Scholarship Honor Society To Accept New Members Soon The Scholarship Honor Society bald ita regular buainesa meeting in the Asbury Room of the library racwfljr, at which time it was de rided to accept new membera at the next meeting of the club. The 11 seniors and 47 juniors eligible for the Society, if added to the preseat enrollment of about 50. will boost the membership of the club to approximately 108 students. It was also decided that the standing “two absentee rule” will be enforced. This provides that members being absent two consec utive meetings without reasonable excuses will be dropped from the rolls af the Society. Invitations to the , graduate members of the Society to attend future meetings will be extended to those now living on the campus Following is a list of the 'eligi ble candidates who will be eonsid- ered for membership at the next meeting, Tuesday night. November Saaiors Na. Grade Points THI BAT Ross Volunteers To Take In New Senior and Junior Members The Rosa Volunteers will nounce the list of new Seinor mem bers elected to the company op Sunday. November 13. according t» L. W. Storms, secretary of the com» pany. Juniors elected to the com pany will be announced on Novem ber *0. Initiation ceremonies will be held for both classes on December 4 and are to he followed by a batf- quet. At this banquet all junior o» 1 1 * 1 * writer wishes to advise no one fleers will be elected | u "“ k « *** ^ The King of the R. V. court and the personnel of all committees ir> cident to the dances held durinc the spring holidays will also selected at this meeting. I ’ - - ■ i * Along die Sidelines For the first time the writer of this column will attempt to esti mate the scores of the outstanding games of conference this Saturday. With most of the games it will be guessing, but with the Aggie-Pony tussle it will be expressed as “hope.” As |t is the first time that this •feature” has been attempted. Radio Mutt Be \ AtlON , ** 4 A. A M TO MEET— Delleney, B. L. 161 Aggie*—-Murray (187), left end} Litchfield, W. H. 128.5 Jordan (236), left tackle; Wood- Millar, L. 1M laad (178), left guard; Nolan (178) Pika, T. 0. • ce|t«r; Maxwell (185) right guard; Randolph, V. A. * i„ 147.5 CtSmmiSgs < 190) right tackle; Sharp. P. A. 7, 124 Wright (167) right end; William* Whitmire, H. C 137 (147). quarterback; Aston (180), Whitmire. M W... left halfback; Barfield (172), Whit*in, C. D 133 right halfback; Spencer (180), full Williams. W B .._ u ; 165 back. Roberta. J. E. -.a- ....118 Mustangs - Mills (186), left end; Juniors Alexander, R. T. Aahhy. O, K~ Blackwood, H. W..„ Brockott, E. D. Burna, J. A~ Coultrap, J. G Druahei, W. H Early. A. M Erwin. M E Feagin, J. J. Gerreald, T. N Gremmel, F- Hall. E/ 0- Harria, J. L. Hickey, W. H., Jr. Hell, B. F.„ Hull, N. I*. Holmes, W. W ... Logan. W. B Lyle, H. N...„„.. Matthews, R. L. Nulla* H. F Malina, F. L McNoeljf, P. D. McLeod, W. A. Nichols, J. A Morrow, H. N. Oahmaa, A OUovaky, E. A Pawkett, L. S POole, J. E Porter, R. E. Peacock; V^.. Raw la, J. B. „... Rodmsn. R. 8 Smith, J. F j._ Sloan, J. T Sorrells, W. D Terrell, T. H Suchany, O. W White, k. E... Weaver. J. E.. Walton, J. k.. : -Wallace, J. 1*. Wilkinson, J. H York, O. S. Zimmerman, K. E. No. Grade Points (Continued from Page 3) have been played either abroad in the big Fair Park Stadium. Th4 tilt will also feature the homecomt mg of their former student.- Starting Teams Probably starting lineups will weights of each player are as fol lows: • Here they are: Texas Agfiae 13, 8. M. U. 6. Texas 27, Baylor 0. Rice 20, Arkanaas 7. - T, t. U. 80, Simmons 0. Thews scores are based merely on the comparative strength and scoring record* 'of the various teams On the Aggie-Pony tussle the better showing against the - Centenary Gentlemen last Satur day by the Aggies than by the Mus tangs was the basis use of cadets did scrapping aggregation that kept nob , e bit of chw .* injr and n>oted hammering at the Gent forward.- 130.5 81 throughout, and made the already time-worn Centenary linemen wob bly at times.** The above clipping is what the Shreveport qport writer thought about the Aggie line that pre-Sea ron dopestem said would be the Brny OW). left tackle; Eurleeon, Weakeilt ^ of tf* A|nfU . ^ (2301. left guard; Carter CW5)4 this year * renter; Riley (185). right guard; ___ Smith (205). right tackle; Fugu*: The Kmnw ^ Saturday «aw new (180), right end; Sprague (206) ;j nrinen -m j backfield men luarterback; Baxter (172), left i nU , the spotlight when the •mlfback; Bacche (178), right half-j battled the Centenary Gen- back; Oliver (186), fallback SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE GRID CHART (Week Ending Nee. 5. 1*32) Season Standing Td*» ( . W L T Pet. T. C. U 6 0 1 .828 Texas 5 1 0 JUS Rh-c $ 1 0 JB33 Baylor 2 2 1 .600 A. & M. 3 3 2 500 Arkansas .1 3 1 ,300 S. M. U. 1 4 1 JS0 Conference Standing Team T. C. U. Texas Rice ... Arkansas tlenten to a sUndatill for three quarters only to have the elusive South of Centenary slip across for the only and winning score of the game. In the line it was the play ing of Charlie Cummings who was ■witched to end on the defense, and big “Honk” Irwin, who stopped the Pts Op Gents. Both tore through the smai- 218 17 ler Gent line one time after anoth- 146 35 er to smear plays. The stHlar play- 104 4U(' ing of Willis Nolan was expected. and his continuous hard playing more than likely will earn for him a berth on that mythical All-Con ference eleven. In the backfield Sid Martin was an outstanding player. It was Sid who made the first touchdown in the Aggie Reserve - Allen game last week, and Sid v was vhe most consistent ground gainer for the Aggies in Shreveport. Pts Op 78 12( Last Week's Results And hero's what a girl write in the Shreveport Times thought of -hv Aggies: 0—Rice 16—Syracuse . 7—Centenary 6—Texas A L* l Texas, 14; S. M. U* 6, at Austin T. C. 27; Baylor, 0. at Ft. Worth Rice. 41; Creighton, 7, at Houston] A. A M., 0; Centenary 7, at Shre- 20—Texsw A. repart I lo—L. S. U. .— II13—8. M. U. ..... 14—Loyola ., J.... 6—Texas ' 41 Creighton ...., Friday night: T. C. U. (6) va. Sim- A. A M. mons .(01 in Abilene. i 7—Texas Tech , Saturday: Texas (25) vs. Baylor ! 0--Southwestern ...: (0) in Waco; Rice (26) va. 14-Tulane — Arkansas 412) in Fayetteville., 26—Sam Houston ._. .11 ~dj.z~rzi • 18 .14 Rice A incessantly for the Aggies.” - For the last two ytarft the South west Conference ha» been hearing about Boha Hilliaul of Texas. It has taken this flash from Orange two years to graduate from the ranks of the Shorthorns, but he bas accomplished it at last much to the regret of the University of Oklahoma, Rice Institute.‘and Sou thern Methodist University. Thest ihrea teams fell before the Long" horns, on succeaaive Saturdays due .o this slippery hipped sophomore with the wonderful blocking of Ernest Koy and Harrison Stafford Right now it seems that the Steerr are on the road ta the champion- thip, and it will Lake probably no re than the conference has ti offer to stop this trio Much ha> >e«n said about Hilliard making :be All-American tram. Certainlj le is deserving of the honor bu. five the pair of Koy and Staffurt o clear the way for Domingue, oi ‘pearman of T.C.Uk or McCaule) >r Wallace of Rice and they too will receive much attention. Three weeks ago in this column it was stated that the defeat of the Longhorns by the Centenary Gentlemen would act as an awaken ing tonic as did the'Rice game of 1830. Since then they have defeat ed Missouri 63-0, Oklahoma 17-10. Rice 18-6 and S M)U. 14-6. Sat urday they meet Baylor and it will probably be a walk-spray. Their im portant game is the n«xt week-end when they meet the undefeated Christiana. bat^ld and a light but determin- nH' ■ 4- r jjn j W’tyle the Aggies are lamenting i J I; their gani luck )n many ways, at least, two more • conference teams treJwfhtehing their freshman teams vitg interest. Thpy are S.M.U. and T CJuj The M usings boast the strqMgst first fear team in the histpr))’of the school with'at least six Winer all-state high-school crfor^icrs Somd of the most not- pf (these piafers are: Robert Mac Stswart, arsl Billy all of forsicana; Buster three tifnes all-state cen- n Arkailsas; Johason of rylPe^pn.! SauIslMlry of Pampa. r B ^4t- Tgp.yhnstians I>oast such players ts J^niniy Lawrence, all-state back ron| Harlingen, who is reported to »e th« best allraround backfield >et -tfcpt the Frogs have had in •eaas, pA(i Groeclose of Abilene The ns will need these men next -ause fifteen of this year’s are eligible for graduation ne. Element Weighs As Much As 30 Ships Chicago—(IP)—Picture a sub stance a thimbleful of which would weight more than 30 heavy battle ships, and you have some idea of the new elemaniNBaptribed by Prof. William Draper Harkins of the University of Chicago The presence of the new element , was suspected many yedra ago Prof. Hgrkin said, but was astab lished only recently. It is nameo f “neutron” and is composed of par ticles called ‘neutroas", whofe minuteness is almost beyond the range of* human imagiaatioil. . The thimble trick according to Prof. Harkins, has fa*?n ruled out by the scarcity of neutron- aad the ability of its neutroro to shoot at incalcuable speed through any known substance. Neutron is found almost entirely in *pacc outside planets, the sun and the stars. Thus far the neutrons have evad ed the camera, and their presence is I learned unly by photqgrupbing the change which Lakes place when an occasional atom of other material is struck directly by a neutron. = DR LAMAR JONES ^ ' Dentist X-Ray mt CHy Natl. Baafc BMs. Bnraa. Tuas fAF-TIll NNHAVIILY HALL VJ : ) :-r- ■ f .• | A smashing football picture with a new angle Entire Southern Cali fornia fodtbali team in action. h r »d;i \ 6:80. complete show after 7 Season Tickets Good BARBARA STANWYCK - A Li] K turday, 6J8 p. m. le show after 7 o'clock r STOP AT— BILL & GUS Confectionery SANDWICHES d()LD DRINKS CANDIES At Ma.sonic Tpmple Na' asota^ Texas ' pot boast the all-state high talent thopgh that t|e othe: Games This Week (With last year's scores) i — Centenary appeared to have slip ped up on the Texas team when they defeated them about a month ago 13-6, but since then they have defeated several otlMr> teams, a- mong the most noted was the Mus tangs. Now they have defeated the Aggies These three conference teams that easily beat them last year have fallen before a midget ItiflEhard to tell just What the \g)£ht}{i*»hmanileam is made of t < ch ■I'llegd* -do. Yet the team list year had! only one ill-state—Muggins •'ow^br of Amarillo. The on|y game (cboMed so far'for the fteshmen •s witt) the Ramblers of Alien A- •ndew .on Kyle Field November r.< ( r.;w . li -'Hi 1 17-4# he i an an 218. th une ‘‘INSIDE" atory of )na- H>btics with Lionel B^iry- ‘Fighting Senator” with Murley and Nils Asthfn ednesday. November 9 6:30 p. m CANDIES DRINKS SMOKES ( old Meats for Midnight Lunches * iT ’• Aggieland Grocery lxin{ pionel! rtue of their overwhelming n over (he Baylor Bears, aa Christian Hurned Frogs their spason’s points to> y are updefeated btit have a 3-ail afffair with Louis- te to mar their record It e the game two weeks from tween t^e Frogs and the ns will decide the chain- I n f- ) S . A. MucKemie PERT WATCHMAKER \ ttph i - Tkxa. J:Agent, 6|Tpur>’ear i j--* V. ......^.4—..-J SEASON'S RECORDS T. C U. 14—N. Texas Teachers 3—L. S. U. ...... 2w. 55—lAmel Baker . ... 34—Aidtaabw IT—A. AM. 6K—Austin College ...4... 27—Baylor Texas 2(5—Daniel Baker 6—Centenary 65—Missouri 17 Oklahoma 18—tka I j 14—8. M. UJ Baylor 32—St Edwards 18—Loyola .... 6—Arkanaas 0—A. A U — 0—T. C. C 8. M. U. 0-rN. Texas Tteachers 0—Texaa Tech V 14—Texas A. A I. ■*. 4-1-® 0—t. c. u. • , n 0--Baylor 0 0—Centenary 7 Centenary a -Hendricks 4 4- —- 0 18—Missouri Mines 20 23—T. C. U. 34 R> Bkytor J—LLI— —. * e—l. s. u. .licr:: 14 Leadinc Conference Scorers Player-School Td Oliver, hb. T. C. U. J Koy. fb, Texas ...,„7 Hilliard, hb. Texaa 6 Stafford, hb, Texas 6 Spearman, hb, T. C. U. ... 6 Domingue. qb, A. A M. .5 Brannon, qb, T C. U. Wallace, hb. Rice 5 Thrasher hb. Rice 4 Dennis, qb. T. C. U. .J La Forge, hb, Arkanaas . 3 Biddie. fb, Arkanaas 3 FRIENDLY SERVICE :il ■ vim shop Y Bldg. HAIRCUTS 35c IIS I 111 I II III Camp CcfF|:t /net The Heel Place In Nava*al» To Emt a Ml; Diversified MeM^i ' Food that am fa^pj Service Unext 1 Pice WE HAVE— Twenty Brands OF PIPE TOBACCO Abo a choice line of \| K x.l } : 11 _ ■ • i» u» -r \l 4 « f 1. !!' t L | . A , I0NERY / . I'm SO MICH can b«* gained from these undergraduate years. (4mipuf leadership. ClasHrooin seholarwhip. Lifelong friendships. Energy anti health are im portant assets for the man who would get the most from these years. yjaTgl 7| I ■ti • f ; ! \ Too often constipation is permitted to sap health and undermine vitality. It can become a ■eriol— H»«iteh|i. [It 1 1 !| •; ; ,r v A delirious cereal will overcome this condi tion. Two table(4|>oonfuls of Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN will promote regular habits. ALL-BRAN supplies “bulk,” vitamin B and iron. Ask that it be served at your fraternity house or campus restaurant. , if.» 1] *, • ' ’\ In the dlminf-roomi ra made by KmtUa *" BtsJ* Cre*k. They iaclada Rallagg’s Com Flake*, PEP Bran Flahes, Rica Kris^Wkeot Krumblea, omd Kellogg* WBOL* TOCAT Biecoit. 4l*o he fee Hag fotfro —raaf cofaa that lot* kkL All-