The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1938, Image 7
r w nr iM BEAT A. & L! $Urt Ike Year Off Rfcfat, ^ A Vletoiy Salnr^ay^ Visit The Place Where Affica Dam a With Sports Writers Stay on Safe Side by Rating Aggies Third Best SUCK UP FOR THE FIRST CORPS • f • '* DANCE ' CAMPUS I GLEAMS Above Eichanne Store zp UP!!! STILL PLBNTT OF ■ I-•]■! ■ Tnrn SCHOOL SUPPLIES I J* j * i { '* * TtXT BOOKS . . . DRAWING EQUIPMENT pc. J I ' I < I ! I REGULATION UNIFORMS tfl i BY K. C. (JEEP) OATES. Battalion Sport* Biittor fhwe ^hoah ; iporta writera” continoo to pick th«* Arftes to ftn- iah in third place, bet they are all trying to play pa the safe aide. When they My the Cadet* will fin ish third they alao say that littio “if" and then continue some- like Ma: “If the Agates get play and if they can fill thh^taokle poaition left by Roy Young, thf y may be the champion* in The guard holes are filled, maybe not so itrong a* last year when they had the ot guards n the United SUtes\according to Normaa^per, by BirMinnock and Marshall Robncit who sah^that they are good and then set out ip prove it to you- Both are willing and work hard and will be ra s great guard combination the season is over. T- Joe B<>yd. the blonde tnan-moun tain, is a fixture at one tackle and Liberty Magazine Scribe Watches Aggie Gridsters % Cross Cou try ( al|\ Frank Aade coach, is in target ,M*d for good cross country material 4 ■ a call!for the mms. Norman Spot, the nationally known ecnbptwho picks the “All- Player’s All-AlMtW|^ teams for Liberty magaaiae, spent Wednes day on the Aggie campus, where he looked the Maroon and White grld- ders oveii/ The writer calls the Aggies the ‘sleeper’’ team of the Southwest Conference. He Mid, “While all the Southwest teMM are concentrating Ihelr forces for the T. C. U..or Rice games, the Aggies may cone aipng and play havoc with the string of them'’ Tonight at 9:15 o’clock Spec will be on the radio and will comment , iT. TL , r ..■e.i ' PANNELL Sophomore Tackle I l ! h ; -flLMtier Jackets Aggie Unionalk Stelsim Hats \ f n K “We Give SERVICE Not FLOP COLSON It* STATION “it' N HUMBLE SERVICE [and ' GARAGS ‘ WASHING » LUBRICATION - GENERAL REPAIRING r ' WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER North Gate - 2 Btks. Weat of Post Office - Phone College 2M 1 THE EXCHANGE STORE Patronise Our Aroit in Yonr Orfankatton DYERS HATTERS AMERICAN-STEAM ,-r DEPENDABILITY DRY • • C LEANERS RHONE 585 BRYAN will be om- of the best in the aa tioa. George Brsnsom and Ernie Paanell are waging a great battle for the starting poaition at the other tackle. Pannell may got the call within the next few days. The 22Q pound* has much ability and doM he like it rough. He hM pos sibilities of being one of the men to go in the Aggie Hall of Fame before he leave*. A. A M. “Jo-Jo" White, letterman end, wiO be out of the lineup for about two weeks with an injured ankle Ho hurt it several days ago and then hurt it again when ho tried to return to practice before it was wJk j I Thf punting is getting better with each practice session. Kim brough, Conaiaer, Pugh, Todd, J Thomason, Force, Price, and Jef frey are sending the ball from one end of the field to the other. It is the time of year whan sports writers start picking the wingers of these football games. Well, here goes our guess for this week. A. * M. 20, A. A I. 0. 1 S. M. V. IS. North Texas Teach era 3. } Baylor 19, Sauthwestern 7. T. C. U. 14, Centenary S,’ ' Arkansas 14, Oklahoma 6. Texas 0, Kansas 12. Rice does not open its season until s week later. on his tour of the Southwest Con ference. Tjie program will bo heard over station KAO, Dhnver. Colo Two columns a wgahjarc written by 8per. They appear in 4S news paper* of the rouhtry and the Houston Post and Chronicle are included in this number. He was warm in his praiae of A- A M. College after he had look»*i over the campu> mut the hv.-st .. k He saul that the ARgies have one of the nicest indoor swimming poob in the United Rtstni. > The Aggies are the third strong est team in the conference but have M good a chance to win ae the two teams. Rice and T. 0, U* which are rate*! stronger, accenting to the comnu rriatot INTRAMURAL ' MANAGER®) havebanpt , BY "CHICK* DEN^T , News has at last broken for this column. “Mr. Penny" has announced his U-ginnmr banquet, at which place he wants all the upperclass SANKCij PARK JEWKLFRS ■ i Show mg Complete Line Of The Kollowinf: KEYOTjUNS" 7U -j $1.90 t ALARM 91.25 WATCH! 50* GgXJCKB 11.45 STRAPS vm i WATCH B-ANDS $1.(H) . $] rri < ^ < ... 4J t i. /•i i managers to meet him The grub will be put on in the banquet room of the mess hall Monday at 5:30. At this first meetfcig of the year for Km /j krtramuml managers, “Penny" will discuss his entire program of sports and new chang es in rule*. It is fery important that all organizations be repre sented nt this meeting, not only the dormitory organizations, but those consisting of day students as well. In the meantime a good thing fdr you managers to bo doing is *o be explaining this program to your freshmen. As you : already know they are going into pomothmg that is altogether new |o them and if you can make thingb dear to them before the season ! starts, it will be to your orgamsation’s sdvsn tage and to their’s. A few hints ai to what 1 mean b. teaching them the fundamental rules of the sports that are to come up in October namely basketball mid touch foot ball Getting their teams lined up and a few minutes practice each afternoon wouldn’t hurt them eith er. Another thing that eouid stand a little bleeding is this business of forfeiting intramural games. Last year there were quite a few games forfeited not oaly by day student organisations, but. by dormitory organization* as will. Lets see if we can’t make this ‘year’s percent age lower than ever. We all know how the day students stand on this situation, but all of them have promised their best efforts 50 - $2.:>0 FOUNTAIN PENS $1.00 -11.25 - $2.75 A LETT I- R FROM I' I I«. "I* T s, f COLLEGE! HILLS ESTATES | Wt wen,tor(11v heir last year, but our Htruk* have bees mo rapid and our reception so gratify ing that wt feel that we are one af you now. If we cun part of A. & M. College like OM Kev«4l!e we wfU be happy. Yours, COLLEGE HIL1.S ESTATES ' Mr .. j Newell E. Houghton I 4 • J Keep Your Shirt On, 4\L2 " CSo BRONCS SETT FOR CONTEST ' WITH CORSICANA / i-* i I M F * I And be sure it’s one of i f 7 ITl.^r thane g(M>d looking serge . L. and with more smokers every day who find in Chester field’s refreshing mildness and bet ter taste just what they want in aj cigarette. It takes good things to make a good product That's why we use the best ingredients a cigarette 'can have . —mild ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper —to make Chester- : field the cigarette that smokery say is milderl and better-tasting. With high hoped of avenging last years defeat, the Bryan High Broncos are all s*d to take the Corsicans Tigers into camp Friday ; night at 7:30 on Fbrrcst Field in {Bryan. This game will open the i 1938 pennant chaanf in District 11 for bbth teams. Wigi “Bull’’ John son and others on the sidelines as a result of injuries, fery an is great ly handicapped, and as a result the Tigers from Corsicagm are favored to take the long epd of the| test 9hirta mule b\ — ! ’ .ill -i ROSS MORS cor A HATTY THOUGHT FOR L I -StND your wool home by handy Raih COLLEGIANS y laundry yixpress ..with MORE PLEASURE for millions »n r CoerrigjK tvja, i ■iTi a I . H ToaxxoCo. High* from your college room* and rciuru, conveeieatly, < (oooma jlU'erkl fm. with no bodier si sU. Juu phone ounUMal lollrge agenrmheo to com* for (h; bundle. lSe*tt csl for it promptly ~ whnk it spray oa speedy express trjnws io your dry or town and return the home- done product to yon—mtl rxlrm durrgr—the whole year through. Rate* fhffthis famous college senrtcearc 1ow.«Wn ou eng aond ioJUtt, you know (only by Railway Exprea*,byjtbo way. IP* a very popular method and adds to.the happy (hoi ght. Phooe our agenctodav. Hd* d rood man to know. SOUTHERNi PACIFIC DEPOT J ’Hmm 9 COLLEGE STATION TEXAS AVAY HESS AGMNCY, fNC. ly' MTmn uim un-AM ttevtcc