k, Conatser yd, Dawson and udish Are Hurt BULLEmN dicdiup thin ■•faiag showed that only ooe ■•■her of the Aggie » defiBitely Ml ef the Bat- i gm*. He b “Roeh" Aadbh. KMrd. who tar wed an aahle in this week, and who is laid tl a fleet that **re injered in report, that “Bali and Joe Boyd weald be u *aMe th play had their haaia in both these players praetke this week. However both of the* are expect to ba all right not “Dog 1 ' Dawson to go Satarday re- wn, bat chances were not be able to play injared knee, i* Kir Conatser, whe sas- injared shoaldcr la prac t re. w» reported as being ail With th.- • nlightly stiff arm. j vh TIMS CLASH HERB—/ that be Fencing League Begins Activities Here Saturday Night < aptii m Robert’s fencers o^ n the Southwest Fencing League Sat urday night witk the Dallas “Y” at 7:30 p. m, in the Meanorial Gym. Last year the Aggies carried the league by capturing first place in foil and second place in sabre. Much exciteamat is promised in the scheduled match as the Dallas team la consul* n d one of the strongest contenders for this year’s championship. The match la free and open to the public. This year the team ia competing in two leagues due to the forming of the Southwest Fencing Confer ence. The conference is composed of sH schools in the Southwest ex- 1 cept Rice and Arkansas. The Aggie rs won their opening match in the conference by defeating the Baylor foilsmen last Saturday in Wsea , j The interest in fencing hpx in creased greatly ‘this year and a large namber of Fiah are reported to be making the practices. This is the second yesr this sport has been considered among those of the minor “T\ BATTALION SPORTS OCTOBER 2ft, ISM PAGE I Sports Parade: Mustangs, Auburn, Aggies Are Likely Winners This Week (Continued from Psge 1) will offer • a much line than Baylor hnd the Aggies m*y find much resistance Hgsinst their ground game, but that m the case they plan to sbften them up by giving them — SHOOTING HEXT SPORT LINE ON INTRAMURAL PRi c.oi i.f.i. r. rt.oitiifT, BCIil MANN t MO/&LC-U l\ miUWi* l NOTlt WAIT! “JEEP" OATES Sports Editor is going to happen in the Conference this week?: this same time last year won from T. C. U. at Waco, U. boat Texas st Dallas, Rice Auburn at Houston, end Ark- beat the Aggies at Fayette- vile. That was to ’37 and this is ^ • r - ’ winners of these games will be played Saturday are: over Baylor at Fort There will be too much and too much Frop power. Over Texas st Austin. It dose. ubum over Rice st Houston. Owl’s old coach, —ack Meager be out for revenge. Ernie Lain ild be thankAil that be won't P»y. . 'The Texas Aggies over Arkansas. John Kimbrough. Diek Todd and 1 t. C. U. Worth. Th< O’Brien am p. M.U.i shpuld be < CHICK DENNY Rifl* shooting is tho next iport n line oa the Intrsmurml program Fith football and basketball well tod..w. r and over half complet* <1. ▼en with bad weather making mud jiolei out of th.- football fields, the program is sailing along on sehed- ik. Because aome of the managers tave complsiaed that not enough itteation is given to the rifle shoot- I HE* I want to take this op[>ort.i uhy to remind you owe mote that rour boys should fire for rocord , between October 26 and November John Kimbrough 1m. Vmtod « J' I* *» tor rough (his week during pnetke »» 1,,'^,’ Dnllu tollmrtn November he did in the ,.me Baylor l “ N< r mb,r l..t Tbrodny .fkroooe the,, Lr^ thl ’ .. U.’n -ere three e< the Aggie w.rnor.|“ i* «I»» s thriller as good shape. both teams are in i* T. C. W.imtfc- Baylor ; ....* k Texas A A M i t S. M. U . I ArfeMNfcia l... l.k Ric« ii Texas |j Qaafereace a big dose of John Kimbrough. Kimbrough has a knack for soften ing up heads regardless of which team the owners of those heads is on. He almost wrecked the Aggie eleven during practice this week. _ not ^|opBJpsny will be too much for the '■ Jot Boyd Is suffeq|g a neck injury. George BrAi- som got his head in the way of that faded to get out of bin wsqr. The three of them were carried i from the field. Dick Todd contin ue* his bid for All-America honors both in practice and in the games. During the week he has had many of the subs grabbing at thin air as he went where they weren't. Other backs who have shows up well this week are: Bill Conataer, Bob Hall, Felly Dittman, Jim Tho mason, and Marion Pugh. Most all of the Kne looked plenty go<^. [ 1 in the Intramural Office not than November 1 Because so I WALLACE F. »AS8E *38. waa married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Lorsmo Matithor. BeftM. a Coliefe SUtion boy, came here from Missouri. Th* couple will lit* at Ban Benito. { AIIU4 -,.»d,»g, W L T AENKAVELY HALL Oct 29 DAfl USTtN TO Nov. 2,3, 4, and 5th Aggieland Pharmacy «SAVE w»ih SAFETY » ai your Jeuul DRUG STORE Kimbrough and spent Wedneaday thp hospital. “Kg Dog” Daw-} tali championships in both Claas A and B last year H would be a difficult job to even try to pick the winpar, but I will stick my neck out and pick one of the following four teams to win: -1st Hdq” F. A., -A" Sig, “A” F. J A*, or “-C” Coast. 1 am puling the ’winner of Class A to come cut of this group because all of them bad bang-up teams last year in both the Clasa A and B divisions. handball trill come the croas , ^ 1 November 19. The Fish will have to enter the training period for this meet, if they plan to enter. The training period will begin Novem ber 12 and continue until the day of the meet. After football and basketball xaa ,,.,1) 2 0 <) S. M. U, . jp ft 0 .0 leading ( onfersace Scorers TP It) FG Pat O’Brien, qj T.C.U.X » Hall, h; TjC.U. 24 Regem, q; A.AM. .. 19 Clark, h; t.C.U. . , .18 Sparks, f; T.C.U. I 18 Witt, h; Baylor 18 Martin, h; Ark. ;.I 18 Dewell, *; S.M.U L 1ft Todd, hi A .AM. . J. IS Merka. h; Baylor .L. IS O’Brien is the leading scorei th* conference He has scorad two touchdowns and has kicked 13 extri point*. Hall of T. C. U. la second with 24 points, and Rogers ol tho have been completed, Claes A and Aggie* is third WTlh 19. One Aggie’s Slant: Todd listed On ■ First Important “Grid Great” Slate I W. J. DOUGLAS, JR Insurance Agency ] W. J. “Funy" DOUGLAS, *32, AGENT 't ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE Phone Brian 1HI) (omMticg Bldg., Bryan, Texas ■H ’ .. X'a 1 lL, . l i: : — I . iTTT . . . —1 —.. FOR EXPERT TAILORING On MILITARY AND CIVILIAN CLOTHESi / {»jll ^i.•IF’ THE UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP Mendl and Homak YU. North Gate H FRIENDSHIPS FADE Unless Kept Alive Your Photograph Krpl.ices You! At Least, It Helps! J AGGIELAND STUDIO Photographs of Dislit Kodak Finishing • Picture “CURBALL“ DOSS ttaliea Editor-in-chief nited Press Sports Editor Har ry. Ferguson yesterday listed Dick Ttydd, slippery Aggie beck, on the 1 r<>>ter of beekfield men who ap- P+r at this mid-season stage of th^ game as possible AIl-Ameri- caju. 1 • • * j While the list waa not ia- (t-nded t* be a selection of All- •Amerirsn*. it is aevertbeleas first impertaat obaervs- tioa oa All-Americaa ratings to date. Of coarse, all Aggies Ignore “Liberty’s- f a • I i a k twaddle en the seh)ecL • • v Other Southwest Conference players mentioned ns possibilities If ale, T. C. U., tackle; Boyd, r, end] Aldrich, T. C. II., cen- O’Brien, T. C. U„ back; apd Pntterson, Baylor, back. * biff, Sant* Clara tackle, was mentioned. greet blow to Houston sports ten must have been the fact thit Ernie Lein didn’t so much as sirfell the list Or have they daught on? • • • ; I may be wreng. bet I rather pert that th* Aggie* may go with passes against Ar- Saturday. While the Aggie* ar* pri- a power teem by virtee th* pUyers at the disposal Coach Homer Norton, I hove laach that A. A M. may try fight fire with fir*. • • i even though it is call ed! the “pesaingest teem in the na- tkhi, M has developed poorer this yegr, and the Hogs may decide to dash the Aggies on that basis as much as in the air. If the Hogs eipphasive power, the seore will pribabiy be lopeidcd for the Ag gi is. And it could K even with thf Raxorback’s passing game if Cdach Norton has boosted the (a- After digging through the con- ferenre statistica we find that the Aggies compare very favorably with the rest of the team ia the conference: On first downs the Aggies have made 64, Ark. 66, Baylor 64, Rke 49, 6. M. U. 69, T. C. U. 67, a^ Texas 62. The Aggies lead in rubbing. Net gains are: Aggies 894 yards. Ark f.:u, Baylor 606, Rnce 488, 8. M. U. 643, T. C. U. 687, and Texas 319. Net gains for running and pass* ing shows the Aggies have 12&I yards, Ark. 1278, Baylor 1124, Rice 823, 8. M. U. 1189, T. C. U. litt and Texas 706. Percentage of passes completed shows the Aggies with .337, A fit. 325, Baylor .466, Rice .437, S. M. U. .384, T. C. U. 523, and Texas . til) That shows that Arkansas, “The Passingest Team in the Nation’*, has the worst complet percenU^e of any conference team. It lot.k* like they are going nm have ‘to stake John KimbroughjtL a tree dering the week and bring B speedball will begin. Volley ball will be run along with these two * porta.' tpaedhall ia due to come to the lime light this year and should be another of those sports that have four or five teams battling until the Inst day. And after Thanksgiving, when everyone is back from a big turkey dinner and well out of condition, will come the big swimming meet These will be held December 10 and 1L fry AT SCO AXES ild last Wednesday af- sftcortd meeting of Education club fot med by the boys project beftse. Some fifty boyS were served at the pic nic, after which f buMm-ts :r.t of the chip was held. *TAYLOR MIbwiib iiisu ★max usssii eUemmO'suuivui * WILLIAM SABSM ★LIOIEt misis *jaiik«v*ii fSl —a temoon the which hssi of tho I E ■* - •nr PAYS TO liOOK YOUR BEST V ♦ • -• I ? Fog Shampoos, Haircuts, and Shaves CmJL’To x IY.M.C.A. \ " SHOP him Jo the ball fidd just fer the game. During the week has has run over and injured several of the oth er pUyers. , •Stllbby , ' Warden said, when asked how he got his should ers hurt, that big run over pie once, and the next time he rim me back to the goal post and knocked me over that."’ One thing that is looking good of late is the improved blhcking and tackling that the boys are doing. After watching the picture of the Sants Clara game we will have to aay that the Br mes can block and tackle better and harder than any team this writer has seen. ASK ABOUT INVISIBLE HALF SOLES Look Like Full Sokw — Aid Just As Good No Additional Charge * We Are The Makers of Those Famous HOUCK BOOTS * ii *1 \j v 4 »t if | r I ;:holick’s shoe shop j AFTER THE GAME I | \|Make Your Headq 11 ^ nifl ,TT 1 \ ? . The A DE LUXE CAFE \ \ 24 Hour Service J •[ |\ ie«n a " «' ii h RIDE T~ TH! Aggie All-Steel Bosses SAVE ROUND TRIP BRYAN-COLLEGE TRACTION CO. IF*-j ill ! ' T Hr T 1 F: Ml cept this week. defense some 100 par i— fk - y| DISTIN Ml SERVICE \ \ I GO TO hi. FK STOR Xi X li. — DEPEND; S, —