j- : THE BATTALION CO FOR THE JUNIOR WE !»hon« 672 GES AND FINAL BALL EUVER J. COULTER SMITH Bryan CHEAPER THAN EVER fifty Used Cars With Down Payments • • 1 ' fJll • ! As Low As ^ $10.00 BRYAN MOTOR CO. j.' North Main Street ^ WE APPRECIATE \ YOUR PATRONACE AND INFLUENCE - T-- 't v ' ^ Bring Us Your Old Books OLD OR NEW . '( J ' ; fjWj , * C- THE STUDENT CO-OP RADIO REPAIRS AND PARTS North Gate 2 Blocks East 4- JUNIORS ...THANK YOU....| We appreciate the (Treat number' o( orders you ghfrc us while we were at College. This continued con- f denre proves that we make a boot which satisfies ^ the at A- and M., | l t IF — jMI'Swve not ordered your hoots be sure and visit us while in San Antonio. We aant you to see our plant and then you can understand why we have bailt boots for over 50 years that are rated tops with the Aggies. 1 LUCCHESE BOOT CD. ir 101 \V. tmvhij Street San Antonio. Tens SPORTS PflRROf BY L C “Jeep” OATES BATTAtlOH S»0ITS [WTOI . Final Intramural j Ratings Announced met Thurs. On* all-year intramural rating for each outfit on the campus were when the Intramural Department B 1 X Jack Cooper, our firey second * ^ ,r * not baseman, led the conference h> hit- “-“y "Porting thing., and the next ting this spring with a .436 aver thin « to look forward to is football age, hut also came within one error "P**® 0 B,xt f*®- fhe Aggies prom of leading the conference m errors., to be juet as strong and maybe We would bke to see the slugging -^on^r next fall than the past . Jack in the outfield next season 0 * ,e A few stars were lost last where he could concentrate on hit ! the t “ m " “ wholc ting sad would not be burdened Hf** ^ “ b * rttrr working ma with those hat infield balls and Q"« or two .pou in the line snappy throws will have to be better fortified than ... i ...... .. | . they were in spring training, but Wdody Bell is the moet P°P ul *r tbe hackfieN with “Slick” Rogers, opponent that the Texas Steer. Wd Dlck Tod(t ^ Price u,. ^ ■ thi. ysar After the game "jrhmh • „ Uy> Rhould ^ plenty good. Texas beat the Aggies to clinch the . ~3^mAMURALS , ; Billy Disch even forgave him far ID TOM HARROW hitting that home run and winning Back again this week to finish the nag for the Aggies ovor his ^ the year and bring this column ] steers last year. ta a close until next fall. Even at Harry Cohn held the opposition that If. going to be hard, however, \ to a batting average of .187 to lead for those tools of Hade, are gt j the league in that department. *ork, and after all one dose have Alsobrook tied with Westerman tb, stay in school. Exams or no ex 'of Texas for scoring the moat runs M>» this column has to be written. . here goes • j If you intramural fans have not been too busy studying lately, yon : have probably emtebed with great J interest the close of the years in tramural program. The flag chase j this Reason was faster and more A SALUTE TO A. & M. CAPS! Made bp Bancroft • Absolutely correct in style • Shower-proof • Long wearing • Silk lined For Freekmen BANCROFT A. A M Special FISH CAP $3 For Upperclassmen f BANCROFT A. A M. Special AGGIE CAF For Special High Class BANCROFT ARM. BATTALION SPECIAL • $7.50 Bancroft makes cape for U. S. Naval and military ' officers LAUTERSTEIN’S College Station r. 1 r u. T. 1 »•- - GOODBY AGGIES ii'P Li X i (' • 1 Y* ki>' / WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE AND WISH THE CORPS A VERY v i * . PLEASANT VACATION — 1. r f i i •> . ; r ■ x M's r 1 THE! EXCHANGE STORE 1 closely contested than any for long time. When the final tally sheet was made known laat Thurs day night, it was found thatmere day night, it was found that mere ‘Siifits. Especially was this true in ; the freshman division. Despite the fact that C InT. blasted Gearharts A FA. ball club all over the lot to win the play ground ball title, the boys on tbe top of Leggett came out ahead in I (Mi years standing to take the s Class A "flag away from E. K.A.. where Roark, Uhr and dompany Have kept it so long. Another “Buggy Boy" outfit fin ished up in second place, and one which gave A FA. only 36 points : towards a lead. 1st Hdq FA. prob ably lost the flag when they loot to A F A. in horse shoes, and when Smith failed to take the 179 pound wrestling crown away from Enge. another man whom Beckman list, as-one of his “sheep”. Foster and his outfit worked hard the whole pear, but thats the way things go. I The Infantry seems to be able tb place men in all the influential places on the campus, but they Purely lost out to the Artillery this year in intramural sports. Oerter and his A Inf. crew ended up bet tor than any of his brothers, but even then they could only squeexc into fifth place, a mere ten paints ahead of B Eng. In the freshman race they finished up evdh worse. B Inf. captured tenth place, being five points in front of B S.C. Add 1 to all this the fact that Reg. Hdq. Inf. only made 40 points all pear in both classes and the apparent ahswer la that the “Southenders” just don’t go in for sports. A: The Intramural Sports Depart-, with, 19. ment bald their annual spring ban-’ Williams led la two bagger* with announced quet Thursday night In the Mess eight. '1 Hall “Penny” announced the win- Shane led in stolen bam with 1* . . ~, 7-oer. of the flag, for both upper, thefts. ^ '“M* .. ^ classmen and freshmen divisions.! Nolen and Bell tied with Jack- Hall. Mr. W. L. f^nny Pen- He also announced the winner^ *f |'do af S. M. U. for gaining the barthy. bead of the department, the major aw a ids for themanagelt. l moet walks With 12. ' V presided and made knew® the fcl These awards are watches for so.be The Aggies were second in bat- , o .uodings for the closing of tha managers and sweaters or; ting with a .287 mark. Texas was pen and pencil sets for others. Most first with a .291 average. | * e **" 7 ** ri all of the ntaitogers will be giving j A add M and Texas should fight some award for their year’s woA •* out for first place again next “Penny” handed bouquets to sh The Aggies promise to be of the manager, for the good n ^ h stronger and the Steers work they have done this year, hot 1 ’*11 ^ «>*»* like this year. All of we want to take this mean, of l" “*• >••*“* • hoald ^ throwing a bouquet right back at "tronger. even Rice who had a vet- him and Dewey Hoke, and the ermn te * m thi » but could senior, junior and sophomore man ^ win one *»"»■ At ager* of the department. "Penny” '«*** ^ «•" *» ‘"V wor * 1 and the rest of the boy. have done Th ' A « ie » wBI onl r Wood l- a great job in making thi. the 1 Bsll from the team. t most successful year in intramur- AU .re OV er at Aggieland ala - . ■ f#r the yemr, with the exception of AGGl \ It is iaipossible to fiod words 'to express our gratitude and appreciation fot your splendid patron age and bosioeiw you have given us In the past. We wish you a joyous vacation. C. W. V H A F. A. - 758 1st Hdq. F.A. - 721 E FA. - 680 C FA. - 666 A Inf. - 665 B Eng. - 637 Inf. - 632.5 Eng. - 630 D Cav - 625 f'FA. - 622 A C.WvS, - 622 B Inf. -'619 0 FA. - Uf C CA.C. - •»* E Eng. - 605 i A Eng. - 577 B F.A- - 553 r Inf. - 493.6 B C.W.S. - 490 A SAX - 486.5 A CA.C. - 466.6 2nd Hdq. FA- - 460 C Cav. - 436.5 B Cav. - 420 Art. Band : 417 B CA.C. - 411.5 A Cav. - 405 D CA.C. - 876 { D Inf. - 361.6 C Inf. - 320 H Inf. - 297.5 E Inf. 1- 292.5 B S.C. - 285 Inf. Band - 281.6 2nd Hdq. Inf. - ISO F Eng. - 130 1st C.T.F.A. - 110 1st Hdq. CA.C. - 100 2nd C-T.F.A. - 7# C Enig. - 40 . - H Hdq. S.C. - 40 Hdq. C.A.C. - 86 Hdq. Inf. -- 0 Reg. Hdq.! Cav. - 0 — WE THANK THE For Its I-oval Support And Whh Everyone A happy Vacation . [ TO THE GRADUATES , We Wish Lots of 8Occam i and tiood CAMPUS VARIETY ^TOI I m eKt body i- ' :r^ i I THANK TOU For Your Patronagje, Agrjaries AGGIELAND GRO^ERI THANK YOU, AGGIES! We Appreciate The Business You Have Given Ua The Past ^ ear, AGGIELAND PHARMACY North Gate l). K. sjrETLER, Mgr. \ r ^ i. — ». r~ •; ROPE - ROPi - ROPE A contest la being conducted on | the University of NeW Mexico campus to find the male stod.-nt with the ugliest legs. K Jj' \ Class B: A F.A, - 680 E FA. - 676 B C.W.S. - 647 C P A. - 645 F FA. - 640 1st Hdq. FA. - piY.5 D FA. - 615 C CA.C. - 614.1 A C.WJB. ; - 611.1 B Inf. - 610 B S.C. - 605 B FA. r 606 D Inf. - 601 B Eng. • 600 E Eng. - 597 B CA.C. - 586 A Eng. - 582 D Eng. - 580 A 3.C. 565 . F Inf. - 544 A Inf. - 540 2nd Hdq! F.A. - 637 D CA.C. - 523 G Inf. - 500 \ B Cav. - 600 \ , D Cav. - 449 C Cav. - 444 Inf Band - 422 A (XA.C. - 397.6 C Inf. - 892 Art. Band - 370 H Inf. - 370 • E Inf. - 266 A Cav. - 360 r 1st Hdq. CA.C. - 356 1st Hdq. Inf. - 230 ' 2nd Hdq. Inf. - 205 1st C.T. FA. - 163 Reg. Hdq. SX. - 152 2nd Hdq. CA.p. - 130 ‘ Bad C.T. FA. - 122 ' C Eng. - 100 Reg. Hdq. Cav. j- 66 F Ene. — 60 Reg. Hdq. Inf. - 40 Mr. Peaberthy, as ■_ for tbe intramural department, pre^ aented several watches and swatt ers to the men who had done the most in promoting tbe interest of intramural sports during the pest y**r. TO TIE YOUR TRUNKS We Have That Souveiti • To The Little And We Invite You To S« e CAMPUS VARIETY STORE For A Sandwich Or A Lunch Be With Thcj Bundi AFTER THE JUNIOR PROM AND FINAL BALL At The M AND LUGGAGE To Take Home Folk* lent Owr Arwortmc -Ht E-TEX CAFE Texa* — - < FOR THE SUMMER • ■i r v / ■\ \ . • * » FARE BETTER L \ L rf U : * ' • ’ rf •\ - ‘ r , FOR THE FALL \ ' ‘c! \ } , \ , , Thanks Agifies, for giving ua a steady job duriyig the past school year. The orders you have placed with us for September delivery will hi >ve our careful attention and you’ll fare better in uni forms by— ROSS TAILORS \ Bryan. 209 North Main ; • _ J T ll( / . . . . , - , : . i !.«w L , . v GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES TO THE SENIORS Ow Four Year* of Serving You Have Been ( A Great Pleasure DYERS v * . HATTERS AMERICAN-STEAM DRY • • CLEANERS PHONE 585 .—- - - —- ---— ..A.——— CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS We Wish You Continued; Success . i ■ 1 • i, j[ 1 ->*. -i ; ; -j I . . v JJ; Always Your Friend \V * -if T •' u —r I- I-''.; -' \ ! t I’ CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY M Y” £ats - Drinks - Smokes \