Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1938)
L ii. THE BATTA EDITORIAL WE BAND NEEDS HELP leretofore it Km always been tot ch and tfo u*> lo the hut minuU* u to how and where the A. A M. Co lege Band would obtain money fof Its tH|t jto play for paradM •nl Affte football fames at oth r cH lea. |Is stmffles hare not al- WI ys been wjcci-.eiful, thoufh Band m mbers have ttied to obtain the im ressary funds in every jpaaMtA m y—Jelliiii: Band key taga, selling asadwichea. candy, hot cKoeoiate. ai d other things on corps trip tr tins .and #pdals to the «mr el as ar 1 c r ery # th*r afency from w t<ch the funds might be obtained Obvious!*, (therefore, there ia a pfaaaiag need for same regalar of money for the Hand to mkke its trips on. Ohe good stop, it feed, has already been consider that of addfcg 60C U the ato- ddnt activities laA the addition;. I Hllir be aped by the Band Hpjwever, motw yet needed Bands of oth^- large Tcxm cpl lAfea-^T. C. (U .lSrM. U., and the r are furnished by their res p >etive instjtuticatt plenty of money t make long t^ipe—* Ohio, )0hl il omia, New Y^rk, and elsewhere bile oar IB . mi had to work and 4oiTy consuii'i ably before it wm L (ATIONAL AFFAIRS DB. R. P. Ll’DLUM John T. Flyim ia the anther of li woekly column in The New Re I ublk. He writes chiefly on finaa- c al affairs, but he touches other a ibjects whi*i the spirit move* him 1 ie ia yi shrewd and able investi f ator and a skillful writer. It \ i rould be a'|feanare to men tier his ^ulumn, if for nu other reason than I > hnn^ It to tic attention of peo- ]le who do not read it regularly. I am mentioning it this time i or another reason as well. A week y< r two ago Mr, Flynn wrote a col- l ain respi ting the foreign policy * f the Uaitod States. His thesis iras Ahat wsi does not come in a moment. It ccRnes atop by iMR» i in first atepi frequently going i innoticed, (anil sometimes mors i han the first one) and the others e I oBowing one hy one U until a sit- I ation is correoted when no choice II left but war)' He wondt r. C how i wmy stops th^ United Statas had 1 aken before thp end of September. I leeking the answer, he looked through the Washington columns t f Pearson and Allto. who, he says, j ,i» IWandly tt< the President and < lo him no intentional injustice. From PciuMln and Alien'd ma Wrinl K appears: (1) President , toosev.dtV famous “quarantine” THE 8t«dent sens weekly m u <i up. ’ if Texas A;' A M. College and of- ’icial kc publication. • '* Entered as second class matter U the Peetnffce at College Sta tion, Texas, udder the Act of Con- esa of March S, 1879. Subscription rate, $1.76 per >ww. Advertising rates upon request Office in Koom 122, Administra tion Building. Telephone College t« Office open fnom 11 a. m until 4 p. m. every dek Represented for national adver- dng by Nhtional Advertising anrtee, Inc, 1 420 Madison Ave, MOW York City. R. L DOBA_lEDITOR-IN-CHIEF H. SMITH ADVERTISING manager Bin rtytt James Crlu ManafiSK Kditor- ' George Pul$ao. B. C Knetsar Aset Adkerti-mn Mi.”- Bob Olnerv J. Wayne Stork Associate Editor* t B. C (Jeep) Oates SperU Bditor JjC. Diet* Qrtatotion Manager Dm McObignsy. H. G. Howard Oiralabeo AaaiaUnta - G. P. DeVBbiaa pr ud-raedar TUESDAY STAFF Tom Darnsw Sp4.rta AaaiaUat Jack Pudlltti Junior Editor Bill Murray . Junior Editor Panl KetHhs4-/.:—Junior Bditor B. F. Rogef*. N. A. M. H. G. Tollxrt, W. J. R. Scott Lewis T. Gay. E. F. SMelm R. H. IsgUfieid. A. Wise, G. D. R. C Taito. J. AY STAFF Denny Sports Aa- atetoat Junior Bditor Junior Editor Junior Editor Jiaritf ■ Mlor F. Haadonmo. , L. A. Scholl, Mason DoArmond Jr, Jock J RHRpMh' sure it would even have funds to go to Tyler on, even though the Band fresha$aj were left at col lege. Another related subject on which action if desirable ia this: for a great deal of work, Band sopho- mores, juniors, and seniors are paid paltry sums ranging from 11-60 to $< a month, while on the pther hand, 8. M- U. band members receive about $20 a month, and those of other colleges eorrespoad- ingly- It would be a forward step v> afford th. Band regular and sufficient funds’ for its trips, and to give its members some more adequate compensation for all their work 4- MO N 1—The cpntralplt Brighter part af a ' 26—A simian whaal . r—Kind of 4—U 8 B R. aha* tree 8 Positlea J It—Italy (»bbr.) ternnhs! of 2<J Exclams- an electric tion express souroe T ing triumph speech of October, 1987, wm writ ten in the State Department. Be- fere President Roosevelt delivered it, he Mked the Navy what Its plans more, and found that a plan existed for joint notion by the United States and Great Britain against Japan, if occasion Should] require its use. This plan wm to cut off the shipment of goods to Japan by placing fleets at th© Panama Canal and at Singapore. (2) Ambassador Wilson’s warning to Germany in April, 1938, that this county might enter a future war was approved in advance in Washington. (3) Our seizure of two Pacafic islands claimed by Britain was approved by Britain, been informed of the ac- advance, because it coft, the ge neral principle of co-opeaation between the two coun tries. f4) President Roosevelt ap proved the Anglo-Italian pact, and the roquest that he approve it, sent him by the English Foreign Minis ter, was « duplicate of the one sett to the British dominions As C nmm -» r Wnrlr Mr. Plyryt says. “Thu roused ^ OFk critics to chaff the career boys on our attaining domiition status.” (6) Hm Preaidant approved a speech by our Secretary of War, which was a provocative attack up on Germany and Italy (6) A Brit ish statesmen, Walter Runciman, on a viait to the United States, in fluenced the framing of our second neutrality act so that it would operate to the advantage of Eng land and France. (7) When cir cumstances altered so that the act only imperfectly aided thoa© coun tries, oar own Administration made plana to change h to rerapve the V 5 M YM Ml s 6 1 t 4 , ' i IO i *T li r f A i m 15 • I m ii i m K IS n wy/. ''Y/ti 26 ■■ i Vt P 1 I •55 I n u 20—A suffix used to form ad- jecthraa . * 31—Forts of -ad before -C k wo I 12 liwkwm H>—One's re la Uvea 12-^Dwt 13 Pronoun Il —Iw; KB—TfcVMi . 16 Aloft 17— Witty | ' built out into water 18— Girl's name 84-8oWly 12—To place in 32—Winged office 38—Head of a .21 Orooit MCur ’convent for 22 Ponders nuns 23—Man's nicks- 37—An emblem > attta of dawn DOWN tmdhiR veoael 8—Perch 7—Inside 9 Put on 11—A pot Franca— .'6 In _ (1804- 16 ) 29—To bo 18—A physical ! disorder. 17—Third note of the scale ,M—Outdoes 10—The external ear 33—Fasten 20—Symbol for stltchaaj osmium 34—Jewish 22 -Child's term month for mother ] j Answer to previous puzzle ctiunp! niflRHHi nranra igsarnie annaanlaPintH am naaa m n Hacnataa a sniaHis paano a n mra ramrym urn saarain PKiiira imperfections Mr. Flynn’s conclusion fr >s that the country shoui formed as to the pur foreign policy, and of any that are/ made Nobody say* that ar Km beam tirade for our Done by Barger M. Wheeler Barger, head of the departme^ of Agricultural Eco nomics, agent six weeks in WMh- ington, D} C, during the summer doing some special work on tha legal aspects of marketing with tha mark, ting section of the Agricul tural Aifyistment Administration. The requiat for Professor Barger’s temporary services grow out of the fact that he ip one of the few agricultural economist* in tha United States wko is also a licensed Attorney-jn-tawi ' , J war on the side of England and and Fn ate, l*\ urwn.. MadMMAa. ** * >» ^ - . I . France the minute fighting breaks out, but aimply that our neutrality ia violated beforehand in favor of pne probable side. imminent prospect of such a war shows thf necespity clearly enough. Perhaps 4re w^at to enter a war at oneq an thf side of England :, although 1 don't think : we do, perhaps we wapt to fhape our poll ry so as to help those coun tries touch m we can without becomtag! involved in the war H- Agronomy Society Formulates Plans The Student Agronomy Society, with Beal Hargrove as president, H. F. Goodloe, vice-president, and T. H. Seay, secretary, » m fall swing. v The group has m a project the sending of a team to Kanaap City and to Chicago on a regular cotton contest study , At the next meeting of the dub, October 18, the society ia planning a program which! will include a series of motion pictures on the 1938 cotton study contour contest This will be reported and ex plained by Dr. I. P. Trotter and some of the students, who accom panied him to - cotton Centers in Belgium, vFnaoce, England and Switzerland. The public will be invited to view the movies on cotton study contour contest. * \ STUDENT Acnvrmi i The attention of at * and organizations is called to para graphs 44. tt, 44, and 47 ef College Hogjlations. These have reference to the contracts and rcgulatk organization*, dances, benefit pic ture shows, etc. The names of the officers of tha various organiza tions should be filad in the Com mandant’s Office. Constitutions and bydaws for the various organi zations should also be on file. It ia highly important that re quests for dances and benefit shows be made at once as the calendar of events wiB soon be compiled. Forms for these application* may be se cured from the Commandant's Of fice. A meeting of the Student Ac tivities Committee will be held 1* bout October 16 and formal action wiU be takea on these requefta at that time. D. W. Williams, Chairman Student Activities Committee ICIAL NOTICES f ! BENEFIT SHOWS: Due to the fact that thera^ are so many groups requesting bene fit shews, it has been decided to increase the number allowed' this year. IRhe limit will be appfoxi mately V7, which is tha number of Friday nights In the school year. In order to make it possible to have this large number of bdnefit movies, these rules will apply*: 1. If the organization so desires, it may show the movie on Thurs day and Friday nights. 2. The organization showing the movie will take core of all ex-i penses incurred, m they have dene in the past, and split the first hun dred doflars above this amount on a fifty-fifty bMis with the YJI. C.A 3. $11. money taken i$ * Shewe, those two items of expenses w6U belong to the organisation soring the benefit movie. Approval of requests for she will be based largely upon the pose for which funds are to be and the number of students voiced- i. jj'f Thif agreement was worked out and agheed to by the Student Acti vities Committee and the Y.M.C.A. ***.] !' ! r, ’in ILE OF BBNT8: J 7—Benefit Show, Lddto Club. Assembly HmL 14-Benefit Sho* Polo ition, Assembly Hall, f:46 P M October I.V Football gatae, A. A M vi. T. C. U. October IB-^Ourfe Dance, Meet Hall, 9 P. M. to 12 mjdniglR. ) —:• T College KogubUions, Paragraph 42, (14) (a) should read “F^r over due books, regularly c 5 cents per day ”, F. C. Bo T ‘”T ' * RaV-H CLU B1EMI AU Ex 4-H ( l ib memhei requested to meet in r >oi Academic Building, Mondak ber 10th. at 7:20 INTRAMURAL MANAGES There will an important of all Upperelsss and F Intramural Managers in the As eembly Hall immediately after sup per Monday, OH. 10. I W. L. Penberihy, Intrapt : Hltueter I PIANIST Thera ia a N. Y. A. Ztudent as an accotn Glee Club that will fcoonth. Those into should contact J. J 210, Petroleum (building, at onte. for a for th. $12 a in the Woolket, FOUND: Money f is try laboratory. Can o from Chemistr>- office ' identification. in Chem sin same by proper CAMFI S RESIDENTS The importance of knowing what this Administration, or any Ad,.»«]L w hkh seema more raaeooable. ministration, is doing by way Of j perhaps yre want to stay clear en- antkipating our position and oor problem* if a war should begin in Europe, cannot be emphasised more than it deserves The feeling of Americans a few days ago at the rofte L—... Phriaa. J FREE FILLING STATION K» FOUNTAIN PENS! I.k, Sankeql Park tiraly, bat watte tot' our choke may be.'jit should be mode after careful uonsideration of our ob jective and how ever nation will contribute to the attainment of the objective we Select. It ia useless td try to work out a policy on stich a basis, if tpljt position of the United States has been prejudiced in advance by; the Administratien. DEBATE TRYOUTS Tryouts for the debate team will be held Oct It in room 329, Aca demic Building. All students, re gardless of classification or ex perience, are invited to partkipate by preparing mven-minute speech es on either Ahe affirmative or negative of “Resolved, That TWxas should adopt a retail mIcs tax.”— C. O. SPRIGGS, Couch n ^1.1^1 - ^ y w w mim I NOTICE AGGIES • I \ We Have Your Size in ARROW MITOGA Form Fit . AlwalKP „ 11 ‘ It • 1 ‘Il M * .( ♦ '|| I ' ' . •Thin wit] bryoar hint opportuoity to buy \ tl^riAo Shirt. While aUrtLu, $2.2.-. Bryta -t Mm assi:aviily HALL . It has been deemed advisable tot the v s»tety of school children that Lubbock Street be ebsed to traf- fk at the intersection of Throch^ morton lending to the Conaolidatei School during the ooon hour. . . — — * i ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS The year's first meeting of th/ A. and M. chapter of the American Association of University Proles^ aors wiU be ^» ld Tuesday evening, October llth,' in the parlor of tb* Mess Hall, at 7:30 p. m. A report of laat year’s progress will be giv en, and the program for this year xHAlto'Mia. II.. 1: AD members ef the chapter, aoi all members of the teaching staff who desire to become members, art invited to attend. LOST: Gold Waltham with gold band. Finder turn to Gene Davis, 88 double usual refcard. rist watch >lease re- lilner for LOST: Fresh$nan Cheigistry Lab. Manual, somewhere ia ykinityj of jattdl|y. If fouhd, plcsso notify, or return to, William Jones room 11 Leggett, Box) 1878. Re Ward offered. BAPTIST 9:46 A. M Bates, big worship, shall, Special 6:46 f- M. 1 _ ko, W. f. Parmer, P. M Eveninj W. Marshall. Death A eoi tended to all The re viva Church wfll •tebi’lev. J. C H B0 Morn- WJ Mar at the W. Mon hall. State 1 Baptist Student Secretary ia doing the preaching a lor University, reeling the misk. to thru Sunday u»d Paul Leath, Bay- Waco, T txaa, ia di- kfil Missouri Spied Services wi|l be held; Sunday at 6 P. M. in Dm Y. M. C A Chapel All students Whe are inierested are invited to attend. ST. THOMAS’ CHAP! L' (Episcopal) Bar. Roi roe G Hau ser, Jr., Rector. 1 8:30 A. M. Holy Conmutiion 11:00 A. M. Morning! Prayer and sermon by the rector. 4:30'P. M. Meeting (of the Aco lyte's Guild. Visitors Me extended a cordial invitation tp attend ydl tike ser vices at St TbomM’ ChatieL] PRESBYTERIAN NOSlCt *« 9:46 Sunday School;.11:00 Morn ing Woedhip, Sermon Topia: “Why Do We Take Communion”; 7:00 Youngs Peoples' Laogqh. Sendees in the ‘Yj Chapel A coi'litl welcome to a!^. Norman Anderson, Pastor I'-, sbMrnan Ki lloaship Disn.-r Fellows, don’t forge| the Fellow- skip Dinner on the Lawn of the Manse storting about '6:161 BATTALION MBWtIG 4 There will he a noting of the entire editorial staff qf -The Batta lion at 7 o’clock Friday night in •’ room 122, Administmti< • Bldg. A HAPPY THOUGHT FOR THRIFTY C0UEGIANS ““SEND your weekly hvndry home by handy Railway Ixpress your college rooms sod retura, tonvemcntii, f sod test, with no bother at a)!. Just phone college agent when to come for the bundle, lie’ll fork promptly—whisk k awsy on qx-edy express to your city or town sad return the home- done product Itb»mt extra fSprgr hole year through. Rate* lor this .ervioearc low.msu'you can seadcw—... only by Railway Express, by the way' popular method sod adds to the hnpp^ tboc(git. Phone oux agent today. He’s s good maqtoknow. ||SOUTHERN PACIFIC BBPOT ’Phone 9 COLLEGE STATlok TEXAS Raiksvav i a AOKNCY, INC. • nation MIM aau AIR ZIRVtCC Saturday, Oct 8 6:45 and 8:30 ,v rudyvaueT? husut uu ■ IKI MIIEIT HlEllEltllS saNi5/riJx| RllRIA RICRSIR atlVKlICtONI ntaBTRRRrWTPBR Sm, ©ot s, m i *» *aa aM»a u ml i. ttmtm tm «. I*. I, aap, Om<* M Im s«an> mi Lmm W lUm Wmtm mi « U— — 1 — r — TRUETONE RADIOS — BICYCLES WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Authorized Radio Repairing -f- OFFICIAL’ THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS. 1 . J THE WIDE SCOPE OF OUR STOCK. THAT OUR EQUIPMENT IS REGULATION. ‘V ECHANGE M, i I, m, ■ ; Ilf- ■ DEPENDABILITY mi i f —- '•J