The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 25, 1938, Image 1

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    ’fVT- 1
J. h '„ i' 1, i
!0th Annual
i’ IlI I I
odeo to Be
anaual A. 4 M
by the Saddle and
sirloin Cti.h «ill be held in thr
Animal Bunbandry Paviriom next
Friday afltemoen and niebt.
The nhew this year is to be lar
isn any
km or the
Md, Sirloin Chib dedared.
«^e»ta ane to be held—beone
steer fidia*. calf ropiny,
ribbon roping, and S boot
of 68 contestants hare
tbeir intenUon of entering
of these eventg.\The
snach larger btt for
the number of appH-
[eld Friday
Two Perfdrmancen Will
Be Given; 58 Men FiWj
Entry Canis for EvenU
•' f
Twb perfongaaees of the rodeo
•rill be given, ene at 1:S0 in the
hftern»>on and the other at' 7:30
it Bight. The general admission
be: 604. and reserved
be Tickets are now
at the Animal Husbandry
Office and a ticket-selling canvass
rf the dormitories will be made by
' th* Saddle and Sirloin
Pulitzer Prize \
Drama Will Show
Here Monday Night
■1 t %[!•:!
WTAW 11:50 A. M.
For New York
Anderaon's Play Will Be
First of Year's Programs
Oa Entertainment Series
of the
of a silver lov-
ct*W donated by Mr. Lauter-
i. Will be ^ven^to the best sil
ly. Separate cash
given for each event
will consha of five dollars for
priat, throe dollars for second,
doUst-s for third prise,
i made possible
dollar registration
that each contestant for each
repaired to make. All
food will be given to
the Livestock Jodgirv team to en-
the Intarnat-
dodging Contest at
The night
opened by the
will W
of the king
rodeo, Herbert
Angelo, aecom-
attendanta, the
The duchesses
Lynell Ellis of
Reese, of Waco,
by Emil Pro-
Beal Hargrove,
Entertainment Seriea,
the first program of the seriea
St Monday night, October 31, and
urges everyone to get kis^ tickets
fer'fhis and other fine programs to
bo pi^sented this season
“ program offers the
Jitney Players hi Maxwell Ander
son’s PttUlaw Prise play, M Both
Your Houses’* in 3 acts and •
ey Players boast
ist of twelve, fea-
jrmore Colt, Doug
lass Rowland, Pendleton Harrison,
Bettina Corf, and Marry Gresham.
This marks the sixteenth season of
the company which is on its cur
rent tour of twelve »<>cks, taking
them into twenty states and cover,
ing a total distance of oversight
thousand miles.
“Both Your Houses’
first play by Maxwell And. rson
win the Pulitxer Prise. Other plays
by this distinguished writer include
‘•What Pries Glory-, -Wintorsetr,
-High Tor”, sad “The Star Wsg-
Will Attend 25tiU r
National Foreign
Trade Convention
This lovely bit of feminine patchritode is
Helen Schneeman of Saa Angelo who will bq
Sirloin C lub’s Rodeo Friday night.
other than Mine
of the Saddle and
The complete roll of all eeC-
ral and Sam Bams
The b mnea Are being obtained
'rom the prisop ‘system st Huhts-
rille and am the identica] horses
b vhere used in the prison ro
be Id last month. Large four
old n,..rp Will be used for
he steer riding events and the
it«4 calf ropers will he re-
skill oa some
This year three
provided for the
they will tend
time betwedh e-
give the specta-
more exciting
-nrn. <• ■.tud.-uts has been com
pleted and seat to the eorpe
finance officer at Port Bam
Houston. Csleasl C serfs V.
Moore, the Professor of Mili
tary Science and Tactics, an
nounced Monday.
This will meun that the se
niors will he paid sometime be
tween November 1 aad 4 Col
onel Moore stated. However
the checks may come la sev
eral days before thst time, as
the Professor of Military Sci
ence aad Tactics wrote s per
sonal letter argiag that tbs fi
nance • depart meat get the
checks back as soon as possible.
The seniors are assured of hav
ing their checks before the
Balias or pa tripe ea Novem
ber 5.
Rodeo to be Dedicated
To S. C. Evans, Club
Decides at Meeting:
Southern Baptist
Conference To Be
In Memphis
TV 1 J
Delegation Fnam A. & M.
To Leave for MempMB:'
Thursday of This Week
>rought to
ind will give
The boot
J ]. j Dedication of this pears Saddle
the nationally and Sir | oin Clrf, Rodeo will be to
horse belonging to sterling C Evens, president of the
Temple will be! n OUBt<)n Rank for Cooperative, it
M. for the rodeo
should prove very
entertaining for
rs v ln this contest the
are required to find
bouts from s large pile, put
oa, aad get a five dollar bill
rom thn bora pf a wild steer, and
one dollar bit from its tail.
Officials for the rodeo are James
fegMaitsr; Frank Cord*r,
mager; Benton Adams,
manager; and Clabe
ji v
amilton to Speak
o Architect Students
4t November Meeting
nunity” wfl
ecturs to be
on, of the U.
octural Club
of a Com-
the title of the
ivua by Dr. Harail-
Experiment Sta
te the Archi
ll their fink; meet-
prominent authorities
hi theme of *TKe Arc
in Kovsmfafcr. This will the
tecond of g series of teeften by
oa the gener-
Architect’s Place
In the Commodity."
Plans for 1 thfe Architect’s Beaux
Arte BoD are ^ell under way. Two
Ball have been sug-
and BiDitty.
and a do-
for the
will be
dsion made bciween Urn two.
was decided by the clpb at s meet
ing IMt. night. Mr. ‘ Evans was
Kin»rn'.aHter of the first annual
Rodeo, held in November, 1919. This
first event was known as the Page
ant and Novelty Horse Show, and
was for the purpoee of assisting
in defraying the expenses of the
flock judging team to Chicago.
One of the interesting points of
the first Rodeo was the mounted
wrestling match between the caval
ry and the artillery, in which Bill
King of Sen Antonio, major-in
the eavalfy, had all his clothes
torn off. The only casualty of the
■gw was Raphael Do La Olivers,
who suffered s broken arm in a fall
from a bucking steer. ,
It is interesting to note that tbs
Ringmaster of this Rodeo was
■MMlli for the occasion with the
customary riding boots, black coat
and tie, and derby hat, as contrast
ed with the custom of the last few
years of having the Ringmaster
ess merely in ordinary cowboy
Mppk • j* ’
o>>v«um in the trash can in front
of Dr. I. P. Trotter's boms was de-
ing a service with his joke. The
sleepy animal, which was found
by Dr. Trotter's wife, will be turn
ed over to W, p. Taylor tot obser
vation by the Wild Gaase Depart
ment here at A. d M.
The fourth quadrennial All
Southern Baptist Conference will
be bald in Memphis, Term., October
37-30. The first meeting was held
in Birmingham, Ala., October,
1926; the second in Atlanta, Ga.,
October, 1930; the third in Mem
phis. Term.. 1934. A. d M. has had
a large delegation at each meeting.
Some 4f the outstanding speak
ers for the Memphis Conference
will be Dr. Frank H. Leavell,
Southern Baptist B. S. U. Secret
tary; Dr, T. G. Dunning, of Lon
don, England; Dr. George W.
Truett, Eg. L. R. Fcarborough, Dr.
T. L. Holcomb. Dr M. E. Dodd,
Charles A- Weils, Miss Edna Geis-
ter, Daniel A. Poling, John L.
Hill, Charles E Maddry, and Mrs.
J. M. Dawson.;
On Saturday afternoon s Chris-
tkm Student March will be con
ducted through the main street*
of Memphis. This will be a visible
demonstration of 3,000 Baptist col
lege students to Christianity and
its place on the campuses of the
South. Promoters of the march
state that it will be a spectacle for
righteousness such as has never
before been seen in America.
Several college bands from
schools near Memphis will furnish
the music for tbs march. Rev. J.
W. Marshall. Texas B. S. U. Sec
retary, will describe this march
over radif aa it takes place.
The following . dhlegstion will
leave by ^us from A. d M. Thurs
day afternoon: Rev. and Mrs. R-
L. Brown, MiaalatHa Bell Lloyd.
Miss Ludlc Wilder, Miss Myrtle
Robertson. K<*v. Paul Leath. Bay
lor Unhidralty, Waco; Miss Mary
McCoy. Naples; Miss Dlleen Lea
ve], Miss Mairy Blair, Miss Geneva
King, Mary Hm d r Baylor Collrge.
and the following cadets: C. E.
Hogue, Jim Behrman, E. E. Hen
drix, Richard Brown, J. J. Walker,
J. C. South,. J. R. Thompson, W.
T. Guy, Albert Yee, J. B. Langs
ton, F. A. Camp, J. C. Brown, E.
F. Hals, H. T. King, W. E Kent.
R. D. Thompson, Jim Ridlohubor,
L. C. Mays. j. i> Biland. C. I*
Wilbom, M. C. Draper, Raymond
Brannon, B, E. Christian, C. S.
Heise. H. t C. Stanley. R. B. Giboon.
cial Science Seminar held Ha first
meeting of the year in the Physics
Lecture Room
In "Both Your H
well Anderson takes the House of
Representatives apart and lets the
entire theater going public see
bow H ticks. The "houses’* referred
to in the title are not the houses
of Congress, but the two political
parties to which Mr. Anderson is,
at least, impartial. He lambssts
the Republicans as well as the De
mocrats, and just for good mea
sure, brings in a member of the
Farmer-Labor party.
The story concerns a young radi
cal who has been sent to Congress
by the farmers of the west. He
eome^ to Washington, booted and
spurred, as It ware, eager to ride
an extravagant Congress to a fare
theo-well. He defies the leaders,
who reminded him be can do no
thing without party endorsement.
He exposes them in the midst of
their bantering and trades, and
even beata them at their own game.
He marshalls the non-partisan
group on his side when the vote
on an outrageous appropriation
bill is closed, in the hope of making
it ridieulous.
He if defeated in the end but
leaves with bis eloquent threats,
of what the people will one day
do to its dishonest politicians, ring
ing through the ancient hallo:
Howell and Heaton
To Attend Registrar's
Meeting in Austin
E. J. Howell, registrar, and H-
L. Heaton, assistant '> £istrar, will
leave for Austin Friday to attend
a meeting of the Texas Association
of Collegiate Registrars. The meet
ing will take place Friday after
noon, and Friday night the regis
trars will attend a banquet. Mr.
Howell will have charge of the a-
musement for the program which
will be followed up by a more seri
ous talk by Dr. Ruth'ABen of the
University of Texas.
Several years ag" Mr. Howell
eras placed in charge of the amuse
ment at one of the meetings of the
Texas Association of Collegiate
Registrars. He created what is now
called the Add and Drop College.
The college gets its name from the
fact that most of the work in a
registrars office consist* of adding
and dropping courses from a Stu-'
dents record.
77m college was created for a-
musement only, nevertheless it
confers degrees. Some of the de
grees which have been conferred
in the past years ss well as some
of the courses offered in their
curricula give is brief idea as to
the “seriousness" of the college.
The title of one person's thesis
was "Eat, Drink and be Leary"
and that person was awarded a
LL.D. in LevRy. Another ealsr-
prnfng aspirant called his thesis
"Woe is Me” and was swarded a
LL. D in Lamentation. In tbs col
lege curricula are found eoarses in
Low Brow Language, Why Women
are Always Right. Story of a Kiss,
and many others. Mr. Howell has
• degree in 3-2. H» is also be
football coach and President of the
Y’nw upper pirtare shows' the
drive of the Texas Ag-
they rammed into the
Bayior iiae bat fell six laches
»■ their foartk down.
The renter picture feataros
John Kimbrough about to com
plete his drive over techie to
score the Aggies’ lone touch-
down for the game. The attrac
tive yoong lady to the right
M Mis, Bernadrt Breedlove,
homecoming queen of Baylor
/ University Saturday. Miss
Brerdloxe is also queen of the
Baylor Bop^omccis. — Staff
photos by Phil'Gotasna. . ,
INear Kyle. Hond of tbs
School of Agriculture, left this
morning for New York City, whore
la-v^RI attend and take an import
ant part in the 26th National
Foreign Trade Coriven Don
On tbs iray up Dean Kyle will
stop in Washington, D. C, for a,
conference with Assistant Secro-
tary of State Francis B. Sayre
and AssiaUnt Secretary af Agricul
ture M. L. Wilson. From there he
will proceed to New York. J.
The National Foreign Conven
tion will last from October 31
through November t, with head
quarters hi Hotel Commodore. At
the opening meeting next Monday
morning Dean Kyle will
address on “Cotton
Affecting Our Agricultural Econo
my.” He will represent the Sooth
in the preientation of that subject.
Dean Kyle is featured prominently
on the program. Other speakers at
the openilg'iiaBion will include
New York Otj Mayor Fiorello In
Guardis, Secretary of Agriculture
Henry A. Wallace, Assistant Sec
retary of Commerce Richard C.
Patterson and other nationally not.
Date Bureau Being Planned By
S.M.U. Girls For Aggie-Mustang Game
Tuesday night Dean Kyle wfl] at
tend the World Trade Dinner, an
ouIntending event of the conven
tion. Speakers at thin 25th anniver
sary dinner will include Cordell
Hull, secretary of state, who will
address a nationwide broadcast
from 8:SO-to 10 p. m.; the Ambas
sador to the United States from *
Brazil. Dr. Mario Brumlao; aad
Sir Roaald I Indasg, Amba->^d«*r
to the United States from Great
Brtkhkty' 1 ’•
Dean Kyle will attend a number
of other important events at this
national convention before return- j
ing to Colege Station about the *
6tb or Kth of NsvembAr.
In the 8. M. U. Cadpos
During the past week, increasing
demands have been made of the
girls who know boys at A d M. It
seems thst 90 per cent of the S. M.
U. girls want to go to the German
with an A. d M boy.
'As most of the girls rather hes
itate to write their favorite Aggie
and sat: “Dear 'johnny, when you
n < up for the game, please bring
with you three tell brunettes, one
tall blopd, and two short red
heads," there is a.(growing senti
ment that something .'ught to be
swhy don’t we have s date bu-
reaa, they say.
If Germans of the past are any
“There’ll be a hot time in Aggie-
Saturday night,” pays Bill
Livingston, social secretary of the
senior class, “if my present plans
go to completion." Livingston has
written to the Dean of Women at
the University of Arkansas inviting
the girls at the university down
for the dance after the game Sat
urday night He has promised es
corts fur all girls making the trip
to A. d M. t and is counting on the
Aggies not to fail him in this res
As the annual rodeo is being
steged this week-end, Livingston
said ho expected a number of beys
to bring dates hsre tot the rodeo
who will stay over for the game
Saturday and then attend tbs third
fewtball dan<4 of the season Satur
day night.
Livingston said that he expected
to receive a nplf to his letter
sometime this wmB ’ j
Even if the girls from Arkansas
do not get to make the trip for the
game and dance, the dance wfll
be one #f the biggest events oi the
yem - . Tommy Littlejohn and
Aggie land Orchestra wifi be on
hand to furnish nmslc for the even
indications of what is to be ex
pected this year, about 160 or 200
S. M. U. girls will dst* about that
many S. M. U. boys for the Ger
man, aad about 1000 A. d M. boys
wi'l wander around lover Dallas
wishing they had dates^ while about
1000 S. M. U. girls sit at bp me and
wish I they had dates. '
Why don’t they gjt together?
Because the. Aggie tr.iin arrives
about noon Saturday, the beys go
to the game, and then they start
wondering about a date for the
dance. By this time nil the girls
are tacked safely in the dorm lor
the night.
lYfee general result is that no-
»ody baa much fun o-i the week
ends when there is > marvelous
set-up for having a K<k>d time. The
dance isn't any good- because the
stags get in your hair and on goer
feet, and staying away from the
dance isn’t any fun because—well-
just because.
At CL L A. the girl*,have worked
out a system by a^kh
hundred girls can meet
hundred boys qukAly an
fully. They have receptions and'
date bureaus. > L
Beeauae they realise that meet
ing and Inwwfcji students of other
schoo's is • very definite part of
college tipd'.the school authorities
are favorable towaffi/ any plan
which furthers this end.
A date bureau at is. M. U. for
the German could be successful,
and. all tn the spirit of good fun.
it might be a good ti ng. A mili
tary anifonn has Always been
more interesting to-Ike female of
the species than a business suit.
the vke-
the school.
New York
Dean F. C. Bo!
president and dean
left last Wednesday
City on a ten day
Dean Bolton, who |s vice-presi
dent of the seventh district of the
American Institute of EU'ctnesl
Kturin.-.-rs, II this trip to New
York to attend the meeting of the
board of directors ami officers ef
the society. While tn.-re be will al-
eo attend the meetings of the En
gineering Society for Engineering
Development, of which he is a
aamnbsr. j j
Tuesday, and Dean Bolton will
probably return to Co flags Station
-'111. t ;mo 'l ho-adap.
-iscazme will be dlstrtbut-
Urdn.-dsj sftpraasd from
17, Admin.-tration Building.
< Ctrculetiea Managed J. C. Diets
menaced today,
fuhlirsnon date fB the
is the Wednesday aesi
25th of each meathi it
number will be
date, with the
bated before
The Battalion sbeuM carry TWO
THOUSAND aaama, ar all of yea
who went to Waco, in salate te the
leadid way ia which yea repre
sented A. d M. MOLLY 0*0AN-
ill iuf..rmr<|-.ipdr rorrr«pondent
heart far the Aggir». As she pat
it, “The Baylor hoys teM tea that
the Aggies weren’t very alee, and
te stay away from them as mash
as pseeibls. Bat I’m convinced that
they are entirely wrung; all the
Aggies that I have awt tonight
have heea so alee te me. Aad I
< ongrstulstion* sre in order te
far giving the hast performance
of the year, aad r—pistslj eat-
ehiaiag the swiagntere from Bay
lor. Jinx Tacker to the ceatimy.
TRAIL did a swell Jeh in hoepiag
the old twelfth aten going all
through the rain. Spectators oa
tho west aide reported that the
Aggie ooefioo kept up their
prectics ef esmpist
eat the lUjb.r -pop