The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1938, Image 4
I IG I‘ ' vUl W ia tk«r» plariax kk hut •*»•«» the Toads Satar^f. He k a brakiar tackle wka kaa asr.r beea beat** by the Ft, Worth dak. , \ 4\ .IT ?‘x ^ansom .1 *■ i THE FIGHTING AGGIES WILL WIN f WE RE Wire YOU, OLE’ ARMY! Don’t Forget • i 11 ft . || F i,L i — •| 4- North Qity Lipscomb’s Pharmarv vl.ii.}] \\\ ^ i n It DCOACH Homer Hill Norton i BirminghanJ-Soothera) haiktaat Coackee ( A. RoQIns Texas Marty Karow (Ohio State, T?) i J. W, (Dourfa) r m _ Tt) •' L/ Manning Smith (Caatenary ’it) I W. N. (Bill) James (Centre, ’ft) LU Dimmitt (Southwestern)' NAME Reeves, John ( onataer, Willkm j Herman, Odell Todd. Dick Rogers, Owens • Jeffrey, Marta ad I . Smith, Herbert Dittman, H 1 ' Olbrich, i Audish, WiHiai Forpe, Henry Miller, WiMam White, Finis Hall, Robert ■ •i L .SwkAsilRI Kimbrough, John I - • 8ehrm>der. Bruno 1 Steffens, Karl ! Roboett. Marshall j Pugh, Marion . Price, Wslemon White, Jor . { Thomason, James . Wood, Frank l Rushing, Eli , Rahn, Lmr, t Duncan, Williaa Biansom, George Pannell, Blkaat Jardell, Dsm. l HOME TOWN 1 i San Antonio Denison AMlant I Crowell: 4 I Vwt^J Port Astknr San Angelo Goose Creek Burlington i Brenham I Orange I Brownwo<><i Cleburne ; Port Aruthur Haskell k , Haskell ^ $ I si lken • Brady l Klondika t Fort Worth ■I NMveastls Amarillo ( Brown wood ~ > Angelo phenville lyton Henrietta Burleson Waco Vinton, La. * FOH.V WT. g \|-ns B \ 173 b ! ’Hif B • ■ B J 176C B m v t i i v c mL N Dsfeson, WDlkue *J*| S 1 Crockett Stephen son., Woodrow I | Fort Worth Routt, William Warden, Otik Vaughn. Tommk . * Hauser, Henry | Coston, Frvd Boyd, Joe Kimbrough. Jsck Mineock, Willis m Britt, Rankin Chapel Hill • Ranger Brownwood Kerrville Dallas Dallas i . KamrfDa * 1 Galena Park 1 Ranger ■v T> We’re Glad You’re Back To Help the Aggies TROUNCE THE TOADS ! n j NI ; » Join the Crowd after the Came .. v at ;M L; | THE AGCIELAND INN •Tl 1 /Ti'lfl .ffT KX-8TUDENT8’ MEETING PLACE [i, w E 3 m-n i gi Wfi i < 1 n fa yt ftw Mg blood tackle of the Cadets. He will team with L B. Ilrta far Urn tackles* j*>bs on AIK onfrrenre •Boo Hoo,- let's ge te ■swam f ram the Mg Todd deaa the "Dip. aey doodle” "doable-shuffle.’ 111 Tl H* ’ ri i ] / f And AU Of The fTIT’ \ if W • . \ j' vj'lf j* visuoes IVe Extend A If’ HEARTY WELCOME Sh O. K. STETLER, Mgr. , |ii ji' j[. t, 1 1 i i ^ The Aggies’ Drug Store” 1* i [ V LETS BAG THOSE FROGS ' WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW,AGGIES, WE ARK BE - i \ 1 ' HIND YOU 100 E3i Rushing Rushing > ««*er will hare the i team re' nit ing around Mm. He k the lab af r the tl