t -1' I h- IDEAL GIFT FOR YOUR P» 'T T . # * hi i ; : Finishing I i JOE SOSOLIK, • • | = TAILOR SHOP YOU A14 Chrisl and ? IS 1/ ‘'I ! VU '■ t J THE BATTALION TT A Happy New Year ZUBIK, ‘ I M j . II i i Make Ithis We have all and '■*11 • ^ r 1 f es: Elgin, Hatnilton, Gru ■>ri M a u .vi 1 $10 to $500 eatt is Good I * 4 i illJ i Y STORE iUi v 1 aLIIi ll v t t n- I I ! ^ - I* Another Drink - He drank a toast to her eye* so blue. He drank a toast to her red lips too. He drank a toast to her flow ing hair. He drank.again and didn t eare. I He drank a toast to all hi* friends. And he coaid drink with the best of men; He drank once more and heav- ed a siirti. Then one more snort and he was high. j| | He drank a toast to his dear, old school. He drank to his old lady too; He drank again and oar heart "link For that last drink had made \ him drunk. He took a drink to future days. He drank a toast to ancient ways. He gulped one more for days of old T - Then the drunken sot, he passed oat cold. * I u I r i . ♦ —Skipper. . So your name it Tim Riley, Any relation to Jim Riley? Very distantly; I was the first child and he was the eighteenth. —Purple Parrot. They had to carry Carrie to the ferry; The ferry carried Carrie to the shore; The reason that they had to car ry Carrie, Was that Carrie couldn’t car- ryanymor. —Punch Bowl. -