I . > . * ■ November 14, 19$4 If a midget was a l»arl>er. would you call him a little shaver? AT LAST! A bright Aggie has discovered some thing to do when you get to Bryan. Go hack to college, Add similes: as rare as a second lieutenant who feels that the military department was justified in giving him only one button. * Drunk (to bartender) : Hey gimme a horse’s neck. Second Drunk: I’ll have a horse’s tail—no use kill ing two horses. —Yale RecorJ Jr \ Come To COLLEGE NEWS DEALERS for your MAGAZINES And NEWSPAPERS R. 1^. Rodfjers H. B. McGrady v I Joe McHaney . . Msrr. k RUN And OWNED BY STUDENTS r j , u - Owls UNIFORMS OF DISTINCTION ('omplete Line of T>eather, Suede, and Pig Skin Jackets ' SOL FRANK COMPANY Next to Parkhill’s Cafe He was in Them lab, and the prof was explaining certain reactions to him. ; ^ * “This liquid turns blue if your unknown is basic, and it turns red if the unknown is acid.** /• < “Sorry, but I’m color blind,** apologized the brain trust. “Have you got anything with a bell on it? M! —Medley New Supply of- Jackets—Blankets SHIRTS Aggie Stationery CAMPUS VARIETY STORE Jr Rice Special! Turkey or C hicken ' DINNERS 35c|. x , Mrs. Parkhill’s ‘ CAFE North Ciate and Turn Right; 1 ' ■ - F “Save with Safety 1 at I YOUR REX ALL DRUG (STORE J ' Our stock is complete and our store is an “Aggie Store.” » You save 10'#' on your drug and sundry purchases of fifty cents or more. AGGIELAND PHARMACY -> ' 44 Y'our Drug Store 1 - * f * ... .. , . .