The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1933, Image 1

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Published Weekly By The Students of The A. A M. ( olle^e of Texas
■3K. i i i 4. " i »4.
NUMBER :*4 •
lior Banquet, Pr
Ball To Conclude
Aggieland And Serenaders Play
War Dance Feature of Finite"
B4I; Seniors Admitted To
Prom and Dance Free.
nations ‘ for the Junior
rt. Junior Prom, and Final
completed yesterday, ac-
to an announcement made
today Iky L. O. Zapp of Houston,
vice-pffesident of the Junior Class.
The Campus Serenaders will
play ft>r the Junior Banquet which
will be held in the Mess Hall An*
nax Tpiraday, June 1, at six forty*
five p. m. The uniform for the ban
quet *ill be slacks, Sam Browne
belt V>th shoulder strap, and
Admission will be to jun-
their dates only. The price
ssion for this affair will be
per plate.
will be admitted free to team .that took second place in the
the Junior Prom which will follow Southwest (jonference meet were
the banquet at nine o'clock and
last until two a. m. Uniform for
the da^re will be slacks and white . ..
shirto. | The A W ieland Orchestra twe,v * mt ‘ n,ber8 01 the b#! ' eba11
will pJ4(y for the prom and admis- team,that finished third were a*
sioa fdr juniors with their dates wardq^ their “Ts”. On the condi-
wtll be one dollar per couple. tion that they fill all scholastic
The jhfnrieland Orchestra and requirement*, seventeen members
( ampul Serenaders will play of thi freshpian track teaai and
a War Dance for the Final twelve members of the baseball
Ball Much will be xiven Fri- team jvere awarded numerals,
day ni^ht, June 2, from 9 ’til 2. ( Thoae reeeifcrinir letters in base-
Numbe# one uiiSrm without ball Were BiB Cochran, Houston; '
\[[ AND
•HI I ^
Twenty-Nine Freshman Ath-
ItMa Are Awarded Nutner-
•iTr ] ■ , • F^nJ
ITT ij | 1
Nineteen members of Coach
Frank Anderson's track and field
awarded letters by the Athletic
Council Tuesday afternoon, while
1:30 a. m.-
10:.K) a. m.
Sunday, May 2H
i i j/
-Parade honoring “T" men and the awardina of
“T” medals and intramural m-'dals. Also the
awarding of the military ribbon to the members
of the col lege rifle and pistol teams.
-Baccalaureate sermon by Bislop H. A. Beaz of
the Methodist Episcopal Churdh of Houston.
4:30 p. m.—Outdoor Concert by the A and' M Band.
Thursday, June 1
7:00 p. m.—Junior banquet.
9:00 p. m.—Junior promenade.
Friday. Juae 2
4:00 p. ni^—Competitive drill followed by exhibition drill by
, - Ross Volunteers.
5:00 p. m.—Formal presentation of reserve commission* by
Brigadier Geaeral Charles H. Howland, com
manding the Third Brigade, Fort Sam Houston,
8:00 p. m.—President and Mrs. Walton at home informally
to members of the senior class and their guests,
and members of the faculty and their families..
10:00 p. m.—Final ball.
Saturday. June 3 .
JbOO a. m.—Commencement processional.
9:15 a. qi.—Commencement exercises, address by Dr. H. Y.
Benedict, president of Texas l^niversity, Austin,
Valedictory by Cadet Ijeutcnant-Colonel H. W.
Conferring of degree*.
12:30 p. m.—Graduation review.
Candidates For Graduation
Dr, Mark Francis. Dean of
Veterinary Medicine School,
IVeNciiled Fellowship.
For theifirty-first time since its
founding in 1892, the Texas Aca
demy of Science held its annual
spring mdeting May 19-20 at Col
leg* Statipn.
The me+ting officially opened
Friday n^ht with a banquet
the college mess hall, at which the
new members were presented aad
Dr. Mark Francis, dean of the
school of Veterinary medicine, was
awarded the first lifetime fellow-
Three Hundred And Twenty-two!
Are Candidates For Bachelor’s
Degree; Twenty-eight For Master’s
Summer School
At A and M To
! 1 ' l,r
Begin June 6th
Seventeen Other* Awarded
Bachelor's Decree At Mid-
ted fr<
lar wit
rill be regulation for this
mion will also be admit-
to this dance, bid under
wit! be charged one dot-
key deposit or two dollars
key deposit. .
A. S. M. E. Gives First Midnite Show
I ' . ship that has ever been bestowed
Annual Banquet lo Be Given ,,p " n ‘' 0 ’
Monday Evening Saturday, May 27
the physics auditorium fol-
M’. E. Scarborough. C. E.
Long, and M. W. JohntwM
Are Elected Officer*.
the banquet. Dr. Francis
g lecture on the “Evoltt-
Dpmestu- Animals”. The
| i p evdning’s prbgram was concluded
The Phantom Broadcast" To on thp ,,f H* P^y^cs build
Be Find Midnite Picture with gn opendiouse session
under the d> r * r Gon of B. E. Vexey,
assbeiate professor of Physics, who
Show n AC A and M.
Bob (loni|elley. Fort Worth; Cap
tain Htob (Isrwy, Livingston; Tom
mie Hutto, t oahoma; Ike bowen-
stein, .El Paio; W. W. Mitchell.
LongV^ew; Wilson Moon. Holland;
Jake }Mooty,1 Fort Worth; Bob
Scheet, Marshall; Marshall Phaw,
EbnisJ Bill Sddd. Fovt Worth; • n< *
Egrl If'eber, b’ixon.
Tiajk lettefmen are as follows:
Captaai Gilbert Addickg La
Grangf( T. W, Akins, Fort Worth;
Foy and Roy Cook, Lamptssas;
I WilbUI DoBoM, Jr., Santa Anna; OI .nn iunm-Bi r.n(cm«-TTs ai a dbii-■ I g , (
HectodfuMMs, Saltillo, Mexico; h Hd in the mess hell annex Th * » how wi,1 V th * fin,t ""d-nite *s kader; Geology, Dr. H. H. Sten- at Cugey ‘ g in ^ he « Y » Building.
■ * “ ‘ “ ... — , 0 f m ^roup consisting* for Summer Ses
sions Depend on Action '{
43rd State I/egi^iature.
The first term of
school is scheduled to open on June
6 and last until July 15, the sec
ond term opens the following Mon
day, July 17, closes August
Stf, according to the summer ses
sion number of the college cata
logue which is available in the reg
istrar's office this week.
As in former years, acronsoda-
tions will be available for married
eouples as well as single men and
women students in designated dor
mitories on the campus. This year
the college mess hall will not be
I open, C. H. Winkler, dean of the
A total of three hundred and
fifty students are candidates for
graduation in the June class this
year. Three hundred and twenty-
two of this number are candidate*
for the bachelor's degree and twen
ty-eight for the master's, accord
ing to an announcement today by
E. J. HoweB, registrar of the col
lege. Seventeen bachelor’s degrees,
not included in the above total,
were awarded to mid-term jgradn-
summrr stes this year.
The number of candidates for
graduation is slightly under th»
total of last year which iacluded
three hundred and thirty-nine for
the bachelor’s degree and twenty-
four for the master’s.
Professors of the mechanical
engineering department
guests of the A and M Student
Chapter of the American Society*
Arrangements have been com- gate an astronomical l^ture i Jhooi D f vocational teaching and
pleted and pei*iissk>n has been ob- l-rtnittol vi*iu>r, to ul,,! n f the .umm.r school, an-
toinod from .ho comoduhtaaf. or, "T . h J* .t U d.m. m.y
fir- for An’o'ieUnd's first “mwl • Xr U ** t b< ** n ®* tr get tbahr n*eals in the dining mom
for AWolood. Sr.. -n,«|. | Uf+) , BoUoy. -Hh D,. * A „,„. nd
T _B
Open Classes Held In Addi
lion To Cadet Competitive
i napier oi me American cwciei) ■_ . ■ , . „ i ^ l. _ i . «>r cuu«r-\sni»|j ui me ^ggirismi
of Mechanical Engines* at a ban n,t * • how ^"My nigbt. M.y 27. | R. C. Reevfs. profeswr of botany, Inn and i,^ lunch „ h . d
professors of the department by
Exhibition Will Be Sponsored Jack Herring, Cuero; Jack Hester, j Monday night. May 22
By tile Saddle and Sirloin Gulf; Boyce (Hank) Irwin, Koaae; j G jf U were ri ven to ewrh of the
OnJ 'jack ^ohler, Palestine; Jimmie
LightfAot, Rockdale; Sam Lagan,
Preparations are well under way Sonora; Joe Marka, Bryan; Wilbur
for the annual livestock show, | Rando*, Hsllettsville; Walter
which will be held Friday evening. Skripki. Rosceburg; Os Billimek.
June 2, In the Animal Husbandry p ot >,; iTam fCennerly, Boulton;
pavilion, according to Profeasor D. George Lord. Jourdanton; and
W. Williams, head of the animal Georgei MeVef, Parsons, Kansas.
show ever held on the campus. The
picture chosen lor the occasion
is The Phantbm Broadcast ", with
the graduating seniors. The gifts Vivienne Osbofne and Ralph Grav-
were presented by B. B. Mabry ea.
husbandry department.
Livestock of various kinds will
be exhibited and commented on by
students; speeches will be made;
and medals will be awarded mem
bers of the International Livestock
Freshmen receiving a numeral in
track are W. p. Alexander. Cool-
idge; X T. Bgrnett. Palacios; H.
G. Barton, MafUn; O. C. CoWert. w ej K hts
Rockspfings; V. B. Davia, Brack. •
of San Antonio, who acted aa toast
master for the banquet. Following
the presentation of gifts, each pro
fessor made a short talk.
Paper weights made of bronze
with class name inscribed on them
were awarded by the M. E. De-
to the seniors. The
were in the form df a
star, and were made by the under-
On Saturday night a number of
prizes including a five tube Cros-
ley radio, and a wide variety of
smaller prizes which were contrib
uted by Bryan'and College Station
merchants will; be given away.
The prizes and their donors are
as follows: one pair of Friendly
Five shoes,, A. M. Waldrop and
Co.; three shirts, Sam Kaplan Tai-
BWflng Team, and winners of the Houston; M. H. Ghrxa,
sophomore, and freshman Montertey, Me^ieo; G. H. Martin.
ck judging contests. Dean - —«■ t
will present the medals. (Contimifd on page 3)
villa; Jjlke Gaits,: Victoria; ^ F. | 0 f ^ mec hanical engi- lor Shop; one pair of pajamas, J.
neering department. j C. Penny Co.;;one pair of shoes,
jo Y. M. C. A! Offers
Accommodations At Nominal
Price During World Fair
At the close of the banquet an Bullock and Atkin; three chickan
election of officers was held for dinners, De Luxe Cafe; one Milano
the school year of 1933-34, at pipe, Casey’s Confectionary; one
which time W. E. Scarbrough of pair of shoes, Exchange Store; and
Abilene was elected president of a can of face powder and one bottle
the A. S. M. E. to succeed 0. C. of hair tonic, Campus Barber Shop.
Crockett, Denton, who graduates “All day” suckers will be gives
in June. Other officers elected at away at the ddors to the first
the banquet were 0. D. Lang, Ros- thousand patrhns, through the
coe, vice-president; and W.
Johnson, Amarillo, chairman
programs committee.
equipment, barber shop, beauty
parlor, tailor shop, 24-hour laun
dry service, and a resident phy
sician. Outdoor parking space is
also provided.
The National Council has ar
ranged three one-week periods of
. ^ , , , all-expenhe paid jedwational tottra.
off,r to irroup. V„. T|)w |>f(uxb Jo „, 3,
iting the Chicago International Ex- Septemb* 4-11, hnd September 11-
position #iis summer at nominal 18. The fntire dost for one waek
prices. It* buildings are conven- will be I*. This amount innlod^s: |
Pamphlets On World’s Fair
Mav Be Had At I>oral Y. M.
C. A. Desk.
The Chiiago Y. M. C. A. with its
existing buildings and six thousand
rooms, has made arrangements to
Association’s Loans Average
From Eighty To Ninety
Dollars Apiece.
During the past school year, the
Ex-Students' Association has help
ed 372 boys to go to A and M by
iently located throughout the city, [(1) rroonJ and board (two mefIs j making loans averaging eighty to
some just h few minutes from the per day); (2) iwimission to expo-
posit ion grounds and the Y. M. sitioh; (3| three concessions of #s-
C. A. Hotel, with its twenty-six peciil interest tp everyone, Lm-
hundred rooms, is just a few; cobi Grodp, Fort Dearborn, atui
blocks from these grounds. the Chineke Temple; (4) the epc-
One buOking, the West Side J cursien* oA Lake* Michigan which
Profession^ Schools Department, affords vi^ws pf the lighting apd
at 1804 Wept Congress Street, has sky line pknoramfi of Chicago apd
for transient the exposkidi; (a) transportetien
courtesy of the Aggieland Grocery.
Tickets will be on sale at the
ticket box in frtont of the Assem
bly Hall at ten fifteen o’clock and
the shorn- will begin promptly at
ten thirty. In addition to the fea
ture picture there will be a ’’Mick
ey Mouse" and i two reel comedy.
mo .army officers of the quarter-
matfter’s department, three A and
M professors, and a reporter from
the Jieustorr Press; and a historical
tript to Hugtsville, lead by F. F.
Buii. associate professor of geol
ogy! At Hantsville an inspection
wmi made of the Sam Houston
Stale Teachers College, the La
Salle monument, and the State pen
itentiary, where dinner was served
by tlx- penitentiary authorities.
and Whately Runners-
In Annual Saddle and
a group consisting Expenses for the summer aee-
of tight University of Texas and ^ to any chMnge th . t
tw« Baylor University students, mi|rht ^ mild< , by the Forty . third
tkr|e Aggie cadeU, two San Anto- Sut# Legislature, are as follows:
Matriculation fee, per term. $5;
medical service, payable only once,
12; and room rent per term of six
weeks 15.
Persons interested in the cours
es to be offered each term should
secure ■ copy of the summer ses
sion bulletin at the registrar's of
Artillery cadets went ilow* in
drfeat before the horsemanship >f
the Cavalry competitors sit the
tenth annua! horse showifcefd on
the college drill field Saturday,
May 20. ,
Besides the cadet competitive
events, there were several open -
chniiea. [
All winners in the show Mere
awarded ribbons and winners in
certain classes were presented .with
silver cups.
Summary of events:
Fine harness class: Good Loan,
Dr. R. P. Marsteller, driver and
veterinary medicine department,
owner, first; Liberty Loan, Owen
Ex-Student President
Warden To Speak
At Engineer Banquet Brown of * Mia
(iarrigan driver and animal hus
bandry department owner, secend;
('ally King. J. Y. Henderson, driver,
With a score of 538, L. D.
Smitp. Bryan, won first place in
the innual sophomore livestock
judgBig contest which was held
Thursday, May 18? under the spon
sorship of th« Saddle and Sirloin
('lub. H. A. Fitzhugh, Tolar, acted
as superintendent for the contest.
Th4 twenty contestants entered
in th| contest judged eight classes
Ladies’ three-jpdited: Mrs. An
nie Mustain, first; Mrs. J. E. Reier-
son, second; Mrs. Lyman Reed,
thi»4- Trophy: Dr. R. P. Marstel-
Mrim*/! ■ \|. L
Cadet three-gaited class: J. O'.
Cunningham (Cav ), Saint 'fat
first; R. R. Osborn (Cav.), F#rt
i Sam Houston; G. L. Ingram <fA),
i will have been
by, early Jtmm.
w** Teat fee $1-25
and $LI0 per day with a twenty-
aad | (8) all lectures
ninety dollars apiece, according to
L. B. Locke, assistant secretary of
the Ex-Students’ Association.
This Ex-Students’ fund ras been
accumulating for several years
from various source* and as gifts
Hokanson Will Head
Episcopal Club For
School Year 1933-341
<>»• r^rj. h ruT^:i
was elected president of the Epis- 4. £ Anen <nd j. A . Whately, i
copal Club at the annual business who scored 530 and 527 respective-
meeting of that group held in the Ijt wiR slao be awarded gold med-
Y. M. C. A. iU'tx. Room. M,, Kvl»- •'»"* ”" h
nl(kt. Oth#r oflWM of u,, club . 3 "" ,h '“ U '"'" k
-kclrt I he Mix time .X, C. • ha% 'f‘^ 2 _
Rollins, Fort Stockton, vfop- j f’ |
T. B. Warden, president of the
Ex-Students Association and rep
resentative of the Portland Cement
Association, accompanied by 0. H.
Koch, director of Public Worka of
Dallas, will speak at the annual
spring banquet of the Aggie Chap
ter of the American Society of
( ivil Engineers in the Banquet 17 '.' '."™’"'"’ T
Room of ,h. Me, Hoi] thi. Fri- thW '
cup. r |;
Mounted tug of war: .CavaUy.
Priadt: Theatre tickets to Palace
, , , . Shetland pony class: Jo Ana#
part in the program as of previous . 7i-
yu^gg \ * j (Continued on page 3) .
j— | H »
Dress Boots Optional For Seniors
Next Year; Leggins Also Reg For'
day night.
All professors of the Civil Bn-
gmeering Department and the gra
duating seniors will likely take
On Informal Occasions
president; and B. F. Dektmeter,
Jr., College Station, secretary and fl 1
from vsrious individuals such as treasurer.
A and M clubs, A and M Mothers' L. W. Teissier, of Denison, was
clubs, graduating classes, and appoinftd chairm4n of the service
from leans from several corpora- committee; V. A.‘ Foote, San An-
hrrangdd for one group, tiona. the largest amount. $25,000. tonio. chairman of social cpmmit-
Aay prison who ia willing t«>
lesd sneb a group, and who will sc-
xwrw m wiu wnu «—
five cent per day reduction to all cure a party of fifteen to join such
persons .pf—anting membership a group, will get all above expe*-
cards from their local T. M. C. A. ses free.
Arrangements have been made
whereby ceftain floo rs will be set
.- #• -wrmg the \ use of wo-
•eaaion; $ut only Bummer,
ministration Buildiif offered to
roieum Production
be available for si
f‘TUv b.;^:
P-mph* 1
Chics go V
ku.ubec of too ran, another infor
mation may be bad for the asking
at the local Y. M
cording to ;M. L.
secretary. |
C. A. desk. aC-
being from Sears Roebuck and tee; and C. H. Rollins, chairman
Company. of publicity committee.
Any student who has cerr.pL-U^' A vote of thanks was extended
at lens' ^ ‘ ‘ « 4, m, ,.<u | to the retiring officers, and plans
.^.x-set, ry grades, and can give for next year weke discussed,
sufficient evidence that he la in . J '
need, ia eligible to make a loan. Production of sound waves hav
An interest charge of 6% ia made ing 14.000,080 vibrations per
on all leans, Mr. Locke concluded.
I am a simple fellow.
ond—that ia, virbrating much fast
er than ordinary so and waves
this week eras announced at the
University of
mutation will be paid
R. (j. T. C. students
May 29, according
ufeement made to-
(jolonel A- R. Fm-
members of the
R-vO. T. C. courcc
ive'their commuta-
ThUpday or Fri-
L or 2.
amount of the commu-
wil! be nineteen dollar-
y cents less the
cot or sixteen dol-
thirty-two cents.
Mounted Uaits To ( ontinue instead of paying commutation on
To Wear Riding Breeches uniforms. The government issue
At Mounted Drill. , will include a House, a pair of
f- ■- i 20-ounce dark serge slacks, two
Announcement to the effect that regulation woolen olive drab shirts,
dress boots will be an optional part a black tie, R.O.T.C patches, and
of the senior uniform next year
was received this morning fmra
Colonel J. E. Mitchell, ronimandaai
of the college. Both slacks and
boots will be regulation for aem
iers at nil formations and on corps
trips, Colonel Mitchell said.
For students enrolled in the bas
ic military science courses, slacks
will be regulation and juniors who
own lace breeches artd side-lace
leggins may wear that uniform ex
eept at reviews and on corps trips.
Colonel Mitchell said. Aa previous
ly announced the government wiU
issue articles of uniform clothing
chevroas for cadet non-commis-
Iplaned .officers. Additional slacks
may b4 purchased from the gov
ernment dor approximately $3.75.
Members of mounUd unite will
continue to wear breeches and aide-
lace leggins at mounted drill. Rid
ing MMiehee will be available at
government prices from the new
government stock and the Ex
change Store will sell its present
stock of leggins and shoes at $5
tbs sat
JlhBET*** juniors and seniors
will receive the government uni
form refpnd as in the past ysars.