i THE BATTALION THE GREATER PALACE SPECIAL PREVIEW Wednesday—Thanksgiving Eve THE SCREEN’S PERFECT TEAM JOAN CRAWFORD and CLARK GABLE in “POSSESSED” flllS Show Again Thursday, Friday, Saturday Mermaid Comedy—News * ■ Coming Sunday, Monday JOE E. BROWN in “LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD” AGGIES! 100% FOR YOU! Hair Cutting a Specialty BERT SMITH, Prop. Campus Barber Shop “Y” Bldg. Uniform Tailor Shop TAILOR MADE SHIRTS, BREECHES BLOUSES and SLACKS Mendl & Hornak, Props. VISITORS WELCOME! All Makes of Portable Typewriters, Atwater Kent, R. C. A. and Victor Radios — also Records. HASWELL’S BOOK STORE Phone 14 Bryan, Texas WATCH AND WAIT For XMAS Tour of the CAMPUS SERENADERS To Be Announced In The Battalion Good Dates Still Open SHOW TALK By Philip John Wednesday preview 11 p. m.— Palace—“Possessed.” Thursday, Friday, Saturday — Palace—“Possessed.” Thursday—Assembly Hall—“Ev erything’s Rosie.” Friday—Assembly Hall—“Laugh and Get Rich.” Saturday — Assembly Hall — “Royal Bed.” Preview Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday—“West of Broadway.” Sunday, Monday—“Local Boy Makes Good.’ Wednesday—Assembly Hall — “Murder by the Clock.’ ODD THINGS AND NEW—By Lame Bode BEBTHOVBN- u? COUIV NOT //% % HEAR HIS. OWN COMPOSl'TlONS///^j © McClure Newspaper Syndicate A preview has been arranged for Wednesday night 11 p. m. in Bry an at the Palace. Two of the screen’s favorites, in “Possessed,” promise to make it an enjoyable hit. For the first time, Joan Craw ford and Clark Gable play togeth er in a picture. It is the story of a woman who demanded everything in life, and was willing to pay everything for it. Direction of the picture is by Clarence Brown. The supporting cast is Wallace Ford and Skeets. Gallagher. And now, a cyclonic comic of “Rio Rita,” in “Everything’s Rosie,” with Wheeler and Woolsey. A story of a carnival, with carni val laughs. Another comedy romance in “Laugh and Get Rich,” with Edna May Oliver and Dorthy Lee. It is the story of a poor inventor in a story of boarding house life. It’s good advice, “Laugh and Get Rich,” and it works well in the story. “Royal Bed,” is a dramatic story of the queen of a little European country, who strives to hold the nation intact and guide the heart of her daughter. Mary Astor, Low ell Sherman, and Antony Bushell play the leads. John Gilbert, Madge Evans, and El Brendel come in a corking new picture, “West of Broadway.” Joe E. Brown and Dorothy Lee in another comedy hit, “Local Boy Makes Good,” the story of how a kiss inspired a local boy to make good at college. , . : ' IIIHS - > rtvA “Murder by the Clock,” is a mys tery thriller with an excellent cast: William Boyd, Lilyan Tashman, Regis Toomey, and Sally O’Neill. See if you can solve this murder mystery that clicks with the clock. GAME— (Continued from page 1) centrally located and will be under the supervision of the college police during the day. Feeding arrangements have been increased, and aside from the con fectionery, and drug store on the campus, meals may also be pur chased at the Coffee Shop in the Aggieland Inn and the Mess Hall. The Mess Hall has been reserved entirely for visitors only at the noon meal, and a hot lunch will be served'for fifty cents. Eight thou sand people may be handled if the time is utilized, and people eat as soon as possible. Trains arriving here Thursday will follow the schedule on page one, and will leave accordingly. Anyone desiring information other than this will find students and officers glad to be of assistance. An era in which the average man will be glorified is about to set in, according to a book recently pub lished under the authorship of Si meon Strunsky. The average Am erican, the butt of ridicule since the war, is going to have a pretty good time from now on far a while the book states. Wm. B. CLINE, M.D. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat | Refraction and Glasses Phone 606 R es . 6 22 j !* 'AT 1 '