The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1938, Image 3
THE BATTALION BUIl (Continued from P»f« 1) J. B. Lauteratein mo>e<i into hit tear atom. TVnr* ia a mod •rn plant with the latest equipment In the roar of the new bu:!din£.i Formerly the clothes were ••nt to Brynn lor steam cleaning but now the shop is prepared to do all the work at the local plant. Mr. Lanterstein la beginning his fourth year at College Station The Liparomb Pharmacy is start* inf its secaad year with a two story building and twice as much space as before. The new booths and soda fountain will accommo date sixty persona at one time. Texas Arts and Indusrties to Gash Aggie Team I if ‘18 Years of Contini M_u4 Service AGGIELAND STUDIO I • v, j JOB SOSOLIK. Proprietor PHOTOGRAPHS OF DISTINCTION OfflclaJ Photographer for the A. & M. CoUefe ' Longhorn Finishing • I ! 7 . , Picture Frames j North Gate of Campaa i | / COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS The strong Texas Arte and In dustries Javalnas will come up from Kingsville Saturday and will help the Maroon and .White clad Aggies inaugurate their nine-game season. The game will be played oa Kyle Field, which has been rework ed during the. past summer. Coach 1 to met Norton will get to see how his new “double-shuffle” works against an opposing team that has lever seen,it. After that game he will have an idea of how H will work against the stronger teams that he will meet during the year. The success of this now meth od of offense will prove whether r , FINEST OF MATERIALS ' ; j . >... x. Expert Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Bock I r 1 ' « Average Job of Free Shines . COLLEGE STATION SHOE SHOP D. CANGELOSI. Prop. the Aggies will be rated aa favor ites for the conference champion ship by the Aggie coaches and lo cal sports writers and fans. Outside of Brasos county the Aggies are rated as a third place team. That is the spot in which Norton and the other coaches wan to be Naked, but H is understood that they think they have a U that is stronger than third. Being picked to finish third may keep the pressure off of the dub. The game is scheduled for o’clock Saturday afternoon with the number 1 coupon from the student activity book being honored. Price of tickets will be $M0. SPORTS PARADE "with Jeep n nr rw .4 SENIORS, NOTICE! j We have just received a new shipment of Spartan Imported Narrow Blade Sabers. At present we have alii sizes. Limited supply. Get them while they last. SOL FRANK MILITARY SUPPLY CO. : \ NATHAN L1PNER. Mfr. North Gate • Next to Variety Store \-r~r \ A DOBYNE ITS TIME To Have Your Watch Repaired “Aggie Jewelry** STORE i / . i ' BOMBAY SLACKS AND BREECHES I j * TRENCH COATS T •' ; \ i , M” * ikt ■ 4*. • . / • ’Jtl if! f \ [ |jf », ,; « . , it | liyl \ J.C. Penney Company Inc^ *» M Aggrie Economy Center ■dml.'Bmi -f 1 * * , , ii -TT! Jfo all students and residents both old and new at College Station, Texas. : *1anr friends:»* C 111 It is our happy privilege to welcome you to Col lege. We want to make it a part of our bimtiw to help assisting you to stretch your hSm vou to be happy here, dollar consistant with com living conditions. We cater to the great throng of American buy ers who purchase 7$% of the nation’s household needs, not the chaup nor the expensive, hut the eso nomical, dependable qualit\ of merchandise. Our store has recent I \ undergone a complete re- mod, ling, being departmentalized and re-arranged to meet t be demands of t growing business and a bigger N jnmi. Your Shopping can now be done promptly and ronvenintijr. A carefully trained sales force la at your service. We maintain a large well balanced stock of every thing you expect to find in a modern department store. N we do not hive it, we wiB quickly get it for A g ijla Ui We wish the following complete dc wear. Ladies* wear. Infanta , Juvenile wear. Work doih- Hosiery and Piece Goods, it includes a measure, make and hope your stay here Yours very truly, J.C. Penney Company, Inc. E. R. BRYANT The blocking of Jamea (Tommie) Thonuuon must hove pleoeed Nor ton Saturday. Thomason U a lad 4.who likes to play f ootball rough and tough and a man whb is not bothered wiU» injuries. He ia the best blocking back on the team and in addition to this be is a good boll carrier, passer and punter. Tbomaaoa ia a sophomore and may well be the best blocking back in tbe Southwest conference this Ernest Panaell, sophomore ia sure to break into tbe starting lineup before the season ia much advanced. The hoy has been turn ing in some oats landing tackle play of late. Joe Boyd is a permanent fixtures at one tackle position. At this tim? last year Boyd was Just a big kid trying to play football, but he tried so hard that he made the first team and in the last few games of tbe season he was playing as good ball aa any tackle in the confer ence. He has a way of getting into tbe opponent’s bnckfleld and block ing kicks. Tbe Athletic Council was ask ed to have the Aggies play T. C.'U. in Ft. Worth and Rice in Houston this year, but they declined and had the games played here which is tbe only fair way they could have had it It is clsiated that they could have made from eight to ten thou- sand dollars more by playing these teams In their home towns The Texas Aggie football team is a part of tbs college and s part of the student body. The ball players are some of the student body and when they fail to be a part of the other students we dont want s foot ball teaai. We like to play each team on a home and home basis. We will play in the other team’s back yard one year, but we want them to play in ours the next. As long as it is run that way the student* will bask the team, but whea it tarns into a strictly business pro position the rtudent dont want any part of ii We feel that we have a great ball club this year and we also fed that we have a great bunch of boys on that ball club as well as S great bunch of men on the coaching ste *i. The Aggies did not go out and buy a man to coach a football team and pay him more money than their presidsdt waa making and then raiae the president* salary so that the proposition would not look so bad. At Aggieland the head coach is the head of the department of intercollegiate athletics and draws only the pay of any other head of a department We feel that Homer Norton has done a good Job at A. A M. and we feel that he will carry the Aggiee farther this year than ever bef*rs. Ws also fsel that we have A. A M. students playing ball TEAM HAS FINE HOME GAME SLATE Coach Homer Norton and the Athletic Council have arranged one of the most attractive home sched ules that will bo found anywhere in this section of the country. The only two teams that have ten rated as strong or stronger than the Aggies will play on Kyle Field. In addition to these two teams. Rice end T. C. U., the Cadets will meet Texas A. A I. end Arkansas University at Col lege. Dean E. J. Kyle, chairman of the Athletic Council says that the Ag gies were asked to play the Frogs in Ft. Worth and the Owls in Houston. He says that the athletic department will lose from eight fo ten thousand dollars by not play ing these team in Ft Worth and Houston. ^ Athletic coupon books may still be purchased from “Dean” Hooker at the athletic office. BRYAN HIGH DEFEATED BY BEAUMONT Bryan High School went down to defeat at the hands of the school hoys from Beaugiont, the school that was formerly coached by LH Diauakt, 6-0 Fri+y night ia Bry an- Several of the Bryan players, •mre injured ia the close fray, but their coach has snaonneed that most all of them will be in shape again for their game against Cor- nigkt Corsicana won their game from Ennis by S Kore of 19-2 at Cqafrieana last Friday. y - * FLOP COLSON Hl'MBLE SERVICE STATION * GARAGE HumhV I'nxlggln Washing — Lubrication J ’tiiMMl; tbpainne” j l We Call far and Ddhrar N. Galt 2 Blka. Went of I’okI office Phone ( ollege 246 here and not a lot of professional thugs. Many of the students have asked this writer why the ball players live in Walton Hall to themselves. The coaches fsel that the boys will do better both their studies and their ball playing by living to themselves. They live three in a room over there like the rest of us. If the coaches think that they can do better under those condi*’ I km sure that we are behind Ifbi! students would like to havb the gridders living in the outfits with them, however. The gridders are missing much by liv ing to themselves. The least that tbe rest of the studepte can do is to try to get acquainted with the ball players in the best way that thsy can. They are all fine kid* and would like to know as many of the students as they can, but they do not hate the time to get around over the campus like some of the other students. The arguments for the gridders living in the dorms with the diff erent outfits are well founded, but there are many arguments for them to themselves. If they lived with their respective orgamta- tion all of the boys in tha outfit would be interested in that man and would go out to sea Him play on Saturday. It would do sway with lots of these hitch-hikers on the days when ball games are to be played here. It is hoped that the captains of the different organisations will not sign pastes for the freshmen to go home on the days that ball games will be played at college. It^ is also Ipped that every member of the corps will be on hand for every ball game that is played here SM ia Texas. Your writer has been here s long time and has never before seen the freshmen set as they did last h Ihv r ghg and it is hoped that he never will again. You sopho mores should get these “fish” on the line and make them ol>ey every signal of the yell leaders. Yeah, yell lenders and not cheer leaders. Old Charlie Trail hit the nail oh the head the other night as Aston. INTRAMURAL BY TOM DARROW . CAMERAS $1 00 AND UP Films and Service” I I ’ AGGIELAND PHARMACY North Gat# ;r. .pi - * £ Fish Mentor Asks For More Players Head freshman football coach, B. R. (Htb) McQuillan, has soase forty men out for his team, but would like to hare a few more. He has asked that any man, who has play ed high school football and wants to continue to play, to report to him at the field. A HAPPY THOUGHT FOR THRIFTY COUEGUNS —SEND your weekly laundry home by handy Railway Express Right from > our college rooms sad mure, coeveoiendy, economically and test, with no bother st alL Just phone onr local college agent when to come for the handle. HeU call for it promptly-whisk h «* r *7 °® express tr»io*. to your dty or town and return the hoaee- donr product to you «•// mM*mt mttrm tAergr- tbe » hole yeer through. Rates for this fsmoul college service are low,ee<G ou caa send osflw* you know (only by Railway Fxprets,by the way). It’s a very ’popular method and adds to the happy thought I'hone our ageet today.He's a good man to know * SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT .Thane > COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS J Railway Express Well, hack again after a long vacation, and all ready to burn up things with some Intramural news. Some of you remember me and some don’t, nevertheless I’m glad to be back, an i hope we have as successful a year as test Last Fr%y, “Chuck” Denny gave about all the dope that was availablt, so well jest continue where he left off. However, there isn’t much to’add, but wall at tempt it anyway. > \ As “Chuck” told you Friday, the Intramural department is one of the most important on tbs cam pus in rem>«ct to physical aa< mental development. Mr. “Penny" and his able helpers have sa ideal program arranged for tbe students this year, and one which can’t be matched anqr where in the South west nor the nation. This program promotes competition to the utmost and has the various sports coming during the proper seasons. To begin' with, the upperclass men, in Clans A, will run off their basketball, touch football, tennis water polo, and rifle shooting dur ing the month of October. The oth er sports will follow in close order The freshmen in Class B, will bs a little sU>wer in getting under way, but will participate in basket ball and touch football during the coming month. Until things settle down a little foY the “Fish”, they will take their sports in slower strides than the upperclassmen. The Intramural department has made official the following figures on last year’s results. 1*11 Jest pass them on to you readers, and hope that they srill incite you on to bet ter records. * ' Here they are: Total individual participation far Class A—1670, for CUss B, 1240. This makes a total of 1810 students who took advantage of the Intramaral pro gram test year. It can be improved upon, even if it is the largest num ber of participants to datec. Them were 1236 games played test year by both Classes, but that number will be materially increased during the year due to the greater number «& outfits on the campus. It might bs added here, that every one concerned hopes that the day student outfits will enter into this years program to a larger extent than they did test season. You day students are jyst as much a part anyone else, so and capture s few of these flags that are running around loose. . ' Naturally there Is lota of compe tition in all tbe sports, but that is where the fun comes in, so you fallows get together and lets make a real race for both flags. Your efforts ia the intramural program will help the old school along. IJ' START RIGHT . WITH THE BEST IN TAILORING ! Uniforms apd Sk4u [ UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP MENDL A HORNAK North Gate | f.\ I r \ 1 , : -i. .'I THANKS AGGIES! Come Again • SAM KAPLAN if. did — FISH WEEK SPECJALS On The Foil owing , I. S. 8. Lamp* i'lorki I . n-oma N.’in !o>f A;id«*s Tennis shoes A. & M. StatioMjnr School Supplies Electrical Supplies WmU BOMrta % Regulation Shirts. Etc. v • 11 L i. i-! 1 student* are jpst as of this school as an late sea you step out i CAMPUS VARIETY STORE North Gate r First In Style fltost In First la the Hearts ol College Stndeots J. P. Abbot, former A. A M. ten nis coach, who has been sway the past year working on his Doctor’s degree, has resumed his position in the English Department. However, he will net coach tennis as former iy IMPERFECT 1 EYESIGHT Cite down your effi-1 ciency, causes you to make errors and drains your energy. Certainly money you put into the care of your eyes Is the soundest investment you can make. Consult DR. J. W. PAYNE OPTOMETRIST Masonic Huildmg. Next To Palace Theater The Pen that Has EVhat It Takes to Put You on Even Writing Terms with Anyone Else m Your Clast, If you went the Pm that reeks Me.! b> America's •chooit and roOefee—that will bdp you rate as no other pea yof ceo carry—g> to any nearby peg counter today end eae end try thie pedigreed Beauty of Peer I and Jet—wnert. ea st cramp ytoar etyte ta shimmery f 'deSS • elusive end oiigineL The Parker Vacesnatir by manioc dry unexpectedly in cIsaacs at For hr d to the Hgbt it shows bow much ink JTM i to i qsbesU next, due to Its Sera 1 Gold is m- h-pr« W when to refill A Pen that rv- 3 or 4 times from one term to the rootouM ivik guDofty. proof Point of Flathmai and U K with Owntridium, twice as costly aa . mmsiM ‘ ' 77 7 Go and The smart The Parted Pea Co.. JaaaeviDa, Wieooam. Vecumetls. 1 JMst-VACUMATIC-tsSES* il I