The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 29, 1938, Image 4
: ; " ? i-t • If I! 1 k 'I I 1IIPIPVP9ffVPIHPVIPr IrifS TI. ■»TT«I. I .I. ■HIT t!| . Angels Shown at With Dirty Faces” To Be ; v Palace: Thuradaji Satarday -ANGELS mn ©raxy PAC ES," which lat been one of the cle rertat concocuons of excitement, heartwteppinf thrilla and emotional hantaa touches ever to hit the screen. The 71101 sets a new milestoi with a powe The name* alone ahowa. such a good Jimmy Gagne End’ Kids, H Sheridan, and the atara of moor of' ga with the f|ne •< • The fll^ d brought up whose lives gent when school for a took part. He in gangster dramas lar songs of today. ,1114 film, one of the latest musical comedy hits, has proved very ent not extraordinary. tbo 1 human story, eluded in the film ie reason why it is box-office magnet Pat O’Brien, ‘Dead phrey Bogart, Ann eorge Bancroft are is atory of the gla strrism contrasted things in life, la with two boya, tier in the slums, ome widely diver- is sent to reform in which both bedomtes a big-time gangster, his friigid enters priest hood. Itieir paths boss again when the gangster, pirt of the mob that runs the c ity, bucks the priest who is headini; a “clean up” cam paign with the object of saving the thousands of a umi boys ia his par ish from lives if < rime. The strong bond between the two min makes their conflict ibulily exciting, and leads to the unique and thrilling climax which 1 fta the picture high above dhe ran c a id file of gangr ■ter pictures. Assembly Halit: Wedaewlay “COWBOY tfRokl BROOKLYN" —featuring Dick Powell and one of the prettie it i >f the beautiful Lane sisters, Mlrill^. llm boy” sings a numiier of Ihe popu- lall: Tisedsy and '•t!«Jl 1 JUDGING TEAM AND COACH i. ll LIVESTOCK TEAM PLACES 1TTH Ml HATIOHAL MEET The Senior Livestock Judging Team of A. A M. won 17th place in the Annual Livestock ] Judftaff Conteat which was held In Chicago Saturday, according to a Wire re ceived by the Animal Husbandry Department Monday. Iowa and Kansas tied for first place at the There were 27 team* from all over the United States entered in the contests. The t. .in from Texaa was 91 points behind Ihe top team. Edwin Brown, V <> of the repre sentatives from A. A 1 11., was high man for the sheep chvision of the contest and was 10th in cattle judging. The team aa a whole won 3rd in sheep and 9th in cattle jud ging. The team left Collage Station Nov. 16 to be gone for 16 days. Ac cording to members of the Animal Husbandry Department, this ia the most extensive trip ever made by the team. The members of the group mak ing the trip to Chicago are Doss Buntin of Plain view, Emil Prugel of Menard, Ed Campbell of Brady, Ed Brown of Beevilk, Herbert Mills of Sterling City, and Marvin Smith of Sonora. The team was ac companied by Pirof N. J. Schuless- ler, team coach, and Mrs. Schuess- ler. or EVKNTH: The members of t^e Poultry Judging Team, which placed fourth at the National Content* held in Chicago, are shown above. The mem bfrr* of the team are A. G. Warren, Louis Jureak. Ted Martin, sad W. L. Braddy. The team coach is E. D. Pansell. — Be first ith the newest ... wear ft Catalina. We • have a splendif ’ assort ment of these smart sweaters in cable stitch or all American, at vies. Zipper or button front co;il belted bac I ’• t +- 19 A. * M. STUDENTS— (Continued on page 1) *• B. P. Mandell, senior, co-uditor of The Scientific Review. A. P. Rollins, senior, president of the Scholarship Honor Society and of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engi neers. 1 Jack W. Clark, senior, president of the student chapter of the Amer ican Society of Mechanical Engi neers. W. C. Morris Jr M senior, chair man of the student branch of the American Society of Electrical En gineers. . .j David McCorqusdale, senior, president of the student affiliated chaptar of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engi neers. Beal Hargrove, senior, president of the Agronomy Society and ehnir man of the Brysn-Collegu Enter- whamaft Ssvimit' f Herbert M. Mills, senior, pres ident of the Saddle and Sirloin Club and King of the Rodeo. ;A. 0. Faubus, senior, president of the Kream and Kow Klub. Ag Engineers to Show Several Films At Meeting Open to All Thursday night the Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural i Engineers will sponsor a show to every student desiring to attend in'the Ag. Eag. Building. “The TugH' Tugger,” presented with an ag-Hollywood cast is the mala ptyra4tion of the aeries of talking pictures to be shown that night "The Tuttle Tuffer” tells the story of * salesman and a sales lady who get their sample cases mixed up and in the ensuing nes laughter provoking action takes place. Leroy Bagiey, the new milking machine salesman for the Tuttle Tugger Company, thinks he knows all about fanning and tries to help the hired man. At the same time he is trying to sell a milking machine. Every time he trios to help he causes trouble for the farmer and mirth for the spectator In addition to the comic feature there will be four other sound pic tures. They include “Around the Farm Clock”, a picture showing up-to-date power farming methods and equipmUbt; "The Mark of the Genuine”, giving proper maintain- ence methods for farm equpimpent; “Mr. Sheppard Looks Inside", pre- ciMon manufacturing of modern farm tractors and a newsreel of developments in faming equipment. In connection with the show the Deere Company will offer talks and demonstrations of their equpiment that will be of particular interest to the sgricul tural engineer. Kryl’a Bympbony Orebes- Guian Hall, h 00 pt m. r 2—Picture Shew, Be nefit Debate Club, Assembly Hall, 0 30 p. m. t ; December t—Faculty Dance, Meaa Hall Annex, 9:00 p m. to 12:00 midnight • December 6—Horticulture Show, Agriculture Building, 8 00 m. to 6 00 p. m. and 7:80 p. m. to 9.-00 p. m. December 0—Annual Horticul- ture Show, Agriculture Building 8.O0 a m to 6 p. m. only. December 9—Picture Show Benefit Fencing Club, Assembly Hall, 0:30 p. m. FT'TnT- ^ x i | MRS. B. L LOCKETT, WHO IS returning to Africa aa a missio nary in thg near future, will ip* ak at the Fin* Baptist Church, Col- lyge Staflial Wednesday evening at Mrs. Lockett is considered one of the moat dynamic speakers and out standing missionaries of Southern Baptists. Her messages always present a great challenge. A person will count it a rare privilege to hear her. ef fect** lat Call Retreat, November », 1028: let Call. Rt treab—6:46 P. M. Aabembly—6:48 P, M. Retreat—5:50 9. U. Mess Call, after Retreat. GKO. F. MOORK U. $. Army, Commandant. ! 'TO LECTURE iy night at 7:30 in try lecture room the seientUt, author, trsrv and speaker, Dr. of Rice Institute, will give a lecture for the general public on the biteresting subject of the t w- pics—human diseases in the trop ps,| Hall. WELCOME Stadubaker Hoick Brazos Motor Co. USED CARS Bryan , * Phone 220 WELCOME BACK, AGGIES 4 When It’s Down Right COURTEOUS SERVICE You Want Send Your Clothes To CAMPUS CLEANERS Joel Englifth Above Exchange Store 1 with kis the This regular twUnglrf Chib, which has Secured authority to lecture b of the Club are tend, and all other residents of the osl environs are cordially There will be a students interested in for the meats judging Friday Dec. 2,'at 5 o'clock in the Animal Industries lecture room,— on its CLUBS' There will be an ness meeting of the Et Club Wednesday, Nov. 30, p. m. in Room 6 of lb* •« * " BACK, AGGIES Come In and J^k About Our New SCALP 1 HE ATMS NT Y. M. C. A. j&ARBER SHOP In I i L-* —^ , m, t AGGIES — r, it H, Congratulations to the Football Team Pnr A > Hard Fought Season I Come By an4 See Us For Your Cigarettes - Candy - Drinks - Meats ♦ And a Complete Line of Groceries £R0CF.RT Exchange Store YOU CAN IT * 1*1 COMBINATION -..P i HORTICULTURE SHOW- (Continued on page 1) waste portion ia several varieties of pecan will be shown. - Featured in the show will be can ning projects, ’lung nut displays, apple varieties exhibit and the by product of the apple, cidmr. It ia P'"b:ible that thfre will be a cider bar where cider can be bought by the drink for a nickle or by the gallon for a dollar, jug furnished free. Other products may be bough: from the exhibitors by the public if the prospective buyer desires. In a few worda Dr. Adriance, head of the Horticulture Depart ment, explains the p .rpose of the ■how; “The primary objective of the show ia to acquaint the stu dents and their friends with the various horticultural products of Texas, sad to give information re garding the handling sad prepara tion for market of these products." — A MATTER OF TASTE— He Find The Best Made Sandwi Kinds as Well as Excellent FounUiB Service ‘ i 'vm Gifts of aH Sort* and TOBACCO • CANDY [T STATIONARY O.K. M*r ' k rl M! » V v jP J kil k — \* ; /V ! ^* XL' jt- ' r*. .. i j J* U L * f,! y- -—*• - . - : ’ t \ n '. KI H I LI ogeO the United Stutes mired and respected whole ivorld over . : j. 'Mm for the things you want in | cigarette you can depend on hap^y combination of mild npe tobaccos in Chesterfield*! kach type of Chesterfield tobacco is outstanding for some fine quality that makes smoking more pleasure. ■ I fj '! • * Combined...blended together the Chesterfield way...they give you ipiore pleasure than any tte you ever smoked. On land and sea and in the • air a.. wherever smoking is en* j joyed*.. Chesterfield s mildness and better taste satisfy millions. Cwnh* »wll f a Mvan Tomos Co ...the blend that can 9 t A; [ i li] . ** worn; (Tli j, ; ili* be copied ,TI0H of the tobaccos A i I* i i M il :