The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 1938, Image 3
Backfield 'J V I Rolls Up .iHp R KM IMG TON-RAND 1 orUM* Typewriter. For Solo Latest W. ■ ARE INVITED trip Uirosgli the States with ioMthaa «od "A Sootherner IH. i Sooth” at the Browa Cotters Reotal library .-»Mrs. Not EdoMdaod. .^r H *T" i ave You A [V you have, call and let os show you our many new and appropriate Gift* for such an occasion. CALDWELL’S Jewelry Store : > '■ i Br>an, Texas When Homer Norton’. Texas Af» rie* go onto the field Saturday at Tyler against Tulsa University they’ll face s tough game, reports Marty Karow and Hub McQuillen, Aggie coaches who scouted the 20-0 game which the Hurricane won ov- .•r -Kdmon.lTeachers Saturday. . That 80-0 wore, while someth i k in itself, by no means represents the real strength of the Tulsa elev en, it was stated. After amassm* a comfortable lead, the Hurricane allowed the drift on ice. Concerning individual players, Karow and McQuillen reported that Thompson is the best passer on the team. Referred to in Oklahoma as a “second Sam Baugh/’ as is every other aemi-decent passer nowadays, hr has plenty on the heave, they SMd.. j J {NX Playing from a spread formation, the Hurricane also features the swst ramwp CM***- i*4 tHC «ooT^wwa-r -'BMop- (LEAN 4 V .ikntil- 1 ' 1 •/ 1 our Clothes The “Atone” Way - Above BuhaatOg Ston X Patronize Our Ajrtnt in Your Ontanization PVERS HATTEBS AMERICAN-STEAM lAUNDRY Aggie Fish and Allen Ramblers 4 Clash Thursday Both the Aggie Fiah and the Allen Academy Ramblers open their seasons Thursday night a- gainst each other. The game Will be at 8 o’clock at the Bryan High School field. Allen has 45 hefty men on their ball club and several of them will came to A. A M. next year. Coach “Hub'* McQuillan says he has about 60 men on his fresh ms n blocking from a standout rtinniruc team, and that sowie of the boy * mate In James .TRomMon, Brown SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY | look plenty good. Marshall Spiwy and Wesson of DRY-CLEANERS PHONE BRYAN ■ - ■ 1 m t m ■ ----- , from Ufkin and Wesson is an All-Stater from Temple.* BATTALIOH SEPTEMBER 27. 1338 PAGE 3 n i ‘ i gu'ijf-i j ^ i if * / 1 * Karow and McQuillen Report on Scouting of Tulsa-Edmond Fray ri <i u . f *wf.i - IlU'il ftJ I ! 'vi S*l ' j lY Ags Warn Others of Strength by 52-0 Landslide The Texas Aggies gave flair warning of their strength to other Southwestern Conference teams Saturday when they tromped over Texas A v di I. to the tune at 52 - 0. Throwring no less than four teams into the fray, Coach Norton proved that he was more than blessed with sparkling reserve strength. On the defense' the Aggie line allowed the visitors only 40 1 j i | ‘ ] yards gained nishii\f while the Farmers plunged for 216 yards. Aggie scoring was touched ’off in the first quarter when “Dandy” Dick Todd, the Aggipe’ candidate for All-American honors, swivel hipped his way to a touchdown standing up. He received excellent .ri double-fast hustling of White, who during last season rolled up an even more impressive record than another White—’’Whissar," from Colorado. Tulsa, observers have noted, al ways points for its "Southwest games, since R harbor* a faint hope of being admitted to the con ference. Football Statistics • Score by Periods J l/l | 4 A. & M 1* 20 18 52 A. A I. 0 6 0 0 0 Scoring touchdowns—Todd, Britt, Dnncan, Rogers 2, Pugh 2, Ditt- msn. Points after touchdowns—Todd 2, Wood, Herman. iFWd goals—0. Safeties AJkM. AJkl. First Downs 18 4 Yards gain rushimr 217 59 Yards lost rushing 19 Yard gained, forward \ 1.74 ^ Yard lost in attempted forward passes _... 18 Net yards gained, rushing A piusing Forward passes at tempted Fonrard aasaes com / 872 18 56 10 wood sophomore half. In the Second period Price passed the freshmen are former All-Stute thirty-frve yards to Britt who step- men. Spivey is an All-State buck ped across for a touchdown. Rogers A pleted '— 9 8 Forward passes in- . completed 7 6 Forward passes inter- cepted by opponents 1 8 Yards intercepted ( pas*** returned 43 0 Number of punts 4 12 Total Distance of | , i punts 137 J 4D9 •Average distance of (punts 34.24 34 Number of punt re- I turns L... i 1 3 Total distance of punt returns 101 10 Organization of Polo Association ' fl V THE ON|Y LIFETIME PENI IDENTIFIED BY THE WHITE DOT Writing Instrument of Leaders! Most Helpful of Possessions! Costing 00 little, serving so long, used hourly in sunding student cod groduotu on and up—surely that explains SKeaffer's U.SA. sales leadership. Just try to match these features of daily useful ness: Dry-Proof tip, ever moist, writes instantly ... glass-smooth Feathertouch 0 point.., streamlined Balance* design with writer's cramp engineered out. f. force'ul ONE-stroLe filling, emptying and j cleaning that keeps the pun in com mission .... Foil-length Visible Strip Supply... warning to refill in a//models. -.You deserve the best in carving a career, and the best costs no more! Get the pen of leaden—SHEAFFER’S 1 A. Sheoffer Pen Company, Fort Madison, Iowa. . r« ^ AO utehM* aw ( f®f t%4 a ucugri flMtlibgl ftnt MrVr4>«< o« Ti**' Aggie Polo Association held ite first meeting of the current year Thursday night and elected Fprent Jordan, Cavalry senior, pres ident of the Association and cap- - Um of the team. Ed Brown and Asa Jones were elected vice pres ident and business manager res- pectively. ; Coaches Tom Roberts and Jack Hoy* announced that several trips are in store for the year. H. L. Newley and T. C. Wadell were elected as Uttistants to Asa J >nes, and Paul Haines eras voted tie publicity manager's job. missed the try for ettrs point few minutes later Duncan recover ed a , blocked quick-kick for the second touchdown of the quarter. Herman converted the extra point. , l 11.08 . 10 ^ 49 ASCE Meets For Discussion And Officers* Election In the first meeting of the year held for the purpose of electing of ficers, the A. A M. chapter of the American Society oil- Chril Engi neers chose Leroy A. Baiter of I Lockhart as vice-president and Jack R. West of Dallas as secre tary-treasurer for the coming year: The meeting was presided over by Andy Rollins, the president 0% the student chapter, who was elect ed at the close of last year. T Average length punt returns Number of kickoffs . Average length of kickoffs ^ Number of kickoff re turns I4, 0 Average length kick off returns *. 0 IlnMsa 1 3 Own fumbles recovered 0 Total number of lateral - passes 4 0 Number of penalties .. 10 Total yards loqt by penalties ., , ,, 90 * Measure puntjfrom line of scrim *ge 4 BRYAN BY TIG WNBD 18-6 RIDE WITH SAFETY If If / . 1 r Aggie All-Steel Busses SAVE ROUND TRIP , lit • . I | j * I * I * | j • t .1 j BRYAN COLLEGE TRACTION CO. UCAfKl KMS ML COtAtS • 82.18 Tt $29 B '' ,l rsiA^Asm. hmnCW*^ WKMt*, Smi mt <m4 i*i» KfU ikMl, l»« •*< •• U>IP OSIP | ItO'StMW •r ■Or aaS w0 rr- UNMe-lMoNi ■ I • a •••f “4w (<# M h IF*, j || j / AND PRESSING ^ TAILOR WORK • / 1 MILITARY j mfPLDi * if 1 yf T ‘ 1 rll * N. LAUTERSTEIN • (W SUIP w*-. • »*a.u« Nr URIP i yi _ Norton Let His ^ Sophs Score All They Could Manage BY B. C| (JEEP) Sports ) OATES. EH tor Omstoer showed lota of drive Slid he really b.uuglt a pate he in- The first waok 1 of this hectic football race ia pver, but here routes another right on Ha heels I picked the right Winners the past vmak. but the sogres didn't run right and Texas tried her best to make a liar out of the “Jeep” . Norton did not gry to keep the •core down Saturday—it ended 52- 0 although he men that don't even have numbers. He let them use straight football and if they could score, 0. K Homer was very mad before the game started be cause the waiting coach “Bud" Me Callum, switched number on his players. That is h|rh school stuff, j, but this scribe thinks it was all right because A. A I. look* like about a Abas B high school team. Two soeutl worg seen in the press box Saturday. One WS$ from Tulsa University, the team that 'the Ag giee meet in the R*ee Festival game Saturday at Tyler, and the other was Lou Hassle from Rice. There were probably others around that did not show their faces. Lou was once a great tackle and cham- pita crap shooter at Rica The Tulsa representative charted every detail that happened, but he does not know the ‘'double shuffle” yet. It was tried only twice against the Javelinas and neither time did it work. We know our players can work H ieenuae 4re have seen them doing it in their practice game gnd it looked nothing like the mess that they pulled Saturday. Dick Todd’s punting has improv ed over that of last year, bat be probably wilf ’nqt do the kicking when we hit our b g games, because there are too many kickers on the team who cab outdistance him. Dick can still carry ' the mail, through. I saw a.coupie of pictures after the game that were token when he broke loose on a 18-yard jaunt. One of thq snaps was taken s split second after the first. The first shows one 1 of the Javelinas diving straighLat him, bat alas, the next shows that tackier lying on the ground *s Dick is shown com pleting his -’dippaey Doodle” and being missed by only inches. tereeptod down There Hag who so Dawson Everyone think R» but Herbert thfaki he who H was, it football. field. mark about, touchdown after r kick Saturday, that Duncan did ; raith says that hf it. Regardless of was darned alert ^AGGIES! Start Your College \ibuin Now. 8 Films * I LLET CA! S2.85 os to Roll 1 Kt CAMERA 620 OWNIE $3.25 8 Films to RoD jj* < ' JI'l'KK CAMERA Tmo \ U FU»s to Rod 24 SERVICE * ^1 * 1 i AGG1ELAND STUDIO North Galt JOE SOSOUK s J’l WED. t LAST DAY* It RUOOlll , )l0*ts COST11lO In Shnn itCNt Dari ? Ji. 1 COMING TRUES. 4 FRI. . RAT. Norma Shearer ]ln 14 New Dixie WED. - THURS. Bob I.ixinifston Kosalind Keith [frl Anton—-Gang Buster^ Flashing a speedy, versatile at tack, the Tiger* from Consicaaa drowned a hsd!y crippled Bryan High School team Friday night, in Bryan, 18 to 6. Bryan waa sadly outclassed all night, but managed to push over a counted, midway of the game. The boys from Corsicana have an exceptionally smooth aggregation for this time of the season, and if they don’t .slow up during the year they should go far in the flag chase now under way in District 11. Bry- •n’s slower team juat roulint rope with the multitude of fast break, ing spinner, plays, «|4d> ive rabbit backs. The coming week finds the Bron cos pitting their strength with Grmpeland. The game will bv play ed i nBryan again. Cadets wishing to attend the contest caw obtain tickets in the Y.M.CA. for 25e. Pugh carried ^ic ball eight times and had an average of 4.75 yards per try. He tos^d three completed passes and acorqd two touchdowns. His driving left jlittle to be desired. LOOK... _ \ • } Hair Trimmed in Just the Hufht Way I* Important We Trim Hair to Satisfy the m > SHH’MKNTS JUST IN 11 "•] k 1. I ' Uniform Goods i | i«J r # You’ve Been Waiting 1 pr RaguLsition Ms New Junior Capa Ne* Jil* Ca$te| j Hat Straps , Metal laaignia Unionalln ', Knsx Hats Serge Slacks- New Khaki Fatigue ’ •* IhHks ; ' i See our new line of smart Spurt Slacks to wear after 6 p. m. Bush (fttU Twin Sweaters Izeatker Jacket* Aqqieland 'Barber Across from Post Office i— . JI I r i i