The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1932, Image 3
/ THE BATTALION WHEN IN DOUBT AbMt Tmt Eym or Tow Clow. Sot J. W. PAYNE, Optooirtritt Mom)nie BMf. Bryan To*. Phono U r I BATTALION LL STRAW BALLOT l.C PENNEY CO. The Gloved That’s your 1 what happens to hands when you Stop at our Gk>ve Coun- those new. leathers : rjuake your hands l)fce a million. and new low 'prices that make your purse say— OKE. > pr" R HOOVER AND >MAS AND ? ICATION T AND GARNER Rns lURER SCHOOL FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE -J JUNIOR SENIOR VACULTY (DEMOCRATIC) (REPUBUCAN) (SOCIALIST) I nr In- engineering ARTS AND SCIENCES AGRICULTURE VETERINARY MEDICINE VOCATIONAL TEACHING Army Officers Take AdVisory Positions In Ross Volunteers Major J. P. Wheeler nnd Major B. F Delameter, who were elected military advisors for the Ro^s Vol- u^twr company, attended their first meeting with this groijp last Thursday night at the Y. MiQ. A. Chapel. Both of these men made their accepUnce speeches at this time, assuring their full cc p. ni tion for the current year. Aggie Students Return Sunday From AlEE Meet Aggies Represented At ASCE Convention By Four Delegates | A and M d.■Pirates at the semi annual convention of the Texas section of the American Society of Civil Engineers included two stu» dents and two faculty members. The convention was held in the Bad ter Hotel in Mineral Wells last Friday and Saturday. The A and M delegates wWe: M. M. An derson. Lawn, Company “C Engi- wara; T. 0. Pika, Winters, Com pany “B” Infantry; J. J. Richey, head of the Civil Engineering De-1 partment; and J. T. L. McNew, pro-] tor of highway engineering Texas University was the only oth er school represented having two] professors and five students pres-] cat an Antortio Club Elects Officers Members of the San Antonio fclub elected W. W. Flannery pres ide "it of that group tot the coming ^ear at their first meeting which yas held last week in the Y Chap- ! Other officers elected were: G. Samuels, vice-president; L. W rms, treasurer; and C. K. Swan- secretary. NATURAL RESOURCES SUBJECT OF ADDRESS BY FORMER STUDENT Marion S. Church, graduate of the claas of 190S, has been invited to speak to the student body on natural resources of Texas at convocation service to be held Claion Hall at eleven o’clock morning of Tuesday; November L — —-==A DR. W. H. LAWRENCE DR. D. C. YORK Dentists I Greenwood < our^ i hxmtkm oppoBit* Court Houm Dr. T«va—Spoeial attootion to r»ort>MO and Orthadonna Just Received A New Shipment of Uniform Goods with BIG REDUCTIONS in Prices! Civilian Suits and Overcoats Quick Service and Perfect Fits ! I UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP *1 You Must Be Pleased with Better Work at* Reasonable Prices CAMPOS CLEANERS Over the Exchange Store “.Oiorty" Halbrooks Eight members of the local chap ter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers returned to the campus Sunday after attending U>e district meeting held at Nor man, Oklahoma. This meeting is one of the annual affaire held over the United State* in each AIEE district. The met t* each year are followed by a national convention. Student representatives from A and M were accompanied by Pro fessors M. C. Hughes, head of the Electrical Engineering department, H. C. Dillingham, and E. W. Mar ble. The students selected to make J? the trip were chosen by a competi-' tive method of pre*enting topics at the meetings of the AIEE here. ; visit' —*nd make yoi BRYAN BOWL ALLEYS IN EXCELl H T MA! > US If at home. NG ALLEY NT CONDITION P, *24 WTi*n you visit GREENW Bryan, Conveniently located or* Modern—Hot and Cold -4L son, stop at C O U R T tite Court House ter—Gas— Call 348 M Sc*) Jilt- KllOUldJlll* At a close raneje or for distance, SPORTbCULAR gives you super natural sidht The SPORTOCULAR is light in weight, easily odlUSted and estremefy uaefui to ♦he sport enthusiast SPORTOCULAR makes on ideal Chmfma^ Q ,f f ' That Priceless Gift • ^ - , , j • v A A Photograph of Yourself POR YOUR MOTHER OR SWEETHEART . j IN YOUR AGGIE UNIFORM AGGIELAND STUDIO Joe Soeolik, Prop. Picture Frames Films Kodak Finiahing •j . when you’ve i ■ slept through breakfast ^ AND you want something quick and nourishing—try a bowl of Kellogg’s Rice ipies with milk or cream and sliced These toasted rioe bubbles are so t |j 1 ( , * u | . i. they crackle. And they are rich in that’s quickly digested I Enjoy Rice Krispies for lunch and feel Alter. Fine for a late snack around bed- lev So much better than heary, hot All restaurants have Rice Krispies. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. I * L. ' Tha most popalar eereoia served hi the dining-room* of Ameri- mm r»)i It g»•», eating club* nnd frntemIUm ore made hy KeOagg hi Bttli Creek. They inelnde Aix-BnAS, PEP Bran Flake*, - Cent Flakes, Wheat ■Men*. AhoKaSee Hag r - L Republicans , (Continued from Page 1) Republiran* pk-dc* aealetance to cooperative markMlng associations. This part of tiie platform favors protection for the farmer by ad voratiag a tariff pgam*! foreign sahstitoteo for »ur farm produce, and by the rxten-ann of the autho rity of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to makt loons on ogri- cultural commodities, and to the I fdcrsl Farm Board Seeking to live up to their time worn slogan, “Republicans are more democratic than Democrats,” the Hooveritee propose to turn the prohibition question over to the people. They favor an opportunity for the people to pass directly on o proposed constitutional amendment which would allow states to deal with the problem an their citizens may determine, but subject to the federal government ; the right to protect those states which maintain prohibition and to safeguard citi zens everywhere from the return of the as'son. MRS. PARKHIP CAFE OFFBfjp An Aggie A FREE TRIP To Dallas November 5th. ASK FOR THg DETAILS A Possibility In Evgry Purchase ) -+ PUTS YOU IN THE GAME > I r, 1 PS Ai ■ mm ■- $ m. - : >.• ^ t* *-: . ♦ f: iViti A. & M. Reserv es— in the shadow of thfir own goal, but were slow in getting off * punt. Ullrich, Aggie teserve, rush ed in and blc*ked the kick. String- fellow then crashed l*ft tackle for the last score. As after the other touchdowns the try fqr point went wide. The Reserves also tried a field goal in the closing minutes of the game from a difficult angle of tie field, but it too was wide Hi ^ts VISIT OUR AUCTION SALE -n il DIAMO WA tY It Daily Al . 2:30 7:30 Select your mas Gi and bt your own pnee. at Daily 2:30 - 7:30 SANKEY PARI m Mi r \--e< m mm w is •• •• I WITH CLIVE IN INDIA > in the Rou'” Virgin Silver Watches "N* by the noted aniat, Karl Godwin ... inspired by the fierce and bril liant auauk by CUve and a hand' fnl of follower*, outnumbered 20 •el by tavage hordes of hloodthirtty natives, at the Battle of Plassey-the birth of the British Indian Empire —as described in the famous Henty •With Clive in India." I §4! no rtV ive u r They are mo/ present in Luckies ... the mildest cigarette you ever smoked W B buy the finest, the very finest tobaccos in all the world~but that does not explain whjf folks every where regard Lucky Strike as . j the mildest cigarette. The fact is, we never overlook the truth that “Nature in the Raw is Seldom Mild’*—so ana n*W « haur Jssi,/rnscb « hm* i and i^aw tobaccos in cigarettes these fine tobaccos, after proper aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purifying process, described by the words—“It’s toasted". That’s why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies are such mild qgarettes. “It’s toasted* 4 That gackaga of mild Luckies i bit oafbisr, tbs bt hMbmbstuenlbt mmdt, ibtmrUueU swbs a bsetn fiai is bu dssr. "—AALPH WALDO ZMIDON Docs oo< Ibis ciplsio the world-wide scceptsocc and approval of tacky Strike/ $ s ft