The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1938, Image 3

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    Intramural Football and Basketball
I. C. U. Fre#k»»en play their
fust 19:18 fame with the Weather*
ford Junior College eleven in Fort
Worth Wednesday eight, Oct. 5.
The feme ia sponsored by the T.
C. Id. ^BK*Letkermati'a A—eciatlon
and will be played at LaGrave
Si, 1 .
-Juti ...iJ,.
A special train from Fort Worth
te Milwaukee is beiag planned for
the t. C. U.-Marqaette game in
the Wisconsin city Saturday, Oct
The Horned Frogs, in four years
under Coach Dutch Meyer have
traveled more than six miles on the
andiron, against enemy opposition
— —
tongue. Juices never reach
had to break it in. And
i more fragrant! Chang-
me a clean pip#- Medico's
it truly sensational.'
■j * i
*>Ct P f
i i Jr -
"Never bites
my mouth. I
the tobacco's
ingmv filter
: i ;
Town Clad*
look dollars
more than !
Styles with ill the “at
ease" appearance and
feel yoe*ll want in a
■port snit! Shoe Idem end
cheat drape in mescaline
linos; waistline* are trim
and Mepeth; fabric*
boast -dtrability aid
* smartaeae! There's add-
1 ed quality ia hidden tail
oriaf, in better woolens,
ia finishing detail! Mis
ter, this is year suit
holiday ... no matter
what year sport* taste*,
nor budKet limitations!
* Reg. U; S. Fat Off.
Play Ball,
See the World;
Aggies Go West
; Play football in the Southwest
Conference and see the world. *
) I
. If travel isn't emphasised as
df the hire of the game in
these parts, it ought to be. This
Week is going away week for the
conference- and the travels at six
teams will total around 6,000 miles.
Only one conference team will
play in Texas this week, and that
or< will perform away from the
home grounds. The Texas Loi«-
horns kneet the Oklahoma Sooner*
in the annual Dallas fray. For the
second time this season. Coach
Pans Bible’s boys play s Big Six
member. The Steers almost took
the measure of Kansas (18 to 19).
Texans are inclined to believe they
will take Oklahoma.
! Two elevens join thr night shift
SS strangers to strange cities.
The Southern Methodist Mus
tangs are favored to win ever the
Marquette University Golden Av
be in a Friday night game at
Boldu-rs' Field, Chicago. Proceeds
of this contest go to charity.
The Aggies will have a real bat
tie on their hands in San Francisco.
They meet the Santa Clara Broncos
there Saturday afternoon. The
Broncts have been the Sugar Bowl
champions the last two years, t. C.
jU. was the Inst Southwest team to
play them, the Frogs winning 9
to 0 in San Francisco Dec. 12,
19S6. 1 '
Oates Picks Four Southwest j
Conference Teams!for Victories
Battaliea Sport* Editor
Friday is here again and ia mudi
too soon to suit this writer. Some
of these games are rough to pick
this week. Well, here goes and if
you don't like them, pick some
yourself.' ■ i }i • 4]!
Texas A. A M 20
T.C. 0. 21 |
Rice 13
S. M. U. 20
Texas 6
Baylor IS
Sqnta Clara 18
! L. S. t. 1$
Marquette 0
’ Oklahoma 14
Arkansas 6
That Aggit-Shnta Clara game ia
almost a toss up, bat I am picking
the Cadets to win because -tMfii
were determined when they left
here. That bunch of hoys appre
ciated the they got Tues
day night. In fact some of them
almost Choked up before the train
pulled out. I went through the
train and shook hands with them
before the train left, and every
one rave me that old Aggie shake,
a shake that harts your hand, but
makes your heart jump. They all
said they were going out there and
fight heUfoot of that crew that ia
riding, fn the third slat according
to national ratMpa
We Art The
Authorized Dealers
Corona Typewriters
As Low a* $1,00 a Week
1 Block East of North GaU
The Aggies have a tough
schedule this week end next.
Santa Clara and T. C. IL their
next opponent*, are rated high
er than the Cadata, and b„ih
of their records are very good.
A, A M. will be at a disadvan
tage ia both games. Ia the first .
because they SI* /tmveBag ;
many miles with a sophomore
team to meet g senior team in (
the opponent* back >ard. The
Cadets have a sophomore team ,
although they have a^ay se
niors on their first string.
When we get away from that
first team, we find the remain- ;
r ! tog crew mostly sophomore*.
Our strangest s(|nrtlag lineup :
ha* not been deternnn. cj as yet,
and before the season is half
ever we may find the starting .
team consisting of half aopho-
| j* (MWKh
T. C. U. has a senior
are playing on th* East
will play Friday night
get back home a day ear]
the Aggie* and will be
in one more day of
No other team in the edgrierence
plays |g*o harder games h>
ceasive week-ends We a* going
into both .of those two game* to
win, but if we don’t therels noth
ing to feel badly about. Wi| have a
hall club now and we havg a bet
ter one ia the making, Art’s all
staf behind that ball cltib through
thick and thin, win or lose.f
Those “fighting Agfief* are
coming home Tuesday morning
at six o'clock, and the corpe
a Ad band should he d<>wn there
to welcome them hack.
The broadcast of the -game
will start at 4:M College Sta
tion time.
"Slkk" Wires The/
“Jeep” To Hold!
Jiep Oates, The; Battalion, Oct A
»- Anfsod ’ fautpdvtog
morning, had good workout on
Texas Tech fiel4 All the hoys are
in high spirit* apd all are in good.
I shape. We ate'on Way now to
: Barstow, Califoifna, where we will
workoat this a
Will arrive v|h Santa Fe early
Friday momini. Going through
•beautiful country n»d climate is
j crisp. All squ^d determined to
whipiSaatn Cl
lone,—Capt. Sli
r -r
Fish Develop !
“Hay Field Scoot”
And Other Plays
BT W. F. “ClIICll” DEN$Y i
Games in touch footta!! and
basketball nor well under way b
both Clast A' and B ia
with tenitis to
^ Some fine football
Hold "that left be « n “ Ann
MNjtolj j
f ‘ j # Here are rpsultt of
Coach’s Frown Turn* 1^*^
To Smile When Tall r^^t-nuliKr
Rookie Carnes in View r In
plpnty good in whipping Inf-
B*dd AmsketliUl coach H, * R.
(Huh) McQuillhn comes from the
football field etch evening with a
frown on his fhee, but If he hap
pens to look at hne of his freshman
basketball playfrs, hit fafrMglfr
ens op.
That freshnugi basketball player
is Bill Henderntn who played base-
kethall and football at John Reagan
high school in'Houston where he
was the high scoring nee of the
city in the cage sport.
Henderson ttwers o\er six feet
and has harufe like talon* He
should he one of the conference
greats before hp completes Ms col
lege career. \ n !
One of the things that Henderson
does that puis that ‘ smile on
' HuhV’ face ( ia to bounce tw..
basketballs on the floor and then
catch them in the air with lie
hands on the thp of them. He does
this and then- holds the balls at
arms length b| the top.
The upperclassmen would like
to see this campus decorated with
signs for the T. C. U. game gy
Monday afternoon. Let’s start bury,
iag that Frog, FRESHgEM.
ittd Collie’s
is as old m
p-herding itkelf.
e from Anglo-
col” meaning
blatk. Scotch called
theto “coBry dogs”
aft*r the black-faced
“•illey” aheep tkey
tended. Noted for
hearing, extra-
Oft nary homing senae,
dr 9000 to duty.
He’s giving sir
nerves a rest
and so is he
It ■ L
t HIS Collie dog has a nervous system that
is remarkably similar to your*. Like yours
it • delicate, complicated. But here is where a
bu[ difference comes in: The dog can ^>nng
in o flashing action —and then relax, while
min’s nature makes him unkind to his nerves.
A too often, we work too h ard, worry t o« > m u c h,
aii fatigued or sleepless from strain Nerves ay
1 rest, but we do not hear. Don’t let tension
“get" your nerves. Give your nerves a frequent
rest—uke time for a Camel Camels help you
to remember that you nefcd a bnef bit of leisure,
for they are mild and mellow, a supremely
enjvyMi cigarette, made From costlier tobac
cos. Smoker* And that “LEl* UP-LIGHT
UP A CAMEL” put* more joy into living,
and that Camel’s costlier tobaccos are mild
and soothing to their nerves. •'
There’s more joy in living when
you “Let up—light up a Camel”
MISS OLUB TUC*Bn [left), ofice manager,
says: “I can't afford to get nervout My method
isiokt up, and Kghtup a Camel. It'* a grand
way to smooth out tense nerve*. I smoke Ca4*k
a lot. They're so mild and lavory
soothing to my nerves. Most of my I
seem always at earn prefer Camels.''
. ; r™ 1 w
EALPH OULDAHL (rif*), golf champion,
reveal* an “inside ' story, “rve Igamed u> eaae
up now and again-to take time for a Camel.
It’s the httlc breaks ia daily nerve trniioil that
help to keep a fellow on top. Smoking i Camel
gives me a Iwlmg of well-being. Here 4 > ag*-
rette that is to my nerves!” j
With only Jwo days of practice,
31 Texas Angies left here Tuesday
night for Sah Francisco and one
of their toughest games of the
season Saturday when they meet
the Santa Clara Broncos theft.
Pre-season grues* favored the Ca-
dels but after*the Broncs won from
Stanford, 22-^ last Saturday, the
picture was ((nocked off the wa!l.
Today the Nortonmen are the un-
: 'c 'h nationally known
sporta writers pretficting a defeat
for the Aggieg.
Word fromV'Dbugjh’’ Rollins, aaJ
sistant coach,Aarho scouted the game
last Saturday, j says the team has
a 50-50 change hut also said they
would have tp, be tops with the
“doable ahnfy* to win.
No(t only is;the game going to be
tough, but next week the Aggies!
have to play f. C. U., probably the
best iu the conference since Rice
lost last wee i. The team will not
be home unt I Tuesday which will
allow only four periods of practice,
with the fh^t one mogtiy 'Mda
worto hdfoM they Uke on the
( oncensusW opinion i» that the
game at Coiegc Station between
the big T. C^- U. team and the Ajf-
giea will ab^ut settle the question
of who rules the Southwest Con
ference this reason Naturally there
are a lot of “ify* between now
and DecembdF 3, before the matter
’ aattled, bpt from this point it:
looks like TJC. U. The way “Con
nie” Sparks }a* come through with j
hit long distance punts looks like
it will spell the difference.
aptry 12 to 0. Coast r a d
the slocks of A' F.ngtaaMf with
the gaina eix ing Ts to t. tarohiabiy
the best gam ■ so ifar was the spac-
tacular overtime game played be
tween “E" Engineers and “B*
Chemical Whrfare “G" Infantry
waa {pressed head to defeat the
Artillery Ba nd 4 to 0. With ;th*
realm 1n th ir f*vor. “C” Cavhky
beat the stiong 44 D” Coast team I
12 to 6. “A” Field Artillery, Intro-
mural championalast year,' looked)
very poon in their penetration vic
tory over Infantry Band, the final)
count beiag 1 to !.
Basketball resalts: “2ad Head-1
quarters”' F ield Artillery, always I
a strong cor tender for the basket-)
hall crown drfeatad “C” Engineer*!
14 to 6. “D” Cavalry swamped “F*l
Infantry, li to 4. And the best!
game on the list was betwaan “D"l
Engtaeer* and ■R" Signal Corps,!
with the Si| nal Corps hoys fiaiah-|
ing first, 6 1 o 3
In the Class B games, althoughl
there hnve not been so many|
games playe i, there have been aoi
that are 0. K. This is a point
favor of thi Fish because it is
their advantage to get started
a bang. ]'
In Football, "A" Chemical W«
fare let go with both barrels
won their gifne from the Artiller
Band, 12 to10. A Cavalry fr
men showe<| that they would be'
there fighting far that flag with
very clone victory ovar “H" Infant
try. Two of there Fish games wer
won by pel etrationm, in the firslj
game, “G” nfantry nosed out
“D" Engine n- crew by 2 penc
lions to none, nn did the B Fiel
Artillery tei m owk A Signal Corpj
j yill | • 1 [ e • ,> fl i • j
-Smokers find Camel’s Costlier Tobaccos are Soothing to the'Nerves
Capt I. Bt Hale, left Udtle for
thf Horned] Frogs, ia the first
tackle in 10 fears to be named cap
tain of a TJC. U. eleven. The last
Williams back In 192S. 7
A discussion of rural electrifi
cation, con^nctad by Dr.' P. L.
Gettys, wasMhe main topic taken
up by the tconomka Club at the
Thursday night meeting They also
dtoiptai'fft organisation of the
club for thq coming year. . .
The club flans te have some sort
of social g<A-together ia the |renr
fMmo. ^ I ,
Around .'on students are expect
si Ito Join ire dob this ysar, in-
«'uding majors in econemkd ns
well an other .htireeM. -i students,
dub officerj report.
Jaogtyj casual *tvle» in g
t | Tj' K
group |of handsome rug-
leathera... test
ability to take
The Pre-Med Chib, at ha meet
ing last Thursday night, completed
plans for afetob key. The uppar-
clas*men in the club will he the
only ones permitted to wear one.
Order* will rbe taken for the key*
at the next Bieetiag.
^ l 7|3.9:> WJ
hostoniam i
$7.o0 to IIOjO*
y AefcvVfgTE "31^