L 1 26 u l v<\j |. r / ‘ 1 TT v FRIDAY — SATURDAY •-r> r- 1 ' . K ^ > T 1 j ■il 5,000 fi«¥r la<«t • !!•* actors • * 9,000 potential start by tha choson makor of start. Da Mttfo... tha novo tty of 7 sans of famot* stars In tha cast • • • lOO tumultous scenes...70 years of genius poured Into the making of the spectacle climaxing tha caraar of Da Mllle I 170 minutes of sheer entertain* ment I • • THI FIRST GREAT SPECTACLE OF MODIIN TIMISI teen B-ffSoACi; T Hl50* yA / m Cheer tha second it - * * SUNDAY — MONDAY Edward G. Robinson — Kay Francis I ' r In * ,i “I LOVE A WOMAN” v- 1 % “REVIEW 11:00 I*. M. SATURDAY* Stuart Erwin In “BEFORE DAWN” THE BATTALION SHOW TALK By Irvin A. Reid AT THE PALACE— Thursday r Morning Glory Friday and Saturday: This Day and Age Sunday and Monday: I Loved A Woman Preview and Tuesday: Before Dawn AT THE A3SEMBLY HALL— ‘ Thursday: The Barbarian Friday :frhe Sphinx (Free Show) Saturday: Sam a rang • Wednesday (Septmber 27): Masquerader PALACE They cafi win success but they can’t hold it . . W They can do wonderful things, but they can't keep their heads . . .They are the “morning glories” of Broadway and Hollywo^Mi, the actors and actresses who flash into prominence, and as swifly fade into obscurity. Cast: Katharine Hepburn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Adolphe Merpou. Another Cecil B. DeMille’s spectacle with five hundred high school boys taking part in the action. “This Day mad Age" the younger generation get tired of the naughty gengsters and proceed to force them to make confes$ions in a way reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition. The actors are inexperienced and the plot is highly imf>t <>t>able and bristling with melodramatic ’ i I I « Cast: Richard Crow’ell, Charles Bickford, and Judith Allen. . A good cast get together in an extremely com plicated plot depicting the fickleness of women in general and an opera star in particular. A romantic- epic type of story based over a period of the best years of a mans life—you should see “I Loved A Woman". Cast: Edward G. Robinson, Kay Francis, and Gene vieve Tobin. Ramon Navarro in the show “The Barbarian" is reminiscent <>f Rudolph Valentino in “The Sheik". A romantic story with an oriental background. =e Tl WELCOME AGGIES—NEW AND OLD To JOE 8O8OI.IK. Pro,. KODAK FINISHING PICTLRE FRAMES y i ■■■ f K, s L - ■ *4' > ||L i ' *