tnui 4i LtuUerTmm jtIHT STIIKS IP| ' P^HMVtoCVCN NI DC traoped j x tm the top fcor . Tnsct 4 huodrad-fsot aerial Udder --and Toma, Mayo pkts wucUl moment to teO ftehtoWhold,. -Nobody’. Ordering mo to kali myvetf far • othta » r -vA fart 11miitag Mory or are-fi t htrra U aetkn HitkFb to MAURICE WAN In class B volleyball B Big. won over F Eng., C Coast tofeated D Eng., and A Eng, bowed to B Coast No class A games were held so far this week. In class B Sg*edball A Big. de feated C Eng., A F. A. defeated E Coast, E Ft A. defeated Band, and D Uf forfaited ■totoL - The Field Agtillery repeated its record in clast A aa in class B with B F. A. winning over Inf. Band, C F. A. idefeuting E Inf* E Eng. defeated C Inf., and B C. W. I 'lost to A S{ynal Corp Basketball rvraea were played I a boy lo win twelve letters with- other than ths above indude H. S. Eden, C. D. El- G. Folk. H. F. Holland, Dll K Y. Scarborough, J. J. T. Tinker, R. E. Wheelk sn4 D. B. Varner. AboyMayWin 12 U tters and-Not Learn One, . < on:plaining that “in many Amerie in colleges it to possible for in class B only. M Inf. forfeited to C C. |R. 8w while G Jpf. def.-au-d B Eng* 17 to li, and B F. A. won an easy game jvar F Coast 24 to In class A kandba ! irames G Inf. wow over p Cav* B Eng. de feated E Coak 2nd Hq. F. A. defeated C Coast, A Coast won over 1st Hq. F. A. and F Inf. cropped their fames with D Coast Class A and B will hold swim ming meets next Saturday and Sunday. Many of ths fellows have been working out (tody and in all probability t^ere will be some good close rales. TEN OR M{)RE MEMBERS OF the Y. M. C. Jk. Cabinet, including Cadet Colonel liaVKl Thrift, will leave Saturdajr morning for Camp Qnin Del Mmr, tear Galveston, where they Will attehd a dinner and dance as guests of the Y. W. C. A. of Rice Institute. They wiH return late Sunday fOentog. A Pmy^avs out learning to write one,’ Robert M Hutchins, president of the Uni versity of Chicago, suggests in to- U s aci. I... Kvening Post that the M; way to rid college football of ovei i-rsphasis to to lAvu a ton cent ga «. He would also give athto- tic dirt tors mime kind of academic position -so that their jobs depend on tos|: |MBty as instructors and their d aracter as men, and not ot the gales they draw." Presi lent Hutchins denies that college football ia a moneymaker and cit -a, as example, an inatitn- tmn ‘tlat was tht country’s most -nsatisnal football college." Last year, h i usy^ When its eras sold at auction and bought by bondholder^ it waajdiscovered that it waa run ning a year behind Hs bud get "The Daily Maroon" 1 , Chicago Univer ity’a undergraduate news- * The roster ,•includes George Bell of Purdue, Bill FiAar of Penn., Ray Stoviak of Vilkaova, Frank Scouchak and John tolchelosen of Pitt h pop*". cago i ball. »tly suggested that Chi- foot- I SJ.,. FIFTY oxe hundred and thouoadd 'dollars to what ja ridi Astons ini paid an Englishman for his lergjr collection of military but tons. 1907 Grid Team -- Includ I r/uf l*»S hed i—to AND******* Fw Ww W0 to wan. v •ocs ww* uut*. Oood H .* ay? "Stay aot. Put punut ^ vT...n,^ idUn to WW __ irT «CH ' hcruahh B oeutsch FiM *• J "' !l0 i Run WkhaCMIWwgomg uauwd to know I A stwt Wary by Lt, CeL JoOai W Theaaaoa, Jr..,. MONT Wort mne^T, 55tTVkrtV^" l arte dsn wstwh Pbst ScripC*. cartoon, md tumi abovmfl the possession » •m, ranchetr. they had a fsw substitutes bask in those rough snd ready days of football,'but they didn’t play much nor got into the pictures of the team. The 1907 Agfto team to pic picture being now Rudolph Martin, aad one of squad. ! from left to right, N. Huff, Dale, who ttvas H QUkwtoLt* *i-L n. 5cnrai<3% now Chief at the Veterinary Divigton of tbs Texas Agricultural or, now deed at Chillicothe; Experiment Station, College Sta tion; George F. Moore, Colonel, U. 8. Army, now Commandant of ( adets at A. A M.; Jim Rosa, ad- dreaa unknown; Charley DeWare, Dooaod; Big Plindhnm, addroaa unknown; and CoUch Larson. Sit ting, loft to right are, an umden tifled lad; Looto Hamilton, now living to Now York; A. L Cornell, Denison; Joe Utay, Captain,, Dal las towyer and a member of ths College Board of Director.; Choc Rally, now Athletic Director and i|.-ad coach, Hollywood, Cal., High Symcs, Abilene; ; Roger Hook- Leggett, and George W. Barnes, Collage Station. H*07{ Was Coach Unions first year aad the Aggiw upset the dopo < were Ft Worth University, L. 8. U* HmpfU Indiana, T. C. U* Tu- OUahoma University. Two ggaes were played againat tbs University of Texas, the first a scorefeos tie to Dalka, the a victory for Texaa, 114, at Am-