T* • ■1. ♦ 18 4 w Y. £ - V tional ■HI . THE BATTALION Young Men -r: '• 1 . ; 4 1 1 : I A and M Collegi or Allen Acad emy, Bryan, Texas. 8 lould be the ad dress next year of th e younjf man or boy who has in mdnd the securing of a well rounded educa ion. And in the following six pages sre shown, prin cipally in pictures, th? scenes and ac tivities to be observed at these two educational institutions. The aim at A and M College and at Allen Acad emy is to de^elopj re il men and the records of bbth schpols prove the soundness of the training received by students who enroll. ■|(A AND M COLLEGE i ■ 4 A and M Coll |ege of Texas is located at College S ation, a little more than thrcn? milts ,from Bryan * » easily reached by rail- atitomobi le. lege is conpleting a ma jor building program which makes avai is one Texas, and is road, bus or THT Battalion it ion—Alien Academy eight beautiful new buildings and its cam the most att ractive in Texas. The student an idleal opportunity to develop his initiati rship. A well rounded athletic program and excelle physical education fac ilities are provided. Recreati for students is stressed and at all times of the A and M men are aide to “have a good time“ and the samp time are able to carry on full college U men. Best of all A and M College is a man’s school for f m ' li • Ifo * [ TZr\Z' l > W r Kyle Field—A and M ALLEN ACADEMY I j V- Allen Academy is one of the oldest as well as one of the best preparatory schools in the Southwest. With adequate school buildings and dormitories, the school for years has been one of the most popular in Texas. Devoted entirely to boys and young men, Allen Academy is the onljK . Texas Academy which is permitted to fdl certain vacancies by appointment of its ca dets to West Point and this year the military academy received Hon or Rating for the 9th consecutive year. It u the only essentially mil-/ itary academy in Texas to enjoy the rating of Honor Military School. Allen's rifle team ' is the 8th Corps Area rifle school winner for junior units and its football team in 1932 was undefeated by any academy tearr i;l