The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1938, Image 6
V ft 4 r v i T.J THE BATTALION ABOUT AGGIE MANNERS ■■MMI “Th« Atffiea *re pwiitively un ci uth." Thi* w*i « remark over* huard ia a >hoar at Bryan aftar particularly rtpuUive exhibition h id been made by atudenta of A. M. The statement, condemning it alas, n ail too often tme. Social caatom^, usually, are dic- tJ tod by the bfhavior of froupa r k i social Branding by the act- ot Individual* in these groups, a id bt popular opinion. Even the gpmpd in the loarer social strata at- to imitaite the actions of tleir more highly educated sad sup- p wodly socially superior country- ' opinion, then, ia a pow ing social forming judg- groufp. By this line of it >is ' logical to assume tl at college student* enjoy a posi- 'tisu not attained by the average Mtixcn. That is, they have the priv- fl »ge of h. ip rtg to form social e i*tom* while conforming to those P reviossly set ind accepted. Aggies, ixisuse of their gregar- k us nature, sometimes do not con- f ctn to accepted standards and by filling to do so cannot measure as h oti the social scale as uaiver- students should. Hotable example of noncon formity in Aggies is the nowdiness of them display in neighbor- theaters. Undoubtedly most of | . caused by freshmen and sopie by wellmeaning, but an- thoughtful, upperclassmen, suth behavior ii inexcusable even in those groups. Level headed up- of the importance of proper beha- ▼Ur. If such an explanation were not sttffkient, then perhaps more forceful means qpuld be employed. Attitudes formed by visitors ok ■earing » few Aggie rowdies de tnlcts from the glory of going to A. A M.'and is highly detrimental to tjie school and its former stu- ' • • ' ; V. We de not advocate stilted man nerisms—they might tend to de stroy self-expressiveness—but sure ly no Aggie likes to be spoken of as being uncouth, ill-mannered The point, then, ia: Behave as you ha\- been uught shd do as you know is right! A WORD TO THE FISH ,Now that foo&ull season is about to Start, |iie annual crop of is piat fl iking ita^appear- a good pur- spirit, hut if ilty, an It may foil T me in welding t py are Pot u Idesirable For A. A M ’s home games, s inds of people from all oyer s ate art in College Station. These piople will take back home an im- p fession '| of thh ' school and its students from the things they en- counter on the campus, ff. . If they find clever banners, theirs ^vtill ho a‘ta>od impression. But If they rend vulgar, obscene language 4«n A. A M wiill get a blot Furthermore, if objectionable ,s gns are put up by |he freshmen, t ie comaiandaip’s office will be f< read to remove them for the sake o! decency Tb. re is no need for tl e signs tb have to be “cMMorsd." U freshmen will attempt to make - • U 4 >■ ■■■ e-f . . cleveraess take the place of the vulgarity which luu in the past been the keynote of the ’banners, A. A i(. will gain all around. ’ P I i 1 b 4 1 I 5-3! r- il 4 j fl \i 'j*' P p V S P I P z*> ' p I 1 j] 1 ■' i I ■?» ? - Ii fer- • 3 ■ 1 ft r^T 1 i 6* h OFFICIAL NODC rRKSBYTERlAN NOTICE t:4& Sunday School; Senior and adult Departments in the Y M. C. A. Chapel; Primary and Elemen tary Departments in the Assembly Hall. 11 dH Morning Worship in the Y. M. C- A- Chapel; Sermon Topic “Discipling the Wiir. 7:00 Young People’s League tn the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. A cordial welcome to all. An ef fort will ha omde to take care of the attonddnee by additional chain. 1 —Norman Anderson, Pastor. ■ ALL LIGHTS Hall lights ia dormitoi ms will be replaced as follow*: Law, Puryear, Roes and Mitchell by T. G. Atke, M Mitchell.,. Liggett, Milner, Walton! and P. G., by J. T. Haaway, 1 Leggett Foster. Goodwin, Biisell and Hart, by I. H. Wietung, 158 Bis •ilL ‘Wlgged. B. D. Marburger Sup’t. Buildings A College Otilhiec ACMDAB; 1—To twirl, as IP—An a top •—A joke t—A kind of apron worn by children 11—Exclama tion of joy It—Quarrel some (colioq ) 13—Offensive Amert- (slang) U—Half an em 15—Tills of a ruler of Tunis 15—A bench in church can snake M—A recess in a Shore 22— A rabbit (pet name) 23— A stupid, in effective actor | 24— Wedge tn 25— Larva of the * botfly 26 He* 27—A Ifetime 29 Symbol tor aluminum 30— A gprtte 31— Bpoken t tl fiBii : measure 7—Trickeries 22-Spolled icoiloq.) 24—Instant 5—Large 15—One of the cistern Sunda 15—A brawl islands 15—Place 26 Malt bet. 17—Electrified rragr oarticte . 27-Melody U—Any jewel 2S—Otherwise 15—To sponge 30 Before (slang) 81—Rowing 21—Coin of J tmplemc..f BAIT'IHT SERVICE R- L. Browa. Paator 9:46 A. M . Sunday School 10:60 Aj M., Morniag Worship. Morning sermon subject “A Young Man With s Purpose.” | 8:46 P. M.. Baptist Training Tint— jj, f \ 7-M P. My Evening Worship Droning Barmen subject: The Pbwer of i Clean Life " j • There will be special music at both services. There were 108 ad dition* to the church last Sunday. The attendance at both Sunday There will )*• an orgaiiiiation meeting for A. A M. cadets in terested in Seoutjng ia the audi torium of the ETectricsl EUgmssr ing Building Sunday aftertonoa at 2 o’clock. All mdom. totsaksted in being affiliated with the 1 senior program of Scouting whether you have been a Scout in the pagt or nod are urged to attend this meeting. >—C. W WEST. Scout Executive. 1 Latvia Answer to Cashion Deplores “Bathi Sully 17—Writing fluid 33 Curbs 15—Man s nick- 34—Uttle island name 15—Level to the ground DOWN 1— A potato 3 -Internal (coiloq.) 8—lltofillto • 2— Small com- • vote partmenu in a desk 5 Customs 6 Spurt thing AD’S NOTE: TkW rul«mn h omm fori any raatributaxi nM (Mdicipes or HWloua awl wkirb la baaaU am fsrta. TV opinion* »«pr«aa,e hm-ia. VweSvr. m* put to br I Mnf4 aa nrr^iaribr rpTWattsW Ibt ama of TV Hmttalloo IT / ' ! : »< ■ j .y A\w years back some energetic DR. MAYO’S COLUMN and iUmrinative sophomores hit i KPM ikTW of dwonttn, tt, PSOPgrre OF MOPBRNITY Robs ilonumeht as s ‘new stum’ for freahmen. A* Ku*uully the cus tom in buch cases tlws^sssihle ‘ser vices' to this monume crossed from year to EIBBEaQ BSQS cjuhbih asaal □□□aiDaaiaaa a a qqqb ■ aaaaBHaa as QUDBQ BBBBl trj aateaaaJ SSBIB y u^ae qIqqI bias aaosaa FACULTY TENNIS CLUE A meeting of the Faculty Tennis Cleb will be held in Ro«m 202, Academic Building; at 4:E> p. to. On Monday, Septemb, ' 36th Of ficers wilt be elected, sad other business transacted. SCHEDULE OF September 24—CorpU Dance— Me*s Hall—9 P. M. to 12 Midnight September :t<v Faculty Dance— Msa« > Bgh Annex—2 P. M. OFFICIAL V Tlnad^l,)kptembet 25. is the last day on whkh to add subjects or to drop them without a grade of U J". Those contemptsttog mak ing changes -ia their schedules should do so immediately.,—F. C. BOLTON, Dsaa. OFFICIAL Students who think that they may be eligible to be relieved from wearing the uniform sad who wish to apply for exaaapMon, should present their petitions not laker than Monday, Septemb# 28.—F. C. BOLTON, Dean. 1 All member*, and all thpae con- School and preaching service eras nected with the College Who are record breaking. ; interested in tennis, are invited to ^outoS find a cordial welcome attend —R. P. Ludlum. 1 at the Baptist Chuhch. 5 ) WANTED—Daily transpertatkm round trip Bryan to College, Call Bryan 671* f John B. Watson an* the Psv- cology Called Behaviorism. HE I BATTALION Sthdent semi-weekly newspaper ol Texaa A. A M. College and of- fi rial callege pqblicstion.) Entered as second class matter a the Postoffiof ft College Sta- ti in, Texas* under 1 the Act of Con g eas of March 3, 1875. Subscription rkta, $1.76 per year. Advertising rafrs upon request decorating, to dusting, to dab bing, to ths mud-plastering perfo mance last Sunday whkh approach ed d-iw i Mot only was the monument smeared with mud but the flowers wktok had, been timely planted for thik particular season siere com pletely obliterated. With* a few more advanced steps s permanent dcfkeetoent ia likely. In such s case every person in the community woo d regret the incident. UCMkal Rom's statue represent* the> interest, the toil and the sacri fice of a far-sighted and capabk- from | that one distinguishing mark of the “modern' his interest in ycbology. (Our Library books on hology are read to pieces every year). John B. Watson has probably stirred more interest In this field in our, post-War period than any other American. Behaviorism, Mr. A little boy is made to go ta church. His Sunday shoes are too tight. As a result he is cross and miserable Eventually the act of going to church, even though the tight shoes have long ago disappeared and been forgotten, may ptit him into a dis agreeable frame of miad. The grown man will probably tell you THE A. A M. CHURCH OP CHRIST R. B. Syr set. Mini* ter Sunday servicoa: 10 a. m. Bible classes, worship and communion; 7 p. to. Evening worship. ( l’t:iy<*r iMseting Wednesday ev ening at 7 oYlo< k.- All stddent* are urgently invited to attend all these service*.'Those who are members of die group or have givsn it as their preference are particularly urged to attend these throe services mid to bring their friends. Don’t forget Campus Church Week: meeting every evening dur ing the week beginning October 2.: LOST—1 Mexican silver WIth black face. Lost : Sunday arOund bronte statue of Siul Ross. Owner is J. E Bell, Jr. R om 96 Puiyear * l { ik., , 1 \;- |} LMT-jBtet 4*n«d midal te- turaea Pajade Itoeatrs -• apd Law Htol. “Capt. Westbrook to] N. Zel- man’’ engraved (back. Liberal reward. Return to NOTICE TO DAY STUDENTS ! 1. Day Students are reminded that they must consult ths Day Student Bulletin Board M the ro tunda of the Academic Building twice daily. 2. Day Studenta will submit .» schedule of their damsel to the Office of the Cemutondant not later than Friday, feopt.-mbt-r 30. 1538 WHARTON COUN MEETING to 63 Lawi iUNThf CLUB SICK CALL HOURS COLLEGE HOSPITAL Week Day* ... 7:00 A. M. to »:0U A. M. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 ff. M 6:00 P. M. to 7:30 Pi M SnAdays ... j | / 8:00 A. M. to 15:00 A. M. (Only one Sick! Cal en Sundays! Only emergencies trii be handle.i at other than the shove hours, however, a student may go to bed in the Hospital st. any time of the day or night. • / . 1 I ;' d' H- 1*1 All bogs from Wharton county pre invited to sttend a meeting in . , .. Hart D *. Frida, nifbt. fcpt. a,l‘” “X man for this college which is one of the ifiost serviceable mstitu "’•>* of Behaviorism" get* s pie- tions of Texas. His successful ef- ture of msn ss s sort of slot ms- fort# contributed largely to all that c hine: Put into the growing boy a A. A M. is today. He helped in ^ of envin>nnltnUl tofltetoce instinctive dislike of religious ser vices. But the behavioristic expla nation would be that his reaction to church-going has b«-t-a condi- i turned by the original pretence of a disagreeable factor (psin-in-the- Wstson’s brand of psychology (read I feet) ^ kh tinct berni elimi- in his “Wsyi of Behsvtorism’’) em : nated, leaving behind, howevef, a phasises three ideas; connection between church-going and ill humor. This, it seems to an amateur roader of Watson, ia roughly his explanation of his most mind and character. The ordinary fMBou „ concrpt , the -Conditioned reader (like you and me) of "The Reflex. 3. That if psychology is really to become s science, it must work in materials that can be measured. LUTHERAN SERVICES Kurt Hartmann, Paste* for the purpose of electing officers. Lutheran aevneeh will be held pi^, will alao be discussed for that he was simply bora with an at 7 ^ **5 Y -D. C. A. I thd annual Thanksgiving dance- Parlor, A short business meeting j jj; pn^to. f v y will fotlof. All Lutherans welcome, i I ' , \ A t THE METHODIST CHURCH business irman of ittee are 1. The environment is overwhelm i who have I of the (thaii nbor Cokvmi to conduct this buainess be- i the hours of lOtOI to 12KM : and 2:30 to 4::». P. M. In ST. THOMAS CHAPEL James Cartta. Pastor (JfeMto4) 10 a. m. The Church School. Stu- Rev. Rescoe Hauser. Jr, Rector dents cists#:; Fl#Bntoa|kb**. A 8^0 s. m. Holy Communidn. program pf Orientation with out- 11 00 a. m —Morning Pra^r and standing college and student speak- sermon by the rector. . _ ers on the general subject ”College All ttudents and resident* of the life from the Christian Viewpoint". 1 ollege and surrounding are in- Adult counselor, James Cfrlia. vited to attend the Services. ! y (Continued on page I) the Student Labor I anker ! tween I A. M 1 order to properly coadfcct the bus lines# of the student labor it is necessary that these tours be ad hered to in all cases—Ormond R. Simpson, Chairman, Student Labor PowM^ttoe. - iTT \ ' ‘! All junior* or aeahirs who are inteiestad in trying «ut for the Meats Judging team please see me The behaviorist refuses to talk with Subscription included' in Stodent making it a heriUge ’of which w y , COU ' ^ ,rnv,rvnro ' rnU1 • you about “pa-mns" or “souls” or m are.all proud.’ \ (»uch a* abundant leisure, or Inces .’’minds"—or ev«m, very much, about* in RiH>in 122. Adminiatra- Thi* statue 1 represents to the **nt fear, or excessive love from hi* “thoughts",—because nobody can t#!i B jildiahr. Tqlephoue College 8. college somethiiqr similar to that mother, or healthy 'intellectual ** or h ** r or UMh or 0 ,fi “ 0I-” /'«• » *'• » *.»>■« «k* -lb-. r,p*,„u <p a. .ttmulattMt .. h.™i «n<t ^3*’' y ^'7* ’T"’' pm. everyday. . j family. No one Would dare go into , .... . and not just aamqe Represented fhr hatmn# mlver- . tome and ds/iee or destroy th, ^ <*, fancies). No, according to the Wat- tAingjhy National Advertising photographs of Uncestoi s General m “ n Whu hijpi «»4. “othvr "onian behaviorist, no honest psy- Sgvia, Inc., 420 Madison Avv,! Rom is truly an ancestor of thi* at e doesn't, except in extreme eases chologiat can use as evideace any- Nrw Yprk. City.! k college, The Ro** Volunteer* pay • n Y thin « nke important a thing except bodUy behavior which I „ . IWVOU EVY.-rFYo .si tribute to him every spring with s P * rt ,n hi * d t T * lo R*» nt as how he of course can he measured.fl* psy- R, L. DOS8^EDlTOR-IN-CHlEK i erfm<)riy tnd . ofl i* treated- a. he is growing up. otologist, then, musn’t saf that a ff. H. SMITH ADVERTISING Ifiowert. The freshmen and sop to ' TW * '• of cou^, * * very ”*“*** ■ nd 1 m * n “ “angry”. If he remains on ™ mores hotor him each fall with a I ,,M * x * ct ® f Mr - Watson’s coal of. mud and slime.- \ meaning, and I truly topg that to It is a sure sign of coaraene's* doe8n ’ t habitu “ H > remd ^ and a lack of cklt*re to have fun -it I ^ but “ * ^ ** n * n] *** the ex^nse of the fine things of I** ineip,rt *** A * be ‘ life and of things that pay tribute twi,en enT,ronmMt ^^‘ty. and respect to the great heroes of 1 t ^** a ? C ^ >t "fj* TtaaaH AGGIES Your Barber Headquarters JONES BARBER SHOP la Bryan and Collere jr——hTt— 1 t j j. — A,, ■ — W. R. (Frog) BVAH» ! Formerly with AggiWsnd Sow At Jones Barber Shop North Gat* Service Is OUr Motto LA SALLE^BAMBHR SHOP R. B. Jose*. Poop. ■rMi j| J . ’ ? \ 111? I MANAGER BiB I’syne. James Crits Maaaging Editaro George Fulton, B. C. Kaetsar Aaat. AH\crtlsing Mgrs. Bob Oliver. J. Wayne Stark Asaociate Editors E. C. (Jeep) Oates Sport* Editor Tom Dsrrov Usistant Sp,.rt* Editor j J. ci Diets Clscalation Msaager poa MrCbcmmy, H. G. Howard Circulatios F. DeVilbiaa IiWbsda ♦ jdek Paskett Assistant* proof-read.' Y STAFF Junior Editor G. Wj C. W. ZahA W B. Warrea B. F. Rogers, J. Carr.4L N. A- Moore. M m ino. If 0. Tolbert. W Mgt, M. F. Perkin*. B> ShMa. C. B i J. A. f C. A. I r Wise. W r H. Murray |...«.. Junior Editor Junior Editor Junior Editor Junior Editor T. N. Studer, A. M. G. Foot- J. Saa- Brice Diod- ridk. J. R. Scott Lewis Cherailjier. T. Guy. George Naasaaer. E. Struueh. Carter leU, R. H. laglo- ». A. K. Adams, FRIDAl STAFF ii Junior Editor Junior Editor Junior Editor L. & liaaupoou _ Junior Editor ; L F -Schott F Htol rson. Billy (C^ick) Deony, I. W. Camming. H. Gruauhoff. L Schott Mason Jr, Frank Jack Routt Jack IMroy. U A. W. L. Clark. L. A. Scholl F sx. aw - Hspert Rli Nermaa, J 3^' R. Stott i Phelan. J. F. Clarkson. W. F. M. L. CASHION, ¥. M,C. A. Samatoty, I»AIA(1 B Now “Carefref” With (finger Rogero and Fred Aaiaire i Preview 11 P. M. Saturday Edward G. Robinson 3 In ? “The Amazing | Dr. Glitter! »* of man’s fate, the influence of Be haviorism on the modern mind has counted hearily on the side of. en vironment. Most of Our so-calhul “inherited msticU”, Mr. Watson implies, are really nothing but habits. 3, 2. That we take oa habits and traits and eventalenU largely by means of the “Conditioned nMkx”: scientific ground, he must merely say that the man's face is red. that his brow is knit, that his muscles are tense, etc, etc^ After all, what and where is “anger”? Haw wide is H7 What does it wditfi? You can’t say Well then, sags the bP- havujrist (aomejrhat smugly, per- baps) tow do you know, scientifi cally, speaking, that “anger” ex ists? Answer: You don't know! Exit “anger”, therefore, from the vocabulary of the truly arientific psychologist. And so oa, with “lovs,'' “soul", “thought”, sad s lot more, of the stock ia trade of old-fashioned psychology. v ’ ■HHpi ■pUjS Jaudwi ‘^V 41 Performs Far Better JTT : 1 i MOW MANY CAN YOU ANSWER? TMigtetSuSf .♦wSFU.iSt •md tram of atktr Qmmtmmt 1. Ohio ho* 24 ttocunl vuus B wwFsW) wva at Kanms m twim um m mmrntdkf. (fn-» * X fV- .VtU McKintry wm Ss- MMtnatrd tn IMA (fWer Fatm*) A SkaMhai M tb* Capital vl Cp—. (Trura, raW> / . Ovar 1000 uarM Urta inctudmi PtMSl Rato; U. S. 11—Vto riwtoum at nrtmipal OOn ■in Countnas; Fscta Staoul to tottbwmPIsaWB. ‘ ft# with pnrrKaaa of a bottle of Parker Qua# at 13c or 25c I thi* offer' Now! Accept th Made oolely to ynoto trv PsrkerQuMk —thsaew adradsaeit- teghikthat mak, - ai s •oa a se 1 f -cloisMt. QeioA dissolves posit* left «#y. Get QuioA sod Fib* Answer Bank to day st any store tdling tel Offer good only in U. & A | pen a seit-cieaner ^ ■ Q«»oA dissolve- dr v-w rarkrr u Qu/nA briKant — never ate H hen Filled with this Modern Ink J j( Created by Parker to guard pens frotg inks . .. Ends 69% of the fountstn pen troubles dr»; K nsd tobsndM all kinds at isk»- good and wvH as the rerohitiaswry Parker Vacematk Aw res too is that this modern invention ba. no rubber iok esc. no lever ftQer. no paston pur p It i*filled by 0 simple diaphragm, sealed id the top ink can never touch or decompose it* » if Marrclout Creatioiil' Yet Qurn* rottt no more th^ordT tall kottlct. lie and 3Sc. j . aa ordinary non, you need QuiLij •van asbrs than doom a rarkair Fan owttat Mt i IMP Pi* condition If you urn • Porter Psn. yoff'D be thrilled and surprtard by the way it m filled with Quin* For until to * and the Parker Varumatw Pm. was a really acwntiftc writing i om And the This Jet ueveryW pew ever ers TlfluhiNsdly the grtf and gom Hence to guard Tetevtoon barrel lets ydu 91 ink at aU tones see when to refill. tii to be the grandest this Guaranteed b* plugged up by riting ink*. Rh- -i rs—f rmfntT rent irocn pert* developed this nk—called Qtnk - any pen aa it wrtas. TkoaowSo can adord the beat will i they haw* them bote The they haws J..ur,v lie Wu 'Mtei an ink that actually This U done by s secret horwUsm. It dweoive t porticies left ia your pen by es left in your | pen a tM-Hmm Fsrtor QwinA i* tofi-bodisd. rich, i