Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1938)
1 CORPS DANCE IN Msas NALL,* KM* •ATI'RDAT NIGHT 'NINE DIGEST WTAW 11:50 A.H. TUESDAYtniDAT i < 1 r STUDENT 8EII1-WEBKLT NEW8PAPBB OP TEXAS A. AM.COLl.EGK IN¥ke thirty-eighth year COLLEGE STATION, TMAa FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2S, 19»* 4+ .. TEU:PHONE 8 NUMBER 14 Two Santa Clara Victims Clash 1 I i 1 Contracts Wdl Be Ioy. 5 at Meeting Of M. Board at Dallas 'V I Doe About of December Oontrac la for th* now dormitor- los will b< lit rnt the bourd of Ike eol «(W is Dallas on Not. 5, Recording to Col. Ibe Askbum. ex- ecotirs s^aktant to the president (’flsiAtruction viS begin within 4o • thfs. The arckitect for the dorms will be A| C. tiaa of Houston and the consulting engineer will bo R. J. (Cummings, also of Houston ' ,'%both.T or not jobs for the stu- deats will bo arailable on the c*n- Atruction : of the dormitories will not be known until ike construc tion centsact is lot according to 0. R. Simpson, Chairman of tha Stu- ’ **t I*b«r Committee, j ' j The dormitories art to aecomr.o- date 2600 mm and should be ready for the lf>.t9-40 session. It I* rad ted tijat tt will take approxi- dayo in eopotniction. be built north of the Station and the group a mesa ball Hargrove Still Pushing Sale of Series Tickets “Both Your House*" Will Be Given Here Monday it AsMBibly HODIST PLANNED ■■Hvll , Prospeets for .jka adequate Methodist church plant at A. A M. College art Men a# tha remit of the adoption of a resolution at Am West Tejtas Methodist Conference h«ld fc .Han Antorio at the lYaria Park Church last weak. Tho reoo- iution »(tooted pledges the support of that «eetion of Toma Methodist* behind tho moru for an adequate f^nMjknm • • j f ’ Tha Her. Mr. Carlta, W. G. North, and Owen Watkins attend- o4 thd conference as delegatee from and on last Friday put calculated to attract of that part of True for proper facilities on Aie work of the Season titkeU for the Bryan- Collage Entertainment Series may still b# obtained from Beal Har grove, manager of the acne*, or Organiaatinn commander, it was learned today. The first program on tho series will be gives Monday at I p. m, in the Assembly Hall, when Har grove bring*, the Jitney Players here to present “Both Your Housog**, a Pulitaer Prise winner Maxwell Anderson, featuring Barrymore Colt, vivaci daughter of the fagwua Ethel Bar rymora, Douglas Rowland, Pew ton Harriaou, Bettina Ourf, Hairy Gresham, and others. This, the second sppesrsnee of Mm Jitney Pla/tra on the Aggie cam] marks their sixteenth anniversary “Both Your Houses’* shows the inside working of the House of Rcpn-Acntstives. The “houses" sre tbs two politics! parties. Mud is thrown is all direction*- at the Democrats and the Republicanf, and even the Farmer-Labor party comes hi lor its share. The play takes no'side but thst of right, and blast forth in every way. The f I lUv <’ !^ CtopsTeam Will; Be Chosen Sunday After Last Test n, * fr Student* Now Out For u Judgera judging team thst w|l t tsms A. k M. at Innsas City, jMi*»ouri and Chicago neta pijita In tarnations 1 JudgiSg Contests will be Sundgy. October 80. The team which will consist of four uk mbers will bs chosm from the following man who are now odt: H. P. Goodloe, Char* J. G. Jenson, W. fc Lswspnj CL F- Lewia, J. L. Brown, E. Pi Baumann, L. L Jacobs, R and M. 8. Thompson. Contest is divided into three first, tha identification of some one handled eighty-six va ne tidi of farm crops and m IdtaMMS,, knd weeds; second, tha comiUemal grading of grain, hay, and cotton according to fsdsral standards; third, the judging of fsrmj crop seeds for ptanttag pur ; Talks To unology Chib R.: R. | Rapport, entomologist 4to Extension Service talked oa ifper control work in Texaa masting of the Entomology TSttasadsy night kep(M-rt discussed control in Texaa from the standpoint of the former and control worker, brief treatment of species Wildlife Students Name Organization “Fish and Game” Club Members of the wildlife club a- dopted as the official name of the club tbs Usme Fish and Game Club of Ttxas-jA. 4 M, at its meeting Tuesday evening. IlMseusabn of the ground squir rels of North America was given by Bernard E. Ludeman, a sopho more major in wild gaaae. Bis talk included a (timumoon of their physical characteristics, food requirements, habitat and eco nomic status. Ludeman pointed out that one of the mast important offsets of ifuxjnd squirrels is thst they fur nisi food to many of the native fur-bearing mammals. Lodes bad a collection of the varioas ground squirrhls of North America \o illustrate his folk. The team will stop first at Kan sas City. Missouri where it w01 te in tbs contest sponsored by {hd Kansas City Chamber of nd the Kansas City of Trade on November Zl. of the first three winning ■ will receive at |60.00 i priaLifhe winning team will re ceive a silver loving cup as well as gold, silver, and bronse medals far member* on the team. On Novem ber -28 Slid 29 the team will u the I contest in Chicago, Illinois, sponsored by the International Hay and) Grain Expoaition and ib«> ' birago Board of Trade. Bach the first four winning teams will receive, a cash prise of flO&M. The winning team will be awarded silver loving cup, and the high in dividual will receive a diamond Med gold modal. Gold, silver. I bnmse medals will be preseat ed itc the first, second, and third ranking teams. / There Will be team* entered in these contest* from all the major agricultural schools of the United St^tiMiand Canada. Picture Dates • Ute iksadKae sal far the riaaa plMurae far tha 1988-89 1 inghani art as 'JMlgiUit ''opnoiaore pictares, N#v. If; Freohman pictares, Npv. 89; Junior alaas and military pic tures, wd all 8steer military ■ i I stM a am t 1 It . +0 „ piciureti, inciuamg ^taiiH, captaiag, and iMlpkpHlMi* maad. Hup. 8. Ihaasdesdlines ohirh hsie been Ml by W. D. Bsrn.n editor-ia chief of tha Lsag- hsru, will ba clsatiy adhered U, hr aa.d , U GEORGE W. COX TO LECTURE ON TENERAL DISEASES! Dr. George W. Cox, State Health Officmr, will giro a lecture on mrtel diseases in tha Assembly Hall Nov. 11, according to word ehrod Tueiulay by Dr. Russell, id of the Rural Sociology tita- Performers Due To Begin ShowfWs A group of top-noteh, fesstonsl rodeo performers ! for the uowd thrills and night as tho second perfi tho annual Saddle and deo takes place. The show with the Grand Entry, to lowed immediately by the Mixup. In this event, two mules will be turned out chutes with two cowboys each. The riders tonight Benton Adams and Asa Jon*s on one mule and Jupe Allen and Duke Harrison on the other. , The next event will be Maxican i Ribbog-Bppiag. The boya work in partaMnt. Tha lectura will ba ac- pairs, one rope* the steer and the companicd by slides and an ill us other removes the ribbon from tha ttear’s tail. Tonight’s roper* will be Wilson Buster and W. B. Staf ford, Henry Newman and Lee Rice, Forrest Jordan and Pete Jaooby, Tinker Allbright and John Yafring- ton, J. H. Crouch and Grabanl Pur cell, Asa Jones and Shorty Adams, Bill Hanover and Nick Nkknrson, Pat Propps and Lee Campbell, James Saunders and N. H. Sprott, sod Charley Jennings and Taxi" trater! picture. The entire student body will he aide te attend this lacturs fret of charge. BODEO COURT TO BE PRESENTED AT CORPS DAM STATE ROARDi i ACCEPTS NEW BOOK BV PROF It t« nat a “Who Po»e It*’ hut “How Te Do It book that M. F. Thurmoldi associate profeasor of agi cultural engineering It Texas if-4 M. Collage hai rewritten and Mphk kli||pcepic<i by the state board of education is an approved text book and laboratory mam Profeasor Thurrmtnd reports that the book te now. I* oat in fifteen different state* and that over 100 Texas schools use it in the farm show work Printed in two *> tames. Book I covers the use of dkep tools, hard wire, see and mantfacture of rope, sheet motel work, plumbing, pipe fltthtak‘Mncksmi'h ng and elec- trkit3r ' TIT-' ■' Book II deals itteth farm wood work, biBi for material, farm build ing, roofing, painting and a com piete set of plans for the eonstree- tion of a vocational agricultural buildihg and farm 'iho^> class room. Each book i* ov»r 109 poges and profusely illltetldmd -i Crowd Of 12,000 May Caa OCC Aggies Hkve Not lOatpointed Porkers Since 11 \ ears Ago roach Fred ed with “Tha the Nation, 1 backs, who Saturday Field. A 12,000 is fT9y. f; Tha Aggiad tha Hogs time at tho year, the Cl tie here on hmrarrtv- > Team in i Rasor- battle tha Aggies at t:30 on Kyle ftpliroximately to Witness the ?Uer Notified Ride Results The As an added attraction of the corps dance Saturday night the royal court of tha Saddle and Sir loin nxito will be prtaaoted te the accordiag to announce by Charley Jennings, secretary of the dub. royal court which consist* Helen Schnceman of San duchesses Lynetl El and Clsllia Reese of Wncoi will be presented by Bill I mngMon, social secretary of the senior class, pa in attraction to the* third football dance of the year to bt held Saturday night in tW boos halL ■ Callahan Does His Stuff at Kansas City To Wfe Six Medals tan, wacw ii Adama, I)id»y Do THE ALUMNI Tbaa A. 4 M. and Texaa Uni- eersyty men will hold • joint mest- in Maracaibo, Venexuela, on Day, with the game’s for the dinner - - ■* _ the Aggies down there are AtM* Ihmcan, *87; M. M. Cook, I* M. Ddridgej '88; John Nis ’Si; Ray Stornw, ’8T; Lam Farkialk. *87; and other, ef older vtatage. Tha Aggies report they In* I •n Jther schools outnembered In 1 r enksnela - - * W. H. Aiken, !S8, ie ja student at the Institute of Fhp<r < heaiistry, Appleton, Wia- con*in - John Douglas Smith, •ay. his student engineeri tW Sun 00 Co. is really but he's snjoying It tittle oU of South Texas Phil Daffron, *87, io with Tire and Rubber Co, San Antonio - | -TVps’' Tspal. •:», is leach.r.5: Indiutrial Arts ta the James Hogg High School, Houston - - - arid Mra H. J. Crase, *87, are the birth of a daught- . Craw ip with the Halli- OU Well Cementing Co., ■ it 4684 H Rusk, Hous- W. H. Rally, ’17, te man er ttf be Diamond L Ranch, Route T Box 46, Ft Worth - - - in B. Duck, .Jr, ’88, hinds the Pedigree Department of the American J •cy Cattle Club 324 Weat 23rd St, New York City - - • A. M. Schmidt, Jr, ’38, te with the South American Gulf Oil Co, Baranquil- la. Columbia, South America • • H Clarence CL Parker, *88, te teaching at JUvfei * • Thomas A. Parker, :<H, teaches vocational agriculture at Aatlets, Okla . - • A. B. Pat- torson, '38, te Ateistant County Agent, Henderse* - - - Alfred Payne,’*17, te manager, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, Graham - - Melvin ‘'Butch*' Payne, *87, te a sonated with W. Keith Maxwell, Landscape Architect and engineer, inf S. Glenwmod, Tyler The Dallas A. 4 M. Club will ctlshrtta its Iteth birthday with a big ban quet and dance the night before the a If. U-Aggie game, and tiy. R. P. Marsteller, dean of the sclool of Veterinary Medicine, and of the Horae and Mule tion of America and a mem- of the Texas Horae, Jack and Mfa i Breeders’ Association, has been notified of the result of the first annual 100-mile Trail Ride in thh Cook County, Illinois, Forest Hashes, by Wayne Dinsmoro. I Vs secratary of tbc Horae Hula Association of America the Town and Country Eque<- Association, Chicago. Clayton F. Smith Trophy won by Jelly Bean, seven-year- thoroughbred gelding owned ridden by Mrs. Emily Kuehn Seventy-year-old A. W. of Chicago and William. Wte, won tha coveted Hagg- ner Trophy for displaying the bast horsemanship throughout the rid< Sijrty-two riders finished out of I starting field of 68 Judges wore Dins mo re, Harry Una of Des Moines and Harry Me Nkir af Chicago. McNair wiU be jradge of the Fort Worth Fall Horae Show, November 8 to IS. S, 0. (Bjttie) Callahan won six ribbons out of seven entries in tha jumping and hunter classes in the American Royal Horse Show held in Kenans City, Missouri from Oct ober 18 to 22. Callahan won first place in tha broad jump, second place in both tht- post and rail and tho hunt team events, third place ta the jurape* stake, fourth place ta tha middle weight hunter, and fifth place in the hunter stake. There ware ap proximately thirty-six entries in I was riding Lady Joy, Miss A. R. Anderson of Taxis. Lady Joy has aav er boon defeated ta Taxaa. i The American Royal Hone Show Brooks Speaks ' Before Pre-Meds ! Dean Brook, made s talk on “pre-professional work" at meeting of the Pre-Med Club’lari Thursday night. The main point of his speech wa* that every col W.. . ~ | lag* nan should develop soma m- .tu4n,u and th«r par.nU Ml b* u ikttu.l tnUfaaU than U.O., .■ th, oldM luncheon rfnb, l Tb , M „ dkamKi , fcll '' w ' n * D, “*» “ inspection trip to Galveston was one topic of discussion snd a Ctat benefit picture show was also plan Dr. Winkler, hand of the Psycho logy Department, will addreaa the club it their smoker which will ba ImM Tuesday it 7:16 ta the Asbury Room of the library. tegular Friday noon meeting in 84 years - Jj. Herbert L. Peavy, ’88, te ■ Lincoln National Ufa Go, Majoatic Bldg., San . - E. M. Pedigo, t7, and credit manager, Furniture Co, Sherman Cletua E. Pooler, Jr, ’88, te (Ctettaued on Page 4) There are ten contestants In tha steer riding. They art: John Naughton. Frank Matush, Jack l. Put Rose, Benton Am Jones, Tom Waddell, Boos. Jimmy Windham and! Duke PteUips. Right riders white will »traddle the bionks fresh frqm the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville, la the Brook Riding event are rence, Henry Mostyn, N. H. ChiH Coe, Benton Adairs, FqBar, Qraha m Purcell, I). Pearce. Ten cowboys will rope against time ta the Calf Roping event. These are Henry Newman, Waran Nickerson, “Slop-jar” Lehmberg, “Taxi" Black, Disk Colb-rson. “Bugle” iTreadwell, Ttaker All- bright, Pit Propps, “Little Joe Jacoby, Uhd Bill Hanover. The final event of tho shew will ho the Boot Rase. Entered In this event ere Shorty Adams, Raymond Wtakel, Feta Jacoby, ForeCt Jor- N. H. Sprott, H. D. Holmes. James Saunders, Pst Propps. Lee Rice, Chili Cote, Duke Phillip*, and Ray .Treadwell. "T Hey* Club Prexies! The Battalioa Office te at- i.mptiax to ram pile a com plete ttet of 0« ef the dabe ea the campua this year, and it weaU he sppt dated If thr Clab preeideate weald send the folio* me Information ta the BettaKea office, ream 122 er 1M Administration Bldg Name ef Club : (MHtere fee this year illtep aad Place ef Meeting. j inch Norton’s 1984, his first gteaasd a 7 to 7 B Field. The last fime the Aggies defeated tha Pork- era wis ta 1127 when Jed Hunt and his mates teat wen the con ference title. Hunt ran wild that memorial.dqr her* and whan the smoke hod cleared the Gadeta had won by the «MM( of 40 to 6. In 1929 the Pigs nosod out the Army 14 ^ 13. II was bedk in 1908 when tha eeent rivalry started with tho Cadets winning fl to 0. Since teat time the teams have met on tho field of battle 11 timaa. Hm Ag gies have won only three ef thoee butt!.-* end gjaeuaf a tie ta anoth- S. Ma U. Ducats To Go on Sale Monday “Tickrto for t^« S. M. U. ga will go on aalr Monday morning at 8 o’clock and*may be purchased until 6 o’clock Thureday after- noon,'' dud E. W. Hooker, who has charge of tickets. • The tickets will be 81.10 plus coupon number fc*. They will start on the Mb yant line ta the huge |A9AM| m Ddna. " . .1 K Regular tickofs wflj be at stan dard conference rates, |2.60. Hooker ateo AteMlMHli.that ta future the student s.rtion for home games will stqrt at the 69-yard Mae. ; | | Ticket* will V on sale at the athletic office, fi' Concession Opened In Post Office | Opened today ta the postoffic. building wia a tobacco and candy stand, oper a ted by C. C. soeordance With a law tbs federal giving blind persona operate conoesatons in The concession was opened with the consent ef Mra. Anna V. Smith, the biggvst hone ahew ta tfc4 postmaster, custodian of the build- Unitod States, and it ranks among tag. All profits from the enter the biggest ta the world. prise go to the operator. Football Team - * Student Battle on at Iowa Univi < ite field The Daily Iowan, Iowa Student newspaper, angered because members of the virsitg football team ejected two of editors from the scrimmage reeaafiy, speared today with a dainty brunette society editor’s de- tion of tho team. She|'dH^I] Bt teach of it. 1. “In brief," she said, “the team cant take it They’re the most Hite bunch of he men Pve evur •pdqj 'I -' She js Maxine Reams, 20. Mooney, managing editor, and Den nis Sullivan, sports editor, assign ed her to report the tram’s prac ties sessioas after the players, n sentful ef the paper's account of Colgnte’s 14 to 0 vtetary over loWu Saturday, took dirset action threw them from the field. ' wrote Sunday, preehlon of I standing, “Iowa’s fense, “functioned broken down Mooney is ta ^e wrote sa editorial a which raid the team was ■MMMpW' He and Suit van arrived field recently while Tubbs was absent The picked him up, threw him and shaved Sullivan after Mooney got up, dusted hi and addveesed Henry 3oo pound Uckla. * I rffAmfyn’*< ho said, I’i first rfy yop’ve taken eat all Corps of Engineers Important Place in Peace The present Aggie seniors havs { never seen anything thst looked doee to a victory over the basket- bal team that wears football pads. Santa asm defeHted Arkansas Isat week oa this Coast but Ar kansas had the boat of everything except the score. They threw some serists that backfired Tbs prob lem ef the local boys will be stop ping Kay Eakin from tossing those touchdown pgatsAj (Continued on Page 8) Ketterson Joins Radio * “ ’• T. B. “Towy" Kettenoo,. farmer sports writer ef the college' dty staff, who resigned Inst' to move to Nun York, is now con nected with the'Halted Press As-\ sedation radfo department. - Ketterson graduated from A. 4 M. ta 1981 and became a member e/ the col lew sufT in the publicity department I’ntg bat Jane he handled most of * ports pub- jlWty here. 1/! ! nrrr toe. BY L. I. THOMPSON |MM9; Qeuteftl Washington or ganised rn corps of engineers in 1776, the engiipem have nerved the nation with efficiency and distinc tion. jtjNr haire occupied an in is :mportaat part in each tim* 'siaM has taken pari. During the Civil War, the engineer cope succeeded ta eeveevly hampering the move ments of General Jackson by the obstacles they, placed in his path. The Enginemfrj Corpe was largely roiq>on*ible fot the soceeeaful com pletion of thefftanama Canal During the Worid.War the corps of engtaeers was expanded to a force of over. 300,000 officers and Whose detie* included almost twerp j type of engineering endeav or. Ittew wets ta el) 43 different types of Ntefctaeer organisation* during the wteulWh most import snt functions wrere the construction of depots, hospitals, camps, roads, !«46 9669 teteftteh. ( | Tlrii missioh of tho ongtaoera ta Wp it to fseihtate the operation of the field ftrn * by means of en gineering wixrlu. With the meeb- ani/.Htion of the stray, the engi- ford When the army is retraattag, the engmeors se; bridges, otherwise must also neert irs Wcoming men valuable. Corps, it 1$ * V.OUl.1 shelling or In peace engineers orti. Their and harbor Md railroads, and he enemy. They far Mm of objects which bo i'irtjirtad to by the will as in war. the United Of OUT Congress vhmenta ffcte.- ai. the World # l antdrf J duty are lasa fineering thorough as Aggies nr the - I Mies Rrams may be bariwd when the players lead her desrnp ((ontimied or Page 4) , as s mechanised force is much powerful whet operating over and bridges than when tjiere is no means of raft iMM^ef its tm* chines. Therefinust aide he bridges and pontooi firu, te to crogs stream* too deep to Library of in the achie- ot the ear- 1 ' of the Aggie* i»e s targe per er officers who florious showing in at. Many of the pres- officers ta active •re Aggiea 4. 4 M. hra tong ss a splendid en- Whan tais engi- is coupled with a training such in the Engineer A. 4 M. as one wurces of engi- snd if the aa- «rar. And untfl war Corps will i He; provide Reserve Offk- ! to take their ^acee as oh* mOr Wra J wnwrrTf r vamj mmy M* » nation of the near officers, tion ta that time the continue t<> Mb';