The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 1938, Image 2

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A senior fwntly told us about
incident which v 99 p^i
of the oorpt will be shock-
to hear.,We
imy 99 per cent be-
we feel spre that at least 99
cent of tty! AjKbs are
of the rides they fet
hitch-hi ting And behave
ees wel while they are be-
d by Texans to
fbom the Actk uniform means a
But we also have the one per
<ent, and it ii the one per oent
rhich may, at times, reflect not
(redit but disc; edit on the school,
la the one percent which the
her 99 per M nt must overcome
Now to get dn with this senior’s
Recently a rt latire of his, a rsth-
ir yoon« uomty, was on the cam
tshe left, she picked
ip some Afgi^s who were asking
Ides to Bryan,
But when ttyy arrived in Bryan,
Agfica—One per centers—re-
1 v'
fused to get out of the car. They
wanted to M ahow her the town.” In
short* they acted as boors until
they finally displayed their mag
nanimfty by allowing her to go on.
Thia incident is the exception to
the rules; rarely will anyone hear
of a similar one. These Aggie*—
if we may debase the term by
applying jit to them—are also ex
ceptions to the rule; the 99 per
cent behave decently and respect
fully to those who give them rides.
But these exceptions give Aggie*
a black eye, even though the stu
dents who do these things are not
true Aggies.'They wear an Aggie
unifena, unfortunately, and that
causes outsider* in general to think
of dtem as being typical.
TV per cent must do ita part
in attempting to curb the eaoesses
of the one per cent, and the one
per cent must realiae that its mem
ber* are college-enrolW* and are
therefore expected to act like col
lege students.
It 1* a sorrokful situation when
reject that which has been
>lmnned for ttyir own benefit and
totortainmeftt But that seems to
to the lay of dffairs today conaid-
ving the Efetoftainmeirt Series of
Last Thunsd^r night at the aeaibr
saa meetir|g I ntertainment tyries
fanager Beal {Hargrove made the
moOUeemcWt jthat four hundred
i nd seven tickets had bees sold to
i ate; Adding toj this announcement,
iargreve sgid that if more interest
B not shown m the work carried
by the mnes. they will be dia-
lontinued after this year.
The feature* to be offered this
rear are the finest ever to be pn-
tented before In audience her» at
LAM. There'are more programs
dseduled 'for this year than any
irevious ye^r. But the main! lack-
ng itotaloi dsite is that fityinrial
luppoii la not being offered by
>oee tWho are jgiven the chance to
teikjt the pro( rams.
For 1160 slndents may attend
ha **4ne aiarl program.. That is,
y 16 cents thej*
attend each indrvid-
they buy their sea-
^ rill be able to
tal program if
on tickets- lefs than the ameunt
re baas.gtj A A M. pay to see
loll>'Wo<xl’* cliss B pictures.
It may ba list the students are
neglectful and as yet have not
token the time to buy their ticket.
However ihe program* are
op«*i to all students and the
will be on sale for some tiaae yet.
Why not show more interest to the
entortoinment which is being effer-
ed for you and buy your tickets
today! .r
/ ,4-
i t
’Call myhnc Tuts. Sept V,
« H I 7:80 P.,||. Election
to fill vacant offices; Section of
new members. AU old members and
all who would like to become mem
bers should be present. Dues, 5®e
1—Shatter 21-Devaatatioit
6—Commercial 22-Turn aside 9—Apologetic
seaport in i through fear lA-Comered
West Flan- 14—Deed (coltoq.)
ders prov- |17i~A June bug f ie v-Addltionsl
ince 28—The egg of a IS-Formcr
10-Admire parasitic it*-Organ of
11 -Pen name— Insect * hearing
•—CityIn \.
A lady of 30—Dutch: m
England— spoken by
Charlotte South Afrt-
Marie can natives
Tucker 22—A circle of
12 -Close light
18—To play 88—Deecry
H - Rowing 84—A bright
Implement colored
(simplified) 35—Unbound 1
17— Derivation • pagan
(abbr ) book
18— Speak 36- Mischievous
20—Kind of linen fairy
braid *
1— Names 5—City In east
2— At SSa > Nebraska
8—Bespangle r, a sailor
4—Feminine 7—Odic force of
pronoun \\ alidjglMly
woven rib
bon of
IS—A German
,t9 The holm
81—A solution
leached from
in soap
An <>p|x<rtunity to become ac
quainted with the corWtellation*
and to ( b-.-rve the planets Venus,
Jupiter, and Saturn with a small
telescope is offered by the Physics
Departmsnt. All who are interest
ed are invited to come to the Phy
sics Building between 7::)0 and 8:80
on any Wednesday eveniag in Octo
ber when the sky is clear.
LOST: Yellow Cocker Spaniel
dog. AnmNn to name ef “Chief”
Last seen at Methodist Church in
Bryan fluaday. Notify Major J.
w. Rice, Phone Bryan 1188. Re
The Fimt Meeting ef Brwuss
County Renenre Officers Associa
tion will be Tueeday, October 4th.
In ‘Mess Hall Annex. This meet
ing will bo a emoker.foc all new
Reserve Officers and seniors. 1
Part E. Nowotny, Pity.
Braios County R. O.' A.
1. Day Students
that they must
lent Bulletin
tunda of the
twice daily.
2. Day Students
schedule of their
fice of the
then Friday, September
the Day
Downs Elated
Oyer Recognition
Of Natatorium
Visiting the campuh over the
weekend was P. L. Downs Jr., *06,
former member of the board of di-
i.H-tors, who came down, he said
“every time 1 get homesick."
I|r. Downs was highly elated
over the recognition of A. A M.’s
natatorium by Norman Sper, na
tionally known sports scribe, who When you have seen or read
visited the campus recently. O’NeilPs haunting masterpiece,
Hports Writer Sper said A. A M. “Stiange Interlude," you feel as
hh* one of the finest indoor swim- |boufh you h , d ^ wttchi . K .
nmg papla hi* the country. . T ...... j.
At the time tae A. A M. nat- kwn and ■«*•*»
atorium was built. Mr Downs was * l • »«rt of tender ruth-
chsirman of the budding committee kssnes* on an illustrious patient,
blithe board of directors, and he »“• » nd beautifal but desperately
stated that wtyn the pool was built, diseased.
it teas the intention of the board What has happened to Nina, his
to build the best in the country. ^ heroine, is that her healthy, many.
Be pointed out tha* a survey sided love for Gordon has been viol-
made by a New York committee ently split by his death before mar-
two years ago found that the Ag- riagv, into its four component
gicS’fr pool was the best in the parts: passion for a lover, trustful
□hbe a aassa
[naan asalais
bus sun maa
h am hed
ncaass nenenw
cans 1 nos o
pma nara nan
□BiiiBta scans
naaca a snail
cannot marry hor, yet he can never
marry any other woman. Aa for
her Son, he saves himself, at the
crisis of the plfiy, from being emo
tionally devoured by his mother,
only by violently breaking away
from her and marrying his girl.
Nina's seems to dm, is
not only intense “theater", but uni
versal drama. Nina is Everywoman
Just as Nina’s love for the man of
her choice is composed of four
straada, interwoven, so is Evgry*
woman's. Only,.in the woauin that
you and I know, the four strands
are perhaps never frayed apart by
frustration, and so wo never realise
that there really are four separate
strands. Or, in anany cases perhaps,
Club. T^e club will meet in the
Y. M. Ci A. Parlor Tuesday even
ing nt 1 o'clock
This it the first meeting of the
acbool.J^ and a cordial invita
tion is extended to all student
wive* Come and got acquainted!
Learn what the club is about. We
are sure you will enjoy b^itig one
of us. Mrs. Ted Martin
Psychological teats for new un
dergraduate students will be ghrua
in Goien Hall next Friday, Septem
ber SO, according to the following
schedule: 1
8 to 10 A. M —all students whose
surnames are from A to K inclu
10 to 12 A. M.—all stodefito
whose surname* are from L to Z
inclusive. '
All freshman classes f will be
i I fpendbd Friday morning. Sept-
NOTICB STUDENT WIVES vmber ;t0 in order to permit new
Studeuta Wives Club is under undergraduate students to take the
new naBc—The A. A M. Dames) Psychological examineti<ms. Ab
sences of all advanced standing
students in other classes during
the time needed to take the teat
will be counted as excuaail absenc
ty JL ‘ ‘'I
Since all new undergraduate stu
dents are required to take the test,
all undergraduates enterfcg with
advanced standing and those Who
were enrolled in summer school
are requiipd to take this test
Please be prompt in reporting: to
Guion Hull according to the sche
dule aa it ia not possible for m
student to be late and take the
•ML .. '1 1;, r. I ;
The cooperation of all concern*- )
ia requested.
E. J. Howell > • , ! ! .
For the Executive Committee
I S As
sembly Hall. 6:4l N
September 8$-Faeuky Dance,
Mess Hall Annex. 9:00 P M
: L—L }
All Juniors and Seniert who de
sire to try out for the Meats Judg
ing Team please meet in the Meats
Laboratory at 6 o’clock Wednesday
afternoon. C. E. MURPHY
Effective today and until further
notice the banks of Bryan will
handle state general fuad warrants
for regular depositing customer*
at a discount of one percent (1%)
and for non-Customers at a dis
count of one and one half per
cent (U»)
K TltyFirst National Bank
The City National Bank
The First State Bank A Trust
There will be a meeting of the
student brunch of the A. S. A. E.
after yell practice Thursday night,
September 29, in the Agricultural
Engineering lecture room. All *g-
ricultural engineers should be! pre*
s^»t to organise the branch for
the coming year. A special invi
tation is given to alt fneshmen
agricultural engineers.
The Executive Committee of the
College has decided that for the
Tyler trip studente wjl ho slow
ed to make the trip under re-
strietiesu aa follows: .
Seniors (fourth year men) will
be given authorised passes to make
the trip. Seniors should get passes
signed at the Commandant’s Of
fice, stamped as authorized in ord
er to be entitled to make up any
tests which may be mws. d
Juniors (third year men) will be
given a pass to make the trip pro
vided permission for him to stake
this particular trip ha- t» •
niphed the Commaminnt by his
parent or guardian.
Lt. Colonel, U. JL Army ~
■ Commandsat ;
AU frushmen and sophomore*
who are fate rested in organising un
A. A M. Pre-Law club are invited
to meet (a room 203 of the Acade
mic Building Thursday night, Sept
ember 29 at 8:00 P.
82 00 REWARD—Lost, a black
and white Shaeflier's lifetime foun
tain pen b.-twees the Pori Office
and Puryear Hall. If finders will
return same to Puckett, 78 Pur
year, |2.00 reward will be paid.
Jj I'M I ' it ’
it tbs
^Advert iat
Office tail
weekly newspaper
M. Cqllege and of-
class matter
at College Bta-
uriler the Act of Con-
rcb 8. 1879. r |
njrate, $1.76 pur year,
rptes upon request,
loom 122, Administra.
tion Building, telephone College 8.
Office open fii>m 11 a. m. until 4
p. m. every* dajr.
Represented i for nations! sdver-
BMty !■ 'National Advertising
Service, Irtc.. 420 Madison Ave.,
New Yortt City.
tyife, James CrHs
— Editors
B. C. Kfietsar
A*et. Advertising Mgrs. 1
Bob OiDver, J. Wsyae SterL
u Associate Editors
t C. (Jeep) Date* Sports Editor
Top Dsrrow
Assistast Sports Editor
J. C. Diets
Circulation Manager
Dun MeCbetyey, H. G. Howard
| ChMidamn AuriatmAa
CF. DeYBUty proof-reader
Jack Puckett 1... _ Junior Editor
W. H. Murvayj. JnnUw Editor
A.G. Wsreen J Junior hWiitor
C. W. ZaML'.i J. Junior Editor
W. & WtyfU Junior Editor
B. F. tWW*. T * N - A.
J. Carroll. N. k. Moorr. M. G. Fuer-
mann. 1. G Tolbert. W. J. Saa-
didge. M. F. Verkin*. Brire Died
rick, J. M S. ott, Lewis ( hrvaiUier.
W. ,T. Gtyt Bsargu Nans*—r.' &
F. Shirk C| a Strsuch. Carter
a H. Ingle-
A. K. Adams,
they are indeed frayed spurt, but
country from nil standpoints, in-)leaning on a father, possessivene*.* the women.suffer their frustration
eluding beauty, usefulness, and ssn Uqasi d a son, sense of partnership in silence, too respectable to Seek
i tat ion. The present pool cost with s husband. The tragic compli- their atUuhmeUt to separate man
891000, and is unquestionably cation in "Stiange Interlude” aris- or Hot powerfid enough to achieve
ip- Mor to anything in Texas. cs from the fact that each of these it.
Built by the college itself after component strands of Nina’s frus- j think, is O'Neil’s apocial
•xia—ive research and planning, tinted and disrated love attaches contribution to our “modem" minds
the natatorium, which is named m itself to a different man. The un* and personalities: Re bus helped
M{. Downs’ honor, is expected to fortunate woman is thus driven to f ort ^ in w mo <| t . rn our
last 100 years by College Architect fulfill her imperious emotional characteristic habit of breaking
LOST: Log Log Decitrig
tule with name, GERLICH, part
ed otf one aide. Finder please (-re
turn to room 49 Law Hall for
double usual reward.
F.t E Giesafke
Beam. J. A
field, C. A.
Faster Wty.
Junior Editor
Janior Bditor
Jaaiar Editor
Jaaior Editor
Frank Phelan. J. F.
Billy Qurkaoa. if, F.
H. W. Camming.
L. H. Crasshoff, L.
mast Schott, Maaoa
DeArmaad. Jr, E. C.
Routt Hubert Stone
L. A. Newman.
rvtiv/i i
C W. Wilkinson
Ray Tmadwel
Paul KettyMM
(Cbkk) Ddafiy,
W. L. CIS*. L
A. Scholl. 1
Jonas. G W.
Schmid. Jhck
TUBS. - WED. 6:30
“Love Finds Andy
* Hardy”
I^wis Stone, Mickey
Rooney. Judy Garhind.
and Cecilia Parker
. Sparkling Comedy!
Top-Notch in All De
part men ts
There la sparkling —edy;
warm baman emotions; and
trae-to-lifr trouble* and jays
for the judge ami his fuudly.
The story 1^ iritty, swiftly
pared sad hamaaly appeal
ing from beginning to end.
Taea. . Wad. 8:48 P. M.
needs by the ruin of three lives: down our emotions and experiepeus
her husband s, because he has to inl0 their component parts, exsmin-
be content with half contemptuous in|C th,.,,, jjtytyiy —d tooUy, and
tolerance; that uf her father-substi C onaete»entlg, yerhaps, umderstund-
tute. “good old ( bar toy,” who is them better than other genera
helplessly tied to her, yet receive* tM , n! , abl< , ^ ^
from her only a sort of mild filial , ,,
affection; her Inver's, because he
Biology Oub meeting Thursday.
Sjept. 29, at 7 P. M. in Lecture
Room of Science Hall. All students
taking Biology or not are eligible
to jobs this club.
Faculty - ft—dp BWuruty—t, . I
The Faculty Tennis Club Willi
hold an autumn singles tourna
ment, beginning thia Weektend. All
persons connected with th« Collage
staff are eligible for tie Club.
Any prospective mem be—! Who
wish to join in time to pity in the
tournament are invited tp Rive
their name- to Mr! D. F.lFpuk—,
Physics Dept, or to Mr, E. R.
MerU, M. E. Dept., before Friday.
Tuesday - night will'bp the first
regular practice of the Glee Club.
AU old members and those men
who made the tryodts are urgently
requested to be in tRe Y Chapel
immediately after Yty Practice.
LOST—Purple Schaefer Foun
tain Pen, Friday, Sept. 28. Reward
for return to Cowles. 366 Bix—II.
LOST: Student Activity Ticket.
If found please turn it into the
Commandant Office. L Kemp.
After a summer of daily gaso
line, kerosene, and range; oil de
liveries at vacation perches on
steep mountain roads, he can do
everything with a truck but climb
a tree. ( ~ ‘ 1 1 ’
When It Comes To
You’ll find the largest
assortment in the sUte
in tko
kawoodies • MUmms
Surey Medicos
Yellow boles. Etc.
L I 1
Because We Make Them Pit
r I ‘ ]} T ?
Uniform Tailor Shop
North G»te
■■H '
The A. A M. Glee Club offer*
Friday night for 4 ita benefit show
In Old Chicago" starring Tyrone
Powers, Don Ameche aad Alice
Faye. Com*- oqt and seq a good
show and help the Glee Club.
1 i u
f. I hi 1 '
Complete Grocery Line
Besides Miscellaneous
ll *“
Drinks . 1 okt< co-
Shot G«n SheVs ^
Fresh Shipment Of
Nestles (andy Hayy
J\ y f
Across Fro— Exchange
^ £ 1 J
Present Service Means Future Business
We Guarantee Satisfaction
v 1| || mm \. I
Wet Weather Is Coming
13.45 Up V
rte Stock Regulation Socks.
North Gate
i' I
v -
H C0A f
j 4
I j