i N O WONDER tk*t cow was cowcdl Brother, there isn t a steer in I e\as that couhi stand up un der the fumes of that smudgv smoke I But that's the oniv good argument we ever heard for strong, heavy to bacco in a soggv pipe. Evef'V man in the cow' punching game- and out of it —should smoke good, mild tohacco in a well-kept pipe. 1 ake Sir W alter Raleigh's Burlev mixture, for example. • There's a smoke that's as mild as a prairie evming, but there s flavor in it... rich ... full-bodied . .. satisfxing ... and kept fresh in gold foil. On your next trip to your tobacco store make this resolution .., "Smoke the tobacco that has become a national favorite. _ ■ k. Broun & Williaimon 1 itktcco Corporation Lounville, KratiM.Lv, Dept- W po I Send for FREE BOOKLET T 1 ' , {V Why rope errkwhen iyou can dope cm? CAUGHT SHORT P Xu Uli CA1V of SIR WALTER RALEIGH * It’s i 5^—and rrs mii der Jimmie Held her hand ami she held his’n, And then they hugged and Ment to kiss’n. They didn’t know that pa had ris’n, Awful mad and simply sis’n. And dovtn the stairs he came awis’n. And Jimmie got his’n. —Brown Jug A man wandered into the tennis courts.the other day and sat down on the bench. “Whose game?” he asked. A shy young thing sitting next to him looked up hopefully.am.” she replied. THE BATTALION A. & M. DIRECTORS TO FIGHT CO-EDS —Head in Austin American Public or Private? Mugwump See Ch Kor C () K I) C R 0 Y VEST JACKETS AND TROUSERS Another Shipment Just in Campus Variety Store \ If . “Did you hear what happened to cows that ate Kentucky blue grass?” “No.” “Mood indigo.’* —Phoenix Breathes there a man With soul so dead, Who never to his wife hath said, “When do we eat?” —Buccaneer Any guy who calls his sweetheart his treas ure generally appoints himself bank examiner. —Yellow Jacket The professor rapped his fist on the desk and ylelled: “Gentlemen, order!” . v The entire class shouted: “Beer!” —Frivol A TOAST Here’s to you— May God bless and keep you. 7 I wish I could afford to. —Texas Longhoi.i i * '•.ST A bachelor is a man who never makes the same mistake once. —Chicago Phoenix MEN I hr •MONTT* mBUck #r Kr+u-n Calftkm 4‘5 »6 ; • A year-around Freeman favorite, made of world- famous “Adonis" Calfskin. Freeman again tops the list for values. We cordially invite you to come in and see our exceptional new Freeman models. BULLOCK & AKIN Popular Priee Ca*h Store for Men, Younc Men and Boyii it- L