The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1938, Image 3

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Intramural Basketball
low acorea made on
test in English recent-
all freshmen indicate
In English fun-
among a considerable
the A. A M. student
Dr. Geo. Summey,
English Department
has jtuft sent to
.— «°N*fe teach-
in| 1 ataff. Correlation of 1937 test
first-senses ter English
that only 23 per
students in the two
lowest tctUhs or deciles of the
to their teat scores
eourse, 77 per cent
by withdrawal, failure
or transfer to a non
in language funds-
4 Of the students whose
in the two highest-
I 97 per cent sur*
vrted and passed the course in
fnsfeman English.
Low noores made on the test
Infeiir given the freshmen on read
'vocabulary' indicate weakness
information, reading
and ability to make dis-
Correlation of 1937 vo-
scores with first-semester
grades showed 29 per cent
pawing grades for the two low.
I Uetiles as against 91 per cent
stodents in the two highest,
th the current tests show. Dr.
y.^ofats out, that we have
b number of studenU who
hcg>e to pass college English
tl^y pay serious and affec
tion to their habits of
mg, writing, snd think-
Ags. Lodi 0. K.
In Preparation
For Bear Contest
departmental staff, togetlmr with
co|ty of Dr. Summey's letter.
Dr. 3umraoy, well-known in the
Southwest for his work on objec
tive testa, devised both the vocab
ulary test and general English test
Each is s printed examination cov
ering four-'pages The worth of
these testa has won increasing
ition by other colleges
The A|
goojj -f n
poibt of
.--i .chlar
The general English test, with
sortions on spelling, punctuation,
usage, aad grouping and sentence
Mrtjcture, was taken by a total of
1A37 freshmen. The possible score
o* this Was 269, but the medi
"a* only 98, and ef the 1937 boys
u»ted only 198 scored 160 or 1 high-
je*. . | »"
On the reading vocabulary teat,
taken by L&32 freshman English
students* the possible score v
190 but the median here was only
ll About U00 of the 1932 boys
ufho took iftiHl test scored 60 or
MMMl ! A| copy of this* vocabulary
tds< s|as bent sach member of
f Dr. Summey in his letter stated
that since the administrative of
fleers of the various schools have
asked members of all department
staffs to do their utmost to en
courage students In the use of good
English,i staff members should be
interested in the scores made in
the above-discusaed diagnostic
testa taken by the'freshman this
past month. These scores. Dr.
says, show undeniably
bow serious the English problem is.
and how important it is that all
nie^befs of the college staff make
the students hers understand the
necessity ef constant attention to
their thought and language.
“It is obvious,*’ concluded Dr.
Summey, “that three periods s week
in an English section' no matter
how hand the instructor may strive
to instill good English in his stu-
< uri be and largely are nul-
tJfM in their good effect by the
negligence of students, by the
force of bad example, by the mis
taken opinion that nothing matters
to a technical student except know
ledge of his specialty, and by the
current spirit of revolt against th*
customs of educated society.*
11 a 11<>„ hditor-in-CMM
Aggies look good now
rom my exceedingly biased
IS watched them work out all
this week, and I know they’re set
to go
A» one observer puts it, the T-
C. «J. calamity was just one ef
thote things which almost
teajn has to get off its chest once
* ytear. \ /(
I; think the Aggies have the
■tuff, the t-pirit. and the fight, and
I dpn’t think they’re going to keep
themselves Saturday.
Monday fit the description of
“blue Monday” bettor than any I'v*
OCTOBEB 21. 1938
Forfeits Marring
Records of Many
Athletic Unite
Aggies, T.C.U.
And Pittsburg
Picked to Win
Hattalion smarts Editor
sky was blue, and the sky
leaking. The Aggies were blue
it the game, and so were 1
And yet workouts went
on las usual.
Within the last two days, how
ever, the sky has become brighter,
Saturday has been forgotten, aad
evdry man oh the team has got de
termination in him.
For two straight weeks your
scribe has crawled out on the well
known limb, aad for taro straight
weeks that limb has broken off.
Last week the darn liato broke aad
then fell on top of me, but
goes another shot at the scores
The Aggies will take-Baylor at
Waco after a hard fight, o-'.-i
Pittsburgh will stomp S. Bf\U.
Rice will win over the lowly Tub
as Steers.
Santa Clara is too strong for
Texas Christian will ruin Mar
quette. *
Do I hear that limb cracking?
After digging through statistic*
Somebody told Major Dittman
the other day that liaylor students.
including the Baylor team, had
got religion at a revival that
-Was going on. The “Maje” said it
would take more than prayer meet,
mg* to beat the Aggies Saturday.
It was announced Wednesday by
W. M. Brand ret, student advertis
ing manager of the Dallas Mothers
Chib, that a corps dance will be
held the Saturday night of the
Dallas Corps trip, November 6, in
the Junier’ Ballroom of the Add
phua Hotel. The Aggie land Orches
tra win play for the dance start
ing at 9 o’clock.
Five hundred tickets are now on
sale for 31.86. After October 30,
the ticket sals will dose until the
night of the dance at which time
the price of admission will be 12.20
The team came through the T
C. ^J. mess with only slight injur
ies! Dawson has had a hum knee,
hell be O. K. by Saturday,
has had a charley-horsc
which is gone now. A few scratches
i and there a
that’s left. .
ad bruises
bout all tha
;ht after Bill Conatser a
i ted -from Denison High
School, his coach, Logan Stollen-
wsjek, former S. M. U. grid star,
BiU would be the greatest
;er in the Southwest. M Stolly”
mgst have had seme thing there.
were i
told I
on Baylor, we find that the Cad at*
have score 78 points in their four
games snd their opponents "have
scored 41, thanks to T. C. U. Bdf
lor 1ms scored 76 against 12 for the
opposition in their four games
Baylor has kicked seven extra
points out of 11 tries. The Aggies
have converted six times out of 12
A. A M. has made 47 first downs
while their opponents have i
38. Baylor leads their opponents
in this department with 68 to 81
Baylor has made 826 yards rush
mg while the Aggies hare made
Ndt gain on rushing and
*bowu A. A MLfwMk Mt
•gainst 1036 for B.ylori
Completed 21 out of 69
for 484 yards. A. A M.
pl«-ted 26 out of 81 for 337
That yardage is net K
The Aggies have punted 27
for an average of 38.7 yards; 1
lor has punted 26 times for an
crags of 40il yards. Baylor has
turned 17 punts for an average
12.48 yards The Cadets have
punts for an avenge of 11
yards. A. A M. has returned
offs for an average of 24.8
Baylor has returned one
nwr scout dope on Baylor,
welt las the pictures of last
Show that the Bears
men out after passes,
four backs and ]two l
from the line can
two N ten. Baylor has s weak
A. A
id this
can run with that ball
would Btei to see
of K T\
John Kimbbpugh is i mss thut
plenty is going to be heard about
before the end ol the season and
for two years aftek. tht|L! Ha is s
roach’s dream, and when he gets
a li&le more experiei
a dream come Ura*;
jnel W.-ssoa, big SS6
freshman end, is being cl
I " and should develop In
one. He is big aad fast,
caa handle himself. He has lots
fire snd chatter. At Temple
school, he played fullback on of-
The outstanding star of the past
week's plsy in bsisketball, is Billy
Henderson, CoacU “Hub” McQuil
lan’s famous freshman from Hous
ton. In a game' played against
“C” Inf., Henderson scored nine
field goals and whs the aaain fac
tor in keeping down Mock and
Amy, the two st^rs of “C Inf.
Hender-tor. plays with the “Reg.
Hdq.” F, A. and is, ably assisted by
such standouts asiM. H. Cole and
J, BJ L*pp. The K g Hdq." scor
ed a crushing 34 -o 6 win over the
Infantry team.
Other scores of the week are as
follows: “B*’ Inf. dear “Mch. Gun”
Cav. by a forfeit, “M" Inf. were
winners over “B”' Cav. by 23 to
A N. H. Nance whs the outstand
ing man for “M” Inf. and looked
plenty good on the offense and de-
One game was flayed in
A basketball.. Art.; Band beat
Sig. in a tight battle, although the
score does not indicate it. The score
was 19 to 6, with the Band boys
led by the aeeurkto shooting of
Cullers and Martin. There
Mustangs Tangle
Touffh Pitt Eleven
With fingers cinsscd and a
fal breath tha Mustang* take ea
tha famed Panthers of the Uni
versity of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh
on Satin day seek mg their siktoea-
th inter sort tonal victory.
During the past 12 years, hte
Ponies have played a total of 34
gasms'ia citias jranggig from New
York in the taat/ to Los Angeles
in the West. The score thus far:
12 wins. 9 losses, snd three ties.
Beginning ia 1926, the Mustangs 1
met snd defeated such teams as
Navy, Indian* L.C.L.A., Washing
ton U., snd VsnderbBt. . Y i
As Pitt is rated as the strongest,
in the nation, the record may tolwl
a downward plunge.
K. Bonham Talks
At Wildlife Seminar
three forfeits. “C” Inf. got one over
“Mch. Gun” Cav., making two for
feits for the
over “D” Coast,
over ••2nd. Ct. Tr.
Three games
football were pla
felt The best gai
between Art. Band) and “2m
F. A. when they played to 0 to 0
with both teams having one
rty and one twenty-yard peaetra-
D. R. Rumph led “B” F. A.
fanse aad tackle on MfeOK. and I to iK,7 to 0 win dver the weaker
that training together with What “K” team by his lone touch
he has received as an end should | down
make him a great center.
Man Boots Kitty—Tliat’s News!
J ! T I
* Almost
are found in
: t- .. ‘1 ■ 1
Saturday Is the Time to Get Your Share
The Aggies will take Baylor.
(Even without the “twin wiggle.")
T- C. U. will stomp Marquette
8- M. U. couldn’t down Pitt if
the Mustangs were give a 14-point
Texas had Rice will battle bard,
but I’ll put my guess on the Teaas
side just for a long shot
Its aaws when s man bites a dog. aad its alas news when
a nan boots a polecat. This aafereseca incident occurred
on the night of the recent “sirlag-eut", and caused nothin*
less than a virtual abondonemeat ot so sis portions of Hart
Hall.'that being the part occupied by “H” Company Infan
It seems that Fish Jose Barr an tea, ia search of refuge
from the bloody sophomores, bad reached a somewhat open
piece ef ground at the Math of the campus wherein he
spied s smsM black and white animal qnite unfamiliar'to
the ceuatry of Costs Rics. home of said fish.
. He chased the pretty animal fur quite nume ways before
he was able to giv# the pussy a kick on its striped tail
What happened next, to use Fmt'Harrantaq own worda;
“He spray me from head to foot." f, I
Monday evaatng the Wildlifs
Seminar, which has been holding
weekly meetings this semester, or
ganised a club. Officers elected
Wert J. B. Davis, president; F,
W. Taber. vice-president; W. C.
Pfcrker, secretary-treasarur..
Dr. Kefehaw Bonham, professor
of fisheries. Department of Wild
Game, was the speak of the even
ing. His talk centered around the
fish surrey work in < nlifomia.
The purpose of those surveys,
which are sponsored by the War
Inf. Band Department and tha U. S. Btguaa
“C” F. A. of Fisheries, jig to investigate the
F. A. detrimental affects of placer min-
B touch ing on the wildlife resources of the
with one for- streams. Dr. Bonham who was a
the Ipt was member of 9 surrey party this
“2nd Hdq." paafe summer discussed the various
phases of the work ia progress,
illustrating his talk with many in
teresting lantern slides.
Dan Lay, regional g|me
manager, Region ' I, Texas Game,
Fish and Oyster Commission, with
extra point H. C. Mas- headuarters at Beaumont, Texas,
sey was ^the deciding factor for was a visitor at the meeting. Mr.
“H” Inf. w^orer ?D" F. A. when Lay discussed briefly his part hi
he scored on a long pass late ig the organisation of County Wild-
the second half. Dm score 6 to a Ufa Boards it th- twenty southeast
“Hdq.** Sig. forfeit*} to Inf. Band. Texas counties in his charge.
Class A had one g*me played aad . ^ ' ' I
two forfeits. Lewis and Jones start Nov. 12 sad [mtolluuc until
romped all over the field to give the day of the run. In order to be
2»d Hdq.” F. A. h Il^to 0 win eligible to compete 1 a this event a
Eng. Craig alao^ played j boy must have been through the
In the Window
October 21st to 28th Inclusive
800 Only
$1.50 Each
Guaranteed East Dye
For* Fitting
All Sleeve Lenftte ,
and Fish Stripes Put On —* No Charge
* Also Plenty Of
In the Short Slack Model
19* and 2S* Pair
J. C. Penney Co., Inc.
Il l i . i i i '* ' t j.,
^Atfsrie Economy Center”
-l' *
.r-K «
mm mmroc2)i
Plsyiry^ his Inst yene
with the baylor bears.
over "C”
his usual “bang-up'
Coast forfeited te ‘V
Sig. forfeited to *B” Eng. This
makes two for “Hd^-” Sig.
In a letter sent; to Intramural
Managers today, W. L. Penberthy
announced that haqdball will start
Nov. 9, and entry cards for this
are to be turned in by Nov. 2.
Class A and Class B cross country
runs will be held Nov. 19, the train
ing period for Fish who enter will
training period.
Class A and Class B speodball
and Class B volley ball are ptay
rx-o to start Immediately after the
completion df touch football.
Let me remind you te keep in
touch with your rifle team and
be sura that your boys fire for
record before Saturday, Nov. 6.
ffhe swimming meet will be h«Ul
Saturday snd .Sunday, Dec. 10 afed
I j . v 1 i/ 4 I - I f L
| Now Open j
I Wc streaH home rooked foods and cordially invite
all Aggies and members of the faculty to rornt m
and get acquainted, .i
Sole Owners
"B" TIME!!
, ; I .' ] BEAT