The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1932, Image 4
4 THE BATTALION Aggieland Grocery A complete line of Groceries Eats and Drinks R. P. ANDREWS, Mgr. (Across the street from The Exchange Store) » i * 7 j. .a./ 11 y I’liUip John LUCCHESE BOOT CO. Made to order Boots, Belts & Shoes. Write in for or der blanks. * 215 Broadway, ASSEMBLY HALL “THE DEVIL TO PAY” with Ronald Coleman and Loretta Young The ultra-smart romance of a vaga bond aristocrat. The most up-to- the-minute entertainment of the season with screendom’s smartest player. SATURDAY 12:30 Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in “DELICIOUS” They bring you a new love thrill and lots of laughs in this romance of a wee winsome lassie. SATURDAY NIGHT 6:30 and 8:30 Douglas Fairbanks in “REACHING FOR THE MOON” with Bebe Daniels The screen’s most engaging per sonality as a dashing, dynamic, daring daredevil, electrifying the minds of Wall Street. Million Dol lar coups. The smartest of modern dramas. WEDNESDAY, February 17th. Thursday, Friday, Saturday— Palace—“Palmy Days.” Preview Saturday 11 P. M., Tues day, Wednesday—Palace—‘‘The Passionate Plumber.” Saturday noon—Assembly Hall— “Devil to Pay.” Saturday night—Assembly Hall- “Delicious.” Wednesday—Assembly Hall— “Reaching for the Moon.” Sunday, Monday—Palace—“The Hatchet Man.” One of the best comedies of the year is Cantor’s “Palmy Days.” Eddie as a French hypnotist holds side splitting seances, and is none the less funny as the efficiency ex pert in a doughnut factory. Char lotte Greenwood and a company of the world’s most beautiful girls put the show over with a bang. Buster Keaton, Jimmy Durante, and Polly Moran are the new laugh trio in the comedy, “The Passionate Plumber,” a Parisian bedroom farce concerning a bungling plumber who comes to a lady’s apartment to fix a pipe, but remains to mend her broken heart and keep away unde sirable suitors. “Schnozzle” Dur ante is typically good as the lover of Polly. A riotous duel scene gives the play its share of action. The picture is hot from the camera, and if the cast is any indication, the comedy should be riot of mirth Saturday noon at the Assembly Hall is showing “The Devil to Pay” with Ronald Coleman, in a playboy characterization. Ronald as the son of an English lord plays well the part of a ne’er-do-well who falls in love with a rich heiress, is suspect ed of being a gold-digger, but re deems himself toward the end of a delightful story plot. “Delicious” is another of the pic tures with Janet Gaynor and Char les Farrell, in which Janet is a RE-STOCK- with SHIRTS SHOES SOCKS at J. C. PENNEY CO, ‘Where Savings are Greatest.” Giant Voices Save Lives Austin Architect Orators long have praised the presence of mind of men at the h' hn and the throttle. Recently an other kind of min k action has just as ‘•urely saved lives. A dispatch fro m Europe reveals how a stampede of SO.viUO people was halted when the grandstand at t h e Holland- Belgium Rug by match col lapsed. Roar ing through a loud-speaker, an offi cial quieted the mob. This recalls a similar incident in this country when “Speed” Holman, the flier, fell to his death before 20,000 specta tors. Panic threatened and Jim Ewing, announcer, thundered at the crowd through the Western Elec tric public address system, holding it spellbound until the band played and the next planes flew. Jim Ewing Call For Freshman Baseball Brings 74 Freshman Coach, Captain E. L. Lyon’s first call for freshman base ball players was answered by 74 candidates eager to begin work Monday afternoon. Of this number there were only five pitchers and seven catchers. The total number of entries is expected to swell to 120 by next week, which will be larger than that reporting last year. Of this bevy of players nothing is known except that one pitcher, J. T. Mooty, Ft. Worth, comes with a very impressive record. Candi dates for the battery will report next Monday afternoon at three o’clock, while the rest will not be gin workouts until Monday, Febru ary 22. Uniforms will be issued Thursday afternoon. Scotch waif who wins the heart of Charles, a millionaire, from his rich lady friends, reforms his family, and all to the tune of some de lightful music by Gershwin. Douglas Fairbanks returns in “Reaching for the Moon,” as a careless bachelor stockholder who has never been in love. A few drinks make him cave-mannish e- nough to win Bebe Daniels, who as a wealthy society girl, leads him back to recoup a lost fortune. The screen’s greatest chax-acter actor, Edward G. Robinson, gives another thriller to the movie pub lic in the role of “The Hatchet Man,” the Honorable Mr. Wong, a man who served the two masters of Love and Hate. This picture of the mystery and intrigue of China town, should prove itself excellent entertainment. If you enjoyed him in “Little Caesar” and his other pictures, you will find him greater than ever in this. Explains Problems In Structure Work Tumblers Put On Performance For Baylor College Unusual problems in Structural Design was the subject treated by Munice Wilson, members of the Austin architectural firm of Giesecke and Harris, in an address to the Architectural Club Tuesday evening. Mr. Wilson, who is a grad uate of the University of Texas, is at A and M temporarily in con nection with the plans for the new Mr. Wilson explained some of the unusual problems he has encounter ed while practicing and presented his solutions to the club. Temper ature expansion problems, building code problems, and problems deal ing with large cantilever beams were some of the unusual situa tions encountered, and required un established solutions in many cases. Intramural Volley Ball Opens Monday Twelve members of the Texas Aggie tumbling team gave a per formance at Baylor College at Bel ton, Saturday, February 6. The Aggie performance was preceded by an exhibition given by the Bay lor girls and was fololwed by a reception in honor of the A and M team. Entertainment at the reception consisted of a tap dance and a song- given by Baylor girls and a song given by L. Manzanera of the Ag gie team. Probably the feature point of the program was when Captain V. D. Want of the Aggies requested Miss Mary Nan Bryan to give an encore to her song to which she responded but with the stipulation that Want accompany BECKWITH'S Cleaners—Dyers—Hatters Bryan, Texas Serving The Aggies For 12 Years Agents in all Halls Fishermen Take Two Fast Games From Waco High Terrell and Hutto Tie for High Point Man. The Colonial Cafe Best Between Houston and Dallas AGGIES ALWAYS WELCOME OUR MOTTO “SERVICE and QUALITY” Navasota - Texas NOTICE! All students interested in winning CASH PRIZES for typewriting contest to be held, turn in j our name at Battalion Office Now. Box 259 F. E. HASWELL’S BOOK STORE Coach Klepto Holmes freshman basketeers celebrated their return to active play against their first outside competition in over two weeks by beating Coach “Bill” Hen derson’s Waco High Tigers 23-20 Friday afternoon, and again taking them into camp 31-21 Saturday night in the Memorial Gymnasium. Breaking loose from a 3-all dead lock early in the game, and then jumping into a lead that gave them a 11-3 advantage at the end of the first quarter, the freshmen were able to take the visitors into tow Friday night. Ragged passing and slack guarding of the fresh men enabled the Waco boys to close in on them after the first quarter and match point for point. W. B. Breazeale, Crockett; was high point man with twelve counters to his credit. The close guarding of Tommy Hutto, Coahoma; andtheconsistent control at the tip-off by Breazeale coupled with good work by the for wards enabled the freshmen to again take the visitors in tow Sat urday afternoon. Hutto and T. H. Terrell, El Paso; were high point men with ten counters each. Joe Bisbey, Houston; Terrell, Breazeale, and Hutto have each averaged over seven points in each of their seven games played. Leagues are being made up for intramural volleyball which starts. Monday, February 15 and will be posted some time during the latter part of this week. There will be four or five leagues formed, each consisting of five and six teams, depending on the number of units participating in the contests. Each organization participating in volley ball will be represented by a six-man team. Members of the winning team and one substi tute will be given intramural medals. Official volleyball rules, a set of which will be posted at each court will be followed in these con tests. Wm. B. CLINE, M.D. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Refraction and Glasses Phone 606 Res. 622 Office over Jenkins Drug Store Bryan, Texas Maintaining quality at popular prices! Campus Shoe Shop VALENTINE Candies We have a knockout on the big Johnston Candy Heart— 2 POUND $1.98 1 POUND 98^ Canady Special Jumbo Malted Milk 10^ Come to our Store for Many Bargains. Canady Pharmacy Bryan Texas M /T' . . ' llljl ■ I * -. - -Hm " . j® her by holding her hand. Members of the team who made the trip were: V. D. Want, J. H. Caddess, N. O. Gorman, L. Man zanera, M. S. Burton, R .E. Cox, J. A. Jeffries, R. E. Porter, J. H. Moore, K. Wolf, L. Valek, and C. Shumocker. The Greater Palace THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY EDDIE CANTOR in “PALMY DAYS” Vitaphone Acts and News PREVIEW 11 P. M. SATURDAY Also Tuesday and Wednesday The Funniest Trio in Films SUNDAY 2 P. M., 4 P. M., Nite 8:30 P. M. Comedies — Cartoons — News Will Be Shown Again Monday Bargain Matinee 250 1 to 2 P. M. Except Sun. T . I : • . - , m. fc 11*1 i -■iV,- j mm m • ■ jr r lb ’ - The Chesterfield soloist ALEX GRAY 1 V ' ' N + - . vv .:,v : mm - T V" - . wmSmmmmmt lliftli ■ -i / 7 how he can - ’ » f 'ins! . , ^ v f-i m Q & 9 & E.S.T. CS.T. M.T. PT. V ' • - The Chesterfield Cigarette program... Every night except Sunday...Entire Columbia Network, coast to coast... 15 minutes of “Music that Satisfies." © 1932, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Whether it’s a tender old love song or a dashing hit from the latest show, there’s the deep thrill of real music in whatever he sings. Hear his fine voice in the Chesterfield Radio Program. And hear Nat Shilkret, too, with his beautifully-balanced big orchestra. Chesterfield