The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1938, Image 4

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Uit Tuesday The Battalion reprinted 4 «U-
torial from the Los Anceles Jahjior < olle^ CoUefian
entitled “A Letter to Hitler." In riew ©f the recant
outran on civilisation by the Naais under Hitler's
leadership, the comment was not in praise of Dor
Pneher. If it had been, we *a|ul4 not have pi f'-d It
This week we received a letter - unsigned—criti-
citinf The Batulion for printing it. ‘ S
Now we find that The Battalion's attitude must
be justified in order to satisfy the minority who
may have some use for the fascists
P In the first place, we h«(ld with ipt dictator,
whether he be fascist or communist
In the second pltce, we cannot see either fascistie
or communistic philosophy as lofical or desifable.
In the third place, we cannot but despise any
government which atrikes at the very roots of civi
lisation through oppression of minorities and being
ia tolerant.
Fer these reanons, we reprinted the follefciail’i
The critriam which we received, however, was
hot directed toward praising fascism ao much as
toward pointing out that America may be the
victim of propaganda again just as H was before
the World War.
In response to that, it may be pointed out that
If straight news stories from reputable new! agen
cies—Associated Press and United Press—sound
like propaganda, then obviously something’s wron?
either with the news agencies or Hitler, and we are
very aiuch inclined to think it is the latter.
Recently Jews have been so oppressed in Ger
many that it is difficult for them to prevent star-
While by fer a majority of college students are
wholeheartedly opposed to the Nazi philosophy and
the means used in carrying 5t out, we interpret as a
duty cd a college newspaper to tell the outrages to
! the fetr students who do not take interest In outside
; affairs through other newspapers and to offet
| sensible attitudes toward these world events in
I editorial columns.
We believe, therefore, that the editorial wws
j consistent with that concept of the duties of a
-College newspaper and that the criticism was not ito
I • Hhwever, we reprint below the letter
which we received—but only with the added
no further unsigned communications on controve
topics will be printed in The Batulion:
of criticism
led note that
. _L i • *1 ! j j ! • < •
! I have just been reading an editorial
published in The BatUlion titled, “A Letter
to Hitler”. Now I am not living under,the
illusion that all that Herr Hitler does can be
'justified by us in the light of our otrn con
victions, l^ui I do question the advisability of
the recent widespread campaign in America
to create a negative feeling in regard to Mr.
Hitler. It seems to me that the editorial de
feats its own purpose by the mt^ner in
which it. was written. Of course I ant aware
of the fact that the editor’ probably reihu^
it as a very excellent piece of satire, but it^
seems to me- that if the goal of most think-
I - mg people is a peaceful relationship among
the nations of the world, this particular
piece of writing has missed that goal.
In the first place, Instead of attempting
to reUin an impartial attitude, the editors
seem to haVu the express purpose and desire
of lowing Hitler to the world as they
themselves see him, arid to create a negative
ide on the part of all readers with
they come in roaUct in regadd to
In the second place, the editkna of this,
our school paper, sre act the only ones who |
seem to have this objective. One has only to
turn on the radio, or pick up a newspaper to
read of the “oppression” which Hitler la
practiced ia Germany today. Aa a ease in
point I might refer to Dorothy Tbompoon’s
night radio broadcasts, or the col-
almost any of our daily ne*s eom-
tators. Yet we never hear the other side
of the argument, or whether or not Hitter
is doing anything for the German people aa
a whole. The question which arises as a
natural consequence of this condition is: *
Should we believe that Hitter has done
nothing for Germany? Or should we believe
that we are hearing only one side of the
argument—are we the victims of propa
ganda? ^
A number of historians in recent years
have shown that propaganda favorable to
the Allies, which was distributed in America
prior to our entrance in the World War, was
a great factor, aside frogs the economic rea
sons, for our entrance on the side of the
Allies. One of the most imporUnt of these
historians ia Walter Millis, whose book.
The Road to War might well serve as our
guide during the present uncertain times.
Another reason for opr entrance into the
World War on the side of the Allies was the
favoritism of the administration in power
during that period toward the Alltel. ,
Jt seems to me that these conditions are
being duplicated at the present time—Roose-
vett> action in recalling our ambassador
to Germany recently serves as only one
more of s growing number of illustrations
of the tendencies which are eventually go
ing to force America to>join with England
against Hitler.
Now the point of this whole argument
is not to criticise the actions of any particu
lar person or group in regard to the present
chaotic conditions, but to raise the question
of whether or not wo are going to allow
ourselves to be duped into fighting another
war “to make the world safe for de
mocracy". Perhaps I am mistaken, but I do
not think that the candle ia worth the price—
and I am not preaching economic isolation
or nationalism, but rather I am making a
plea for the use of common sense.
A Owr . * V 1 » *“ l |
’ el > e K
'v t vjte
Kryl’s Symphony
Orchestra To Be
Presented Nov. 29
Bohumir Kryl, nationally known
musical conductor, and hia sym
phony orchestra will present two
concerts at A. ft M. on Tuesday,
Nov. 29. The first program will
be held in Guion Hall at 3:30 y. m.
for the convenience of the high
school and grammar school stu
dents, and the second will be held
that night at eight o’clock in the
same place as a presentation of
the Entertainment Series.
Admission to the afternoon mat
inee will be twenty-five cents for
high school .and grammar school
students and fifty cents for adults.
All holders of Entertainment Se
ries season tickets will be admitted
as usual to the night program, with
sing] admissions being $1.00 for
t *
the occasion.
This program promises to be one
the best of the entire season.
Entered as second class matter at the poet office
at Callage Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress
on March 3. 1870.
Subscription ratea, $2.00 per year
Advertising rates upon request.
Office in Room 122, Administration Building.
Toiefhone College 8. Office open from 11 s. m.
aatil 4 f. m. daily.
Represented for national advertising by Na
tional Advsrtiwng Service, Inc, 420 Madfcon Ave,
New York City.
jl . BID Payne. Janies Grits
Managing Edit..™
George Pnlten, B. C Knetaar
Assistant Advertising Managers
Bob Oliver. Wayne Stark
-4^ AwacMs M^Haw
Oaten.-..— —Sports Editor
Staff Photographer
J. C Diets
Qrcalstioa Manager
Don McCkeeaey, H. G. Howard
_ . _ t j- _
C P. DeVHMoa
XL Raymond Pearl: Statistics! Statistics!
Certainly the “modem" man is more respectful
qf statistics and of the statistical method of turning
facta into truth, than the man of any other genera
tion has ever been. In a sort of bull sesaioh, for
example, I recently asked a biologist and a sociologist
to name the most significant trends in their res
pective sciences. Wothout any hesitation they both
replied: “The application of statistical method."
V Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University
has'>erhaps done more than any other one American
to makr-ps statistically minded. Hia articles in
Mencken’s oM^American Mercury and in Harper’s,
and his highlyNreadable book, “The Biology of
Population Growth",'enjoyed and discussed aa they
were by thousands, have undoubtedly influenced in
a “statistical" direction the minds of the people
who have in turn .influenced most modem-minded
n^en. Hence, even if you yourself never heard of
Raymond Pearl, you probably owe to him, if you
afe a “modem", some of your characteristic respect
for statistics.
I should like to recommend “The Biology of
Population Growth" as a painless illustration of
how a good statistician can make truth out of mere
facta. By means of charts and curves, clear as crystal
and much more entertaining, the book proves, among
°4i*HK . w t f i i
(Ij That the population of a country follows
the same sort of growth curve as does the body of
a man. That is, in any one period! such as our own,
which begin with the introduction of power-driven
machinery) the population of a country first in
creases very rapidly, and finally flattens out into
stability. This tendency is indicated on paper by
curve that looks like an S pulled out rather flat
and then tilted forward into a diagonal position
across the page. Thus, we need not, it seems,
Tees Dnrrew—
JsHt Packed....
BUI M array
A. A Wsrren
Sports Assistant
Juki or Editor
junior Editor
Junior Editor
B. F. Regers. A. J. Carroll, N. A. M«*ers, M. G.
.Fnsrmaan, H. G. Tolbol- W. J. Sandidgs. J. R.
Hood Lewis QierailUer, W. T. Cny, Grerg# Nas-
taaer, R. A. Shields. Carter Bead J. A. StanselL
E. 1. Inglefieid, C A. Rhode, A. K., Poster
Wtea, Bill WbalL M. H Bohmsoe. R. B. Sparks.
1 P. Davenport, J. W. Jenkins. L. J W,hrU
Advertising Assistants
C W. Wilkinson
! L £*8*
1 F. H«
L A. Newman. R. W
B. W. GerUck, W. C.
Billy Qarkaoa.
W. DoAnaond Jr,
Jack Routt;
R. L. Adsm»
worried about over-production. Unless a new era in
production should set in, and so start a new cycle of
growth, our population increase will diminish and
then flatten out in due time.
(2) the rate of ienrease of population tends al
ways to be less in densely populated areas.
(3) The rate of increase tends always to
greater among poor people. (Raymond Pearl sug
gests that this somewhat alarming tendency may
. be counteracted to some extent by the wide and free
dissemination of the knowledge and the means of
birth control.)
(4) Sexual activity tends to be greater among
farmers, next among industrial workers, next among
commercial people, least of all among professionals
and “brain workers”. The narrow and mentally
cramped lives that result from a poor economic and
social environment actually tend to stimulate sexual
Such profoundly interesting generalisations as
these are some of the fruits of the science of sta
tistics. But of course, you may say, there have
always been plenty of interesting generalisations,
even before statistics were ever heard of. The truth
is, I think, that what the science of statistics has
really given to us “moderns” is a feeling of asaur
ance that such swelling statements as the above are
not only interesting but soundly built up out of mil
lions of hard facts scientifically collected and
scientifically interpreted.
To the statisticians then, in general, and es
pecially, I think, to Raymond Pearl, the modern
man owes one of the most characteristic traits of
’ his modernity: An impatience with generalisations,
however interesting and authoritative in tone, whkh
are not solidly based not only on facts, but on facts
turned 4nto troth by statistical method.
k t lij. m il
It’s hard to believe that a person
can be made to fall aaletp Mmw
by showing him a tie pin. It’s even
banter to believe that be can
through suggestion be made so Id-
sensitive to pain that he will not
even feel a needle stuck through
his flesh, or A flame burning kb
band. Yet such things can be done,
as proved by hypaotist Matthew
Feinstein at -the meeting of the
Biology Club'last Thursday night
Fascinating indeed is the subject
of hypnotism, one of the most ob
scure and as yet incompletely ex
plored mysteries of the human
mind. Feinstein, a student of A. ft
M. who has attracted much atten
tion and favorable comment in this
part of the country with his dem
onstrations of hypnotism, present
ed many of the amaxing angles of
this subject to s large audience of
Biology Club members and guests
at their meeting in the lecture
rooni of the Animal Industries
Building at 7:30 last Thuradw
allli ; j \ T . jjp
f Df. C. H. Winkler, Head of the
Psychology Department, gave a
Kryl, a dynamic, fiery, but superb brief history of the study of hyp-
conductor, is a thorough observer, notiatn, and introduced Feinstein,
be has had forty years exper- i who lectur * d on hi * tor 7'
^ i # n . ,, , I types, and methods of hypnotism
of eooert l.f., .11 of whKh fo||owt<J hj ,
... continuously EN TOUR tnd of n demon.tmion. H, firtt Uit-
which thirty-two years he has been ed a number of boys to find out if
conducting hia own musical organi- they would make suitable subjecta
xstion, Hia only interruption from j ,or hypnotism. Unfortunately, fch-
his field of work was during the e,lUM of Ue conditions of light.
World War. noise, and other circumstances on-
. favorable to the mental concentrs-
Five superb soloists will be pre 1
: t» mi AcfU,
it io th, moo, tall will
Aggies will ha!
Corps Trip to f
. ; I if i
sen tod on the concert. The beau
tiful Dorothy Dickerson, soprano,
and Burtis Preston, baritone, will
sing; Pierian Zabach, violinist, and
Barbara Le Bruit, harpist, will pre
sent numbers; but the best solo of
the evening will be presented by
Kryl himself, with his magnificent
Another achievement in Kryl’s
career ia that fact that he is com
missioned by the U. S. Government
to supervise and direct the training
of all Army bands in the various
training camps throughout our
country. Kryl is popular for his
high class symphonic organizations,
and for his unrivaled and unexcelled
cornet solo, but what makes his
name immortal is his vast contri
butions to the cultural and educa
tional field of our natioh.
Student tickets for the remaining
six Entertainment Series programs
can now be purchased for $1.00
Every organization commander has
several of these tickets and any one
desiring one may purchase it from
them. The six remaining programs
are Kryl’s Symphony Orchestra,
the Deep River Plantation Singers,
Cornelius Vanderbilt, the Pnskuier
Trio, John Patrick, and n swing or-
cheatra yet to be named. It U sug
gested that all students desiring
those tickets purchase them within
the next few days, as they will not
be on sale after the Kyrl’s Sym
phony Orchestra program.
tion of those tested, only one that
night was found to be a suitable
subject, (although Feinstein has al
ways before been able to hypno
tize at least five of any group he
has tested).
Re then demonstrated on the sub
ject he had hypnotized a number
of almost unbelievable feats of
hypnotism, making the boy reapond
at the hypnotist's will to feelings
of intense cold or heat, making him
fell ’terror of tn imaginary lion,
causing him to eat with relish a
sour lemon which the subject was
made to think was s sweet peach,
having him sing “America” and d<>
liver while in the trance a long
oration in Latin (although the
boy normally could remember very
little of the language).
The demonstration was mads to
serve a scientific purpose, for by it
Feinstein was able to prove in
error the arguments of some pey-
chologinM.who believe that ao
change in the physic J functiens ia
produced by hypnotii m. Before be
ing hypnotized the tokjeet had a
nearly normal pulaft of about 82
beats a minute, but white in the
hypnotic spell his pulse fell to
about 48. \
Feinstein concluddd his demon
stration with two alhtost unbelit ve
able feats of hypnotism. One was
aa illustration of post-hypnotic
suggestion, as follows: White the
subject: was hypnotized Feinstein
told him that the sight of a certain
gold tie pin after being awakened
would Again put hin4to sleep; and
sure enough,! after Feinstein had
brought him back to a normal state,
the hypnotist as we| as members
of the audience put him into a
sound sleep merely* by showing
him the tie p(n.
Still more amazing was the test
feat, which illustrate# bow hypno
tism is noir being pdt to practical
use in the field of surgery to render
s patient who is to be operated on
as insensitive to pain jas if given an
anesthetic. Feinstein had his hyp
notized subject hold out his left
arm, then convinced him that his
arm could feel no pain. And even
though burning matches were held
under his har\d, the subject held
his arm oat rigidly, evidenead no
feeling of pain, sn4 after being
reawakened still felt no pain and
suffered no 01 effects whatever
Indeed, it was impossible to con
vince him that his had been burn
consumed In Sbh
y? Well, here’s a
the amount They
sa$ approximately 2000 pounds of
j Hits toes, $700 pounds of BMSt, IS
cases of eggs, 600 pounds of car
rots or any green vegetables, 11$
loaves of bread. 190 pounds of but-
teg, hH00 hotesekes, BOO | e« s meal,
*00 rolls, and 9000 biscuit* Ice
cream is served every third day and
around 3200 individual eupa are
aenmd. ] FT’
When chicken ia served, asually
oa Sunday, about 1,400 pounds are
required. For Thanksgiving dinner,
the cadets will emit around 2,000
pounds of turkay. ; i,
Milk consumed amounts to about
6,000 half-pint bottles s day All
the milk, tee cream, choaoe, aad
butter used by the mees hall ceases
from the A. ft M. College Cream
’35 Ch«v. Sedan $250
*33 Chev. Coupe —2145
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10% Discount on Used
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