- » H \ ! Fres Bell Fish an Basket aterial Good h Avers Says Freak Beat In Re- "Still prcity r»Kired and lacking in team wo k, but the beet fresh man prospects I have had in the • three years I have coached freah- , man basketball," this is the opin ion of Klept > Holmes, varsity line- coach darin r football season and freshman b isketball coach. With thiity-tiro aspirants now on the regtalar squad, the first year team is being rounded into shape to offer competition to the varsity-five lister on. They recent ly defeated fhe vanity reserves by l a £*'1T count. Although probably the team will be the strongest of recent yean, it twill have toi make a near psrf season's record to beat the < made by th I freshmen last year who went through then* schedule of twelve games and lost only two .mating a ft*e offensive record as well as a fa k defensive one. The schedule, not yet completed, will include yemes with neighbor ing high i chool and academy Divorce Mill teagu- Ute feated the of J W nio. foi rillo. f< Frank! in. arillo, guard lineup that de- was composed ns, Jr.. San Anto- J. M. Davis, Araa- W. T. Wilkins. C. G. WhiU, Am- M. J. Carmichael La ns kin, guard. : Other freshman playen include the - following: Forwards—J. M. Shepherd, Heuston; H. C. Noelke, San Angelo; I* JD. Robertson,'Aus tin; J. F. Hudson. Wharton? R. Q. Halter, San Antonio; W. N. Har ris, Dallas; V. W. Blalock, Troup; t>. A Dial. Miami; W. M. Hickman, •^raania. Oedters—M. E. Carmich ael, Lampkm; L.. E. James, Pen dleton; J. H. Echterhoff, San An tonio; L. A. yrteman. Trinity; R. W. Pool. Liifdale; M. B. Tohline. Fort Worth. Guards—W. R. Phy- thian, Taylor; R. J. Klink, Edin burg; H. P. Kittlebrand, Midway; M L. Carroll, Houston; H. J. Piti- lola, LaCrus, Mexico; F. B. Bay- less. Houston; L. L. Lawless, Kur- t«n; “Hank” Binkley, El Paso; and H. R. Hanks,; Wichita Falls. Collection Loaned To Architect Library By Houston Ex-Student THE BAtTALloii l> As the Wheels of the Reao divorce mill grlad out a contlnw»«i» strann of direrre decrees, these boys and their colleagues reap a golden harvest >f wedding rings. As soon as the unhappy wives have received their dlvoree decrees It Is quite "the thing to do" to proceed at oar* to the TruckOe river bridge and fling the golden wedding hands Into the water The local lads proceed to reclaim the ringi from the river with consider r»hle profit tn themselves. Texas Association to Hold Meeting In Dali as Along the Sidelines By ft U WILLIAMS With moat of their preliminary non-conference encounters out of the wrgy, the teams of the South it Conference will awing into action this Week when all but Ar kansas open up with their guna in another race for the THE BATTALION 13 Years Ago As taken from the files of The BottaHoa of Jaaaary 4, 1M» title which Was won last year by the Baylor Bears. As waa the cus tom during the football season to pick the winners, the writer picks the Aggies to boat Rico decisively, (but names no score) Texas to bar ely beat the defending Bears, and T. C. U. to defeat the Mustangs. ; The honor of getting to play on FRIDAY 13 belongs to Arkansas and Texas. To one of them will go th# inevitable defeat which will bo the proverbial bad luck attributed in general to that day, while the other team will have the good luck. Aggies Win Series From Baylor Medfc*. Ehlert and Dwyer star for A and M. The Texas Aggies opened their 1920 basketball season by conference winning both games of a two-game E. M. A and M gra- r SchiweU, duate in architecture in the class of 1922, has k>aned indefinitely to the Architectural Department four of his moat recent artistic under takings. The group includes a lith ograph, “Leviathan Leaving Dock” g pencil sketch, “Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia”; a water col or, “March Day-Kemah"; and an ptching, “Coigeption Miss ion-San Antonio”. All of these are to be framed and placed in the architec tural library. ! -Mr. Schiwetx is connected with the advertising firm of Franke Schiwetx A Wilkerson Company, located in the Cotton Exchange Building in Heuston. He has done extensive work in pencil, water col ors, etchings, and lithographs and has had a large part of his work produced in leading architectural magazines. Under its section en titled “Masterdraftsmen", the per iodical “Pencil Pointa" printed an illustrated article by Mr. Schiwetx in a fall Issue in 1929. • The December issue of the mag azine, “Architecture” contained Mr. Schiwetx’s drawing, “Church at Santa Catarina, Mexico”. Some have wondered why the playars picked from the Southwest to play in the annual East-Weet game included two Texas players and none from the champion Frog team. At least four T. C. 0. play ers were recommended, but it was thought theiithat the Frogs would play a p"-t «essoa game with eith er Aubam of Tennessee, co-chsm- pions of the Southern Conference, I lags. From Square-Top Hill in gen- P re-sea son series from the Baylor Medics on December 17th and 18. Both games were hprd fought and as all early games do, showed lack of team work. Valiant Heroes Of Sons Of Rest h tab! H. i Ancient Order of Vet erans of Loot Cause has new branch at A and M. The Seniors of the Casual Company held a short and snappy meeting Monday night and decided to perfect the organisation of the Valient Heroes of the Sons of Rest, which Is a brand! of the ancient famous order of the Veterans of the Lost Cause. The following officers were elect ed: Qaptain, J. E. Bloodworth; 1st Looiee W. G. (Bill) McMilUn; Shavetails. H. C. (Al) Robinson and P. C. Coffin; Topkick, 0. Lov ing; Sergeants. Slim Farrell, S. C. Evans, A. G. Westerhoff. and J. W. Baucom. C. I. A. Sends Christmas Greet- Mias Kate Ad^le Hill. I - home demonstration agent. Exten sion Service, Texas A and M Col- re, and secretary of thd Texas Agricultural Workers Association has snnounced that the association will hold Its annual meeting In Dal las January 11-12. “Land Tenure 4 Rural Taxation” will be the theme of the meeting. Texans who are engaged in educational and re search activities in 'agrftpsltwe make up the membership and Jack Shelton, director of the Luling Foundation Farm,; is president of the organisation. The president’s address will open MM first day’s program and will be followed by a talk on “Land Tenure in Texas” by Dent E. J. Kyle of the school of Agriculture of Texas A and M College. Press luncheons will be held at noon each day with a business ses sion following the programs of ad dresses and a banquet each even ing. Speakers and their subjects on the first day’s program arej: C. M. Evans, agriculturdl agent, Texas and Pacific Railway, will lead a discussion on land temm-: Otto Herold. Dallas, president of the State Fair of Tex*s, “The Contri bution of the 1922 Texan State Fair to Agriculture”; Dt. H. Schmidt, Texas Agricultural Ex periment Station, “Recent Develop ment in the Control of Animal Disea see”; Mrs. Maggie W. Birry, .sociologist. Extension « M lhn, "CmmAr! Home Demonstration Councils and Their ObjocthrM”; R. M I Hi. the ches. game ;o£| Ahead With of 248.5 Points Contest Artillery Regiment, by of the first four lead- the edge over the ns in the annual race. Leading wKh in Battery “E”, and ed by Battery “F” nta. Two teams, Cora- _ Infantry, and Battery ^e’tCrd for third place with »fintn>each. ints were garnered in ■ and B basketball, U^4nd cross country mat- TECHNOCRACY 'li itraitiura 48.5 poll > rioCely >oi ith t45 £>i any '“D**! Ii (7) cemb^r 28, 29, 30, 31. (8) >th. leading unit won one fl»-