7 26 i» tc •* •k.i . • (eating a fish Of first nrr.tM olfi chap, something has died in 11 ■ ■ ! -L u - Lui—You have a beautiful foem. EUe—Ifve been toid that be- —The Lag. for* Lui—Yes, I suppose others feel about it tihe same as I do. . i-lMir DR. R. R EHLINGKR ! m Surirery A OlTICE OVER J. ] - -• DRUG GO. BRYAN. TEXAS 1 L \ Have a sip? . iir. I’m a Kappa Sic. Pardon me. take tke jug. ^ . —Bine Bucket. . * -RT I Irate Dear>—Young man, I un derstand yoit have been indis creet with several young ladies. Student—Mo sir, in de house. ^ j j —Whirlwind. T We wish to extend to you A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year j Perhaps the irreatest compliment paid to our work is that so mans students who began patronizing us as freshmen continue to do so now that they are uppercla^raenJftidinK just as they did at first that our w ork adds t A mark of distinction te their clothing Cloud and Tucker . DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS AN AGENT IN K A K ORGANIZATION Phone 229 j ! Bryan, Texas »LI * 11 11 li I i . ■ »It r: i ^ * » . J T77T SERVICE JACOBS HAVE YOUR TYPEWRITERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED DURING THE HOLIDAYS, WHEN NOT i IN USE ALL IIAKES OF TYPEWRITERS CLEAN- " ED, REPAIRED AND ADJUSTED WORK GUARANTEED THE BATTALION But Still 1 Love Her J She goes to dance*. Stays oat late. Every night she v^-Haa a date: She powders up and Uses paint That makes her look like What she ain’t; She smokes tobaccoj Pinches snuff; Makes ’em like It, Treats’em rough; She wears short dresses. Rolls her own; * ’% , She tries so hard to Act high-tone; She’s quite the berries. Looks so neat; Wears a Foar on her 4 Sixe Five feet; She’s full of wise cracks, * Full of pep. And Boy—you ought to See her step; She strums a ~uke” and Likes to chat; She’s had more beaus than , Cleopat; She speaks three tongues and Speaks ’em plain, English, Slang, an Old Profane; She likes the moonshine. Drinks a lot; She pays a dollar For a shot; Was pinched for speeding. Broke the law; But Still I Love Her— My—Grandma. They were on their honey moon. The bride cuddled a wee bit closer, and sweetly whisper ed, “Herbert, darting, have all your bachelor friends congrai u lated you ?” “Some,” he freely admitted, “but seventeen of them thanked me.” W f rH ' , If J it i / i