. : * \i a I ^. «!■ v ' • • I ' f l THE BATTALION ' I ' 11 Bstcrcd M Mcond Texju, u wnmm PMuainoa or *4* CCltlftl ct TtAAS cou.t#t iranoi .iiud * class matter at Um Post Offlos at ( oiler* Station, nder the Act of Conrrsss. March t, 187®. rat* $1.76 per year, rates upon request. * >r *>•< WaJe M. Watson H. G. Seelirson E. C. Roberts Jack Sloan. EDITORIAL STAFF C. A. Tosch H. F. Martin D. L. Tisinrer P. G. Poet M. F. Fincke /. M. Shepherd F. W. E. L. Mean. . W. D. Percy C. B. Hussey Ton Meta. ...Sports Editor Editor Editor Associate Editor JUNIOR EDITORS W. E. Tardy . T. W. Porter Ray Murray t REPORTERS H. Hanna T. M. Brown A. S. Queen BUSINESS STAFF F. C Schleicher W..L, Garrard L. a Smith R. S. Evans Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Assistant Circulation Manager W. E. FitsgerakL... Assistant Circulation Manager D. M. Emery Assistant Circulation Manager S. R. Greer Assistant Circulation Manager i .1 Hole UV* STOCK ITEM. Jo* Paaharry Is In Ona stand with th* Government antihoaixiing plans, though Us friends point out naturally, he having bom in train ing for it sU Us lif*. “P** berry wm never tempted to bury a aiehsL" they add. “He never had a nickel " Whh those sentiment*. H came aa a shock to Joe to read an item In th* paper Friday night and he gasped in amassment to Us wife: “By golly, this is awful! Even the WONDERS OF SOUGHT BY Jo* Paober in* Ue new woorife into Six. rolled a filling station We qulred: “Say. do yon hove any of this stuff that stops knocking?** F , . Student Bulletin Board / During the Christmas holidays an attractive and serviceable bul letin and sign board was placed in the Students’ Exchange. We are in debted to 0. O. Henderson, college postmaster for this very practical gift Mr. Henderson no doubt appreciated the need for* such a board and then took the necessary steps to secure it for us. For a good many years the Students’ Exchange has been practi cally papered with signs and notices of various sorts. Th*"y>ost office is a natural place for the location of signs advertising books and cloth ing that students wish to sell or trade from time to time. It adds great ly to the appearance of the post office to have a definite plade for such notices and not allow the walls and floor to become cluttered with dis reputable scraps of paper. To show our appreciation to Mr. Henderson for the distinct serv ice he has rendered us, the least we can do for him is to use the space provided us when we wish to post notices for the eye# of our fellow stadenta. Student Forum ——- taken to hoard ing" “Non sens*.'* mid the placid Mrs. Pee berry. ”1* that so?" «napi>cd Jo*. **WeB. looks her* at this headline-UGHT NATIVE COW HIDES CENTS’* Mrs Pea berry aays apparently on the subject of kin* her husband Is just not himself, as she well re member* an incident back in the days she end Joe were courting. As they strolled down a pastoral lane they saw a cow and calf con tentedly rubbing noses. “Oh my.” sighed th* sentimental Jo*. "That sight makes me wa*t to »do the sam> “Well, go ahead," said the prac tical future Mrs. Pe* berry. “It’s .pour cow." th* attendant. “Well." mid Joe, confi dentially )#rk- tng a thumb over his shoul der toward th* back amt. "pour about two quarts down my wife's thmat.** READ THE GOPHER HOLE GAZETTE What you mim In facta you gala In experience.— (Adv.) ♦ Editor's Correction Owing to a slight typographical error, some fate* impression may have been given by the chureb notice la loot week’s issue Urn collection taken Sunday morning arm for the aid of the Arch Fund and not m previously announced, for the aid of th* Arch Fiend. WEATHEB FORECAST. Forecast Is fere-armed.) Probably fair, probably net OOAT 1.0 ST Has eByteOr aelleeU my *ea« that brake laoee Friday alwbl baaolas araead year elaeef If yaa havra't ■•flraO him. N ala** ary neat. IKK rtTCHKT PERSONAL IF TRUE. Among th* peculiar conversations that wore started at th* Corner Drug Store Saturday sfternoon arm one between Jo* Pea berry and Luke Hinkley as to which they had rather be in. a collision or ah ex plosion. “1 had rather be in t col- ■lion,’* mid Luke at length. “Why?" queried Jo*. “Because ~ mid Luke firm If. “If you’re in a collision, why. them you are! But in an ewpliMoei. where are you?” Doc OWlnrahv is presumed not to have liked the nreaentatha) of “Hamlet." given Tuesday evening hv members and husband* rf th* Friendly Ten Bridee Club, toward the close of the Brat act he —** heard to remark “Bv eotly. If •* * 4 '"•-* «*»>.»«< i-. Mack comm on on* asore time. Fm going home." Joe Prahen y who has talked so much about not having anv of th* old-fashioned apple tde like he used to hove when a kid and com plained until Ms wife finally cooked one. mid he forgot that they mad to have the doctor around the house quit* a bft. too. Henry Waites has about given up trvtne to find s good name for the row he won at a raffle since he has observed when he hr!nos feed she comes without being colled, and when he don’t she won’t come no matter what call he fives any way. Qnution Bom Dear Aunty Bellum: 1* H a suit- sEIraar* Dear Hapless: Don’t risk id The jmt time 1 did that th* poof man liked to choked to death on a ■Mprint. » • • Deor Aunty: If 1 as* a man with long whiskers hanging around this December, hotf sen I to know if ft » Santo Claus or a Russian good-will ambav ..dor-- —Knott> Pr I fim Dear Knotty Problems: If he give* you something, it ain't iSanta Claus **• Dear Aunty Bellum: If I arrye my husband vegetables he just barks and U 1 don’t eery* them he growls What can 1 feed him? —Malcontent Dear Malcontent: Try dog biscuits ntent: Try dog biscuit * * * : What is an orator'* - Demo*: hent-i Dear Aunty He's a guy that's si way* ready to lay down your life for his country Your Heolth and .l/ifie BY DOC GILLINGSBY (14. Mats: OliUaesby. ssst-rspalar ■iaiaa sat vetstiaariaa •sfsrtaMis- aia astss aplxst last *sa«k mi seat ••enrtisa for s era with ft—ask era to tlM roaae tsdr | vbsss wstber raatataa ftnalj SanleSi brr Ssut btsr •hsU ast re ms la sat at«l-u alter IS Si a. m. . •J vfib to awe Die- AdMrcaBcs Officers Monday LieuUnont Colenel A. R. Emory, Professor of Military Science and Tactics at A and M, addressed the Houston chapter of the Reserve Officers Association on th* sub ject, “The Officers’ Reserve ( orps in Relation to R O T C*\ Monday evening in th* assembly chamber of the Chamber of Commerce Building at Houston. A and M ex- students were attendant at the meeting. EXAMS BEGIN— (Continued from Pag* 1) uary 2®. Classified Seniors will regia ter from 8 to 10; c loo si fled Juniors, from 10 till IS, classified Sophomores from 1 till $ and Freshmen and other students from S till I. Clssse* will resume Tuesday morning, January SO, according to schedule* for th* new semester. I era* b*r U'. Deor Doc: What could you tell me under th# topic. Beauty H'oti? —Mladcmna Dear Beltadtsma: Besuty don’t hint Beauty asks outright * • • ' Deor Doe: 1 ton all wore oot try- in» to fix glove# for ay husband a he Is the type that chews his fingers and every winter he ruins glove* In about thro* days as he absent mindedly chews the finger* off What can I Ho a I am about wore out?—Ma. E Deer Mrs. E.: You better sew his hand* in his pocket every morning Bnortinp Item "Personallv. 1 am glad Thanks giving la over." said Doc GUltngs- by firmly, “as now I do not have to be thankful for another 4 thing for a whole year.** . .i i i i — JUDOK ■ARSM>TKIVO Attorney t net Ira ranofct. ne wkntovee tke enra grananOW 29 NEW MEMBERS— (Continued from Page 1) meta; K. S. Hagiua, Terrell; M. F. Martin, Bryan; H. F. Mayae, Mert- son; C. R. Parencia, Port Lavaca; J. L. Richmond, Kyle; and W. F. H. Wehner, Del Rio. Attention is called to the new member* that the next meeting of the society will t e Tuesday night, January 18, in the Asbury Room of the Library. Pictures must be put in the Longhorn, according to H. F. Martin, president of the so ciety. FOR EYE EXAMINATION AND GLASSES | See DR. J. W. PAYNE Masonic Bldg. Bryan, Texas DR. A. BEN BOW Deotiet Office over First State Bank Phone: 276 or 636 Bryan DR I AVAR JUNKS Dentist X-Ray Second Floor City National Bank Bufldiaff ’ i Bryan, Texas SCIENCE SEMINAR— (Continued from Page 1) confectioner, the speaker stated, is nothing more than solidified carben dioxide;. , . . a gas which ia the principal constituent of hu man breath. To illustrate the com parative simpleness of the process to his audience, he prepared some of the “ico’’ in a specially con structed chamber, which was plac ed before the onlookers. Some 160 people attended the lecture. GIVE YOUR CLOTHES A BREAK Send Them To Model Cleaners and Dyers BRYAN Edison English Homer Mathis r * GEO. A. ADAMS INSURANCE AGENCY Specialises la Fire, Life and Automobile Insurance Masonic Building ( Bryan. Texas After the xecgnt holiday road trips, the two school orchestras have probably realised that theirs is not the best music available from a college aggregation. Outsiders are not hesitant about voiding their dis- v approval of entertaniment that is below stsndard and. judging from a financial viewpoint, Qiey decidedly showed that the bands now rep- .esenting A and M are not up to par. The student body is wear of “war dances,” where nothing is set • led and only mediocre musical arrangements are offered. Decrease in ttendance at the regular corps dances and plans that are being made >r importing outside orchewtras for coming social functions are defi nite signs of this fatigue. The student body can not be bldmed for such . n attitude, but such actions can and will not better the situation. There is undoubtedly enough talent among the student body for <>ne good orchestra, and time has proved that there ia net enough for two. The senior class could supervise a consolidation of the two and sriqct an orchestra whose members would win their respective places , r >lely upon merit. This orchestra would be the A and M Orchestra and A.iore would be no doubt about the orchestra selected to plky for dances Id on the campus. Why doesn’t the senior class immortalise itself and provide for the -ganization of an orchestra really representative of A and M? ; —J. M. Shepherd. —" ■ ■ ■ ' " Service to the state, if the state is to be served, must be the chief . .motion of education.—Prof. Raymond Moley. - u 1 - ' ! t ' ~ / 1 Savant sets age of earth at 2,000 million years. Seems like that •ugfct to make it old enough to know better.—Oregon Emerald. Passing Review .What else could Any self: respecting nation do except what Ger many did Saturday?—Lloyd George. I think death and the after life form one mystery too great for iiuman minds to solve.—Mrs. Thomas A. Edison. J ^ JANUARY SALES * 1 toT ALL LEATHER JACKETS REDUCED ALL SWEATERS REDUCED AH Winter Wearing Apparel for Men at a Big Saving! MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Bryan St. j Phone 269 * Bryan, Texas ± SAVE WITH SAFETY ’ at THE REXALL STORE SPECIALS Eversharp Pencil—Tube of Leads and Box of Erasers 39f Mentholated Shaving Cream and 6 Permedge Blades 39* Miik Magnesia Tooth Paste, Tooth Brush and Holder 39< 11 i • AGGIEUND PHARMACY “Your Drag Store" -• f To Willie Bruton goes the honor of leading the Passing Review this week .... anybody that rates the Colonels gloves on drill days de serves some sort of decoration ... . We recommend that offices in the new Main Building be labeled for the benefit of seniors on guard duty , . and C. B badge on his ehest and plkying the role of a hardboiled aoph -ti< H t».! officer, detective, or spmething along that order, when he was 1 found on Seventh street . . . . Looks like s ‘‘oover-up” 1 on the following Was received in the Pass- part of both Coast Art|Uer>’nien NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION To Take Better Care of My Clothes By Sending Th«n To THE CAMPUS CLEANERS Above the Exchange Store ‘Shorty*’ Hal brooks Jogl English XJ ing Review mail box: A and M Cadet Drifta Off Homeward Course While making a homeward jour ney for the holidays, “Zeko” Greenberg, first lieutenant of Bat tery “B” Coast Artillery, became lost from his companions in pass- particularly A. B. Kyle ing through Corsicana. Joe Edel- Spill .... the other day man, a valued friend of Greenburg, What Aggie football player has a weakness for eata? . . . . even carried one to bed with him the other night .... he’s from Port Arthur .... Isn’t French^ Domin- gue, either .... Perhaps we should have headed the Passing Review with C. D. Lofig’s strong r man act at last week , . . . his feat ia a close second to Bruton's .... get they made up their beds in the became worried and immediately kirn to tell yok about it .... we wrong room .... one room south . . . . luckily it was after five o'clock .... This column seems to be a continued story of ‘‘Ross’’ Cox’s campus activities .... the Bryaa Eagle Is helping us out .... here's an article recently publish ed in the Eagle: . "C. W. Cox, recently appointed chairman of the floor committee for the Ross Volunteer spring dances, has appointed his commit teemen. Ben Ramsey, Homer Lee. H. H. Whitfield, and ‘‘Pee Wee” Burks. Looks like a sweep-up. Isn’t that what a floor committee dooaT* j U Floor-chairman came in Wednes day night thinking classes resum ed on Thursday morning .... just double cuts .... he’s blaming “Puss" Reid for the mistake. We intended to congratulate the new King of the R Vs, Eddie Jarman . .. . but the Waco News-Tribune, New York Sun, and the Vladikav- as Daily beats us to it ... . Poor old “Hot Water” Keeling .... the penalty for being a big shot is the pifiilicity that goes with is . . . . wtf wish i to sympathise with him this time, however .... here’s why: after being generous enough to offer a certain girl in South Texas the chance of being Queen of the Cotton Ball, the ungrateful young thing quit writing to him This |a bull. Signed—King "Hot Water” Keeling. . . . . Leonard (E Battery) Reagin also comes in for A little sympathy .... because of women, too . . the dear boy quit smoking cork Upa and took up Camels just to save money to buy his girl’s Christmas present .... pat fa in riding clothes from bond to foot (twenty some-odd smackers) . . and then the two had it "up and down" both of Forney’s streets two ’ . I : 4 §;• / .J All U. S. Rubber Trench Coats now at $2.87 for the Gabardine and $3J*7 for the Suede—all 50-inch length. , j Come to Tenney's for dependable cloth ing at lowest prices! t 1 NlX I t . i 'iT ! 'm ’ > J. C. PENNEY COMPANY. INC. .i- : i J f A i ••4 3* to. • L The manly art of self-defense s l . now applied to telephone cable •'ll %' fw 1 j. V}fjH . J A. / Western Electric, manufacturing unit of the Bell System, now makes a tape armored telephone cable ready to meet all comers. When laid directly in the ground, this cable defends itself against moisture, grit, corrosion and other enemies. Besides the usual lead sheath, the tiny copper wires in the cable are guarded by seven layers of paper, jute and steel tape—all saturated or covered with asphalt compound. In pioneering and producing improved appa ratus, Western Electric contributes to the year * round reliability of your Bell Telephone. BELL SYSTEM Si V H WHY NOT TAKE A TRIF HOME BY TELEPHONEF -TONIGHT AT HALF-PAST BIGHT si ■ li