IDLE RUMORS As the period of registration for the second term draws near, let us take this opportunity to warn you against the dreadful thing which happened to one William Town- semi “A" Troop, Caralry. Last year, Billy took a History course and being a studious lad, made B *C*’ in the course. This year Town send took what he thought was another History course and it was n't until last week, the last week of the course, that he discovered it was the same course that he had passed the previous year. A town- send one apologies, William, but we mast have copy. And let us warn you freshmen and sophomores who are taking English courses to take full advan tage of your opportunity and en hance your vocabularies to the full est extent. “Red” Spencer, “A” Company Engineers, will back us up in that, according to latest rs/ P< rts. Old Dame Rumor has it that one Sunday not long ago, “Red** was dating tn that Mecca of pleasure-bound Aggies, Houston, when the S. T. T. (sweet young thing to you, Osoar) asked the auburn haired atrocity if he had any ^>iritum frumenti and in the coarse of several inoculations she turned her (now) shhung eyes toward “Red” and said, “Don't you think it makes it easier for a girl to acoaiesce when she has had a few drinks?” And the poor chump didn’t know 4hat “acquiesce” meant. 4 - • * it's on of the Horse Sheet, for su sans hat. The boy of campus journalistic will let this get by him mild, but SOME DAY. well give you the real thi4 big sissy and believe you dopes, it’s wild stuff, dock he journey nightly to and if so to see what ha* - a preponderance for blonde headed boys? And bow have these sanie boys beea indulging in an oi-gk 6f throat-cutting? So far this col limn has been stuff and non- Dedt's but when we get our chance Why z *■. I* WILLIAMS Eicheiberger’s a brau auld Scotch namie and it has joost a bit o’ the Scotch conservativeness as we discovered from watching the antics of D. M. Eichelberger, Cap tain of the Company of Ross Vol unteers, tn Bryan last Saturday, night. Dave was trying to get a free ride off the marble shooting The defeat of the Aggies by the Longhorn* last Saturday Bight definitely established them as the outstanding candidate for the 11*31 conference basketball title. Flash ing a defense and an offense that has sadly been lacking for the last few years, the ODemen have n ed all opposition to date which in cludes five conference teams and several of the representative of the Smaller Texas conferences. • hances are that they will meet at lea st-one defeat before the K*a son is over, but already they have met and conquered their most dan- KeroW opponents with the excep tion of the T. C. U. Horned Frpgs. whom.they have not yet met. Also their victory over the Aggies on the Memorial Gymnasium court marks them as doubly strong, ifor it has been several years sine# a Texas team has even come close to winning an encounter In the Mem orial Gym. New Body Building Tonic Is Revealed. . By Fishing Bureau Washington—(IP)—If yon are trying to put on weight it prob ably will not be long before you will be taking a seaweed toaic as a stimulant to your appetite. The new tonic has been develop ed by the United States Bureau of Fisheries, which has discovered that when fed to rats the dried seaweed gave the animals more sest for food, with the result that the rats given the tonic grew in weight more rapidly than those not given the tonic. The Bureau does not report whe ther the new tonic tastes any bet ter than cod liver oil, thus far the most popular (or unpopular from a taste standpoint) of body-bmld- ing. appetite-giving tonics. BATTALION Lieut. G. forth. P«r hour; HEY WOOD BROUN 18 ’ HUNTER'S FAVORITE per hour? 1 Capt. L. R. Automobile—253.968 miles hour; Sir Malcota Campbell Ice Host 140.*5 miles per hour; Lish Price. Motor Host—124.86 mile* hour; Garl Woodl : “Swift a* an Indian,” it might be; added, is So longer an apt simile./ . ; A survey of the tastee of hinior ciaqs at Huater College veals that-on the whole the bers of the class are prefer classical poetry, like to read better than to do anything els*, plan mostly to go into dwdicine, law, radio broadcasting •nd library and museum work, *nd have Heywood Broun as thekrl favorite columnist. 1 device in ene of the Brysn cafes and consequently got his finger It beams as though the mythical caught in the nickle slot. If L. W. All-Conference five has three men Storms, king of the R. V.’s, had fromithe two state institutions, the been there it would have take^all University and A and M, that *an of the king's men to get “Ike” hardly be kept off the first tegm. loose bat under the conditions all They are Captain Joe Moody of A that was necessary was a little and M, and Gray and Kubrich of lard from the kitchen. Ah, the lard Texas. With Ad Dietxel of T. C.1U. delivered him. By way of retaliation, Messrs, Bogevold and Bergendahl, both “Battalion” staff men, while acting as Offiesaa o# the Day “rammed” G. Marshall Dent, Editor-in-Chief THE MOST CONVENIENTLY LOCATED BARBER SHOP Campus Barber * Shop (la the Y) Bert Smith Prop. New Arrivals TRENCH COATS - All sizes Now in stock VALDROP & CO. Two Convenient Stores Bryan and College out f*r the seasoa, and Joe Merka lacking the style that he exhibited last frear as a sophomore which almost landed him a birth on the first five, Kubrich* of Texas seefis to be the best bet in the confer ence Ifor the center position. In .! both games with Arkansas he oiit- jumpsd their famed center, Sextmt, I and then pulled the same trick *n ; Joe Merka. < A forward more polished *thia • Moody and Gray can hardly be ! found in the loop unless it is “Do*" 'Sumntr of T. C. U., though Baccis of S. M. Vi, and Kendall of Arka*- sas are among the leaders. These two scoring threats are runnirgr neck and neck for the record left by Dietxel, the Frog center of lalt | year- I Twd years ago the Battalion *J picked an All-Intramural football | 1 team. Though this custom was dis continued last year it is hoped thaft it will'be revived again at the en|l of the intramural football season. The -flay Saturday between the First Artillery and the Cavalry^ which was won by the Wagon Sol* diers by a margin of only two firs| downs, brought further into th* limelight several players who hav* been obtsanding in all their games, The writer will not attempt to pick thin team by himself, but w ill certain))' appreciate it if the coach es of the various teams and the. field officials will name their choices and hand them in at thei Battalion office after the final Though it is impossible to watch all the games when they are played two at a time and notice every player both in the Kne and in the bsckfield, several men have shown up brighter than others. In the games so far the most promising barkfieid stars seem to center around Randow of the Cavalry. Walker and Weaver of the First Artillery, Uhr of the Signal Corps, and Geriach of the First Infantry. The playing of Myers, left end of the CaValry, standing. J has also out- STUDENTS CRUISES Magazine subscription scholarship workers and crew managers write immediately for very beit student scholarship offers of leading publisher*. Can be worked there now.. Permanent positions if experi enced, also summer crews for U. $ And foreign terri tory. For full details write— • , THE COLLEGIATE SCHOLARSHIP INSTITUTE 219 Republic Building. Miami, Fla. J Chapel Proctor Is Hazed for Turning In Absent Students Allentown, Pa.—(IP)—When chapel proctor at Muhlenberg Col lege reported several men absent he was seised and based by the men. The faculty asked the student council to act against the baser*. The council refused, and asked the faculty to dismiss chapel proctors Then Dr. John A. Haas, ]pr»**i(imt of the college, issued an edict. It s-to the effect that all haxers and students who are “pagans in spirit,” should get out eif the col lege. Five Fastest Speeds of Man Are Listed By The New York Times New York—(IP)—The -New York Times has listed the five fastest speeds of man as follows: COLLEGE TAILOR SHOP QUi CLEANING mu AT LOWEST PRICES . M CLEANING j ’j: PRESSING ‘ j t REPAIRING i ! eve 4* YOUNGBLOOD ; ' | Proprietor 1 , If your watch is brokea pr for some reason will not run or keep tim*i bring it to us. We can re pa ft- it for you 4 mi at a very low cost. We guaraatee oar work. GLASSES••• Eyes tasted and pair any kind any broken lense at passible. Give ua a trial U II fitted. We also re- frame or duplicate ’ smallest cost STORE [AS ' I i * I Your Store The College Store iflliBf' r ■ k j 1 . OFFERS , ■;* • . ' ! [Ill] For Spring Recreation: ’ rJJI • • \ t .y • H r | t . • GOLF BALLS ’ TENNIS BALLS TENNIS SHOE^ ! SWEATSHIRTS ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS For Dress: i f J§eR- i * 'linid m r • * HIGHEST QUALITY UNIFORMS STETSON HATS HERMAN’S SHOES ARROW SHIRTS GLOVER UNDERWEAR ; • ;! I I > 4 U| k ' * ‘‘ ! • 7 ’ ’ > , * , ■ 1 , Mil 'I • _ _______ ‘.If i sf The Exchange Store *1*1 - Official Store of the College 1 k and we’d to talk with you W it I * f r FT All races of people since the beftfnning of time, so far as tee have Iteen able to read, have had some kind of fa JHpe and have smoked something.—u lu iher they called it tobacco or uhat not. h A Ti L ND since smoking a pipe is so dSfTe from smoking a cigar or ciga we made a most painstaking, scientific study in an effort to make, if we; could. own UOGfTT S M „ TOBACCO S® , » 'EN CE NTS a tobacco which was suited to pipes. We found out, first, that there was a kind of tobacco that grew in the Blue Grass section of Kentucky called White Burley, and that there was a certain kind of this tobacco which was between the tobacco used for cigarettflflj and the to bacco used for chewing tobacco. It is this tobacco which is best for pipes. We found out that Mr. J. N. W ellman, remembering how folks used to f, whittle’ , many years ago, made a pij>e tobacco their tobacco we cut GRANGER just like which was very popular. But tt "a- ''whittle” tobacco—"Rough Cut.” It never advertised and after he smokes copier, la-ts longer and never heard about it. jfnms the pipe. So far, *o good. Now we wanted to > a £ | I X ' I > ■ Nex^ wgs the cut. We knew that fine tobaccd burnt hot because it burnt so fast. You rould hardly hold your pipe in your hand. it got so hot at times. So away nothing more v _ _ r . We acquired this Wellman Method and that ia what we use in sell this tobacco for 10c. Good tobacco i W , A L i The Granger pouch keep* the tobacco fresh lEiM"' L 1 I II 4 I- ! * I — right process —- cut right. So we put Granger in a sensible soft foil pouch instead of an expensive package, knowing that a man can’t unoke the package. GRANGER ha| not been on sale very long, hot it has become a popular smoke. And we have yet jto know of a man who started to smoke it, who didn’t keep on. Folks f'cem to like it *»