4 THE BATTALION JUST RECEIVED New Shipment of LAMPS and LAMP SHADES All Sizes and Colors Popular Prices JOE KAPLAN & CO., Inc. College Boxers Fight for Olympic Honors SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES —: Slacks :— Dark Imported Twill $11.00 English Serge $11.00 —: Cleaning & Pressing —: Suits 75^ Pants 40f5 CHAS. NITCH Agents in every Hall Merchant Tailor Bryan Texas SHE'S ATHREtTIAAiN^AL' Dr. LAMAR JONES Dentist X-Ray Second Floor City National Bank Building Bryan, Texas DR. A. BENBOW Dentist Phone: 275 or 635 Bryan Office over First State Bank Still Offering the Same Excellent Food, Faultless Service, Charming Atmosphere and FOUNTAIN DRINKS OF DISTINCTION Visit Us After the Shows and Dances Deluxe Cafe & Confectionery Across from the Palace Bryan ALWAYS OPEN I 1 ? f • ./ ElDGGD, \ pi | !/ /se aw/tfwA ^ 0 Oipt. Gov DunM - •V. M.I.— Tom buys at 10, Ted at 2, and Fred at 4 o’clock. Can a "Honey” help it, if Boy Friends must have a play-rnate when drinking a bite to eat? Is she to blame if it dulls the sharp edge of appetite, saves lunch money and keeps her figure trim? You can’t call that gold digging can you? Get "hep” girls! It ain’t no sin to go out with him at 10, 2 and 4 oVoci . C D.P.C., 1931 A i IQ “2 ca O CLOCK snow tali: By Philip John Thursday, Friday, Saturday— Palace—“The Broken Wing” also Luarel-Hardy comedy “Music Box.” Friday—Assembly Hall—“Peach O’Reno.” (Benefit). Saturday—Assembly Hall—“Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde.” Saturday preview, Tuesday, Wednesday—Palace—“Strangers in Love.” Sunday, Monday—Palace—“Alias the Doctor.” W ednesday—Assembly Hall— “Beast of the City.” The (ireater Palace THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY The Queen of “Hot-Cha” Here They Are—King Of Comedy LAUREL and HARDY In Their Latest —“Music Box” PREVIEW 11 P. M. SATURDAY Frederic March — Kay Francis L'.y j CL paramount Qicture 1 SUNDAY 2 and 4 P. M.—Night 8:30 ALIAS THE . ‘A DOCTOR Bargain Matinee 1 to 2 P. M. Except Sunday A young American aviator crash- *es in El Suelo, crashes into the home of a ravishing young senor- ita, Lupe Valez, and crashes into a revolution and a picture full of thrills, loses his memory, can’t re member his wife, or his past, but what an active present he lives through. “Broken Wing,” features Lupe Valez, fiery star of Zieg- field’s “Hot-cha,” Leo Carrillo, the bad hombre, Melvyn Douglas, the young aviator, and George Bar- bier. Wheeler and Woolsey go wild again in their latest picture “Peach O’Reno,” an interesting and novel slant on the Reno divorce mill, that will give you many a laugh. Bene fit A. S. C. E. If you haven’t seen Frederic March in “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” you have missed one of the best of the season’s thrillers. The sound version even surpasses the excellent silent thriller, and Marchs transformations are enough to fi gure out if you miss the rest of the picture. Olympic Boxing Preliminaries Start In April State College, Pa., Mar. 22-From the Pacific Coast, the Southwest, Dixie, the Atlantic Seaboard from Florida to Maine and all regions .in between, they’ll come! College boxers already are tuning up for the National Collegiate Olympic tryouts to be held in the Penn State Recreation Hall, April 8 and 9. Choose Four Men Four outstanding boxers in each weight division will be selected | from the tournament competition to represent the collegiate ring in the final American Olympic team tryouts to be held in July, in addi tion to the selection of individual National Collegiate champions in eight different weights. Invitations to send representa tives to the tourney have been is sued to 300 colleges and universi ties throughout the country. Good Men Expected Among those expected to com pete in the tournament are the fighters pictured above. Minardi, University of Florida captain and two-time Southern Conference 118- pound champion; Ray Beatty and Early Stevens, California aces; Bob Eldred, undefeated and Pacific Coast amateur 160-pound champion from Washington State; Captain Roy Dunn, Virginia Military In stitute light heavyweight; Brannen, New Hampshire bantamweight; and Thompson, Oklahoma A. and M. middleweight, are among the boxers who are expected to seek Frog Track Team Shows Power At Fort Worth Meet Frog Men Miss Winning By Three And One-half Points; Texas Next. Frederic March, whose amazing double role in “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” is still a topic of conversa tion, has a new dual portrayal of a more genteel cut as a twin bro ther in “Strangers in Love,” film ed from the novel, “The Shorn Lamb,” March enacts the role of a usurping son who forges a will to deprive a brother of his inheri tance, and also the role of the vag abond brother who comes to his own after a series of thrilling epi sodes. Kay Francis, Juliette Comp ton, and Stuart Erwin head the support cast. Richard Barthelmess scores a hit in “Alias the Doctor,” with Ma rian Marsh. Richard plays the part of Karl, an orphan, brought up by Mother Brennen in Bavaria, with her own two children, Lottie and Stephen. He falls in love with Lot tie, but on graduation from medical school, takes blame for an opera tion to save Stephen, and goes to prison. Later, when Stephen dies, he takes his name, and earns a reputation as a great surgeon. It is excellent drama, all roles capa bly acted, among excellent scenes. An excellent story of a fight be tween gangs and the police, in which the police now receive the glory, is portrayed in “Beast of the City,” with an excellent cast, Walter Houston, Jean Harlow, Jean Hersholt, and Wallace Ford. The picture has plenty of action and a whirlwind finish. Further proof that the T C U track and field team must be taken into serious consideration by other conference title aspirants was in evidence on the Horned Frog track Saturday, March 13, when only 3% points separated them from the 40 scored by the Oklahoma Aggies in winning the track meet held an nually during the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth. Texas University came in third with 30 points, while trailing in the order named were Southwestern University of Oklahoma, 14; Abi lene Christian College, 11%; and Texas A and M with five points, which were made with two entries, D. S. Wingo, Wills Point, placing second in the high jump, and Sam McCluney, Waxahachie, who took third in the discus. The absence of the champion Rice Owls and the majority of the Tex as Aggie track team apparently accounted for such a large number of points scored by the Frogs, be cause although they have a few outstanding individuals, they do not have the balanced team that represent Rice, Texas, and A and M. A bevy of hurdlers and sprint ers, led by Charlie Casper, sensa tional sophomore, and Red Oliver, often referred to as the “fastest football back in the United States,” nearly took the meet for T C U even after one of the Frogs fast dash men had refused to run on account of the weather. AGGIES When going to Houston don’t fail to stop at the COLONIAL CAFE “Best Food Between College and Houston” Navasota Texas MOTHER’S DAY May 8th Whether you’re at home or far away, your photograph will please her. It’s the one thing every Mother always appreciates. SPECIAL—1 8x10 $3 value for $1.50. Aggieland Studio Joe Sosolik, Prop. CAMPUS CLEANERS & TAILORS SERVICE CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING, AND ALTERATIONS W. E. (Shorty) Halbrooks Joel English Something To Think About When you buy on price you can never be sure. It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add some thing for the risk you run—and if you do that, you will have enough to pay for quality. Remember, QUALITY is never cheap. Campus Shoe Shop 8s J C PENNEY CO COTTON BALL SPECIALS Shirts and Shorts 4 for 98*? White Duck Slacks 980 $1.29 White Shirts 490 980 $1.49 collegiate and Olympic honors in the tournament. The Penn State gym, used as the background in the picture, has been the scene of three such tourna ments in the past. In 1930 the national collegiate wrestling cham pionships were decided there. The previous year it was the scene of the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Association tournament and again last year, 1931. Having a seating capacity of over 5000, it presents an ideal setting for a collegiate tournament. STETSON HAT Always Attracts Attention The Exchange Store THE OFFICIAL STORE OF THE COLLEGE